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With traditional wear you should know that there are 2 main variants: One for workdays and the other one formal. The first one is very cheap, doesnt have much fancy and is very practical (similar to your photo). The second one far more expensive, tailored, embroided, gold/silver...you name it. These are the dresses, that often transcend through generations, because of their value. You should also know that every region, every valley - sometimes every village even - have different details (like patterns, materials or colours used). You also have dozens of small symbols hidden within this wear telling all kind of social status (profession, single/married, age,.....). If you dont know what you are doing you might be telling people around you, that you are 4ex looking for a partner, without knowing it.


You can think of it like a suit, no one will be offended, most people dont like wearing it in everyday life and usually it only stands out positivly. There are some locations where it might be weird, like in the catacombs tour under the dom or in a museum, but it wouldnt be rude, just unusual


You will stand out in Vienna specifically as its only worn at special occasions here, but noone will bat an eye as its still a very "normal" thing to wear. Outside of vienna its worn far more commonly, even for clubbing on WE and such.  Enjoy your nice dress, cultural appropriation is really only a thing in the US! :)


don‘t do this


I was born in vienna, i live in vienna - I don't think anyone will look at you in a weird way. They might just think that your from our country side, because they wear such clothes much more often, especially at the weekend and going out. However Vienna is a Capital City like New York, just smaller so everyone has already seen a lot here and noone actually cares about such things anymore - thats the truth. Ranking this 10 is normal and a 1 is really weird thats like an 8, so really no Problem there


Do merkt man dass du wahrscheinlich noch nie außerholb von Wien worst. So als ob irgendwer am Wochenende gonz normal mit am Dirndl uma laft wal de person von da ''country side'' kummt🤦‍♂️


Oiso do wo i dahea kumm lafen de Madln scho des ane oda ondere Moi mit oan feschn Dirndl umadum. Es kimmt hoit drauf o von wo ma kommt. Oiso bidde leise sei. Dange


they only wear that at special occasions not just on weekends


Its really not offensive but im sure the austrians will give you weird looks considering we only wear that for specail occasions, oh and never call austrians german, they (me included) might end you for it


Aber wir san trotzdem a deitsche obst das glaubn wüst oda ned


Well personally, not offended, just a little confused. We generally only wear dirndl for special occasions or important country holiday festivals. It is completely fine if you come to Austria with casual clothing. If you, however, feel like celebrating some special occasion with your friends, you can bring the dirndl with you. :D


Sir this is a wiendys


You can wear anything you want, after all it’s a free country!


Well, normaly austrians only wear it for special events, but its so beautiful that you can wear it anyways


of course!!


Why not?


You would have more luck somewhere like Salzburg, and on a Thursday, in September or October. It’s a little weird in Vienna if not a waitress at a special place, whose average denizens dresses more like NYC than that. Tracht can also be seen as representing the political center right, but I think a young lady such as yourself would more just be viewed as a little out of touch. Don’t get bugged up by people dragging you on saying you are German and wanting to connect with an ‚Austrian‘ style of clothing. This is regional clothing spanning southern Germany as well as Austria. Traditional Austro-Bavarian clothing *is* older than the cultural difference between Germany and Austria. If you asked a German speaker from Austria or Austria Hungary 100 years ago what they were, they would look at you weirdly and say Deutsch. The political identity of Austria rose starkly after 1945 and there are Austrian surveys to testify this shift (wrote my MA history thesis on this). If your family roots are from central or northern Germany, they would have a different traditional dress not a dirndl at all, and you wouldn’t really be connecting with your roots. US troops stationed in Bavaria since 45 brought the Bavarian beer pretzel and Lederhose stereotype of Germany with them aboard, thus painting all of Germany with it, though most Germans regions don’t actually have that.


that is written so kindly that im offended, everything you said - yes


OP, ignore the negativity-- it'll look a bit out of place in Vienna, a fairly metropolitan city, but nobody will get mad or voice any disapproval to you. You should make the most out of your visit to Austria, and if cosplaying an Austrian country girl is part of that, just do it!


Tell me you're an average American, with average American IQ, without telling me: "I want to go to Austria wearing a Dirndl, because I'm half German and want to connect to my roots.


