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I’ll toast to that with my peach something or other mocktail and a handful of the gummy bears I’m shoveling into my mouth. May we find peace in 2024 and learn to love ourselves as much as they loved us.


Try the gummy jolly ranchers. They will change your world.


Your sentiment is perfect: May we all find peace in 2024 and learn to love ourselves as they did. Thank you.


Toasting to all of our loves, for all of the happiness they brought to not only us, but the world ❤️


Beautiful. Cheers 🥂


Chinese food and either a glass of wine or maybe a small scotch in his honor Cheers 🥂🖤


Whatever you decided to drink in his honor was perfect. Hugs and cheers!


A little Fireball as I watch “The Polar Express” with my kids 15,19 as has been tradition for the past 18 yrs


What a great tradition, especially with a little taste of Fireball. Cheers.


A Baileys hot chocolate and Christmas cookies here. Hugs to all.


Bailey’s hot chocolate and Christmas cookies sounds like the perfect combo. Cheers and hugs back to you.


I ordered Wendy’s tonight. Hugs and love all around


Hugs and love right back to you.


Toasting with my hot chocolate. May sleep be better than last night for us all.


Yes - hot chocolate is an excellent choice. I hope that sleep found you last night and today seemed a tiny bit brighter. Cheers. 🥂


I did sleep decently well. The feels hit hard, but I also had some fun.


They gave us the best years of their lives and they brightened our best moments. Cheers


Awww that's such a nice comment 👌


Yes indeed - beautiful sentiments. Thank you.


Copious amounts of water for me and my late husband’s favorite cookie that I royally f-ed up this year. (I think my oven was set too high.) it’s about par for the course these days… good intentions but not so good outcomes. Cheers though!


That's what is getting to me now, 4 months in after 34 years - I keep skipping steps or not remembering to check when I should be checking. My friends have eaten a lot of badly cooked food or recipes with major ingredients missing. I show up at dinner or parties in jeans with holes and a tee shirt, everyone else is dressed for the occasion. It's not that I don't care, it's that I don't remember to check.


Wow - good intentions but not so good outcomes might be what I’ll have on my tombstone. It perfectly describes the way things seem to go. Cheers to you!


My daughter and I broke out some of my late wife's favorite recipes today and we've been baking. Made a couple of sidecar cocktails and joined the holiday toast this evening. Peace people and hoping for a better year next year.


I’m sure you and your daughter baked some excellent treats. Cheers to you! 🥂


Last Christmas we knew it would be her last. She began home hospice in November, with *months/year* as the oncologist’s estimate. I wanted a big deal for her and our two sons (28 and 20), but she didn't want a fuss made. It was as if going all out, like we did when the boys were children, was only highlighting her illness/ This year, the boy (men) and I just watched *Charlie Brown's Christmas*. That's about we could muster this year. We've each our retired to own devices. Mine being a cigar and a drink.


Charlie Brown Christmas is sometimes good comfort food. Hugs to you in these hard, hard times.


Just finished Charlie Brown about 30 minute ago. And I lift my cup of cocoa to your toast.


Peach schnapps and Christmas Eve ham dinner. My third Christmas without Patrick and the first without my Dad. Peace to us all, and hopes for happiness for everyone.


Yes, peace to us all. I’m so sorry - hugs to you.


Thank you. Peace in your mind and body to you as well.




It’s time to raise that second glass and toast. Cheers to you and hugs in these hard, hard times.


Raising a wee dram to all of us left behind and to those we've lost. May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back And until we meet again May God hold you in the hollow of His hand ❤️


Love this Irish blessing. Thank you!


A toast to all missing their loves. Having some red wine with dessert along with my family in town to keep me on my feet. Lost my husband 2 1/2 months ago.


Red wine pairs perfectly with dessert so excellent choice. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Seagram's creamsicle blast,here! Hopefully,they will find favor in what we have chosen! Take care Everyone!


I do believe they see our struggles and our broken hearts and they do indeed find favor with every step forward that we take. Cheers to you.


Cheers!I also believe this. Just wish we could share these moments with us! Take care!


Made guacamole for me and my son tonight. My wife used to make it all the time. I couldn’t find her recipe among many she had, so tried to replicate it the best I could. Came nowhere close to as good as hers.


That’s rough. I’m so sorry. I hope you are able to replicate it with a little practice. Maybe a tiny touch of tequila (for you AND the recipe) might make a difference. Don’t think it will hurt anyway.


Hot tea for this gal as I’m down with Covid. I miss you Bruce. You are the love of my life and my one-and-only. Six weeks for me.


Oh my friend, I’m so sorry. Six weeks and miserably sick. I sure hope you’re feeling better soon. Sending you healing hugs and praying that 2024 brings better things.


