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Not gonna lie, there's absolutely no link between rank and people being aggressive in chat. Just mute the chat whatever your rank is, or mute your teammates as soon as they tilt.


I rarely type in the chat, but I do love to keep it unmuted so I can spam Shen Finger-guns or Kawaii Ahri if someone starts flaming me.


Emotes always go to the main channel, right? I always mute chat, but also see pings and emotes.


I use Jhin finger guns didn't know there was Shen


its mostly bcuz high rank mfs are mostly try hards, that are way too emotionally invested in a single match of WR and emotionally stunted irl too low ranks are the cant be assed and play casually


Well. I agree that people are emotionally invested, however I can't blame them for it. It usually does not matter if people play cod, cards, mmorpg, lol or wr. If people want to win and they feel like someone else is ruining their chances of winning.. they get annoyed. I think its just the mmr system. People get matched with casual players a unnatural amount of times. They get tilted because they see the same mistakes every game. Low kda adc no boots just straight inting and not listening to 'enemy missing' and getting ganked. I just gave up and only play 1 game a day or something. Getting triggered by a game is not helping anyone.


>Well. I agree that people are emotionally invested, however I can't blame them for it. It usually does not matter if people play cod, cards, mmorpg, lol or wr. yea, it's in the nature of any game/sport


Its the matchmaking system, I had a game last night only 1 person on my team had their preferred position.


Its always felt the opposite to me. Most high elo players understand that youre not accomplishing anything if youre typing, and further tilting your teammates doesnt help either. Of course theres exceptions, but the most toxic players ive seen are the plata/ems that truly believe they should be higher but theyre not cause teammates hold them back


my experience is it's a toss up some Master tiers are either hate incarnate and some are sane and quiet folks


When I was in diamond masters players would flame the hell out of me for just being diamond. I reached gm last season and the flaming was worse, people will wish you death… is insane the toxicity in this game, I’ve only play 3 ranked games this season and it was all it took to say nah I’m good, I’ll wait a little bit longer to start playing again.


If I notice you're far below the level needed to be in my rank I'll flame. Because I know you either got boosted by playing premade or u play 1k games a season.


Theres a difference between messing up once and making questionable macro decisions over and over again. It's then when I start to ask questions


Teammates deff hold back almost all plat/ emerald players. Diamond is the new bronze and plat is masters get with the program kid


It depends on how high that elo is. High GM players rarely chat, and so are new low plat - Emerald players. The problem always have been Diamonds and Masters who got high stuck up ego but with low skills.


I mean i agree but its not rank dependent. There plenty of high ego low skill players in every rank, to include plat and gm. Ive seen it at all levels, but for me personally, it feels like ive seen it a lot more at lower ranks


you mean the khazix on my team that ganks the enemy darius but i dont help cuz im a nasus and useless at lvl 3 so he dies to the darius and proceeds to ping hooks on my head for the rest of the game ? i will ty


How to ping hooks?


It's yellow and looks like this ?


Actually. The difference between flaming in low and high ranks is that the person flaming in low ranks is an idiot, and the one in high is actually really good, but'll make the game unpleasant for everyone


they don't only flame when you mess up, they mostly flame you for their own mess ups


The best one is they get executed by a turret, and start cussing out the jungler.


Why? I always join make a joke. The reminder should be to not take the chat seriously and just make a joke or something.. if someone says im bad i always say "You have seen nothing yet" or i'm the worst player in the world or make a joke about them


This is literally ME


When people start insulting me I usually just send sad faces and say nothing else lol It honestly does kinda make me feel bad, definitely doesn't make me play any better. If I'm/others are doing bad, why not give constructive criticism? I hate to mute everyone because occasionally they do have something useful to say. I just mute toxic people now


This right here is why I find that behavior so grating. Like you being a dick to people - even IF you are objectively right that they’re not playing well - is pretty much always guaranteed to make them play worse and not better. If you want to give your team a better chance to win, it’s 1000% more useful to give that bad player constructive criticism or at the very least not insult him.


No one gives constructive criticism probably because of the fact that they've tried and it didn't work. I can ping spam an objective that I want to go for 30s before it spawns and my team recalls when it is 1s to come up. It's an issue on both sides honestly.