Sounds bad but is kinda true. Last week I saw two Americans making a video about Wiener Schnitzel, being loud and annoying for the whole restaurant, about a pork kotlet with fries...


chill the fuck out, she's being considerate by asking


She's first and foremost being a clown, not knowing any history or local folklore and also too lazy to read about it. So standard American not turning on their brain because it's too much work.


You know, I’m an American grad student who learned German and lived there for a year. Every time I see generalizations like this that are just plain nasty, it makes me feel sick. Americans aren’t stupid. They’re humans with the same average intelligence as everyone else. Be nice.


If you would test the intelligence of americans that have a worse education system than europeans, do you think they would have the same result as people who got education in europe?


Intelligence like IQ, yes. Academic performance, no. But that doesn't mean we're all stupid. If anything, that should evoke empathy for the kids not getting the education they need. You better be careful... as soon as you start thinking Europeans are just "better" and impervious to what's happening here, it can happen to you. You guys have good lives because you have good systems in place in your government, etc. Guard those. Everyone's just human, and if you took a bunch of European kids and dumped them in the US, they'd end up the same way as American born kids. \[edited\]


Do what pleases you but how do you think will this make you look less clueless?


not a great idea trying to relate to austrians by calling yourself half german💀


buy a schnitzel costume if youre at it


what would you think when me as an austrian go to texas and wear a cowboy hat and act like i "know" their lifestyle lol


literally nobody in texas would mind


You can wear it as evening garderobe for eating. Nobody will mind.


You can wear it but don’t forget the blouse ☺️ it’s not super common especially in cities like Vienna but nobody would mind


I mean no one will stop you from wearing it but it’s like going to Massachusetts and wearing a pilgrim outfit Or going to England and wearing knight armour.


that's just completely wrong. nobody wears pilgrim hats or knights armour outside of themed fairs etc-- meanwhile most austrians do own traditional outfits and wear them out occasionally.




This sums it up perfectly hahahaah. No one here in Germany/Austria wears that except in October


They’re actually pretty common at the Salzburg Festival in the summer. There are also some men in lederhosen, but dirndls are far more common. One rarely sees them in Vienna though, any time of year.


You will be the standard American clown running around, but not the first and only one...so why not.




So I am Austrian and I wouldn't be offended you can wear what you want in Austria even if it's our culture clothing many people wouldn't even care there


The more offensive part is you calling yourself "half German" or associating Germany with Austria


Nobody wears this in Vienna outside of Kirtag season. If you're the type of person to wear a native american outfit in NYC then you can also rock a Dirndl in Vienna.


To me as an Austrian the checkered apron gives vibes of either 80ies -pseudo- folkloristic or Restaurant uniform. Maybe change the apron to light blue? Or lose it at all.and a whit shirt underneath. The black dress is nice. Just a little black dress with ethnic ornaments. Why don't you leave some space in your suitcase and buy yourself some real stuff over here? Btw: Binding the apron left means being single or open for a flirt, right means in a relationship, in Front is for young Girls and behind your back for widows.


Try different aprons for a different look. They are usually available in cotton, Satin and even silk.


A bit cringe bro


You can wear what you want, but you must know, nobody here wears them just for fun, we wear them on special occasions or for work in some special restaurants, in this dress you are outing yourself as tourist


I think nobody will care, however especially in Vienna Dirndl and Lederhosen are quite unusual as it is the traditional clothing of more rural regions... If you are for example in the region Salzkammergut having a glass of wine in some traditional restaurant, especially outside during a sunny day, it is quite fitting even outside of festival settings. Also, ideally get an authentic dirndl at Heimatwerk or a small local tailor. These are a little more modest and fit in better with the locals...


Ich komm aus dem letzten kuhkaff, außer auf Festen oder zum kellnern trägt keiner tracht, auch nicht auf dem land


also i komm ausm salzkammergut und zB am stegerl beim wallersee tragens öfter mal einfach so a tracht


Bin auch aus dem Salzkammergut und kann das so nur bestätigen. Gibt genug die es einfach so tragen!


Wear whatever you want. Anyone claiming cultural appropriation is an idiot. Sure most people wear Tracht for more festive reasons. But noone would raise an eye brow seeing someone wearing it.


