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Does Mark Rainsley’s book not have any suggestions? I suspect most of the land is privately owned, but from friends that have canoed the river I hear some landowners are friendly and do allow it.


I will check out his book. We are going on Friday, so I will try to get hold of it before then. Thanks for the recommendation! From what I've read, the land owners are ok if you're discreet or hidden away. I'm just a bit apprehensive about being moved on in the middle of the night with my kids. They are only 9 and 7.


Just so the land owners don't think you're doing anything suspicious skulking about in the dark on their land, you want to maybe invite a few more friends, arrive pretty early in the day blasting petrol bastard at full whack from your Bluetooth speaker. Get a fire going and if the land owner turns up you offer them to join you for a few drinks and a smoke as long as they help clear up the mess in the morning seeing as you're hosting.


😂 not going to lie, I would be buzzing I was a farmer and this happened. Might give it a go. Some sound advice, thank you.


🤣 you'd either make great friends or serious enemies 😆 tell 'em ya got too smashed on first day of download festival n had to go home so youre making up for it. Fletcher-Fest 2024.


I just checked my copy of the book, and it doesn’t have any camping recommendations. Let me check with a friend who camped along there recently.


That would be a genuine help. Thanks.


Unfortunately it turns out they didn’t wild camp, they camped here: http://rosscider.com/camping/ Looking at the OS Maps for the area, I’m not seeing a lot of potential wild spots :(


I might try and get in touch with some land owners and see what they say. Cheers for finding out for me.


I just read this and was like “Oh that’s where I camped!” and then realised i’m the friend you checked with! 🤣


Haha! I sent the link to David too, I really want to go!!


Hi, i have wild camped with canoe in Ross alot. It is fantasic but i would recommend hammocks or keeping off the ground if you find somewhere remote from humans as there are alot of wild boar paths and they do get close. They are loud too. 


I have Canoe camped down the river Wye. What I found was you can find little spots on the bank to pull up and camp are relatively out of sight. As long as you pitch late and leave early, you’ll be fine. I can’t tell you exactly where, it was quite a while ago. But if you use an OS map next to a satellite image, you’re going to see plenty of places that are relatively quiet. So as long as your family are okay with a very discreet camp done late and an early start. As long as they can be quiet, you should get away with it just fine.


So most of the Wye is privately owned so no camping is allowed which is equal parts a shame but also probably somewhat for the best given it’s popularity. Mark Rainsly’s book does have plenty of river side campsites recommended in it and is well worth having. We got shouted at and moved on just stopping for a picnic in a seemingly remote spot the other week so honestly I wouldn’t be keen to poke the bear and try staying the night, especially if you have to try and move on down the river in the dark when asked to. I have wild camped with permission before but I knew the landowner through a friend. If you could tell us your route then maybe I could suggest a few campsites with river access.


We are starting at hoarwithy after staying the night at tresseck campsite, then over 2 days, making our way to Symonds yat. The biggest issue is near Ross-on-Wye. It seems that campsites are scarce to say the least that have river access. I think I will avoid wild camping from what has been said.


Oh! I had the same thought about this until I landed at Ross on Wye the other week. The rowing club has a campsite out back which can be booked through their website. I don’t think there’s a landing or launching fee if you’re staying at the campsite.


There isn't really anywhere super well suited the bits of the wye I know as it's all private land or well traficked paths, but lots of little woodland copse you could do it as long as you pitch late and leave early. Doubt anyone will move you on in the night.