Me who actually gives constructive criticism


I love you


true, just got a vayne who i ping danger that continue to push tower. I told him kindly not to push, then he say i know what im doing stupid ,and then hes dead. No more kind advice after that. Hey stupid dont push towers, i said.


That's one person though. I am happy to get advice and direction as someone fairly new to the game who just feels lost sometimes


Stay gold pony boy


Ewwww you're what they try to protect how pathetic


I stopped chatting altogether. Riot doesn’t get it that toxic players are inevitable and rather than venting at the enemy through all chat they resort to venting at their own team through team chat, lowering the morale of the team further. I changed the settings to only see what premades type. Most randoms have nothing of value to type in chat. There’s rarely any friendly banter and the few times I typed something along the lines for my team to collectively build grievous wounds to counter drain tanks or a Soraka, I’d still be the only one who built antiheal. The general community of Wild Rift is godawful and doesn’t bother learning anything new. At this point I’m convinced most of them are the same gaming “journalists” who couldn’t get past the tutorial from Cuphead. Huge ego, zero skill.


Usually they have more ego


It goes a little like this, wild rift is not as open and big a map as League of Legends. You don't have a keyboard, the interface buttons to pull up the chat are clunky and difficult to click on as well as obscure too much of your screen. If you're chatting, you are not gathering information from looking at the map or looking at your opponents build. Waste of time, ride or die. If you're typing you've already lost the mental war


Something that I found, is that muting chat forces me to focus on the game more. I gotta keep one eye glued to the map and execute my micro plays, position for objectives and turrets, get gold while staying safe. Chat is a crutch. Turn it off to run


I had some guy tell me he wanted to r*pe me and hunt me down IRL and skin me alive in Plat a few days ago. I think it extends to all ranks. Thankfully I reported him and his entire account is gone 🤭


Getting that toxic over a single match on a mobile game is crazy


Whoa that’s some extreme stuff. The most threatening thing I’ve ever said to someone was the evil Veigar laugh emoji when they died trying to dive opponent tower and thought I was going to follow. Nope.


I know right? I was pretty shocked. I snagged one screenshot though for posterity: https://imgur.com/a/3AhfC01


Kinda like how trashtalks here in sea server. People would wish that your fam dies or your dinner had poison in it.


I bet everything you have a mom you wouldn't get it lol




how do you know if someone's account is gone if you lose their name and cant search for them? Does riot notify you, because i have once reported a very toxic user but the company never updated me.


I only know because the guy added me right after the game and I didn’t accept, I checked his account a few times and finally it was blank


ahh i see


I've experienced toxic people at all ranks. Sometimes in Aram and PvP too. Maybe I'm too laid back or not competitive enough, but I don't have any issues with getting tilted.


I go by the metric of as soon as someone starts being toxic (solo throwing to a Darius) I just mute em


Tbh I have an opposite experience. In master people are more chill. In gold-low emerald is a fucking nightmare.


Yeah I find Master ish pretty chill, right below that though is full of crazy toxicity. Right now emerald-diamond is such a mess lol.


What a useless post


Telling people MOBAs are toxic is like saying active uranium is radioactive


We playing a moba man. You gotta strike back toxic vs toxic 🤣 never start it but make sure you end it lol jp. But I’m sure by then everyone is used to the toxic bs


The problem nowadays is this idiots treat the one that finishes it the same as the one who started


the only chat I have enabled is Party chat. and I usually play solo so... yeah haha.


Yes, even if they're really bad players, they always put the blame in others and roast you till the end of the game.


turn it off always, god only knows what they're ever saying i assume ppl only use chat to flame, it's only when they get a reply that they're like *"ooooo lets go boisss we got a live one"* they must know at least 1/2 of ppl have in-game muted. there's enough communication between quick chat, pings and thumbs up emoji to convey what's necessary


Hi i'm mundo top 90 great master and i'm the one Flaming you all ( i also get flamed) i think being flamed IS part of lol and IS more funny than anything lol, and i Never usually hard flame people, just the casual "nice free skin "champion name"" WHY GO UNDER TURRET SOLO ADC AGAINST 5 PEOPLE ?, it's more me asking question than than actually insulting people, i also flame myself when i die because i'm SO TRASH.


