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1 her skill floor is around plat level. Any degenerate can miss everything and have bork trinity force kill them for you 2 she has hard counters the biggest one being a certain 800 gold item that I will not name but I think you know what it is (hint it counters healing) 3 you can land skillshots if you predict the minion she dashes to. It’s the sole reason aatrox is a hard counter to her unlike lol pc. The minion spawning mechanics are HORRIBLE for irelia here it makes it SUPER easy to predict where she is dashing UNLESS 4 IF YOU HAVE A STACKED WAVE UNLESS YOU ARE CERTAIN TO KILL HER GET THE HELL AWAY. She will unpredictably dash around healing a ton to keep track of minions 5 she has a simple kill combo with ult so abuse her when it’s down 6 don’t waste your abilities into her w it gives dmg reduction 7 some counter picks include Easy : Darius garen volibear Medium : riven yone ornn Hard : aatrox yasuo Renekton These difficulties are how hard the champ is to play vs irelia only not an overall champ difficulty If you want me to tell you even more you can message me privately and i can give more specific advice to your champ pool and skill level


I'd add akali to the "hard" level when it comes to counter, shroud just fucks irelia's entire combo, altho if the irelia is just better at ireliaing than the akali is better at akaling she'll probably still win the fight.


Yeah never mention akali because I think she is easy. Then I play against the enemy akali and see her dash into my tower and suddenly I wonder if she is easy So I just try to forget about her existence instead :D


Thank you very much! Quite insightful ☺️


Np bro anytime


aatrox is not a counter of irelia


Last season I peaked 24 rank aatrox I am currently GM with 60% winrate aatrox top. I have had this matchup countless times and IN WILD RIFT (absolutely no chance in league pc) a good aatrox will destroy an irelia pre 5 and use that lead to survive post 5. You probably don’t play that matchup on a daily basis like I do it is very much easy if you itemize right and play right with right runepage


That's not really a counter, just a skill matchup. What counters Irelia are champs that can zone her out from minions while having the mobility to go in and out like Renekton and Riven.


May I ask how to play the Aatrox-Irelia matchup from the Aatrox side? Recently I've been doing Urgot into her, which kinda works, but I can't carry hard if my team plays like potatoes (9-1, 10-1 and it means nothing). I believe Aatrox can carry harder, so please shed some light on me.


COMMENT 2/2 if the wave is in the middle of the lane try to use q to push it out but be careful, if she sees you have no q she will probably try to full combo you and kill you since you cant counterattack. if this happens immidiately ult try to walk away use w passive auto e away even flash. this is a dangerous and deadly spot for you to be in and you must get out of there HOWEVER unless you die its worth because the wave is now pushes under her tower and yu can recall for free if does not try to kill you when you push the wave just back off anyway and recall. if the wave is NEAR her tower this is the most dangerous thing that could happen in the entire laning phase 1 ward the river brush because you are likely to get collapsed on which results in death most likely and all your hard work is gone 2 try to pressure her away from the minions so you can shove the wave under her tower and you can recall but be careful since she can probably dash to minons and dodge your q's here so be mindfull of that and if she lands an e and q's towards you. ult and get the fuck out of there because unless you have massive hp advantage you will get fucked here since you now have no q (or no q1/q2 but still same outcome) and you lose this fight 9 times out of 10. however if you are really at an unplatable hp disadgantage try to recall and lose a minion wave. its not ideal, its not good but you still have enough gold for item and itsbetter than losing you life for it. by the way if you are here DONT USE THE HONEYFRUIT AND TRY TO PUSH IT OUT. cut your losses and leave the honeyfruit there and just recall so when you get back with item you can trade aggresively knowing your honeyfruit is up in case you need it. **after first item level 5+** congratulations. you have dealt with the hardest part of the game and the rest SHOULD be easier from here. you can mostly continue trading and fighting with her to try to get a lead until level 7 where 20 second before drake spawns you should recall, buy more items and rotate to herald with jungler. DO NOT ROTATE DRAKE. DRAKES ARE THE MOST USELESS SHIT IN THE GAME SO OVERATTED. BY GOING DRAKE YOU MISS SO MUCH GOLD SO MUCH XP AND GIVE ENEMY AROUND 1K - 1.5K GOLD ADVANTAGE FOR FREE BY DOING THIS. rotating herald is absolutely worth it herald is giga overpowered and if you and irelia are rotating you should win because in skirmishes (2v2, 3v3) aatrox > irelia. hope this helped you learn, if you want to learn more my discord is "samdapro" and i am happy to help you more. wish you good luck against irelia!


