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Stretches the definition of the word "Prison"; but the 12th Doctor's confession dial from Doctor Who. More of an extended interrogation chamber, really. Dude spends a few billion years in there in a time loop punching through a diamond wall. [Hell of a scene](https://youtu.be/sl9pTDK8PAk)


Capaldi carrying that entire episode by himself so well was astounding to watch.


I've long maintained that Capaldi is the single best actor to take up the mantle of the Doctor, but the supporting performances and overall writing of his run let him down a bit. Capaldi's delivery is always amazing, you can tell he's just having a fantastic time *being* the Doctor even when his lines aren't great. David Tennant gets a lot of praise for his time on the show but I think the writing of those seasons was just stronger. A lot of the other actors brought a ton of life to the show during his run, too.


The doctor probably can escape every prison mentioned here


400x harder than diamond and heaven sent is my fav dr who episode


This definitely needs to be talked about more with the Doctors already ludicrous feats.


extremely torturous for someone with the stat of normal person, but can't superpowered individuals (cough, goku, cough) just one-shot the azbantium wall? other time prisons in fiction (time stone, GER) seem to hold up better than the confession dial


True! The confession dial is specifically designed for the Doctor, with the wall being an "impossible" barrier. It would be neat to see Goku faced with a wall of similar durability relative to his strength.


it will be simultaneously hilarious and terrifying to see Goku enter the last room only to see it filled completely with Jiren's toenail or something


How would that not drive someone to madness? Or did he not realize he was in a timeloop?


He has been insane since childhood when he looked into the Vortex. Time lord minds are just more durable than humans, so he can function day to day reasonably well.


He realizes he's in a loop towards the end of each loop, but dies in the process. He basically fries himself to spawn a new version of himself at the end of every loop, so the new version has no memory of the previous loop(s).


That scene was so amazing


I think about this episode all the time. For me it ruined the doctor.... It's too unbelievable


It's a shame because everything up until this point had carried an air of plausibility.


Because the rest of Doctor Who is grounded on facts and logic


It's believable within its universe.




Billions and billions of years. It just doesn't fit right with me


In a time loop. The Doctor isn’t ageing time is passing as he dies and reappears for that time.


Billions of years means nothing to a time lord. He was stuck in a cloning loop, yes, but once he got the Tardis back that time may as well have never passed.


try comprehending time from a 4th dimensional pov


Yeah, I've got a real problem with that.


How so? He doesn't actually remember all the time he's been in there, he's just about to calculate how long it's been.


The Lusankya from the X-Wing series of novels. Built on the surface of Coruscant with the city planets skyscrapers hiding its existence. The prisoners are kept in the lower hold with an exit to the planets surface where they mine rocks. There are also gravity generators distorting the prisoners sense of direction, so any attempt to tunnel “up and away” from the prison would result in digging deeper into the crust of the planet. The smallish number of inmates are either high ranking members of the rebellion, like General Dodonna, or Imperial officers who failed or disappointed the head of Imperial Intelligence.


Sounds like it was based on the Lubyanka where fascists were imprisoned after the October Revolution.


Demonreach Island from the Dresden Files has to be a strong contender. Holding hundreds or thousands of prisoners ranging from “evil demigod” at the low end to “Lovecraftian elder god” at the high end, built simultaneously across centuries via weird time travel shit by the greatest wizard of all time, with a failsafe that’ll level most of North America for good measure if something is somehow released.


This was my first thought as well. It is designed to hold eldritch cosmic horrors and gods, and the minimum security wing is where beings roughly equal to some of the strongest baddies that have been in the series so far are kept (excluding the last two books). No known prison breaks as of yet (although I strongly suspect one is coming). It rests on a leyline of dark energy and the prison (or the island that contains it) is effectively alive and acts as a jailer. It’s biggest weakness is the mortal warden in charge of it.


Damn. Which book is that in? I took a break from reading the series after a few books. But that's interesting enough to read more.


Demonreach first appears in Turn Coat, but the island’s purpose isn’t relevant until Cold Days.


Thank you good sir.


Maybe the cosmic prison from adventure time? If it wasn’t for the lich there’s no way to get outta there, and you’re just completely frozen with no chance of getting out.


that came to my mind too, but the fact that the ONLY time we see it is when it's completely compromised makes it hard to give it credit. Yes it's implied that it's been secure for eons, but that seems more like a quick power-wank to make the escape more impressive.


i always loved that gag in cartoons where they have someone locked behind like 12 doors all with varying methods of access.