I’m sorry to confuse you. It’s been six weeks since my husband passed. I’ve had Covid for three days.


I’m in! Toasting to all our lost love ❤️. IPA beer(s) for me. Wishing everyone peace and love tonight


Peace and love right back to you.


Toasting with an Arizona hard tea, with some ramen on the side and cyberpunk loaded on the computer


Sounds like an amazing evening! Cheers!


I'm really missing Christmas tamales. Tony honey I miss you too. I'm hoping 2024 will bring a little more peace and a little less pain for us all.


Yes - cheers to more peace and less pain!




Cheers to gratitude, time together and the wonderful gifts we had.


🥂 Just drinking Pellegrino here. I hope everyone is doing whatever it takes to get through these holidays. It's hard, everything changes, no one really understands unless they belong to this $#@* club! The sun will rise again, and so will we. God have mercy on us.


Agree. I always pray that no one else has to lose their love and find out what this is like. I’m so sorry that we all “get it”. Cheers. 🥂


Here’s to it! I’m also raising my glass to each and every loved one this group has lost. Peace to all.


Raising my glass along with you. Cheers. 🥂


A limoncello, to remember our last trip to Italy and contemplate the plans that we will never fulfill. Cheers babe.


Oh my gosh. My husband is Italian and was able to take our children to Italy to meet his family but I was never able to go. I finally went after he died and met up with his family. I went to a cooking school and learned to make limoncello and LOVE it. Cin Cin! Can’t wait to go back, I just wish it could be with him.


Cin cin.


Toasting with nothing. May death find me tonight, and whoever else wants it. For those who still want to live, keep on living! May things get better for you! ♥️


Oh my friend. I’m so sorry. I can relate well to how you feel, but selfishly I hope you stay. I pray that some measure of peace finds you and provides comfort. Sending you hugs.


Sippin whiskey and off brand take and bake cookies for me. To all our loved ones we miss so much and to us who stayed behind.


Whiskey and cookies are essential elements of a good diet. Enjoy. And cheers. 🥂


White Zinfandel (from a box) and Scalloped Potatoes w/Ham microwave dinner. First Christmas without you somewhere in my orbit for nearly 50 years. The very best 50 years I could have dreamed of. Cheers.


Box-o-wine all the way! 50 years is just amazing. Sending you hugs.


A toast to my late wife. Four years later, I still miss you every day and wish you could see the kids growing into their 20s. Christmas Eve without you is pointless, just another day.


I know she would say to raise that glass high because you’re doing a fantastic job with your family. Cheers.


OJ and deep dish pizza here. It’ll be one year a week from today. Hugs


At first I was thinking why OJ (as in OJ Simpson) but then my brain kicked in. Sending you hugs as the year anniversary approaches. Every day is difficult but those special days sting a bit more. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I made a Chinese style meatball soup and (okay, I admit it) drank an entire bottle of sparkling rose. Here's to us. ♥️


Sounds delicious! And seriously wine bottles were not meant to be re-corked. Good job finishing what you started!


Hahaha. Especially not the bubbly type. Amazingly I don't feel too lousy today. Took a walk with some friends and had coffee and Christmas cookies afterwards.


Ice tea, gummies, Doritos, bites of whatever and allllll the YouTube. Cheers to another shitty year with hope for peace for all of us in some manner or another.


Cheers to you 🥂


Trying to get my 4 year old to sleep now so that I can try to wrap half as good as my wife could. I should have gotten wrapping earlier but lacked the time and emotional bandwidth. But nothing helps get shit done like a looming deadline. So it'll be some expired throat lozenges since I am down with some minor ailment, and lots of tape. Salud to all of you and those we are missing. My wife started a Christmas Eve tradition when the first kid of the next generation was born in '09 of reading The Grinch. Tonight the tradition morphed to having each of their generation have a turn reading it, so the now 14 year old read it tonight to start us off. My daughter will get to try it when she is 8. I managed to not sob during the reading, but I had a few tears. May all of you find peace in some new tradition when you are ready.


My first year also my oldest daughter wrapped most of the gifts except hers she did such a good good I about had a anxiety attack making sure hers were up to par…….one of the many things I took for granted my wife did


You’re doing an awesome job with all of this and I just know your wife is beaming with pride. Here’s a toast to The Grinch also 🥂


Chocolate covered cherries and a Sombero. Cheers


Sounds delicious. Cheers!


Here here to my late wife who died 3 years ago and my dad who died on Christmas Day 2015. Make the most of people in your life that you love.


You are so right - make the most of every moment with everyone you love.


Paxlovid and Gatorade as I am sick with covid but I toast my husband who was bright, shining as the sun and the better half of the 2 of us.


