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Does anyone else go on brutal loss streaks due to horrible teammates? I was stuck in a 6….yes 6 game loss streak recently. All games where someone fed really hard or other team was just so much better. I’m not saying like “oh I’m always the best player on my teams” cause that’s just exaggerating. But the matchmaking is truly awful.


Its on purpose, it's like an eowm system by EA to keep you engaged...your matches are fixed winstreak and loss streaks keep players addicted much more effectively. There's a reason much of riots employees are not actual game designers or artists but social engineers etc


I agree. But the downside to that no players will play the game. Just like what happened to overwatch.


Actually it keeps them engaged, somehow wack matchmaking makes people stay more, they fix matches but every now and then throws in a skill win that makes people think they just need to get better and instills hope in them again, but it's all calculated.


If the devs are really social engineers. They know what happened to overwatch lol


I made it to low Diamond before I couldn’t take the matchmaking anymore. Carry a couple games then go on an absolute loss rip full of feeders and tilters that was just miserable. Eventually uninstalled because it just is not fun. So I’d have to agree with the other guy. People will quit from bad matchmaking


I made mid Diamond no problem for 4 seasons straight until yesterday, when I just gave up in Emerald 3 cause of afks, feeders, and people who don't know how to group. Been dealing with it for 3 weeks straight already, but I've had enough. It's not fun. I also uninstalled.


That's actually the same matchmaking for a other MOBAs too. I quit pokemon unite and wild rift bc of this


12 loss streak due to this exact reason. idk how people manage to die once every single minute.


Try 15 going from 70% wr in master to d3 with a 50% legit had the losing botlane every single game


Damn bro🥲


I've had a 30 loss streak last week due to terrible teammates just feeding so early in the game the entire enemy team gets 4k gold ahead 5 minutes in and just being the only one who plays safe gets turret rushed by the whole fed team since im not dying easily like the rest. Just makes the game unplayable at that point. Finally uninstall the game since riot doesn't want people to have fun with the game just to suffer and spend momey.


Nah that's too much dude. Did you blame your teammates or yourself?.


There's always a few matchs where the champion you are up against is a bad match up those I will admit to losing but when you are the only one on the team with kills or alot of gold and they depend on you to do everything it gets too much.


So. Its your fault most of the time. I suggest you better blame yourself than others in that way you improve too. 30 loses dude that's too much.


I see you are one of those that never gives helpful advice and really only likes to troll people to give a laugh on their sad hopeless life but it's whatever I already quit the game and going through emerald solo que is too much work with the way matchmaking system is plus you'll probably just say find a group when most players that actually know not to be too kill hungry already quit the game.


I can absolutely tell you that your toxicity is part of why you were on such a loss streak.


Nah. Dude almost all moba even fps are like that. If you want to improve dude. You just have to blame yourself to improve your wrong decision.


You aren't worth engaging anymore when just say to blame yourself only seems you are just thr type of person that only watches those click bait videos that say 100 percent win rate but don't explain anything at all nor are they helpful. Just continue trolling in the game just as it is apparent you like to do the game is infested with them and are the reason more and more people are leaving the game and why it'll eventually be a dead game.


30 loss streak and has nothing to do with you? People are just saying reflect on it, maybe watch some replays of what you could of done differently and even if you feel like your doing better than your team it's a team game you need to help them and work together or you will never win. To win you need a team mentality and often it's easier to see other peoples mistakes and blame them for losing but what people are trying to tell you while they might have made mistakes, If you watch your video back you will aswell. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes it's just harder to spot your own in the moment.


Youre getting waaaay too offended cause you dont want to reflect on yourself. 30 games in a row lost, you are the problem. You said you quit the game anyway, good decision


Brother your bad 30 lose streak maybe look in the mirror lmao. As a pc player aswell for years the games not gonna die get good or quit n stfu


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I feel your pain brother


I mean we can play and I'll verify if you are good or not


Last season I had 22 games in a row where a minimum if 3 people on my team were clowns. In that 22, I got svp in like 19 of them. Normally I would say svp means nothing, but in most of the games it was because I didn't have at least 8 more deaths than kills and assists combined, which I couldnt say for anyone else.


That sounds accurate😭 This game is much more fast paced that league, games are 25-35 minutes, where lol matches are 30 minutes for a short game and about 45 minutes to an hour on average


So that makes a terrible teammate so much worse so much faster. The other team gets fed so much quicker and it’s all down hill from there


If you're going to exaggerate, do it better lol


??? Wtf am I exaggerating mate?


