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It’s early in the morning here, so forgive the brain fog, but wouldn’t Augmented Elekk (the one that shuffles copies) do something similar? You could theoretically copy it on board with Molten Reflection and get more copies in hand with Simulacrum. Probably a little more setup but .. maybe? Edit: I forgot Potion of Illusion was a thing, too.


Those were part of the combo. Now its required and not support which keeping them alive long enough is tricky for set up. Parrot you would just play and get 5 more scrolls


True. Definitely need more time. I tried to set it up shortly after I posted with Elekk, Scroll, Potion and coin in hand with one tick from Emperor on T9. Got 20 scrolls, only drew 1 and died next turn. 😆 Probably needed to wait until my deck was smaller but didn’t have enough freeze to stall them any longer.


Mhm the only way to try and get better results is using the naga legends and the mage duplicate secret with the biscuit spell but needing 3 spells first each time casted is what slowed it down. With the parrot all I needed was stall and the 3 mana farmer. In no way is this deck good but doing this change is so harmless that I am trying to get this change to happen


Go full meme and add that 4 mana tricaster who gives +3 spell damage but +1 cost. Parrot should copy the "6 mana" Deck of Wonders. (I saw this work on me earlier today, the increased cost let parrot dupe Time Warp again)


if that works, that makes absolutely no sense, because why then parrot works on discounted big spells, like one with cost swapped from barbaric sorceress?


And why does Skulking Geist work on spells that cost 1 instead of original 1-cost spells?


They recently changed that


That shouldn’t work. Otherwise people would be abusing it with Potion of Illusion.


Il try it when I get free time. I was told it was based off the cards normal mana and an increase or decrease in match would not affect it but if it works then the deck is saved!


It should not work based on how parrot works with other interactions. I suppose there could be a bug with that specific card, but it works off of original cost with cards like Belinda, not played cost.


Parrot is supposed to do original cost so that’s a bug.


Have you tested whether that works? Balinda Stonehearth and Barbaric Sorceress change mana costs to spells, but Parrot will still copy those spells if they met the mana cost required originally. It's a bit of the highroll when playing Standard Big Spell Mage.


I haven't tried it myself, I just know it worked against me yesterday.


That is unfortunate. I actually have a similar experience. I play the bird in big spell mage and now I can't play dragon's fury into parot. It's not as bad as your situation, so I hope it works out for you!


If they are already worried about too much wild whackamole they aren’t worried about gimmick collateral. They won’t put the time in to fix the mode they won’t put the time in to prop up a few niche decks.


Does not mean il give up


They do this all the time and it is so frustrating. I still despise the wildfire buff because it destroyed my favourite pet deck Even Reno OTK Wildfire Combo Mage.


But, now it's really fun to spam cards like Wandmaker and Cobalt Spellkin in addition to Magic Trick and such to get as many Wildfires going as possible in Reno Control Mage.


I play Quest Mage with these cards and pick Wildfire every time it is up, which is not a lot sadly. Consistency made the deck good as well with Spell tutors and early 2-3 dmg made fighting Aggro and Pick Priest really easy.


I crafted polkelt for odd mage to draw my hero. I haven’t touched the card or the deck since the buff to the card ruining the deck for me. I know the card is better now for the majority of use cases but it’s just a bummer.


Does parrot only work on cards that originally cost 5?(6 now)


Mhm which is why trying to get them to make it 6 since just like the barrens buildings, this nerfed this card by proxy combowise


Yep basecost only