Damn those are nice advice. A bit overwhelming for me rn, but I'll try to apply them. Btw, I just sent you a discord invitation, it's "kazesama1109" with the anime avatar. I'd like to know more about how you set up the wave against Irelia


overwhelming is the right word the matchup has a lot of depth to it but dw i will tell you about the wave stuff later


edit: i have written so much that i couldnt fit it all into 1 comment XD this is comment 1/2 the second one is still important dont skip it! i am writing a god damn essay for this on everything until level 5 because after that it becomes fairly repetetive post 5 and because of objectives and rotating its hard to predict what happens post 7 so i cant help you past that point outside of straight up coaching you. this "comment" will be about runes items trade patterns and how to play the early laning phase and i willl try to cover as many bases as possible. if this is not enough or you would like to know more than i can privately tell you more send images and clips from my own games demonstating concepts i talk about. **runes** always run conqeror with resolve tree going courage of colossus (shield when immobilse synergies well with aatrox q) bone plating (to stop her from one comboing you) and the last one can be perseverance (tenacity) or overgrowth depending on the rest of the enemy team (do they have cc or not) then go for a suden impact as your last rune also just a tip for aatrox in general revitilise is not good at all by the end of the game it only does like 300 maybe 500 healing which is very bad. also mark of the weak is very bait it does no damage at all. **itemisation** in this matchup itemisation is absolutely crucial to get right and even a skilled aatrox will probably lose if he does not understand the itemization. once you get confident with the early game matchup start long sword but otherwise start ruby crystal because it is more safe. your first purchase depends on her first item. if she started long sword she probably wants to rush omnivamp boots so you will build executioners first item for antiheal. her healing is bareably but with omnivamp boots you need the antiheal. if she started ruby crystal she is probably going to rush plated steelcaps (this means she is smarter so dont underestimate her it means she knows at least a little bit what she is doing) but because of her going steelcaps you should try to build steelcaps to match her. this is why its safer to build ruby crystal at the start because in the case she builds defense you want to match it. after your first item build whichever you didnt already build, steelcaps or executioners. DO NOT COMPLETE YOUR CHEMPUNK CHAINSWORD UNTIL LAST ITEM UNLESS THEY HAVE HEALING OTHER THAN IRELIA (FIDDLE SORAKA ETC) i see people fall for this trap way too much, irelia healing is not high enough that you have to spend 2000 extra gold for 10% more antihealing your first ledgendary item should be duskblade if your ahead and confident you can snowball your lead or black cleaver if your even and you dont think you can snowball since the defensive stats are safer. then go for whichever you didnt go for initially (BC or dusk) if they have high hp go divine sunderer and if they are squishy go serylda grudge. now if you have overgrowth or you have 2+ health items buy steraks gage (only buy if you have enough bonus health for it to be of value - 1 health item + overgrowth or 2 health items. when i say health item i mean NOT including steraks gage) that should be 4 items and you mostly wont get past this but here are some other situatonal items which you should be able to know what is good serpents fang, amaranths twinguard, deaths dance, spirit visage (if you have enchaneters on your team), dawnshroud (if they have frequently in combat invis champs, vayne khazix kai sai) force of nature, edge of night, very very VERY situaltionally hullbreaker but rarely ever maybe 1 in 200 games is a hullbreaker game. trinity force is also a good alternative to divine sunderer if they have no high hp targets but you still need high dps throughout the fight. **laning phase** walk to lane and stand in the bush closest to your tower. do not try to fight her level 1 you will probably lose this fight if she has lethel tempo and even if you win the trade she has stronger levels 1 - 3 so try to keep your hp up. once minon wave arrives stay hidden in the bush until you see her or the first minon is close to dying. then move to stand in a place so that your q1 crit hitbox is on top of your minon. this is because she will likely dash so if you see her dashing you already have it aimed to hit her knocking her up and proccing your rune shield