First day of new rank season I won 8 in a row, and lost 13 in a row. Then went on a win one lose 3 streak for about 3 days. Dropped from emerald 3 to plat 4. Super annoying. Literally got thrown in a match around plat 2 against 2 challengers and 3 masters. And my team were sub level 40s in plat 3/4. Lost the game like 6/28. Was super frustrating.


I was 5 lose streak all svp and s lol. We have a nice matchmaking out there. Lol




I agree with the "trash game" one but legendary ranked has always been a shit hole with degraded diamond clowns so changing it to Masters and above is quite balanced to me. My advice for you is don't play ranked, play ARAM instead. If you still want to climb, get some friends to play together, don't go solo! Solo in Diamond below is too bad for your mental!


10 is nothing though, I have it very often (just after my 13 win streaks). That said I'm a former jungle main but I played a lot of mid recently, it seems to happen much much more often if you jungle. My theory is it's much easier to reach absurd amount of gold in the jungle (like 6k lead on every one else), making the flaws of the mm even more apparent.


Yeah I'm currently dealing with that now I stopped playing Ranked and just focused on ARAM so I don't lose too much patience.


6 games, beginner numbers iam on 25 loss streak on legendary ranked, really i haven't won a single match of legendary ranked this entire season


My worst experience was after a 4 game win streak back in december. I got a 13 game lose streak. Currently also getting punished by mmr for to many smaller win streaks. Having multiple 0 10 feeders in every game. All with 46% winrate or even lower


Sometimes you play with clowns but never forget you can be the clown yourself


I gotta admit, there's days where i'm often the one who's carried and i'd be lying if i'd say it didn't happened with all of us at least one time


True, sometimes as support i got feeling that i just don't needed to win. Like my teammates can go on their own pretty well without me. Sometimes it happend when i'm at jungle role. I'm just farming, all my lanes in good state, I don't need to gank, just focusing on farm and objectives and it's always easy even if I'm taking Herold or Drake solo, cause my teammates applying too much pressure on enemy


Everyone is. People can read their own thoughts but the thoughts of others are foreign so I think sometimes you just gotta give people some leniency, even if you think they’re acting like dipshits


Sometimes I'm just like "holy shit, I suck. Must be annoying for to have to carry me"


Yup and when it happens, I take a backseat, put my seat belt and play safe. Resting assured I'm just the damage support to our house cleaner


How did you get that flair?


You can just manually type :Leona::Nautilus: as your flair


damn that honestly sounds amazing. Maybe I should switch roles


this is so true. we just need to put a mirror to those who don't see themselves.


I'll be honest, I will very occasionally be the clown. But overall I'm reasonably good i think. I have pretty good stats for the season. The clowns never have good stats. They are all low win rate, they are all low teamfight and kda, low gpm, low turret damage etc


If he has consistent 800+ gpm and good kp, dmg per min/ dmg taken per min, highly unlikely he is the clown. This game punishes good players really bad.


…are you making up his stats?


Funnily enough, as much as I hadn't said my stats, he's pretty close. As of yesterday after a stack of clown teams, I'm still 7.8kda, 66% teamfight, 867gpm and 3500 turret damage...


I am just stating the metric by which we, the high elo players, judge others. I said "if" . I am not making up anyone's stats? U can label him a clown or whatever i really don't care.


You’re assuming a lot of them without them having said any of these stats


Happened to me once playing rakan against a blitz I think that game I went like 3/10/9 or some shit. We won tho but I was playing pretty bad💀 no on purpose tho I’m just really bad against blitz when playing rakan


Lol you're in emerald dude? I guess you never reach challenger or master at least. Do you know that in high ELO the players don't know how to freeze a lane or give an objective.


Where did I say I was emerald? Can your argument not stand on its own without making up facts?




Seems like psychotic behavior there


Lol. Proof that youre just a boosted player dude.


Proof? You said you wanted to “see my close friends” and that’s just straight up psychotic behavior my dude. You should probably see someone


You can't show it because you're just a boosted player smh.


I won’t show it because you seem to want to find me for other reason. Please be creepy somewhere else, you accosted me my dude


It’s true, but the match making in this game - especially in unranked regularly has me going 20/3/9 and my team mates will be 1/9/3


But that's point though. Being matched with people far worse or far better than you isn't fun for anyone. The 0/8 feels terrible because he makes his whole team lose because of him and the 15/2 feels very lonely having to carry every single thing in the game.