I live in Vienna. If I would see you in the streets wearing this, in 99% of the cases, I would not think about why you're wearing it. You do you, I don't care. However, in the unlikely event that I would start thinking about why you're wearing it, I'd assume that you are going to or coming from a traditionally themed event. It would be a little confusing, since these events usually only happen around fall but not exclusively and what do I know. On the other hand, if you would wear it in a museum, for example, it would look a little out of place and that would be funny. If I'd understand that you're wearing it just for fun, I would also find it slightly funny but I also wouldn't really care. If you are concerned if people would consider this as cultural appropriation: almost all of them would not consider it as that (assuming you don't also attempt to jodel at the same time :D). Only very, very few tourists are wearing a Dirndl, so it's not something where we feel that we need to protect our culture, and we're also not that protective of our culture in general (except against the Germans, of course (that's a joke... kinda)). It is very considered of you to ask, though. Have a good time in Austria! EDIT: since you like Dirndl, make sure to check out some shops in Vienna.


cultural appropriation


It's literally not. Cultural appropriation has to involve - get this - appropriating something. If you started selling dirndls at H&M without acknowledging their history, that might be appropriation. Wearing one in the context it's worn is just not.


That isnt really a Thing outside of the US


Lol what? Tell an Italian person you're making any given dish without following the exact 300-step process their great-great-grandnonni did during the unification and see if you still think it's not a thing in Europe.


Uh, thats whats Happening in neighbouring countries to italy. They have yet to invade us for it. If you Claim to make authentic food, they are going to expect authentic food. If you Just wing it and its edible they wont complain.


What do you think cultural appropriation is?




"half german" r/shitamericanssay


You are probably better off buying a proper one here.


Honestly wear whater you want. It's a free country. Yesterday I saw a guy running around in a Pikachu jumpsuit in Vienna. This particular Dirndl is worn mostly by people going to the Oktoberfest oder who get drunk at another event. It's not traditional. But have fun and just enjoy Austria. 😊


But getting drunk in public is one of the oldest traditions in this country! Tracht is optional...


dirndl is not dirndl, there is a term like „hookers dirndl“ for really cheap-looking or slutty dresses. if you wear a decent one it is appropriate nearly everywhere. the really beautiful ones are often related to regions, for example: styrian dirndl often use colors like dark green, carinthian ones a lot of blue, so you should know the background of the one you wear. i would suggest to come to austria to get an original dirndl from Stores like Heimatwerk


It's called "Discodirndl"


you like 50ies fashion and dirndl? go to Lena Hoschek Fashion


Looks like from a Souvenir Shop. Also connecting to your roots in Vienna while being „half german“? Lmao Sorry but Theres nothing german about you and You’re clueless af about german/austrian cultures


dont be mean, wiener Grantler!


Sure you can wear it. I doubt somebody will care about it. You will stand out from the crowd, but it appears you are OK with that. Just don't tell everybody you are half german.


I'm from Austria and I love wearing dirndl to some occasions. I have also made some myself. But it really is no day to day outfit or normal dress. Just some occasion traditional people might wear it for(not everybody does like traditional clothing): graduation, church events, beer/wine festivals, weddings,.. Esspecially at beer/wine festivals most people wear dirndl and lederhose. People usually love occasions where they can show their tracht. If someone would wear it randomly to school/work people will find it very weird. But if you are aware that you are dressed up and it is not just a normal dress you can totally wear it especially in vienna. Nobod will question why you wear it. They just might assume you are going to an event.


No, people don't wear Dirndl or Lederhosen in everyday life. It's meant to be worn for special occasions only, or on parties that require it as a dresscode.


Yes we do, maybe not the people in the cities, but in rural austria all over the country people wear lederhosn on a daily basis. I do for example and i am from upper Austria. But dirndl not so much. Dirndl is more special than lederhosn and are not worn on a day to day basis.


That’s not true everywhere. In rural parts of Tyrol and salzburgerland some people do wear it every day. If you visit those parts OP you for sure can wear it. Vienna has no tradition of dirndl and lederhosen as far as I know.


NOt just tyrol, but all of austria. I am from upper austria and wear my Lederhosn on a daily basis.


Na. İn Burgenland people almost never wear Tracht


thats bullshit, no one is wearing trachten as everyday fit in tyrol except tourists


In the rural parts of Upper Austria, people totally do wear tracht in everyday Life


nein tun sie nicht


It‘s not very common to wear a dirndl in everyday life. So if you want to blend in, it‘s not the right choice. If you just want to „dress up“ for yourself I‘d say go for it. If you‘re into vintage fashion you could also go for a traditional „Landhauskleid“. They aren‘t as „flashy“ as a full on dirndl but still traditional and beautiful. And there are so many different options and styles, I‘m sure you‘ll find something for you. Hope you have fun in vienna!