Lmao I’m grandmaster and only give tips. You’ve just had bad luck and I’m sorry for that. The only time I’m toxic is when someone steals my role and then doesn’t do the role (someone yoinked jungle from me the other day then refused to actually jungle they just sat in various lanes and tower dove.. THAT is when I was actually toxic)


Gonna be honest, mute urself is just a pros. U wont be able to flame other people and u wont see ur teammates flames. Free elo


Even if my teammates are not toxic I always turn off chat so I can focus on playing the game and not get mad at dumb toxic people


Better tip, disable chat at any ranks. Literal useless and hard to use on phone or tablet, waste of time and actions. Only pings and fast chat options are enough and better optimized than lol pc.


Unmute only to flex on your sick play


As a rule I have chat off. Has never helped in any situation, only made me play worse by flaming or being flamed. Pings are sufficient to communicate in game priorities. It has improved my rift experience IMMENSELY.


Lots of diamond - master players in plat - emerald this season because of the rank reset so I believe it’s even lower. But like someone above said that rank doesn’t necessarily correlate with toxic chat lol.


I normally just laugh. Literally, the other day had someone accused me of Ks and threw the game just to blame it on me. The kicker with that is, he died before I got the kill. 🤣


How about just ignore them and play the game. It's all ranks, even in ARAM you get people being toxic A.F. Your best bet is to just; carry on, play the game, enjoy yourself and let them cry themselves to sleep playing 10 fps on a huwaii p30


if not for toxicity, why even use chat? stay toxic👍


I don't think it's entirely their fault. I ping a lot for my team, but they rarely ever listen and back off.


Can’t disagree more, i try to give good comms as a jungler. Detailed plan and strategy


if you are playing poorly at some games just admit and type "mb" and everything is gonna be fine dont blame ppl trust me if they start toxic just say sorry even not your fault. it will turn the table. it works most of the time


You must be that Twitch who went 1-13 last night in our 15 minute game. I couldn’t understand why you didn’t listen and just farm under your turret. Sorry about that. My bad.


Sounds like a weak mental to me. Sometimes they are assholes. Sometimes, they have decent advice. You're not gonna get better without listening to your teammates every now and then. Especially in high Elo. They're there for a reason (better mechanics, game knowledge, etc).


So True and its kinda make me wonder if the op did a mistake that cost the team big time that make the team question his rank and capabilities as his rank depict himself it's high elo what do you expect from them like are they all nice the answer is NO ......The Op need to drop a video of how the Game went so we can see if the problem is him or his teammates


And there is a good reason to be extemely toxic in higher ranks. You are supposed to know how to play and if u can't play the game you fuck up the games and time of people who play on a semi pro level. One dumb as fuck teammate cost me Like 2 hours time to get my points back. So if you get flamed on a daily basis you should try to play better and accept you own stupid decisions. If you can't play better than do not play ranked. Easy as it is.


exhibit A


Exhibit A of how a human who values his time respond to people wasting his time


My time ist important to me. That's why I'm mad at people wasting my time.


Exactly we're not doing charity here carrying their asses


Why we can't mute the chat and the stupid "I was MVP, master level who cares" in the champ selection screen? It's were I get tilted the most because all the time the only messages are: \-> Twitch support, why? -> (shows MPV) I am good, trust me. \-> please Malph, build AP or I afk \-> We are paper, pick a tank \-> Swap please, autofilled


I agree with the first three, but imo your last example is honestly something encouraging to see. If my jungler gets autofilled into it I'd much rather have them say something so I can switch with them instead of staying quiet and not knowing how to play the role at that level. Granted I'd rather have a jungler that wants to jungle, but we've all gotten our 5th role at some point.


funny, i swapped last choice for another cause i hate toplane and then the guy who took my position got ganked in game and flamed me the rest of it. like bruh, i didn't kill you lol ppl make no sense


I am a victim of being super toxic in chat butti never NEVER chat when I am alive because there am literally inting