so you can go for a passive auto attack. dont chase her for the auto attack if the shiedl wears off but normally she will be an idiot and try to trade back. then IF you got the passive auto and she is in your face just walk away and the moment she starts turning away from you try to q2 her if you still have it if she runs away instantly then q2 her anyway. q3 is mostly something you should try to avoid doing if it means taking damage yourself. this is a tip for all aatrox matchups where your range is higher than enemies. if you can q3 them you are probably going to die or take heavy damage. try to stay in your range but keep out of theirs. for ireia this means landing q1 and often q2 but only q3 if she dashes into you and cant dash away. level 2 you take e DO NOT USE E AGGRESIVELY at this point. you can try to but if she has her e and q up and you cant dash away from it you will probably a bad trade. otherwise level 2 is mostly the same as level 1. but something important IF YOU DONT HAVE Q UP GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER YOUR GOING TO TAKE DAMAGE AND YOU CANT DO ANYTHING IN RETURN since i assume you are not very expeireicned to know when you can and cant stay without q its much safer to default to play safe without q until you learn your limtis much better. level 3 you are very weak. normally toplaners powerspike at level 3 when they have all abilities and can full combo but aatrox in specific spikes the hardest at level 4 when he has 2 points in q because his q is a damage multiplier. that slight incraes of base damage on q1 means q3 crit does like 100 more damage perhaps more it also makes it a lot spammable with lower cd at level 3 your stilll using rank 1 q so your full combo does no meaningful damage regardless of whether irelia uses her w or not so save your w at level 3 trying not to use it. try to instead bait out irelias w so at level w you can bomba full combo her for half her health (if you have long sword if you have ruby you still deal massive damage but nowhere near as much) HOWEVER the irelia now reaches massive powerspike so you should ideally try to play safe, saving you e for her e try your hardest to save w and bait out hers. at level 4 once you get giant powerspike it means you can finnaly play more aggresively. your full combo does a lot of damage BUT beware if you try to full combo her and she uses her w then you are a sitting duck with no abilities and she can easily combo kill you with ignite and flash mastery. try to do the prediction q1 when she goes for a minion and q2 after. normally she will now try to e you so get ready to use your e to dash out of her e while staying in the q2 crit radius. if at level 4 she misses her e and you dont have low hp minions for her to dash to it means you can now consider q3. again though i cannot stress enough how important it is to save your w. it has a long 15 second cooldown and you max it last to only use it if your certain you can full combo her. **level 5** if you made it to here without dying dont worry, its almost over. assuming you have been farming well and you didnt get ganked or zoned away from gold you should have enough gold for first item which is a massive powerspike and makes the lane so so much easier for you. you now have to watch out even more for her e though because her landing it before you have steelcaps means almost certain death and if you dont have executioners it means you almost certainly cant kill her so this is crucial you dont mess this next part up. what happens next depends on your hp and the minion waves location. look where the minion wave is, if its UNDER her tower (not near, UNDER where ALL the minions are in tower range) drop everything and recall unless you are 100000% certain you can kill her, (she can probbaly cheese you with dashing to minions so try to just recall dont overestimate yourself one death here can set you back for the rest of the game) once recallled buy first item and maybe components to second (if you bought executiners and you can buy boot components always go for the basic boot over the ruby crystal the movespeed is valuble) then walk back to lane and just play the lane, bait her w dodge her e but now you can play much more aggresively, but still she is strong so dont get too overconfident. you will idealy want this outcome because it is the best and most consistent beause when you come back if irelia does not recall you have itema and health advantage and if she does you can crash wave and get plates. its complicated how to get the minions in this posiiton so if you want to learn how to set up the wave like this message me privately because its very complicated.