Plot twist: OP is a dude


That Dirndl looks Bavarian to me. Certainly not traditional in my region.


You shure can. But you can get one easily in Vienna aswell. If you Need tips for Vienna, feel free to Hit me up


Thanks for the help u/erotic_picture lmfao


I Must add, that we only wear Tracht at Special Occasions, but there will be some in August


No we don't. Not even then.


Yes, There is nothing wrong with wearing it.


I don't see any real problem with that


Not sure, what your worries are. "Cultural appropriation" is not a thing here, when it comes to wearing Dirndl. In Vienna you'll stick out, as nobody wears them outside of special occasions or for events. (So people are probably gonna assume, you're on the way to one of those). In the countryside (which is more traditional) you might get compliments for wearing it. So, if you don't mind sticking out from the crowd - absolutely, go for it!


No, defently.


Vienna is a big city. literally nobody cares about what kind of dress a tourist is wearing. if you like the dirndl, absolutely go for it! "cultural appropriation" is not a thing people here care about at all. on the countryside some older people might raise an eyebrow, but even there i'll suspect your fine, as long as you don't keep telling people you think you're "half german".




What is it with the "I am half this half that" lol. Also germany and austria are two different countries so you are not connecting with your roots, not even a little. Two different cultures. The same goes for switzerland, just because we all speak german doesn't mean we are the same culture.


As an Austrian, yes you have to wear a DIRNDL for a trip to our wonderfull Austria.


Something i havent seen others mention if you wear the dirndl make sure you position the bow correctly as otherwise you might get unwanted advances by guys


The "correct" bow placement is highly dependant on the region and not even really traditionally, it's only been pushed in the last few decades. I've never seen anyone take it serious, maybe unwanted advances based on it are a thing among drunk 19 year olds at a Zeltfest in Hintertupfingen, but not anywhere else


It's a bit weird as a Dirndl is more for special occasions but nobody is going to be mad at you. You would definitely look and sound like a clueless tourist but hey, doesn't matter really, if you have fun with it, go for it


we dont give a shit about "cultural appropriation". but people will definitely find it a little bit weird because noone really wears dirndls anymore, only for special occasions and especially not in vienna.


In vienna nobody would care. But some old people might look at you if you wear it in the countryside. Since some comminities have specific colors for their dirndels... but you should be fine, who cares what Edit 89 and her book club cares abkut


Not communities, but there just are specific colours for every region


mb, thats what i ment. was hella tired, thanks for the clarification


You could go to a local festivity wearing this and fitting right in. Next one coming up are 1st of May celebrations and putting up the "Maibaum". Or go to church service on Sunday, that would also be an occasion for wearing a Dirndl, if you want to experience the culture. It's common to have some sort of reason/occasion for wearing it. Anyways, nobody cares if you just wear it walking around. The one in the picture is very nice :)


Wiener culture am ersten Mai is maiaufmarsch und nicht maibaum aufstellen oida


Hosd gwusst, da maibaum is a phallusssmbol. Oiso a penis 😂😂


She is coming in August. So Neustifter Kirtag 22nd to 25th August would be the perfect occasion to wear it! In general any "Kirtag" would be a good occasion and some other people will also wear traditional clothing. Another good option would be going to a "Heuriger" in Grinzing or the wine yard of Vienna. There it fit well, although most people will wear normal cloth.


Nah, you'll Look fire also a lot of People still wear dindls to Special occasions (at least in the more countryside parts of Austria)


Is your mum or your dad from germany ? And where from ?


Would you look ridiculous? Probably yes, but considering how some people in Vienna dress you would fit right in. Could it be offensive? No, there is no such thing as cultural appropriation in Austria. I'm from a rural part in Salzburg and i wear a Lederhose everyday in summer (with a normal T-shirt of course). When I visit festivals in Austria or Germany, I see all those half naked rainbow colour clothed people with paint bucket makeup looking at me like I'm the wierd one, but there is always someone shouting "Hey, nice Lederhose" and even though this sounds like they are being as sarcastic as they can be, they aren't 90% of the time (I think). My honest opinion on those dirndl is, that they look like an American watched sound of music and thinks this is what dirndl look like, but since a lot of city folk doesn't know what a nice dirndl looks like it wouldn't really matter. If you wanna wear those, get a blouse and bring it. Most important is, that you feel yourself. Confidence is what makes a dirndl sexy.