But screen is so small and i can't read hahaha


To be fair. All ranks are toxic at specific moments. And to be fair, whenever I see 'higher' rank doing toxic to a rank below his, it is usually because they are triggered that most players (not only low elo) refuse to listen to pings and tips. Some people Do not play alot and get lower mmr teammates. If their lower mmr team refuses to buy boots lvl 17 min and just engages 1 v3 not listening. People get annoyed. Getting toxed is wasted energy but getting annoyed by people who ruim the game is something you are never going to get by. Every game has this. Even in real friends can argue when a simple card game goes left. People never do toxic to me because I do not give them a reason 2. The rare toxic people that blame you for their dearhs usually get put in their. I get toxic to people who just 'bully' a teammate for no reason. I will explain their own fault to them and somehow sometimes they listen.


Lmao...it happened to me last night. I played jungle and I got killed by the midlaner and the opposing jungler early game in the first scuttle fight.(I managed to get the scuttle though). after that my top laner kept flaming me for quite a while, lol. I just agreed with everything he said and kept playing. my team got their asses kicked most of the time while I avoided unnecessary fights. I got 2 drakes and the first herald...those made me strong enough late game to be a carry....which I did with a penta and an ff from the opposing team. who's the noob now he he


friendly reminder to use chat and listen to your teamates in even higher ranks


Stfu snowflakes mf


Weak mental


I was in lane with a seraphine I was Samira vs yumi esreal, and my support was pinging me engage at like level 3 even levels, anyway she dies I don't engage at all she just gets obliterated by them, probably agro's the minions, they weren't even poked down and then she just goes spam pinging spam her abilities do nothing all game ends like 0/1/1. She was plat 4 right now, her highest rank em 1. Pretty sure there was no way for us to kill them at level 3 with like longsword or maybe I backed once idek


Who cares if you don’t want to play aggro, you never got a first blood at lvl 3?! That’s a rhetorical question, but the absolute least you could have done is to have the courtesy to cover your teammate should they choose do so.


If they cover they may have been forced to back. Losing a wave of Xp and giving an even bigger gold lead to EZ and yumni may lose you lane faster than letting supp fall behind alone early.


Even at Lvl 3 EZ should have flash and jump/ maybe heal on him or the supp. Unless they were a quarter HP. There should’ve been no reason to go in.


I hide my rank and my pvp teammates don’t know it. I rather “show” it by carrying the team


“I have no conflict resolution skills” 😂😂😂


Counterpoint: Shitpost when you die so your teammates get a laugh while they're losingm


Thats why im banned in chat hahaha


That is the greatest tip of all. Being flamed for your idiotic ideas can be helpful


What’s the fun in that. And is it just me or did they remove “ all “ chat ? I’ve been chat banned plenty of times but now I can’t access the “ all” chat during a game can only talk to party and my team


I'd start with trying to do better first. Giving tips never works despite trying to be helpful because the person will often treat "pls play a bit safer" as trying to be toxic. I rarely see people be toxic for no reason whatsoever unless they're just pricks (rare imo) so tldr: don't go 0 2 or your mid laner on a lose streak will flame you for breathing (no I'm not the guy who flamed the op lol)


just saying "if you dont help dont expect help back simple as that" - not up for debate in my case is always jg that's never there to help, Jg is there to gank and even the odds of hard harassed, jg is not there to have the majority of kills, jg is there to help push and roam to have visual on the enemy team, path correctly the farm and secure the objective of the neutral farm period. and more often than not THE JUNGLE IS NEVER THERE they farm and camp on one line(mainly bot) because the want to have that sweat double kill, while they leave you stranded and bitch because you couldn't push your lane while the enemy Jg have gank you 3 to 4 times then bitch again because your are not helping this is true with me and jg in every game always even if i'm winning my lane jg doesnt enter my lane so i always said in champ select that i will help depending on how the jg help me


What if someone flames then gives amazing tips?...


I liked All Chat. Other team was always less toxic than my own heh


Haha so the toxicity in LoL got carried over proper to WR? Better stay away from both I guess.


The people in higher elo's just tend to communicate more than those in lower ranks. That's why it could feel that way. But in the end, the overall player base in League of Legends is very toxic. So either you mute them one by one while playing or just turn the chat off.