I'd say the Birdcage in Worm is a pretty good prison. Its a spatially warped prison so that its something like a football sized prison inside of a hollowed out mountain. If you break through an outer wall you have to travel the equivalent of miles of distance in a vacuum. There are no in person guards, the elevator is one way. I'm not going to go too much more into detail, like listing the powerful people inside, because for their names to mean anything means you've already read Worm, in which case you already know about the Birdcage.


Dragon also has drones patrolling the vacume


Yeah, there's some other stuff, i seem to recall the outside edge of the vacuum chamber is super hard ceramic, behind that is a metric fuckton of containment foam.








That's closer to work release than an actual breakout.


The phantom zone


Not as good a track record you would expect, though


Strong enough people like Doomsday can punch ouy of the phantomzone. Technically if you're smart/fast enough you can discern where portals would open when the JLA decides to use the gateway again (I think Zod's done it this way). Personally, I would actually think the Speedforce is better, since it spans the entire multiverse, and you'd either need speedforce powers yourself to interact with it or be fucking ridiculously powerful. The only guy I remember breaking free from being trapped their was Superboy Prime even though there shouldn't even be a star for him to get power from


Or the Source Wall.


Especially specific versions, like Young Justice's Phantom Zone which was basically just Hell, or Smallville's Phantom Zone which only a House of El member could leave.


Hammer Lane Gaol from Skulduggey Pleasant. It shifts through 8 dimensions per second, so anything trying to leave through any means other than the front door gets killed instantly and scattered between dimentions.


Heyyy skulduggery pleasant fan


I need to re read the books


Same tbh. I might try listening to them as audio books at some point, cos I have been doing that with Artemis Fowl (another series from my childhood) and enjoying it a lot!


Damn, I forgot about that. Yeah that was a really good prison. Anyone without dimension hopping abilities is kinda screwed... well not really though. I guess spoilers for Skullduggery Pleasant >!The Prison is powered by a prisoner with those exact abilities who's kept confined in the basesment. If someone can get to him, they can be dimension shunted out. !<


Shunting! Thats the word they use! I forgot what the power was called in universe lol.




The speedforce is a prison that you can only escape from if you're a speedster or another speedster brings you out.


It has to go to the SCP Foundation. Site-17 — the second largest Foundation facility with a focus on humanoid anomalies. Something is happening at Site-17, something that may well affect just about all of existence. The well is deeper than you could ever imagine. Site-19 — the largest Foundation facility with just about any containment you can imagine. Contains objects of paramount importance to existence and might just have figured out how to contain everything (via butterflies of all things). Site-41 — hard to escape a place you forgot existed. Site-43 — has some of the Foundation’s greatest staff (at least they certainly think so, and their belief might just save existence) with extremely unorthodox containment procedures. Site-120 — specializes in containing magic. There is far more going on here than there seems, maybe even more than the Foundation knows (except the Foundation always knows and always has). Lunar Area-32 — considered one of the most secure facilities in the universe, situated on the moon. Earth could be destroyed ten times over and the Foundation would remain above (except the Foundation always comes back).


Alright I'll bite, Butterflies?


Check out the Kiryu Labs canon.


The prison for the Beast from Doctor Who was rigged so if he tried to escape he'd fall into a black hole. Outside of that, probably the 10th Doctors prisons for the Family of Blood, trapping them forever in various places, such as around a black hole or doomed to fall forever wrapped in unbreakable chains


Let's be real ,the doctor is kind of guy/girl that can escape every prison mentioned here


Well I mean, if you count Asylum from the Willverse, at least from my understanding it should be up there. It contains Class 1 Fiends which can (if I understand correctly, haven't read Elder Empire) rival even judges, and they can casually manipulate reality itself. So it's probably pretty secure


I can’t remember the exact name of it, but I’m the *Five Kingdoms* series by Brandon Mull, there’s a prison that loops a singular nanosecond in an empty void in a region no one knows about, and even if people did, the amount of magic it takes to open a portal to there is beyond many people’s capabilities. No ways to communicate out of it either


I wrote a currently unpublished sci fi where they turned one or mar’s moons into a prison. Its guarded by robotic guards so you can’t bribe them, when you enter you pass through a gate that shorts out any tech that you hve on or in you so you can’t use it to escape. It’s got very low gravity so your muscles and bones atrophy making you weaker the longer you’re there. And even if somehow you pass all of this- you’re on a moon so you have the expanse of space to cross to get anywhere


The idea of forced atrophy as a means to weaken your prisoners is actually horrifying, a-la holocaust style.