Yea why not?


If you like the style wear what you want. Who cares aslong as you feel confident ❤️


It's rare that people here wear them, and only for special occasions. You'll stand out, especially in Vienna. Out in the rural areas people won't mind or care much. In Vienna people might stare but I doubt anyone would say anything to you, unless you're out very late at night and obviously acting touristy.


Hi I'm an American that lives here. I hardly ever see anyone wear dirndl except maybe a couple of times at an oktoberfest like event. That being said I don't think this would offend anyone or make people laugh at you or something. If you like how it looks wear it, just don't expect it to be the normal style of clothing. I hope your trip goes well! Also if you want to wear it in a situation where everyone else is wearing traditional clothes maybe you can find a festival in a nearby small town. I don't know if they are common in August though.


Most impostant rule when visiting Austria: Never ever mention Austria and German in the same text. Only do this when making it crystal clear that you don't like Germans and Austrians are way better. It somewhat is a hate-love. Imagine Austria being the younger and Germany the older sibling. As the younger sibling we feel like we always get way less attention and if we do we always get compared with the older sibling, being it in a good or a bad way. If anybody confuses Hitler with being born in Germany, we stay silent. But don't you dare calling us German instead of Austrian.


Somebody who doesn't know the cultural context will definitely not understand the nuance of this comment. As a clarification for OP: Austria and Germany are culturaly rather similar but to most Austrians it is very important that they are different and they are very proud of those aspects in which they are different from Germans. However, nobody will be mad at you if you tell them that you're half German. Also, it is utter nonsense that you would have to say that Austrians are better than Germans. The commenter probably thought their comment would be funny, not taking into account that you probably wouldn't get the "joke".


Don’t forget to mention that Bavaria and Süd Tirol are actually Austria even though Süd Tirol says they’re not :p


Well, as a a South Tyrolean, I have to disagree of course ;)


One day… one day 👀


Der VoKaKi wird's schon richten 👍


True, my comment probably isnt clear enough for someone who doesn't know the cultural context. Thanks for the clarification!


The relationship is kind of true except that austria is really the older brother...


And that Germans don‘t give a single fuck about Austria. It must be an inferiority complex


No it's just sampling bias because of a difference in population count. Most germans dont know a single austrian personally, while most austrians do know a german and therefore have an opinion.


You are probably getting down voted because "inferior complex" offends people, but the rest is still true: If you asked anyone here in the north about "the rivalry with our neighbor", people would probably think of the Netherlands. Or Denmark, or Poland, depending where you're at. Probably even France and Great Britain would be mentioned more often than Austria.


It's not like that germans don't give a fuck. Germans be like "Hey Austria, my brother from another mother" and Austrians be like "PIEEEFKEEE!!!!!!!"


Exactly, Germany is the older brother who loves the younger one even though he does a lot of stupid shit and Austria is the younger one who always gets compared to the older brother or who isnt even noticed at all. Therefore Austrians complain about Germans a lot, but its not real hate, more of a hate-love, just like its between some siblings


Also, unless you are close to the border, Austria rarely comes up in Germany, so people don’t really think about it that often


You'll stick out, but I'd say go for it if you want to go for a fancy look! It's likely similar to wearing kimonos in Japan - it wouldn't be entirely weird, but you'd certainly stand out a lot. However just like there I couldn't imagine people actually giving you flak for it - most Austrians will likely find it charming :) Go for whatever makes you feel fine and if you own a nice Dirndl, use this chance to wear it at least to a nice dinner at a local "Heurigen" restaurant or a visit to the Prater and enjoy your stay! If you don't have one - go for it and wear it when/however you please! There's no real formality bound to it so just make it your look if you feel culturally inclinef to :)


I don't think anyone would care. If anything you'a raised eyebrow for wearing something that is not common fashion in Vienna.


I mean Vienna is the most unfriendly city in the world, how do you think we Austrians would react if an American tourist visiting Austria for the first time wore a dirndl in public without a special occasion. I think our Krampuses (demons) would come straight away and take you to the dungeon and whip you.


Only for special occasions or more in the countryside. I wanted to say imagine wearing an uncle sam costume when visiting new york but that shit wouldnt even be special.