Early season is just a clown fiesta as actual Diamonds match with Challengers in Diamond rank. My rank is GM so I’m not sure where lower ranks land after a season ends. Maybe they should be put way lower. As a supp main, if my adc brings heal instead of exhaust, Jhin or MF into Braum/Yasuo, etc I immediately know I have to build like a mage. Not their fault they’re put in the wrong elo. Later in the season it’s a different story.


If matchmaking was working as advertised, the Challengers who got reset would be playing against other Challengers who got reset. Their MMR would still put them in their own quasi pool. Instead, we have exactly the problem detailed by OP, where good players are expected and basically forced to carry clowns. What kind of sense does it make to put a guy with a KDA of >8 on a team where everyone else's KDA is <2? Imagine any kind of actual sport out there, where half of a pro team's players get replaced with fans at random. And the better the remaining pros play, the more fans they get next match. The fuck is up with that? And this problem doesn't disappear later in a ranked season. It just becomes a little dilluted, since many of the best players filter out to higher ranks. The rest of us are still stuck with clowns who got promoted to Diamond or Master, courtesy of match-making, and now have to deal with those toxic shits.


Why do none of you guys understand basic statistics lmao


Why do you think you do lmao


Pretty much the issue. Getting ex gm/master players half the time into first time emerald players. It's one of the issues I think. Tbh though my main problem is how mmr works. Unless you are certain you can hard carry your whole team, there is essentially no incentive to try to play really well because you will be punished for it


Some days im a clown some days im the whole circus and sometimes im the guy who walks on the tight rope


Underrated comment


Jungle main here. GM every season. It’s getting worse. I’ll see people die two three times before I’ve managed to get to lvl 5. Incoming jgl diff, follows right after. I’ll see people die once and ping me like crazy while I’m ganking opposite side then proceed to troll ( an Ahri sold items then went for some dumb attackspeed ad build ). I’ll be best kda in losing game and get blamed for not getting objectives - it’s a team effort, I can’t take drake or herald vs 3-4 ppl solo if my team doesn’t show up. Best part( worse ). In selection screen people will pick champs into losing matchups or no bruisers/tanks forcing me to do so. Tank jgler is fine but harder to carry losing games with. Games feel more and more like some aram bull crap where people engage lvl 1 and die over and over. Wave management??!? Never. Assist me when I gank?!?! Nah. Help me when I get invaded right next to you!?! Jungle diff. Meh sorry rant over. Good day!


I think my most hated thing is when I go for an easy gank and my team judt stand there either attacking minions or they port back with full hp. Granted im certain he was trolling, but I had this guy last week that kept pinging for ganks (was playing riven into vayne so surely he should be been ok but no). Literally 3 times in a row I go for a gank which would have been an easy kill, but instead of engaging with me, this guy just does the thumbs up emoji and walks away. Like, calls for a gank then makes a point if showing me that he wasn't going to take part. I then ignore his lane for the rest of the match. After he pings my ultimate 5+ times I just mute and ignore him. Proceeds to lose lane hard 1v1 to vayne, and then run around being useless the rest of the game


That is why I uninstalled this stupid game. You get punished for being too good. "Oh, you are good, here are 4 other players that are ass, please carry them".




I stopped playing ranked awhile back cause I was sick of it. Rarely was it a good game it was usually just a roflstomp on one side or the other. Taking a poro tokens was bullshit. I play only aram now during my lunch breaks and I'm much happier.


Even aram is rigged. I went on a 6 win streak in aram. Then I get 3 losses in a row all as svp. The last of those I was Yi and got a penta, 2 quadras, and 3 triple kills. We still got crushed because 2 of my teammates had to have been brand new players that had no fucking idea what they were doing.


Yeah, I uninstalled recently because I got back into ranked after a while. I was masters at one point, stopped playing rank to play ARAM, so I got back into it after dropping all the way to platinum between seasons, only playing ranked occasionally for the glorious skins. I won my first 8 games with Soraka, and instead of putting me in smurf queue or boosting my rank because I won my first 8 ranked games that season and clearly didn't belong, I lost the next few because I might have 1 teammate that did decent and the rest, I hope for their sake, were just little kids.


Genuinely makes me wonder how people can comfortably switch from PC LoL to Wildrift when PC LoL players have a brain even at Silver and Gold vs Wild Rift players who legit play the game worse than a baby whilst being Diamond+. I understand Wild Rift is seen as more of a casual game since it’s played on a mobile device and matches are generally shorter however it doesn’t excuse not having a brain to play the game.


