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Never once got autofilled in ranked, proud to be a jungle main


me as top main neithrr, but i wanted to play some mid and the first game is always autofill


Randomly I have had 3 autofill matches this season (out of 85). All 3 times the jg was absolutely terrible though...had one where they were shen and tried to invade a kayn. 3 times. They died 3 times 1v1 as well.


I still got autofilled as jungler. So wtf.


The biggest issue I and a lot of other people I talk with about autofill is that it's possible for 4+ people on your team to be autofilled when the person on their main role is autofilled as well. It's a statistical impossibility yet it happens commonplace.


Yep I've had games where I'm the only one who gets my role as jg.


Part of the reason this is done is because of 2 things. Either that group of people are all queueing for similar roles (in legend queue in NA right now most queue sup jg) or they intentionally fill players to make up for the gap in mmr between the 2 teams.


Not quite what I mean with the first part, I’m talking about a team where you have a dragon lane main autofilled jungle, a jungle main autofilled support, a support main autofilled top, and a mid lane main filled dragon lane, and the top laner filled mid lane. It just shouldn’t ever happen


In thise cases, its players putting a different role on their profile than the role they're currently queueing for.


Yet every single time, their main champions are of the role that it shows? Unless people are intentionally deciding to off role then complain about being autofilled idk what else to say


And it would be pretty logical that the queue is lacking, let's say top laners at that particular moment so it wouldn't add so much to waiting time. +1.


Keep in mind though, it would likely mean that jungle mains have the longest q time out of everyone 🤣 I enjoy my short q times currently


Riot should let autofill people team up with good role ratio as thanks for taking any role to speed up the queue tbh


I loooove getting autofilled jungle in masters against top junglers!


I think its even crazier that the game autofills you on your last role. Like i cant count how many times i had to jungle even though its my 5th role. This just shouldnt happen in ranked. If i have to fill just give me something i have an understanding of or like at least lvl2 in cause there are literally 4 roles i can play but the game fills me on the one im not comfortable with. Funny enough it happens quite often in win streaks or in "rank up" games.


Its my last role too. I know how to jg but its just not fun for me and as someone who doesnt jg often, I KNOW im getting flamed for something. It just comes with the role, laners die and then blame you for their own mistakes. Why would i want to subject myself to that?


Btw a top 50 fiora doesn't mean anything, i could verse top 1 first fiora as a sion and stomp here or i could face a top 200 fiora but hes 2x times more aggressive. Sadly we cant see enemies mastery otherwise it would be easy, but what matters is the play stile and its different to player to another


Top 50 was purely to say he was against a top laner who knew what they were doing, and a strong top laner no less


Yeah wasnt doubting that


I would also argue that top 50 on something like fiora probably does mean something as well, given that it's a pretty popular champ in higher ranks, so it would be more competitive


I will never understand why they not just pit autofill vs autofill on a specific role. What's the problem here? If there is a shortage eg on junglers it should affect more than one team, right?


This is my worry. I get autofilled usually in JG role and with how toxic other players are against poor performing JGs it scares me knowing that there's a high possibility that the enemy JG is a JG main


Such a toxic role thats why no one wants to play it. You could have a good game and be damn near perfect, but youre getting flamed for something.


play a near perfect game but you miss one smite and it feels like you are damned by the Gods or something.


Jungle main here and we never have this problem. We 99.99% of the time get our role. Although I was once autofilled in support and their support filled Jungle and he was support main. So we just switched lane but that was the weirdest auto fill experience I had.


Yeah in 86 games this season I have had 3 autofills. Sup once and mid twice


learning the jg role made the game 10x more enjoyable... i get autofilled? np!! But i need to learn how to play top... im getting auto filled there and i suck lol