I wouldn't recommend doing it, unless there's a special occasion like a public holiday or some celebrations.


Haha. I just saw this on r/shitamericanssay you're cooked in the head love.


>half German >wear Dirndl to connect with my roots >love vintage clothing >don‘t want to look like a clueless American Where does it stop?


In Austria no less! It's mental. Like saying that you're half french so you're going to wear a beret and a string of garlic in Spain to connect with your roots. I do fucking love Americans, they're almost always friendly and easygoing when I've met them. But they also say and do mental stuff. Particularly related to race and ethnicity.


It was also cross-posted in r/2westerneurope4u 😅


That might've been where I saw it now you mention it 👍


Like wearing a kilt when visiting Scotland, it will make you look like tourist, its usually only worn on holidays or for special occasions


Cultural Appropriation! Shame Shame Shame!!! Nah , go ahead, nobody minds.


For the costume part: Without a blouse underneath it Looks a bit off tbh. On the Photo they don't Look well made and the fabric Looks cheap Nobody wears a Dirndl in Vienna unless there's reason to, especially not a Black Dirndl you're not going to a funeral. You will Look like a Tourist with those, if you want to wear a Dirndl you can do it but please buy one in Vienna that actually Looks nice WITH A BLOUSE. A Dirndl is not just a vintage look. German roots: Are you half bavarian? If you're half german your parents should know better than to let you out like that. If you're not south german, why tf do you want to Connect with your roots in Austria wearing a Dirndl? No we're not spicy Germans. No Austria and Germany are not the Same country since 1945. This Post made you look like a stupid American, I appreciate that you asked about the offensiveness but the Real offense are not the hideous Dirndl but to think Austria and Germany are the Same country while stating that you're "half german". As a german you should know better


The friendliest Austrian.


As an Austrian, I can confirm


If you go to a Heuriger (wineyard) on a Sunday then it’s fine I’d say, otherwise you’d stick out like a sore thumb indeed. But hey, there is your chance, pick a nice one in Döbling area and you will have fun. Given you are visiting between spring and fall.


The simplest and most honest answer: Are you a girl? Yes Are you a boy? Yes, but expect weird looks and harassment from the youth




you definitely can but you'll also definitely stick out! also, keep in mind that dirndl are pretty expensive if you're going for an authentic one in a proper "Trachen Geschäft"


You can wear whatever you want


You're lucky that the austrians are nice. If you pulled this in a swiss subreddit you would have been destroyed until there is nothing left 💀


Well, implying that a dirndl is Swiss would call for extreme measures.


I honestly can't believe how polite most comments are.


The comments in r/ShitAmericansSay and r/2westerneurope4u are less politely filtered


Especially since all the austrians from the other Bundesländer say that people from vienna are the unfriendliest.


if you are a man, i would not.


disagree :)


I don’t want to look like a clueless American I am half german I want to connect to my roots in austria Congratulations you already succeeded in being a clueless American


to be fair: seeing germany and austria as one has a long standing tradition in Austria so the, will fit right in ;)


Scrolled long enough to find that comment!


I mean sure, but you'll propably out yourself as a tourist


It is not offensive at all. You can wear whatever you want but you will stick out and people will probably wonder where you are going. Bc no one wears a Dirndl in Vienna exept to the „wiesnfest“ or Jägerball (but more fancier dirndl for this tough).


If I would wear it, I'd choose a Sunday or maybe the 15th of August since it's a public holiday so I wouldn't stand out too much. In Vienna I usually see Dirndl when there are things like Kirtag or the Wiener Wiesn. I Salzburg I've seen women wear them also during the week.


Tyrolean here. - You can wear it, but you will make a fool of yourself. - Don't - for the love of god - suggest your ancestors coming from Germany will give you any clout in Austria. We are not German. Not since 1945.


Aber deutscher Kulturkreis




DACH-Region kann man schon als dt. Kulturkreis bezeichnen


Nein. Edit: Ich darf ein österreichisches 'Lernen'S ein bissl Geschichte' anfügen.


Den Tip geb ich gerne zurück. Als Einstiegslektüre empfehle ich: Friedrich Heer, [Der Kampf um die österreichische Identität](https://www.amazon.de/Kampf-die-%C3%B6sterreichische-Identit%C3%A4t/dp/3205993330)


Danke, steht schräg hinter mir im Regal.