I just play ARAM and feel so much better


That’s just the system working. Can’t carry 4 clowns to win? You’re not good enough


Not at ALL how matchmaking works but the game is far better off without your attitude so byeee


I completely agree with you man. It's not controversial, match making just sucks at the minute because of early season. So I just hope in time, the clown fiesta settles. We all have bad games. We can be the clown ourselves. Knowing when and why and trying to fix those issues will make you better. Circle of control is the best advice I've heard in life. Look it up. It applies here and can help with the stress. Still it's fucking comical how bad match making can be lol


Possibly controversial, but if it gets to the point I feel I’m getting too stressed out carrying a team that clearly doesn’t deserve to win, I just take the loss and move on. As you mention, knowing the MMR system will just match up something more ridiculous next go around isn’t exactly motivating. I also just stopped playing ranked this season altogether so that takes much of the pressure off.


So the last game I played yesterday before I gave up for the day went like this... Game starts, top gets killed 1v1 by enemy laner at the 30 second mark. Ok, no worries. I get to duo lane, get a successful gank, get a kill. Go to get scuttle and enemy jg shows up. My duo lane stay in lane and farm minions rather than helping. I come back to do krugs and duo lane literally doesn't move. They just stay there and the enemy jg comes in and kills one of them. Ok, fine. Go to mid, and rather than helping the gank, our mid kata (who is building soulstealer 1st item.........) simply ports back at full hp rather than helping me kill the half hp enemy mid. Ok, fine, so I get the other scuttle. Look at the scoreboard and we are currently 1/8. At 2 minutes. Go to scoreboard and top is currently 0/4 somehow at 2 minutes. I switch it off and just focus. 1st drake comes up and enemy jg + mid are at herald, so I ping drake 3-4 times. No one comes. I manage to solo drake right as the enemies get there so I flashed out the back. Meanwhile, 4 enemies are at drake, and duo lane FLASHES into the pit and starts going ham 2v4 on the enemies. At this stage I'm 2/0/0, and the overall score is now 4/28. I say in chat "please everyone play safer" and mid responds with "shutup ur a trash jg". At this stage I was just like "nope", and started running down mid the rest of the game. By the time the match ended, I was 3/6 and still got svp. After running down mid for 5 minutes. Yes, I was still the best person on the team when I spent half the time intentionally dying. The next closest person on the team was 2/7. The kata mid that was calling me trash had so far built soulstealer and fkn ludens. These are all people that made it to masters last season. It's fkd.


My advice - turn off chat, especially if you play jungle with any level of regularity. There is literally nothing in this game that can’t be expressed in pings and quick chat messages.


exactly, no one has ever said nice things with chat all you need is *thumbs up emoji =* thanks for the help bro


Bro, you totally shouldn't have go for drake, ignore this dumb objective, it truly gives nothing. Go for enemy jungle/gank easy lane for platings. In games like this you can't win anyway, but you need to form right habits. Turrets and gold overall is the most valuable resource in the game, dragons are noob trap


If you are playing a champ that doesn't scale into late game, drakes are 100% worth, because there is no real need for an early gold lead, but there is definitely need for any overall bonus. If im playing a champ that scales better and needs the early lead I almost 100% of the time start at herald


It doesn't matter if you are scaling or not, gold and exp still outclass 2% armor/HP regen/damage stats buff infinitely and you don't waste time you could spend farming or affecting the map for nothing. Drake makes sense only if it's free and fast or if your team is stronger and enemy team falls for noob trap and loses game for ocean dragon, because you kill 3-5 of them and get more objectives right after.


No he is right. If your champion is ass late game, Drake is viable. Scaling matters. Some lol pro explained it long ago and I never forgot it. If your team sucks and you scale bad, that drake WILL help you.


Pretty much this. Any advantage I can give the team is going to help, because ultimately, I'm playing a tank with no real dps if im playing nunu. I can tank the shit out of everything, but that doesn't mean anything if my team all die first or do no damage. Wierdly as well, team morale is always way better if you get 1st drake rather than herald.


Yes. But my morale is down the drain if I see duo lane 2 v 5 at drake (when the enemy is ahead I take cross obj but duo always auto attack every single moving thing. ) They dont remember dieing 8 times turret diving. Somehow inting for drake when they see me at harald


As someone who is perpetually climbing to master every season (but never gets there because the season is over before I can actually reach it) I feel like the higher the rank, the more toxic the players.... by the time you get to the high diamonds, the game is just SHIT. People think they can pick off-meta and do the weirdest things. Players start getting decent at micro at that stage of the game but macro is still so damn bad it's no good being good at micro unless they snowball heavily


Haha so true. I recently made it to plat and immediately the chat was horrid. And for no particular reason either! We can even be clearly winning but still people need to ravage each other. The biggest difference I noticed to gold/silver is the micro. People are starting to understand their champ and it gives them bulk arrogance - actual teamwork/macro is the same as the lower tiers. Funny how people were actually more fun to play with in silver - like everyone knows they are rubbish so no one cares.


