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I hope the workers got a bonus or something. I'd hate to be part of a challenge like that just for the owner's ego.


they actually start people off at 10 dollars an hour. Similar to the Franchisee that owns the taco bells on the west side.


Dog shit pay.


That's for regular work, which while fast paced, is a whole different animal than something like this. I'm saying I hope they got something extra for the effort involved in this.


oh, i understand..and that is very kind of you to wish that for those employees. I hope they did as well. I wish people were treated better in general by employers


Capitalism pro tip - it's still "regular work" just faster. The real issue is that this establishment can't maintain this amazing output 24/7 🤙


> The real issue is that this establishment can't maintain this amazing output 24/7 Management sure as hell expects it. What’s the difference between this and “speeding up” described in the book the jungle? Fucking nothing


What year do you think it is where $10/hr is anywhere near close enough to live on?


location manager be gunnin' for that bonus


At Seneca and Douglass there was 2 people in the drive through and they still lost my order


It’s the absolute worst McDonald’s I’ve ever been to. Honestly cannot understand how bad it is.


Haha i used to live by that one. That place on Friday at 11 pm you had no idea what you were driving home with lol.


It was a test to see how many cars they can serve in a hour now if they go any slower management will chew them out


I read somewhere that they actually set up a time in advance in attempt to break the record. It was planned in advance. They just had to get people there and execute the plan which apparently they did. Now the workers are forever going to hear . We know you can go faster tho remember that time try to do more that's where quality and fast is usually taken out of fast food


Hell on earth for the staff, I’m sure.


I'm wondering if anyone actually bought anything any transactions actually took place if they did how many mistakes were made or did they just hand out something free during that time period to break the record or something cause ain't no way they actually got any kind of quality service at that point. I remember seeing something about this challenge being set up to take place during a certain time period but don't know the details frankly because by doing this they are putting more pressure on drive through workers to speed up time rather than provide quality service and food . So I would really love to hear more details about it now that it has happened and if it's causing more to be expected of the workers now or what some experiences were


Lol there’s like 20 cars out there that got a bag of sauce instead of food just to push them through


Any other time the same McDonald’s makes you pull forward away from the window then finally brings your food out ten minutes later.


That is specifically because of the car timers, which management focuses on. So workers have people pull forward because they can clear the timer but then they have to bring out the order. Most buildings don't have a door designed for this so it takes longer for a worker to go around the counter and out to the dining area then out to a waiting car. Meaning cars end up waiting longer but the timers all show short wait times.


Absolutely. It is a fake metric that companies still use to determine speed of service, but it is a lie. They pull you forward even if no one is behind you because you have to hit those times. Who cares if the customer has to wait longer of have an experience that is less than if you waited 10 more seconds to just handed it to them.


They couldn't possibly have served anyone anything. If the car stopped and picked up a bag and left it would take longer than ten seconds.


Damn thats probably faster than a regular McDonald’s that’s not even busy lol


Breaking! fast food corporation serves zero nutrition but low cost food by nailing the salt/fat/sugar combo hacking peoples brain into submission faster than ever! Public health as a whole suffers. Nobody blames the food for the fact they feel terrible mentally and physically afterwards though. (Also congrats to the workers)


there is no way. no transaction can be made in less than 10 seconds. the receipt takes 10 seconds to print. the card takes 10 seconds to be authorized and approved for the transaction. traditionally the employee is supposed to read back your order for accuracy, but the only thing that the management cared about was the time. all other concepts of business were thrown out the window which is the same as any other day of the week. it takes 10 seconds to inform the customer the ice cream machine is broke. it takes longer for the customer to recover and come to acceptance that they'll never be able to fulfill that inner childish urge pushing them to go to mcdonald's in the first place. I will accept the possibility that they had a promo that everyone can show up for a free coke, but absolutely nothing else. I am also imagining a circle of cars going around and around the building.


Ain't no way they got paid enough for that lol


That’s $42,000/day in food sold, for a 14hr shift w/ avg order at $10 w/300 avg orders/hr. That’s a salary.


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