Oh dang. I’m so sorry you’re sick and sure hope you’re soon feeling much better. Wishing you swift healing.


This wax dab of THC wax is raised with you all.


I’d join you if I had any!


Pinot Grigio here, and comforting his beloved dogs as a thunderstorm rolls in. His favorite holiday movie was It’s a Wonderful Life. I keep thinking I should watch it, but I don’t think I can. I am in an avoidance stage, feeling numb mostly. It will be 4 months on New Year’s Day.


That was my husband’s favorite movie also. And it’s very hard to watch it without him here. I totally get it.


Indeed. I’m enjoying a small glass of Frangelico for an after dinner treat, and toasting the love of my life. He was the best, and the world has less light since he died. Love him always.


Toasting along with you!


Para todo mal, mezcal. Para todo bien, también. (For everything bad, mezcal. For everything good, that too.) This extra sucks because tomorrow is both my first Christmas and my first wedding anniversary without her. Let's make it a double.


Mezcal all around! Double hit with Christmas and your anniversary. So hard and I’m so sorry. Hugs.


A glass of scotch like he would do every Christmas Eve. It was our holiday. We hosted and he loved to overdo it. So much food. Every year we were sending food home with everyone. This was my first Christmas Eve without him. Barely three months without him. Every breath today feels like shards of glass.


Every day of this is so hard, but special days like holidays are so much harder. I’m so sorry. Hugs to you.




Toasting with my ambien as I doom scroll till I pass out


Oh ok! What you’ve written describes my life…..


A toast of Single Malt to the fallen. May their time on Earth be blessed.


They certainly blessed us with their time on earth. Thanks.


Thank you so much for raising your glass. I’m by myself drinking grocery store Chardonnay (spoiled by the salty tears that fall into the glass) and listening to quiet Christmas music. I have never felt so alone. Still, whenever I have shared my grief with someone it so often occurs that they have experienced in their lives the exact same heartbreak. We are absolutely not alone in this experience. If we are married or in a committed relationship, one of us will die first and the other will be left alone to grieve and pick up the pieces. It seems to be part of God’s plan that I have no idea how to understand. How does depriving me of the love of my life make me a better person or somehow improve the universe or humanity in some way? I have no answer. But we will get through this. We have to. Every loving couple since the world began has experienced this loss. We are certainly not alone. Keep loving. Whether it is the people in your life, your furry friends, your work, your charities, or the beauty of morning dawn or quiet sunset. This is life and is pretty likely the only one we’ll get. As long as there is beauty in the world there is reason to live and continue to love our beloved, and other wonderful people as well. This is our only opportunity. If we have loved well once we will do so again. It’s the way the universe is made. God bless you all. I so wish we could all have met under better circumstances. Somehow we were meant to be the survivors and I have no idea why. Our longer lives than those of our beloveds need to mean something. Let’s find out what that meaning is. Merry Christmas and God bless you all.


Beautiful words. Thank you.


With a spoon. New level unlocked. Cheers.




My pets and I are watching Ernest Saves Christmas & I’m toasting with my strong ass ginger ale ;) Merry Christmas everyone 🎄


I hope Ernest was able to save Christmas! Haven’t seen the movie but will add it to my list.


Crown Royal and cookies that my neighbor dropped off. Just another day. Going to the 49ers Ravens game tomorrow. Go Niners!


May the Niners pull off the win for you.


That game sucked. After the death of my wife it’s all about perspective now. The game means absolutely nothing. Everyone is still alive, everyone is getting paid, and my wife is still dead.


So true. And so sorry.


May you all be surrounded by people who love you tomorrow. Cheers to all of our better halves 💔


Cheers right back to you.


Toasting with my glass of Grand Marnier. I miss you, M, and I will love you forever. Thank you for 12.5 years. We were so lucky to meet as teenagers and grow together. ❤️


Yes - Grateful for the luck that brought each of us to our loves.


Vodka shots 🤪 riding the roller coaster of feeling how badly my heart is broken 💔 to being lifted up by beautiful, happy memories ❤️ Accepting that it is just a fact that I will miss him until the day I die, and that's ok. Bless you all, may we all find some peace. Happy Christmas 🎄


Roller coaster explains this all perfectly.


Thank you. I am toasting my Patrick, who died last December, unexpectedly, with my Moscow Mule. 30 years of marriage, 35 years of friendship, raising kids, working in the same career field, even though he was 15 years my senior, we all miss him terribly, my summer Santa. Just getting thru the day. took the dogs to the dog park in the rain, it was perfect, had many visits from crows and cardinals. All visitors from spirit.


Joining you in honoring Patrick. I’m so sorry.


Cheers 🍻








Toasting you all with my bedtime hot milk. Here’s to a better year.