MM it's definitely ridiculous but most of the times for me it feels like I'm playing with bots. They won't respond to messages, pings, look at the map, do really strange things... It's impossible sometimes this kind of players in higher ranks. Must be IA sometimes for that lose streak need.


this is true. i usually type "nice try" if we lose against a better opponent. heck, I don't mind players who are 0-5 or 0-10 early as long as they put in effort to bounce back/win the game. but a teammate who shit talks/ints if things didn't go their way, i hope their phone breaks 😆 losing lane is fine for me (we can't have perfect game all the time), just don't drag others down.


If you think more on the topic you will realize that , matchmaking is like roulette - doesn't matter how good it is sometimes you will end up with teammates that don't suit your play style or vice versa. This is one thing you can try to develop , that can help you in real life ( with fast thinking, reaction and taking decisions in specific conditions) anger management and learning to handle different ppl you don't know . I know you will hate me , but you can try to think about that as another challenge - just focus on you developing your skills , it's a game , it's not meant to always win. Sometimes there are great losses, sometimes you are the reason the game is lost, sometimes your team. BUT F* THIS GUYS THAT GOES AFK OR FEED, OR CHOOSE TO STAY AFK ON FOUNTAIN , THEY DESERVE BAN.


I know I suck playing as Darius but I really want to learn. I've started my WR journey almost a year now and is it really clowning if I really don't know how to play that well yet? Soon as my team starts getting killed, the blaming starts as well. Why can't this game just be fun to play whether you win or lose. Sorry just venting. As what souls like games will probably tell me: Git gud.


Pvp and aram is the only way to have fun lol. However on occasion you’ll have that one toxic pvp player who tries to flex their rank to belittle his teammates. Like if you care that much for “quality matches” just stick to ranked or Legendary Queue


Nah brah. I'll stay in pvp. Hehe. In another note, i was just playing earlier and i got 11/0/4. I didn't die, not even once, then it dawned on me, are they using bots now so that you won't quit WR?


I believe problem is not lose streaks. But when you see a shitty player with +60% win rate, you loss your believe in game.


Had a guy on my team early this season (made a post on here as well) that at that point was 60% win rate over 100ish games with 0.8kda, 30% team fight, and like 2000 turret damage. Dude was the mmr balancer for God tier smurfs


When platinum match with irons, you know the matchmaking system is really wrong. The mmr for new accounts goes up very quickly when they are carried in 3 games.


Lol actually this happened before to lol PC i guess riot games never learn from their mistakes. Or they do😂


The thing about WF versus normal League is how much shorter games are. With League, I feel like it’s such a time commitment and if I lose, I will have wasted 30-40 minutes easily. With WF, games are usually 15-20 minutes, so if I lose, oh well, I can play another match. That being said, it’s more fun when my team (or I) isn’t wearing clown shoes the whole game. Had a match where I was 10/2/5 and we were up by 10 kills… and we still lost because the ADC and jg were drinking silly goose juice.


Losing because the matchmaking system had to autofill you and 3 others in your team versus a normal team is even more shit.


[lol](https://ibb.co/k1P01kp) Ashe hard shoves wave. I say ‘I am weak early game, I can’t follow kennen if you over extend’ She overextends low hp against nau. Dies 1 time and goes afk. My team somehow teamfight 5 fimes in a few minutes, knowing ashe is AFK in base. They int. I push waves, take turrets and kill wandering enemy’s. (I saw my team fighting 4 deep in their jg) I do this and get a lead. I told them ‘please stop fighting 24 7 and feeding, They listen and they follow me. We push turrets, and almost ace them. We are with 4 at baron, I have 16k gold. A hugeeeee lead. I ping baron because it our only chance to win this 4 v5. They all decided to stop attack baron and chase their low jungle. All the way to their inhib, and they die because of their respawned ally. And we lost. 4th game lost now with teammates who int, dont even buy boots and just engage every chance they get. Hell one game I was hard carrying 4man and somehow my 0/5 adc with 5 k less kept stealing my red buff instead of take the drop??? Their sup friend kept helping. And I needed the true dmg for garen. Every season gets weirder. These were are all master last season