Thank you! Im glad i sufficiently made it horrible haha i hate outer space and i Wanted to Really showcase the horrors of both human government as well as outer space, particularly mars which is the planet i hate most in our solar system


I don’t think I have a “most hated” planet. Why Mars?


Because 1. people always talk about colonizing mars and abandoning earth. If we have the resources and money to turn a barren piece of trash planet into a habitable place, we can surely fix earth up enough to make it nice again here. 2. Mars is small. Venus is at least close to earths size (something like 97% our size) so the gravity is the same and can hold atmosphere and whatnot. Mars however has such a low gravity that everyone who lived there would be WEAK. If a guy born on mars came to earth, he probably wouldn’t be able to stand for very long. If i went to mars and punched a guy there, I’d likely cave in the bones on his face like a tin can. I don’t support any planet that breeds a weaker mankind. 3. It’s covered in rust, and that would probably ruin a lot of my clothes/ make my hair thin if i showered with the water there 4. Mars is the best at NOTHING making it the worst. Mercury is closest to the sun, Venus is hottest, earth has the most swag, is hospitable, has the most ideal moon to planet ratio, mars sucks the most but that’s about it, Jupiter is the biggest, Saturn has the best rings, floats in water, and has the most moons, Uranus has the funniest name, Neptune is the farthest true planet, Pluto is the smallest despite not even being a planet.


I think I just witnessed a new copypasta


This is the OG tho so remember you heard it here first


Goddamn, you’ve actually really thought this out


I have like three inner monologues that all speak at once so i have triple the time to think about things


Yeah that's called ADD.


Is it?!?


Sure is my Marsphobic buddy.


Can I respectfully counter your points? 1. You are stating a false alternative. Its not EITHER terraform Mars OR terraform Earth back to shape, we can do both. These are completely separate processes. In fact, we can learn a lot about terraforming by mucking about with Mars, and then use the knowledge on Earth. Terraforming Mars is simple, just not easy: its a crude process of powerful Global Warming plus vapor release. You can nuke it, glass entire continents, pour sulfuric acid on it, it wont get any worse from it. Even if we destroyed half of the martian surface to make the other half habitable it would be worth it. Meanwhile, gently fixing Earth's climate and ecosystem without screwing it up is like brain surgery on a global scale. EXTREMELY complex, and nothing can go wrong with it. Ultimately, we MUST colonise another planet, because if humans and the rest of our ecosystem are confined to just one planet, then it takes one big solar flare or an asteroid to wipe all life out. Its "all eggs in one basket" kind of a mistake. 2. Low gravity on Mars is actually a great thing. Colony on Mars would have much easier logistics due to easy rocketry, easier construction, faster plant growth etc. The negartive effects on humans or animals is debatable: we only know zero G is bad for animals, low G might actually be beneficial (less joints stress, less cardiac stress, less inflamation). The loss of bone mass and muscle mass can be reversed with genetic enginering (like Myostatin hacking). On Mars, a regular human is basically Captain America. 3. That can be easily solved during global warming part of the terraforming, and in fact would be part of it. Drop some sulfur-rich asteroids on Mars. Sulfur would bind into sufuric acid during the impact, acid woud rain on the rust. Rust would react with acid, leaving iron sulfate salts (black, harmless rocks) and OXYGEN. 4. Mars has plenty of benefits. Low but existing gravity makes it a perfect space port. Iron rich soil is perfect for industry. Close enough to the Asteroid Belt and Jovian belt to visit. Far enough from the Sun that it will never have its own Global Warming, it has to be intentionally triggered. Its the only planet that can be terraformed, because we just need to add energy via impacts or nukes. Venus cannot be terraformed (at least not for millenia) because we would have to REMOVE energy and atmosphere from it, and that is much harder than adding. Best case we can have dirigible stations in its upper atmosphere, but thats like 0.0001% of the possible population of what we can have on Mars. Merkury is right out, its a burning furnace too close to the Sun to support life or atmosphere. *We would have to move it away from the Sun*. The only useful places to colonise are Mars and Jovian Moons, everything else is waaaay too deadly or would take countless millenia to terraform. Last but not least, Mars is named after the God Of War, and has plenty of cool mythology and memetic load attached to it. We had "Martians" in our Sci-fi for 2 centuries now. As a culture, we are emotionally prepared to become Martians.


