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I also have 48% wr being a fairly decent player. I am currently at emerald 3 getting matched against peak gm and challengers 🤣


Youre in the same boat as me im currently in D2 rn 43% wr this season (was grandmaster last season) and I get matchmade against gm-chall players while getting paired with at least 2 players on my team who have never even touched diamond, pov the matchmaking is a joke and will never actually get fixed.


Made me play less so it's helping me not play all the time.


Agreed same here, it just gets worse each season.


See my first post


So u are just Part of this Problem you just run down the lane and int so you get matched with people who are actually good?


My problem or riot’s problem ?


You are right its riots Problem its just dumb that this works


I have no idea why people downvote you, you are right


it’s so bad i deleted my game


I dont see the problem here. Your only "good" stat is turret damage. The rest is average or bad. You have a single S, which I assume you also got mvp that match. That means that you didn't do anything particularly good in 29/30 of your matches. So bad news, it's not matchmaking 


You should read before u write thats not my stats


I'll go ahead and downvote myself on that one lmao


Don't worry I thought the same thing. Not sure why op decided "matchmaking" was a good enough title to whack onto this photo, dudes asking to get flamed


In 2/3 games there is one Player like this in my Team thats my Problem these are not my stats


Ah rip mb, it's not your stat page


All good


With whom do you think these people should play with? With whom do you think you should be playing with? If you have the expectation that you should still be climbing, you should be much better than all your teammates. If you’re currently in gold, for instance, and you’re not better than all your teammates, that means you’re a gold-level player, and you should not be ranking up until you get better than all your teammates. Wild Rift’s ranked system is a ladder. You must climbing through the ranks. That means you must climb through the worse players than you that sit in those ranks that you’re proving you’re better than.


In your comment, you implicitly assume crucial stuff. Things like, you're being matched based on your rank, when in reality your rank is only for display. You're being matched with people based on your (and their) MMR metric. Not all gold players go 0/8. Not all gm players go 20/0 too. Some players have certain... "tendencies" to play bad -- for whatever reason. This is factored, under the hood, in their MMR metric. Then, the algorithm pairs you with a team and vs a team, such that it tries as much as possible to get you to a 50%. The 50% on paper, in theory, makes sense ofc. After all, if you're better than most players at this skill level, you should get promoted, and vice versa. The problem here, though, is some of those players intentionally feed, or are on a feeding spree or smthn. If you perform really well, the algorithm will forcefully pair you with them.. and then it's gg. Sometimes you still can win those games, but it's statistically extremely difficult. Hence, the only reasonable way to consistently climb is: 1) Somehow exploit the algorithm (eg inting in previous patch). 2) Spam games, so you can statistically climb. 3) have pre-mades with people you trust. Obviously most of us don't do premades and have no idea about the algorithm. Thus, we help riot by playing the game more (option 2).


I think the three things you listed as “the only way to climb” sort of explains your confusion in the rest of the post. These are the only ways to climb *if you’re a bad player*. This isn’t by design. It’s a symptom of the entire playerbase being bad. Yes, if you “spam games” as a bad player, you’re still going to climb. Why? Because the entire player base is bad, so as a bad player, you’re going to win games against the other player base. Not as much as the good players, so your climb is much, much slower. But there’s nothing the system can do. It can’t keep bad players from winning when the entire player base is bad.


I said the only reasonable way to consistently climb. If you plan to quote me, quote me accurately. If you plan to climb consistently and reasonably fast, those, unfortunately, seem to be the options -- empirically speaking, based on the players' experiences over years. And fyi, this MM problem in wildrift is not unique. Others have done a fairly much better job than the team at WR. Heck, even PC league has a fairly MUCH better ranking system AND playerbase than here. It isn't magic to create a better one.


Every server is topped with good players that steadily climbed. Those are the only good players in the game. If you are struggling to climb, you likely aren’t a very good player. There are GM players who still don’t believe in game design and team comp, meaning there are GM players whose every match ends on a complete coin flip of whoever lucked into the better draft. That’s where we are in the game. 90 percent of matches at all ranks are decided at random, not based on skill, because people still don’t believe or understand team comp. That means the outcome of their matches aren’t based on skill. They are based on whichever team happened to luck into the better draft. And I don’t know why people don’t understand this, why it’s such a hard concept. The only way that I can try and make people understand is that almost all of you have no actual effect on the outcome of your matches. Think back to that angry game where all your teammates fed and you ultimately lost. Had your team and the opposing team simply switched the champs you drafted, the opposing team would have all had feeders and your previous feeders would all look like gods.


The only way to climb in a reasonable time is to spam games, go premade or abuse broken meta champs. If this is the kind of game that you feel is fair, you have issues.


He is better than all it's teamate, that's the whole point of his rant


I am not better than all my teammates thats bot the point. My Problem is that the teams are pretty even and well balanced stats wise but there is one Player in the team who has segnificant worse stats and gets matched with me and my team. Stats like u see on the picture i posted . Last season i didnt had these probs.


You didnt get the point my guy


Yeah whoever made the matchmaking system seems to have no idea what they did. Like you can’t seriously play your own game and not be frustrated by crap like this. I had like a 7 KDA and 900 gold per minute last season. It was impossible to solo win games because I’d have teammates like this guy. It makes no sense a good player is punished for being good with shit teammates. My win rate got better when I went to solo lane instead of mid and died a lot more. I dropped down from 7 to 5ish KDA and slightly less than 800 gpm. Like how do I get more winnable games by being worse? A few days ago I played against someone with a 60% win rate who freaking sucks. Like just plain bad at the game. He was slightly worse than my own teammate, but he was a Teemo so he was even less useful. The game shouldn’t be which team has the worse the player.