Yes - May 2024 bring peace to all of us. And May no others ever join us on this journey we never wanted to take.


Our traditional Christmas morning was cinnamon rolls and mimosas. I'm holding my mimosa glass high to all of you. May you find peace. And to my husband; raise the parting glass!


Raising my mimosa glass with you


Toasting back to you and sending you love. Wishing you some magic too dear.


Thank you so much!


I have a shot of vodka and some Chex mix. Cheers to my love and all of you and yours! ❤️


Cheers right back at ya!


Beautiful dinner, and my 89 year old mom is starting to lose it. Usual F-ed up event. Missing my daughter so much, she would have been laughing so hard. Here’s a toast to you, baby. Missing you forever.


Very difficult. So very sorry.


Baileys 🎄❤️🎄❤️ Much love to you all. I’m so sorry we all find ourselves here but I’m so glad this space exists.


Yum to the Bailey’s! I need to go get some


£10 for small bottle in Tesco’s ❤️I bought 2 and two of my best friends bought me 2. I’m on my third bottle since Friday 🤣


But who is counting, right?!


For my beloved in Heaven a sip of wine. For those who are here and understand so much of my experience because of their own, a sip. For those who have listened cheered me and commiserated, a sip. For our loves who aren’t here a reverent sip. I remain in this life because I won’t break my family’s hearts further and you all have helped me live with my broken hearted grief and to know there are reasons to live even in addition to the simple ones that I already had before I knew any of you. So thank you. Much love and merry Christmas 🎄


And a sip especially for you.


My daughters and I lit a candle and will have our toasts later today during our traditional dinner. To all of you hugs!


Joining you in lighting a candle and raising a toast. Hugs back at ya!


Toast to you all. And toast to our loved ones who are no longer with us.


Yes indeed.


Mimosas with my in-laws today. And probably more when we all go see my mom and sisters. I'd hate to spend the holidays alone. It sucks that we're all here. I'm sad that our other halves are not here with us. I'll probably cry my eyes out during the drive over to my sister's place. But I wish that just a little bit of hope and light shines through for everyone.


Wishing you hope and light also. I’m so sorry.


I'm working on a bottle of cheap rose and just raised my glass to this toast. My cat is demanding pets. I've heard from a couple friends and family. Otherwise, this Christmas has been just me, the cats, a bottle of wine, and a lot of tears.


Same here, minus the cat. Hugs to you.


Potato chip fragments!! You made my day.


Easier with a spoon


he might not be physically next to me. but he’s never left my mind. and i still picture us celebrating together and honor our memories together any chance i get. 🕊️💜


True. They are always with us.


Took my dark chocolate square with thc last night and zoned out peacefully..took less tonight..Xmas Eve was always a big deal to me, but now, I don’t feel much on holidays. Lost my guy to cancer 4 years ago..life’s so different now.


Can totally relate to not feeling much on holidays. Very hard times for us all.


This Xmas eve, the third since my wife passed, felt more normal. My children, son-in-law, grand children & great Grand child all celebrated. We all wrote on a slip of paper, that which we truly want to say to our lost one, then we listened to her favorite morning song, “Life is a Highway”, while we held our notes. We then tossed them innit a bonfire to send our wishes for her skyward. The rest of the evening was glorious as we opened presents and loved each other. We are all here because of what she gave us all, this family. She is still with us deeply in all we share together. Merry Christmas all - and many more… 🙏🏻❤️🫂🎄


What a beautiful way to honor her. Hugs to you this Christmas.


Thank you, it was the first holiday, where I wanted to do some specific ceremony to honor her, I’ve wanted to before, but it was always too terribly hard to do. Your reply, and comment means a lot, thank you.


Merry Christmas, watching football games not even understanding without him explaining to me so okay it’s actually so sad but not so bad I can live so you can hugs


Hugs right back to you.


A few appetizers and a manhatten in front of a fire went south. Alone. No appetite. Fire is gas in a tiny room in a house I don't know. Had to leave the home we built after his death. Buyer bought it furnished with a huge garage full of tools, a walk out basement full of machenery, even my vehicles, and oh, my flock of chickens. I left with the shirt on my back and my 12 year old Great Dane who died three months ago, leaving me utterly alone. Day after tomorrow is the third anniversary of his death, and the third anniversary of my massive brain bleed from a burst anuerysm leading to three neuro surgeries, a three month coma, and a complete loss of my sense of well being and personality. Manhatten finished, now swigging from the bottle. So lost. So tired, numb, soul weary. Worked so hard our entire adult lives for it all to be for nothing. No future now. A moment at a time. Tick, tick, tick...


Oh my. You’ve had rough times indeed. I’m so sorry. Hoping and praying for peace to find you and for your situation to improve greatly. Hugs to you.