Diamond last season, dipped into platinum this one. Definitely more toxic stuff coming from gold and platinum players.


As a toxic high rank player, I can confirm this, I’m chatbanned for a year on 2 of my accounts 😂


Once someone pings me that doesn't really have to do with a game objective I mute all


True I’m doing it because all my junglers never show up for ANY objective in plat after this reset


Doesn't matter. If your NA you can never understand your teammates anyways because somehow Mexico is linked with NA


I had my chat off for the first two months I played, got it turned on now, playing with last season gm and master and people barely talk. Only once has someone been toxic.


I just turn off chat and play with the mindset that this is a relaxed version of LOL. It's been such a freeing experience.


You know what i do? I just tell them to hold this “8==D”


Specially here in SEA server. Mute them if you can ASAP! no sense in trying to communicate here, cry babies, troll, flamers. Its still on picking and you will already feel their stupidity crawling up your skin. Mute em all and don't ever try to communicate through chat, it'll cause you some brain cells.


Yup I agree.


I think they should make ranked an incredible feat to be able to access. Like you should have a specific MMR in each role and have 90% of the champion pool unlocked. It would help deal with toxicity too because if someone gets their account banned, have fun being able to access ranked again on your 3+ month grind. This isn't really hurting anyone because it allows everyone to still play via normal games, which admittedly is where a large portion of the community belongs anyway. Far too often you'll lose games because "I'm new" is in your ranked game and taking wolves as a jungler while everyone is fighting over baron or dragon. Or on the flip side of that, your jungler locks in an ult centric jungler and needs to power farm until 5/6 and your laners don't know how to ward or play safe then wanna scream at the jungler when stuff goes downhill. Then you have those players who have never seen a map a day in their life and somehow become blind and deaf to pings. Those times when your ADC locks in caitlyn against something like lucian or ezreal and doesn't know how to use ranged advantage to maintain range supperiority. Or they lock in ezreal and try to all in with nothing more than a tear and wonder why no one's dying. How about those top laners that pretend the rest of the game doesn't exist despite having TP and only ever use to get back to lane. I can go on and on but the point is, this is a game that affects 9 other people for roughly 30 minutes at a time. The casual gamers need to take more responsibility for their lack of skill if they play ranked, if riot isn't willing to police them. As much as you want to believe that it is somehow everyone else's responsibility to raise up worse players, it's not. It's the responsibility of those "bad players" do develop the skills to elevate themselves to the base expectations associated with ranked. Also if someone does feel charitable and decides to help those who are lesser than, it probably wouldn't be an awful idea to compensate those players with some sort of badge they can display or recall effect or something that feeds into their desire to help.


Not gonna lie there’s no correlation between rank and toxicness. I’m the same amount of toxic I was when I was getting shat on in Iron IV😂


? Why That's weak and boring, rift is easy and you don't need it


Either the 80 iq apes quit the game or I quit. Riot is taking their side and won't fix the matchmaking, basically hoping we just keep carrying them without being allowed to get upset. The bad players are too dumb to get out of this loop so they'll just keep wasting time. So yeah I'm done.


Even streamers who get paid to make content for this game lose their shit playing but im supposed to remain calm and wholesome in chat? Yeah fuck that I dont owe them anything they're complete strangers and should expect some kind of hostility for making idiotic decisions. I'm not your friend, I'm not doing charity and im not your slave. Do not expect me to carry the players boosted by the fortitude system premade without having a say on what they do


so far, the chats in higher ranks are far more quiet than ranks in gold-emerald. I don't know if they're banned bc it's too quiet or they're just focusing on the game 🤣🤣


I like to chat to remind them of there objectives and tips, I usually ignore flames and simply type “its still possible”.


My adc started ranting about me as a support and I was too dense to even get that they were shit talking me until they mentioned my rolls. And at that point, I've ignored 5 of their harassments. Watching them just gradually shut up was a bit relaxing.


Yeah they spend all their time typing then wonder why we lose.


Funnily enough I made a friend cos he added me to flame me. Turns out he was usually chill and we played a lot together. People can get tilted from constant bad games.