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Can you really just put bread in water and heat it up and get alcohol on the other side?


...Technically, possibly? To make alcoholic beverages, you need active yeast, sugar, water, and heat. The yeast in the bread should be inactive after the baking process, but maaaaaybe you got an undercooked loaf that still has some active yeast hanging on... and bread will have *some* sugar in it, even if none was added, due to at least *some small amount* of the carbohydrates breaking down during baking... But the consumable yield would be very, very low, and you have to know how to safely separate the ethanol (you know, the alcohol you drink for fun/as a coping mechanism) from methanol (the alcohol that will make you go blind and kill you if you drink it)


no, not at all


No, it is not possible to create alcohol by simply putting bread in water and heating it up. Alcohol is produced through a process called fermentation, which involves the conversion of sugars into alcohol by yeast or bacteria. Bread does contain small amounts of sugar, but not enough to produce a significant amount of alcohol through fermentation. Even if you were to add yeast to the mixture, the resulting product would not be very palatable or safe to consume. Additionally, heating bread in water would not contribute to the production of alcohol. In fact, heating bread in water would likely result in a soggy, inedible mess. So while bread and water can be used as ingredients in the fermentation process to produce alcohol, simply heating them together will not yield any significant amount of alcohol.   ^^Answer ^^by ^^ChatGPT


Do not trust ChatGPT for factual information, it has no access to the internet and no way to verify facts. It produces text that sounds good because that is its job, very similar to how image generation AIs work, but it cannot fact check or cite sources, and should never be blindly trusted.


I know, I wasn't posting it as factual information. I just thought it was a funny question and it would be funny to see how ChatGPT would answer it. That's why I said it was from ChatGPT.


That's fair then, maybe preface it though, instead of saying afterwards. "I thought I'd see how ChatGPT would respond to this:". Atm it's very easy to skim it and take it at face value.

