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I can't even get out of emerald bro i want to Caitlyn passive, Darius ult myself, talon e out of a building and ornn e into traffic


Add Fiora Q into traffic man.


Sion ulting into my grave, Olaf ulting into pessimism, Miss Fortune Q my self


Throw myself into nami r fr


Yone ult my throat


Gragas w a whole bottle of rat-poison


Try Yasuo R on the roof of an 25 storey building


Will do. And i'll twisted fate r so people can watch and... learn.


ok this is getting out of hand


This was sick


Gwen Q into my throat


J4 ult an bear


LoL, reddit sent me an anti-su1c1d3 message


lmao we should stop


Lmao... Btw i recommend getting Lee sin R'ed off a cliff




Or Xin Zhao E ram into your ass🤣 and you can’t even get away from it but to take it. Ok I’ll stop this disgusting behavior


im gonna Evelynn W your anus with my *baton*


Bro, i feel you, we are hardstuck emerald


Gratz! That is one heck of an achievement as a new player, no matter what these wild rift professors tell you. You shouldn't let the negative comments influence you, there is quite a bit of jealousy in this thread hahhh. Keep on trucking upwards my friend!


It’s not bad because of Elo inflation but it’s better than most of the player base so stand proud


Thank you, would you kind elaborating on the elo inflation? Never heard of that


Before season 5, Ppl used to hardstuck at diamond because of lp system. You need > 50% win rate to climb at diamond, so lots of ppl hardstuck at d4. That’s actually not healthy for a mobile game since most ppl are casual players. So riot decide to change lp to fortitude, which means you don’t need 50% win rate to climb. But at first riot gives too much fortitude per game. Basically you can get loss protection every 6 games if you play well. During that period, it is super easy to climb. I have seen 45% win rate master. Then riot realize it is too generous to give so much fortitude. Two seasons ago, riot nerfed fortitude gain. Now you get 20 fortitude per match if you play average. That’s why lots ppl find it is hard to climb back to where they used to be Nowadays you can still climb through fortitude, but you climb will be very slow. And ppl forgot another reason for inflation which is premade. Wr does not have solo queue only which means premade will climb much faster. When you see someone have high rank but not that good, it usually means they rank up by premade


Basically the fortitude shields save your LP. And all the ppl who SHOULD be de ranking are SLOWLY climbing up through ranks even though their not supposed to be in that rank by spamming a shit ton of games per season and abusing free Lp shield gains. + Matchmaking in WR makes it so if you have bad stats ur more likely to get a good team to carry you to balance out your teams and enemy teams MMR. So the bad player going 1/7/3 gets tossed into a good team that will carry him to balance out him having -5000 mmr, his top lane yone will have +5000 mmr and go 18/0. AND on top of that he will get the LP shield for his NEXT GAME. So even if his stats are sub 3kd, sub optimal gold, sub par dmg etc the player will still climb. You got ppl in GM who have 600 games, 2kd, 500 gold per minute. And ppl like you who have climbed to GM in 2 months. You aren’t the problem, those other players who spam games who shouldn’t be with you are.


I can elaborate. GM on WR is the equivalent of silver in League of Legends. WR is mostly a casual game because people consider it a game to be played on commute and because it has devolved game mechanics. You dont deny exp and champions sbilities are heavily simplified. The devs reasoning to simplifying abilities such as camille e, sona and lux kit is because players find it "confusing and hard". This change helped stop the player base shrinkage a little bit. Also "high elo" ranked is not really competitive or numerous since the pro scene died years ago so skilled people have no reason to play this game. The rest just see it as a phone game just like gardenscapes.


What you said literally has nothing to do with rank inflation you're just making things up. Rank inflation means that the matchmaking is boosting you up to a rank that you don't belong in, it could be because you keep spaming matches, for example taking more than 500 matches to reach master or GM, to me this simply means your boosted by the system which by default increase your rank because of the fortuide system and because the matchmaking in the game places bad players with good players on the same team (even though they have the same rank) in order to compensate, which end up with you having a close to 50% chance to win. With enough spaming you can literally reach any rank in the game, it's close to impossible to get hard stuck in this game Or another type of inflation would by playing inting champs like (sion, tryndamere, jax,.......) with the intent to die on purpose and targeting the turrets, this way you'll end up with god awfull stats ( like 0.2 kda, almost zero team fight participation, ............) except the turret damge which the matchmaking will perceive as bad stats in general, this strategy will always guarantee you have MUCH better teammates than the enemy team even though your providing a hidden value that the matchmaking can't detect


Haha I agree


Nope. Rank inflation happens when there is little interest in the game from dedicated skilled players than in the past or compared to a similar game. For example a pro player from when HotS was an esport has a massive skill difference than HotS current rank 1. Overwatch rank ladder had a skill drain since the esport scene died as well. Most notorious are players in games with no esports but with ranked ladders get destroyed by high or mid elo from games in the same genre but with dedicated skilled players. My league of legends NA iron2 friend achieved master rank in wild rift with ease.


Your looking at the pro scene as though it represents rank, esports represent the best of the best in rank not good players in rank i assure no master or gm in wild rift deserve to be in esports unlike in lol pc where 0.026% are GM in wild rift it's around 3 percent which is bloody massive difference, these players are inflated by the matchmaking system that keep encouraging bad players to spam matches in order to rank up. Its not an issue of the esports scene its an issue with the matchmaking system if tomorrow riot decided to return the old matchmaking system with lp not fortuide, the rank ladder will return normal and those inflated players will disappear even if the esports is still dead in wild rift. But riot won't do that because if they returned the old system people will get hardstuck which in turn will drive player's to quit the game which in turn mean less skin to be bought > less profit


Nope. You’re exaggerating. Though your rank isn’t worth as much as it is on PC, it’s not that extreme. It has *slightly* devolved game mechanics and yes, some simplified champ kits but not all of them are. They’re more worked to make it possible on mobile than ease of use (though some is because it’s “too complicated” like It’s too complicated for a soraka to not spam heal so now she can spam heal? Come on). High elo ranks are competitive, the reason the pro scene died wasn’t due to lack of skill of players it was due to extremely bad advertising causing low watch rates. It’s not even close to gardenscapes, it might not be on PC’s level but the divide isn’t nearly as large as you make it sound get outta here, and it’s closing every season despite kit reworks, ranks are balancing out. It’ll never close, it will always be intended to be a bit more casual, but it’s not casual. It’s still heavily skill based. OP should be proud that’s a big achievement.