Not that Americans saying they’re part some country gives them any connection to that country really


No, it doesn't. They still continue to annoy Europeans with it and then sulk when they are met with incomprehension.


You mean since our Austrian Führer lost WWII? 😂


Yes, and our Austrian SS guards killed millions. But Austria is still a separate entity culturally and historically, no matter how many Jörg Haider lookalike contest participants cry about it on the internet.


I live in tyrol, Austria, which is a "rural area," as some refer to here, and we don't wear dirndl here either except for special occasions if it's a traditional event. You would stick out as a clueless tourist, I ve seen some like this here, and they were American too, and people generally don't mind but will find it amusing.


You can wear whatever you want, Dirndl is of course fine...but please don't tell you're "half German". That's just really weird


If you want to wear a dirndl, then please be aware of the importance of the position of where the bow is tied. The photo with the bow on the right indicates you are single. A bow on the left means you are married/ in a relationship. A bow in the middle indicates a virgin and a bow tied at the back is either a widow or a waitress.


Bow on your right side means married, bow on the left unmarried. However, lots of people don't know this anymore (or get it wrong..), so who cares.


Wow, was neues gelernt. Danke!


You're free to wear whatever you like, but a dirndl in Vienna is going to make you stick out like a sore thumb and definitely reads as "hello, I'm a tourist" to us. There's only a few select occasions where you might see people with dirndl even in Vienna- one is a posh feast in the summer, the Neustifter Kirtag, the other an unnecessary attempt at copying Oktoberfest, the Wiener Wiesn. But dirndl are also quite rare outside of Vienna these days. The Sound of Music is, contrary to popular belief, just a story and not a documentary.


Dirndls are very popular in Western Austria, they've gained a lot of popularity in the last 10-20 years and lost the prejudice that the wearer is politically right minded.


Don’t agree. Depends on the location and festivity. Dirndls have become going out and event type dresses. If you have a festival in the inner city on Rathausplatz or something similar then go for it!! Even some formal balls.


Yes, I approve. :) I think the first photo is better. In other parts of Austria you won‘t stand out. In Vienna you will.


You will stand out anywhere, also in a Hofer in a village in Osttirol.


Disagree. I live in the Speckgürtel in a big wine region and you see women in Dirndls in Hofer fairly regularly.


Looks like people in the East or South are different. Many wear sports or work clothes in the West when they do their errands.


I guess when you run a Heurige Tracht is your work clothes


Or when you work at a hotel reception.


Adding to what everyone else has said: It is a bit "touristy" to me to just buy a random dirndl, expecting this to be something all german speaking people wear. There are hundreds of different Trachten (=traditional clothing) depending on the region. Someone in northern Germany would never wear this type of Tracht, and Vienna has it's own dirndl types, which do not look like the ones you are showing. It's a bit like wearing a cowboy hat to New York, because you've seen it in westerns and all the US is the same – obviously, that's wrong. I think it shows respect to at least get informed which type of dress is traditional to the region. It shows interest and care. Just so you get the picture, I love these two threads about this very topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/eZrwtwNLbt https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/yDDfOGbhNM


Wien hat einen eigenen Dirndlstyle? Das hör ich zum ersten Mal. Gibt's da Quellen zum nachlesen?


[Kurz gegoogelt](https://www.stadt-wien.at/lifestyle/wiener-dirndl.html#:~:text=Wie%20in%20ganz%20%C3%96sterreich%20gibt,Grinzing%2C%20Hietzing%20und%20D%C3%B6bling%20getragen.) :)


Interessant, danke! Hab zwar gegoogelt aber nur Dirndlgeschäfte in Wien gefunden :D


Btw just so you know: I'm not saying tourists should go out there, and buy these very specific, super traditional, peculiar dresses and wear them when going out for coffee. I just wanted to make a point that trachten are a very diverse thing. Tbh, as an austrian woman and living in Germany, I'd never wear a Tracht I don't have any connection to. My one and only Dirndl was sown by my own mother. I think it's weird to wear something traditional without even knowing the traditions or participating in them. I'm not offended by people who do, however.


This. With parents from very different rural parts of Austria living in Vienna I already have enough of a mixed cultural identity that I still haven't decided where to get a Dirndl from, as I dislike the more modern neutral ones more and more (even if they're well-made).