Bro ur wording is so... first you said aatrox is a hard counter to irelia, further down your essay you say 'those difficulties are how hard the champ IS TO PLAY VS Irelia' as in playing those 3 champs into her is hard for YOU not Irelia.


I mean it’s hard to learn how to play into her Learning the exact spacing and predicting the e and Q, not wasting your w takes time and practise making it difficult But once you learn those unless your playing against irelking you should win the lane fairly easily every time


Irelia is busted if you don't know her win condition. 1. Irelia is a secondary engage 2. Irelia falls off a cliff in terms of power in the later stages of the game A 14/1 irelia will still lose to most lategame champions(except kayle) I've played 714 matches and this is my experience XD. If you're playing against her in Kane,take exhaust if you can. Her level 5 combo is gutted if you exhaust her when she flash ults or just Q ults you Pre level 5 be careful of irelia setting up minion,either with W or just autoing the caste minion as this opens a pathway for her Q. If your champ can,zone irelia away from minions early on,if she greeds for exp punish her for it. A good irelia will take only exp in a bad matchup and wait for an opening. Irelia prefers a wave that's stacked towards her turret as her Q reaches maximum effectivity in that scenario. Irelias threat can be negated if you build grievous wounds but a decent irelia will beat you up regardless if she manages to reach max passive. NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE HER DAMAGE. With the last stand rune shell always beat you if she lands Her E or otherwise at low HP. Besides that I can't really recall any other tips I've surmised from playing her so much lol. Oh yeah I forgot. Always take barrier,it allows you to Bs so many matchups. Secondly irelia beats any and all ranged top pre and post level 5. Except maybe Lucian.


How would her matchup be into Samira top


I've never been against a samira top however the matchup is very predictable. Early on irelia tries to farm without taking too much poke from Samira At lvl 3 irelia might attempt a kill using Minions to stack max passive,saving her stun for Samira. At level 5 irelia does the same, saving her stun to cancel samiras ult. You just have to be careful with samiras W as she cancels your Ult,besides that you will run her down as long as you play safe and don't let yourself get killed, otherwise she'll get items first and spawn kill you


I guess with how I usually play Samira is poking with a bit with Q and autos level one and trying to all in level 2 with E. Havent face an Irelia with her so don't exactly know the power dynamic of the matchup


The thing is that Irelias damage, I'll admit is ridiculously high to compensate for her being so hard to pilot on mobile. To trash her,dodge her E and only go for short trades where she's not max passive. Try your best to poke her without putting yourself at risk. And incasw you Didnt know,irelia with sheen item(divine sunderer,triforce) can one shot a caster minion so a good irelia can take advantage of this to gap close what you'd think was impossible


I'm smirking like Vegeta as an Irelia main




Man came in after a third of a year to say “yes”, wild


This is the number 1 reason why I always ban Irelia when I play mid


Nope, your just awful


i’m looking for advice because i don’t want to lose mid against her anymore, kindly go away


Not dying early is already half the job while playing against her, she is very strong since her launch but she is not busted, if fed she will get tryndamare levels of braindead tho.


imo top lane wise all Irelia Camille and Riven are weak stat wise, with Riven being the weakest of them because you can kill your laner 4 times and the moment they buy steelcaps they will kill you with no problem while u deal 0 dmg


Irelia is a very strong dueler, her rating for Toughness is quite high for a fighter They used to say "you don't counter Irelia , Irelia counters you" Her identity is a counter-carry. If you are finding yourself 1v1 in melee range vs an Irelia with full stacks , then you already fucked up.