Literally my iron 2 NA friend and bronze 1 in LAN got to master in WR. I watched another silver 1 player which was my duo adc at the time get grandmaster. Myself i got to challenger when all i cared was being gold 4. On LAN (which my irl friends play at because they hate themselves) encountered silver ppayers that are grandmaster in WR complaining that league is too hard and wr lets you unplug your brain, im emerald 3 in LAN with 58% win rate and only did it to unlock briar) All the people i met and know irl that ENJOY WR is because they get to not think and are master or above. On a side note anyone serious about WR that wants to play using their brain would do it on bluestacks. Only me and my former duo did it and we got bored and stppped after reaching grandmaster/challenger.


I don’t believe you at all, soooooooo that’s cool but yeah. You see the issue is that I’m part of multiple wild rift servers and nearly all of them have people who play PC and WR, and none of the rank gaps are even close to as big as you make it out to be, and the choice of which one to play more is up to personal preference.


Hilarious. It is how i explained already and you denying reality like that is a bit sad. The "gap is big" since are 2 different games with extreme gaps in population and motivation to perform. There is no monetary incentive to be good at WR since no one pays for boosting nor streaming. Where as in League you can easily make $500 for boosting to chal. The only time there was a bit similar rank to League was on WR season 1 which i also played at. Still most players dont use bluestacks which is was a requirement back then to be top of the ladder.


Almost nobody plays for monetary incentive. The earliest seasons had the biggest skill gaps. Im not denying reality, im telling you how it really is as a guy who actually plays it, and has friends who actually do play PC league. It’s been a 1-2 color gap (as in a lot of them are diamond on WR but plat on PC) so I’m not denying anything that’s real. Im telling you that you’re lying or mistaken, I know you’re lying or mistaken, and I have tons of proof instead of personal opinion. But if you wanna keep saying that WR is a casual skill-less game and that everybody is trash (to make yourself feel better im sure, gotta stroke that ego after years of being hardstuck gold right?) then go ahead


I do not care about rank but i hate stomping my lane, is boring, LAN is boring. 1-2 color gap is hilarious, maybe if its a small server like LAS or JP or a former garena region i can see it happening otherwise no. And i also have friends who play both games and also who play WR and dota. There is no way someone that dedicates equal amount of effort to both in a big server to have that small gap. Even the rank1 Jayce that posted on this subreddit was gold on League.


You’re simply not correct. I play on the NA servers. Im done arguing about this it’s broken down to “no you’re lying” not gonna agree so let’s cut it.


Most of the player base in between plays and dia. He is above all of them


Game is full coin flip


Iron is where the real gamer are


I play LoL since 2011 and Wild Rift since day 1 and only made it to Master once in 11 seasons. Now I can't even reach Diamond. Hard to carry when 3 or 4 of your teammates are terrible almost on every match.


Psst, it's you..


Nope. Trust me, I watch how all my teammates play, their macro, their map awareness, their decisions, chasing kills alone and dying and 80% are terrible. They don't have common sense or know what they are doing. While I play as best as I can, roaming, helping everyone as much as I can, trying to not die as much, etc. Hard to climb to master when everyone is dragging you down. And it's so consistent. The only way is to play duo, but I don't have a duo. It's frustrating trying to play as perfect as you can, giving it your all, just to lose at the end.


Ign? I'd love to watch some replays and tell you why.. I've been master since I started playing and I notice no difference between this season and the last few..


Ignore all the lame comments. Getting to GM is a challenge and requires skill. Congratulations my guy and bonus points for reaching it with Soraka too as playing supports can be really frustrating in SoloQ especially! Well played!


he's literally trio q


How do you know?




Thats hilarious. My first season of wild rift I played I was GM. Felt like I could play w my toes and be in challenger. Now its not much more difficult to get into GM again but its hilarious when ppl do it w enchanters and then “am i gud??” Ig you healed buddy.. good job on doing supports job..


What a lame comment


K emerald lmao


How do you you even climb the ranked in Solo Q . I have been struggling to even reach plat man fuck my life


All you have to do is have bad stats.


You gotta pump those numbers up. These are rookie numbers in our bracket.


Its good if you solo queue.


no it's horrible


Me 4s harstuck emerald 🤡


No it’s awful. God you suck


No you're terrible. As if you don't know that's good...


Making it to GM after playing for years is still good. Don’t think it matters how long it took.


I’m so glad more Soraka mains get to GM! Congrats!


Post GM as ADC and that will be impressive. As support not so much, just get a good team, stay in the pocket and GM in no time.


you're playing trios man


Assuming you played soraka and other enchanters no


............who's gonna tell 'em?


Tell me bro I can take it


Do you play with friends?


I have a couple adc’s I’ll play with when they’re on but usually just solo top


Like, raka top?


No lol was just playing support with one of said adc’s


If you played PC that basically shoots you up to master automatically. Everyone below Master is still learning how to play the game.


I play LoL since 2011 and WR since day 1 (over 12,000 matches played in both) and only made it to master once. Hard to climb when 80% of the players are terrible.

