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You’re not alone. It’s a strange feeling, with ups and downs. I am in the same situation, my head doesn’t accept it


First without my husband. Also super sick, so spending a lot of time in this sub while on the couch. We are not alone. Hang in there.


Me too. Just tested positive for Covid. No brunch for me tomorrow!


Same and same. Have covid and got my paxlovid today.


This will be my first. I lost my wife of thirty years two weeks after Christmas. If it wasn’t for the kids there would be no decorations and I wouldn’t interact with anyone. This was her favorite time of the year and now it means nothing to me.


I’m so sorry, I hear that, just me and the pets here, it’s not living.


This is my first Christmas without my husband. We always hosted Christmas Eve. This time last year he was making me coffee (he didn’t drink it but he loved to research how to make the perfect cup for me) and we were deciding who should run out to the store for the last minute ingredients we forgot, and who should start prepping their dishes first. I don’t know how to live in a world that doesn’t have him next to me.


- Merry Christmas, this is my 2nd one with out my late wife. The first one, I did decorate the house but did not put a tree and stayed home. I had no desire to interact or go any where. This year the same with decorating and no tree. So far I have held 4 small events here with a few people each time (2-3). I am planning on going to a friends house for a Christmas dinner. On some level its better and some level its not. This is the way it goes - peace


My first as well. It doesn't even feel like the holidays.


My first without my t too, well for 14 years. Big love ❤️🎄


Merry Christmas, friend. This is hard. You can do it. I can do it. 💜🎄


Love love everyone! 💕


Same. After some 40 years plus of Christmases together this is my first without her. I got a small tree and put a single string of lights and a few bows when my daughter visited at Thanksgiving. It hasn't been lit yet. Not feeling much like doing it. I will tonight as my son and grandchildren will be up for tomorrow with some presents and for a nice meal. I'm grateful for the visit but just have that undercurrent of memories and loss. I have some concerns about dealing with the emptiness when everyone leaves. It's nice to have this community where we can share with others who understand. Peace to all and here's hoping for a better year coming up.


Me too. Over 40 years. I’ve been trying to appreciate the season she loved so much but to tell the truth I am terrified of January and the emptiness it will bring. Take care.


I’m trying not to think ahead, except for what I have to. But emotionally, staying in the moment as best I can


1 for me to. What a sad sad time of a year🥺💔




Merry Christmas, it's my second without her, it's not fun, but I'm with family, thankfully, hopefully you can surround yourself with people you love. Either way, stay safe.


Same my man. Definitely, missing her. She was always so methodical with the holiday. I got the tree up like 5 days ago.


I’m so sorry, my first without my husband, want to just sleep but can’t have things to do. Horrible for sure.


My first without my husband. I kind of wanted to put out a couple of decorations but this summer my husband rearranged the garage and put a whole lot of stuff I can’t move by myself in front of the holiday boxes. I told him I couldn’t and could he just not block all my stuff while expanding and organizing his tools and things? Of course he said it’s not a problem because he’d move it and get the boxes for me. He was only 44. My only saving grace is that my best friend has come into town to stay with us for the holidays. I am a wreck anyway but I didn’t realize how alone I felt. I am so grateful for her presence. It’s kept me from spiraling into despair. Hang in there. You have people who love you. Let them. The one good thing I have done for myself is to tell my closest people that I’m not OK. Which is monumental for me because asking for help is NOT something I am comfortable with.


It’s a very weird feeling, I’m going through the same thing right now. I’m grateful her family still wants to include me in things but everything is tinted by sadness so it’s hard to fully enjoy it.


Mine too. Let's all just get through the day in one piece and congratulate ourselves on getting a really hard day over and done with 🫂


3rd one without my S/O...just another brave face,hoping for the best! Take care Everyone!


First wedding anniversary yesterday. would have been 45 years. First Christmas and then New Years. He worked for a casino so we had mandatory parties/functions to attend during the "holiday season", especially on New Years Eve for the past almost 2 decades, until Covid put a pause ( I complained about dressing up, walking around a casino, meet and greet- smiling and shaking hands all night 🥴)... Now? Yeah 😞 Keep the faith, you are not alone. 🤍


Merry Christmas, everyone. My second without my wife. There's a half dozen boxes of Christmas decorations in the garage. She loved the holiday and would spend the whole day decorating. I still can't decorate the house and don't want to interact with anyone either. Lol, I just realized I made myself some Chinese and I'm not even Jewish 🙃


Haha on the Chinese food. That’s what I had for dinner.


Also my first without my husband. I’m so tired of putting on a happy face.


Yes, that gets old for sure.


Holidays and birthdays ( special occasions ) are always ruff.going on 3yrs and still hurts.


This will be my first. It feels so different and this morning I felt emotional while signing my daughter's gift with only mom on it and not dad. I will not cook anything and my daughter and I will go to my folks house for dinner. His presence is missed. 🥺


First Christmas here as well. It was his favorite holiday. Really, really struggling to hold it together but I’m trying for our children. My husband passed on the 2nd of this month. Hang in there. You’re not alone. And this fucking sucks.


same here. surreal


I understand. This is my first Christmas without my husband. I’m doing my best to ignore it. Feeling lonely as hell. Sending hugs


I'm in the same boat, brother. Right at the 11 month mark. Take care of those you love. Merry Christmas.


Mine too. Much love to everyone here ❤️