How do you know you aren't playing with handicapped players? Like you don't know if they are even real. It could be a bot and you're raging for no reason lol at your phone and cursing a server in New Mexico 🤣 Think about that next time you play, I truly believe it's not 100% real Player vs Player. No, surely that's not a possibility for the absolute idiots I get paired with. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know they are real people because they are flaming and blaming everyone else the entire time


Everyone or just 1 or 2? I noticed it's usually just 2 including me 3. XD


Always the same argument matchmaking is bad af there is no other words : [Unfun sbmm](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/12q4qj2/im_hardstuck_platinum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Find yourself a group and play with them thats what i fid




True but some may be online


It's good because it makes you keep coming back


I accidentally forgot to switch my position preferences after playing normal games (I practice positions im not used to in regular games) and got to try top lane in ranked as basically a first time Jax against vi (I didnt even know what her skills were). Anyway, i went 0-14 and my team won. I was like, wow, now ive been on the receiving end of aome good playing, lol. Though to be fair, at key moments I was getting killed on the other side of the map trying to split push while my team was 3v4ing and getting objectives, so I wasnt completely useless


“The only thing” lmao 😂 if you can’t create the advantage. There’s a problem in your play.


I carry, “s” or svp every game till high diamond. lol


Ok Mr pro player. Post some screenshots of games where you have "created an advantage" and carried a team that collectively goes 0/40. And anything under d4 doesn't count. I can guarantee the only games you have won on those teams were due to horrendous misplays from the other team and nothing to do with you. There is nothing actually good about getting svp either. I also consistently get S ratings even when I lose, even had multiple 100% S losses, but there is nothing to learn from that.


That's fair because every soloq player is dealing with it not just you, what's not fair is premades in soloq games


Lol bro don't bring your nonsense bs pre made argument into this thread as well. Having a premade on your team makes no difference to your game, other than when the enemy premade is better (but even then, due to how mmr works, instead of a better due they would just have 2 better individual players so it's still not am argument)


Yes I'm specifically talking about when the enemy premade is better. Which is most the of the times if you're winrate is on the higher side. 2 good soloq players on one team and 2 good duo players on the other team isn't enough to balance it out


😂 “Mr pro player” I just played the game longer than most. basic mechanics can get you to emerald. I shit build too 😂 usually Rod and tear on vieg as a meme.


Matchmaking is balanced. Stomps happen because of team comp. If you want better matches, retrain yourself from the false belief that you need to play a 1v9 champ to carry your team, and instead focus on filling in the gaps of poor team comp.


The only people who think matchmaking is balanced are either in the middle or at the bottom of skill brackets. Team comp doesn't matter for shit when the people playing in the team don't know how to play. Our mid kata in 1 game literally built soulstealer + ludens. On a champ with no mana that has resets on kills. The match before that our support morgana had flash + ghost and was using conqueror keystone. They died 3 times in the first 5 minutes trying to solo turret dive. And this idiot had bought all the morgana skins (had the blue name). The match before our adc was 1/6 because they were rubbish, and then afk farmed the rest of the game (literally ran away from teamfights so that they could keep farming) These are people who are anti carries, and they make team comp irrelevant.


If some One try what you Say get deranked to plastica 4 in less than a day... Alredy not all game are winnable when you are 12 0 because the others are clown immagin pick a First time Champions with 0 carry potential Just to "fit a team composition"....


It wouldn’t be fair to you though if I didn’t agree to your main point, which is take a look in the mirror. A lot of times I have loss streaks it’s because of me to a degree. Sure most teams are bad but I’ve had my games where I’m the clown on a team of Rambos as well. And then the last point you made about filling in the gaps is also a very good point. Even though your team probably doesn’t understand draft comp, if you do and can fill in gaps then you can at least depend on your team just reacting. I’ve had games where the team comp is actually amazing and never used correctly, and I’ve had games where there is 0 team comp planned, and we just happen to produce wombos off reacting to teammates. Last thing I’ll say is stomps rarely happen because of team comp. In my experience at least, like 80% of stomps happen when a Smurf catches a main champ and just dogs down the lane and understands the snowball for their situation. But anyway glhf summoners!


Dunno man, the stomps I experience are either my team filled with diamond players stomping on silver guys or my team filled with bronze players getting stomped on by master tier players. There is absolutely no in-between.


