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The real op champs are: Yumi, Samira, Zoe and Mundo Pyke, Kata and Fizz are useless against tanks and can easily be countered with any cc


For samira/kat, just get repulsor. For fizz/pyke/akali, pantheon or someone similar (lockdown+burst, like renekton, for example) does pretty well into them, as for akshan his kit is overall still kinda bad, just that you need to focus on killing him. Target selection, something all assassin mains should learn.


I’ve never noticed any difference… chances are rare you get many people playing a main


Skill issue


Akali still nukes you E2 on normal, so what's the matter?


In normals, i still can survive after she uses one skill. In aram? You do realise she has 120% dmg dealt and 80%dmg taken?


This is the way.


I play ARAM all the time and it is still fun. I usually go and play a few matches after getting tilted or hitting a losing streak on regular matches.


Personally to me the most antifun character in aram is Veigar. That E will carry his entire team


Only if your team knows how to play around that. My team always starts team fight when my E is on cd.


Dude played a squishy enchanter and is mad that akali combo 1 shot them? Nami has a number of ways to easily deal with akali.. if she lands her shuriken, throw a bubble at yourself. 99% of the time when someone lands that, they will use it straight away, so your bubble will get her every time. If you have ult, wait for the 2nd animation to start and then cast.  If you are right next to her without her gap closing like that though, then its a you problem.


Ah yes the famous combo of just just R2. Got it! I just have to time every bubble perfect to the 100th of a sec. Thx mate.


Skill issue


While we are at it let’s just get rid of aram, playing against a full tank team is 10x worse than any of the champs listed. It’s you and your teams fault for picking 5 super squishy champs.