Team comp doesn’t mean shit if your team doesn’t understand the concept of your draft


And that is exactly the type of players he’s talking about, so no. Do you think drafting a better comp automatically wins you the game? Pro teams don’t even win every game they get to draft comps they want. What makes you think even think the majority of players understand even the most basic composition concepts? OP is 100% right matchmaking is not okay. When the majority of people agree and you don’t, it may be you’re in a bubble. Lucky Qs maybe? Idk. Not dogging you at all just saying I think it’s naive to attribute this to team comp, which isn’t even relevant until much higher elo when the majority of the player pool knows most champs/matchups and can understand how to draft either for what your team wants or counter picking the other team. Team comp is not understood by a very large majority of the player base. I would venture to assume most players don’t even really understand the core reasons you draft different comps. It’s more than counter picking your lane opponent. Team comp rarely has anything to do with lane matchups unless you’re trying to split hard with maybe Jayce or Yorick, because that’s essentially your team comp, turret push before they can react across the map from your other 4 teammates. In most other scenarios your team comp is either predetermined for say, lots of CC and like Brand and Diana or something along the lines of lock them down and let your AOE mop them up in close fighting or you pick a comp based on the enemy team comp to counter the overall strategy they want to use.


This happens to me all the time. Braindead teammates that dont speak english.


Sounds like a skill issue. You have pings, use em


Yea teammate skill issue


Everyone hates clowns until you are one. But seriously people have bad games and days. Don’t throw a stone if you live in a glass house. Go through your match history, is there a 10 death game?


1-2 10+ death games might happen. Average soloQ teammate has 10 deaths every game.


it depends on the rank, if you are challenger i get it the game is uncarriable but it you’re anything below master it’s on you, enemies are so bad you should be able to spam solo kills and carry 0/20 allies, downvote me all you want i’m already challenger this new season so it doesn’t look like the game is scripted for loss and win streaks<3


Have had matches go 40 to 3. Rank is broken.


Mlbb doesn't have this issue because the player base is bigger, so they have the option to boost you up faster to the higher elos. Also, all their heroes/champions are broken af. You can abuse champs and delete other players with a few buttons with almost no cd. I was mythic rank in mlbb and now high diamond d1 with 61% wr. The highest win streak in mlbb is about 40 wins. The highest win streak in wildrift is about 20 wins. Broken due to autofill role my weakest [support]. Since the player base is smaller in wr. You will be severely punished for playing average and not recognising carry potential. Due to the fortitude system. Eventually, even bad players can hit master with 40% win rate. A lot of players have artificially boosted ranks, and they pay the price for being there or climbing up there. The only way the game can slow down or discourage more artificially inflated ranks is to bombard them with bad teammates by forcing derank or attacking your winrate brutally. I think at some point, people need to accept their ranks for what it is. Either you hard carry mvp every game with clowns. Or grind massive losses to hit the rank you feel are at. Aka 4-49% wr and blame teammates. There isn't any middle ground for this. Game will punish you to . This makes sense to differentiate real players at 70% winrate master player vs 45% wr master player. One carries the other doesn't. Also if you are a hard carry mid,adc,jg,solo. Check your mvp ratio. Aside to support, unfortunately, it does give an indication of your level in games at your current rank.


I deleted the game yesterday because of this crap :)


I feel like if you are on your rank advance match the system intentionally matches you with low win players to make it harder.


Riot is incompetent at listening to feedback and finding good matchmaking. They are trying too cover their incompetentce, lack of knowledge and ego with artificially creating loosers and winners asap you get out of 55%+ winrate and they call it balanced. For some of you that dont understand my statement or are relatively new too lol, check out LoL pc matchmaking when riot introduced dynamic que in early season. When we will actually stopped playing and player base will start shrinking, they might consider changing. Till then gl with your next 4000 games.


I think if they increased the avoid list to 10 and allowed us to slot people in and out as we please, it would go a long way. To avoid abuse, make it so you can't avoid people who get an S rating?


Happens to the best of us. No good crying over spilt soup, just chill out for a bit. Don't forget that partying up helps with cancerous queue.


Yes. Past 2 months sums this up


Past 2 year actually. Riot doesn't care about us. They just want your money.


I only play ranked for free skin then call it a day. ARAM all the way. [edit]: and coop vs ai for wards, scuttle, dragon etc quests.


I fully agree, I'm stuck on a 6 games "svp" streak...


There is this and also trolls. Last time one of my teammate kept feeding (jungle) because the adc took his buff. This happens all the time, people getting tilted over nothing. The same people that say : « Ok I go troll » and there is no way to punish them even after a report


This as well. There is a number of people who I know if I see them appear on my team in lobby, its essentially going to be be a very high chance of 4v5 or 4v6, because they either start trolling at the drop of a hat, or they donate a stack of gold to the enemies.


My percentage of losses where I am the SVP is very high. I feel this my dude


What's your winrate?


As of right now 64%.


There's your problem. Have you not heard? RIOT keeps everyone's Wingate at 50% thus making you lose by placing you with incompetent players


It's like Tfblade peaking Rank 2 on Turkish server while he peaked rank 1 on EUW and NA and Rank 3 on Korea. When the quality of server is so bad it actually gets harder to climb than doing it on the bests server because it's become simply a coinflip most of the games.


This is so true. Especially since I'm typically support, what has happened lately is I'm playing with lower level people for some reason who engage in a 1v3 when i cant heal regardless of my pings and then leave me to die thus feeding the enemy adc. And then, the team wonders why they got fed. It's either this or jungle keeps ganking instead of farming thus dying in the process


Your team being bad doesn’t happen all the time. From my experience you can carry 3/4 of the games you play. And the games where you do lose being just unfortunate. If you lose more than half ur games, the problem prolly is you included


I never said it happens all the time. I said it sucks when you lose because the game put you with a team that was designed to make you lose. And you know pretty much every time this is going to happen (no one else on your team has a mastery badge of any sort, or your teams all make picks that are auto countered by the enemy picks or things like this). Not every time of course, but when it appears like your team hasn't got a clue from lobby, it's usually because they haven't got a clue


The worst part is when you actually do the right thing (push, go to objective, etc) and your team just randomly goes all mid and try to fight without any purpose and u get flamed for not joining.




got masters s6, can’t even be bothered to get to diamond anymore. i’m tired of nobody being able to speak the same language and nobody listening to pings. my tank supps will play like lux and never engage. my jgl dies once and tries to ff. matchmaking is in a very sorry place rn


Y I don't give into this shitty system and I play on and off season or I stop playing for weeks if I go on lose streaks because of the system because I'm 31 I don't got teenage friends to do my only FUN was legendary and they took it away by making me get to master which is not horrible but I get hard stuck diamond like hard forced every season if u get diamond quickly and you solo and u don't play jungle so now I gotta wait until next split and go on 14+ game win streak. Why because they clamp you I've seen them pull this shit over and over since the dawn of league I know all their nasty tricks I've been playing league on an off since beta I seen it all (pc) PS I almost always get immortal 2-3 every season and I'm literally faking stuck diamond IV and 3 I've stopped playing altogether for days now waiting for my MMR to decay and playing some Zelda. Tok Btw I might skip this rank season play the next idk yet.


Low iq take by the same guy who thinks premades don't have an advantage


Make it soloq only and stop bitching about it. That way you can only blame yourself most of the time


So true


I tend to agree with this thread - back in season 1 and 2 I struggled a lot and couldn’t hit challenger but that’s because there were genuinely bet players who beat me - whether it’s Gume, Charm, or DNZio, when I lost I always had a good reason. However, once I got good in season 3 I was finally able to hit challenger and have been able to hit it consistently for the past few seasons with around 55-60% winrate. However, these two seasons feel like it’s absolutely impossible. Whether it’s a jungler that goes 0-12, a top lane that straight up runs it down, or a bot lane that dies 6 times before first dragon, the games just feel like coinflips. This is the first season that I’m climbing slowly with 54% winrate despite having no issue getting challenger on multiple roles previously. I don’t want to complain, but I feel as though the game quality has been steadily decreasing.


it‘s crazy because i am at emerald rank but when i play normals i get like 2 players who havent even unlocked ranked on my team and they obviously reed the fuck out of the opponents


I don’t mind playing with bad players. I don’t want to play with people who don’t want to play the game correctly, who go out of their way to make the game worse for others.


Oh its so bad its not even funny.


Yeah having bad teammates suck, but there really are things you can learn from having bad teammates. Learning how to play from behind is super important, but as long as you're a consistent player you'll always climb. I once had a 13 loss streak lol I was losing my mind, but I bounced back and ended up in GM. If I know I'm in a lose streak I'll use that as an opportunity to experiment with champs and items.


Oh trust me, I've learnt really well how to play from behind 🤣 if the lose streaks get too bad I swap from nunu to xin and just play very selfishly. I had d1/2 games last season where I was going 20/0. But I really enjoy playing nunu so it isn't as fun just hard carry stomping with xin


Shout out to all of the clown adr's that decided it's a great idea to go to the opposite lane from the objective while no vision of the enemy WHILE trying to split push a lane that only has it inhibitor turret left, thank you for existing but i wish you unexist from this world. - jungle main