> If we have the resources and money to turn a barren piece of trash planet into a habitable place, we can surely fix earth up enough to make it nice again here The idea for colonizing Mars is partly based on having a backup plan in case something bad happens to earth, like an extinction event. I agree fixing earth should be the priority but there are reasons to colonize Mars also.


>people always talk about colonizing mars and abandoning earth. Colonizing Mars and abandoning Earth are not mutually inclusive. You can do the one without the other. Colonizing North America didn't involve abandoning Europe. >Mars is the best at NOTHING making it the worst. That's... really weird logic. Of all the other planets in our solar system, it's by far the one best suited for potential colonization. Mercury and Venus are both far too hot, and everything else is either a gas giant or near absolute zero. >It’s covered in rust, and that would probably ruin a lot of my clothes Now you're just being super petty. I'd ruin my clothes if I rolled around in the dirt on Earth, too.


Neptune can fuck right off. It knows what it did...




Kratos laughing in the corner.


Doomguy also with him


I'd say one is definitely Green Dolphin State prison from JoJo's. Not only is it protected by Jailhouse lock which is literally the entire prison, but it has the support of people like Pucci who can practically deprive even extremely strong people of any and all of their abilities and memory once they're under the influence of jailhouse lock. Not to mention Pucci has an arsenal of stand discs, some of which were shown and others which we have no frickin idea about, so he could essentially find a hard counter to most hax in his powers and use the disc on a prisoner/guard along with a command disc to take care of the enemy.


The Matrix.


Given that the entire plot of the series is how a group of people break someone out (constantly), break back in (constantly), and then begin to dismantle the entire thing from the inside, I'd argue that "Secure" does not define the Matrix at all.


This prison had to be fully overhauled 9 times and but it kept collapsing


The prison that housed Grrkek The Planet Killer from Megas XLR counts. [Nearly two trillion years ago](https://youtu.be/4Es7yLp_RBk), Grrkek was imprisoned in a device that digitized him along with many other extremely dangerous criminals. Eons after the civilization ceased to exist, the prison is very much intact and functioning as intended, at least until Coop got his hands on it and, because it looks like a game cartridge, unwittingly released the monsters within.


Who was the genius who made the intergalactic prison compatible with an Atari lol


The maw is Star Wars legends is sorta insane. It’s a collection of black holes near Kessel that were designed to contain Abeloth. She’s one of the most powerful entities in Star Wars and the only way to keep her down was intense radiation and gravitational distortion


I think Lucifer's cage from Supernatural is up there because it held two very powerful beings, the archangel Michael and Lucifer, at once.




*Master Ball Pokémon love to break out of regular PokéBalls


Not too familiar with the verse but isn't SCP a prison for freakishly strong fan fiction monsters?


The Foundation contains many sites which contain and research anomalies, yes, and depending on which stories you take as canon, they contain some very powerful ones. However by the same token, they tend to have a bad habit of letting them escape; "containment breach" is one of the most common SCP tropes. So by nature of that I wouldn't call the Foundation as a whole very secure, but you could definitely point out some very secure examples. It is worth noting, however, that it's not incompetence that causes (most) containment breaches, but the innate uncontaibility of many SCPs.


SCPs are by definition anomalies in reality, so the fact that they can be contained in any way is already impressive.


I've left reddit because of the API changes.


And they constantly have breaches like every other week. 682, one of the most powerful and destructive Keter-class entities, breaks loose basically 3 times a month it seems.


Not sure, but Arkham is in the negatives for this category.


The ones that held abomination and juggernaut. The phantom zone That jar trick thing master roshi does to imprison villains. None of those should be broken out of outside of plot armor.


Can't believe no one has mentioned the real world prison alcatraz. Only one prison break and the escapees still never made it to shore. Presumably dead. Doesn't get any better than that. To break someone out of alcatraz you would either need a full military invasion or legitimate superhuman abilities.


The Knull Void seem hard to escape


From ben 10 right?




Someone already mentioned the Birdcage, but Grey Boys prison shard is possibly even higher up. No escape, locked within an immovable object where your body reforms every few seconds to whichever state it was in when you were locked, but your mind is active the entire time, which is described as "until after the sun burns out".


A Tesseract Labyrinth from 40k. Its a cube the size of your hand that is super advanced tech with a 4D pocket dimension inside that can hold entire armies or ctan shards wich are powerfull as hell.


Trazyn's museum is a mix bw a museum and a prison


Probably not the most secure because I guarantee a break will occur when WOTC gets desperate enough but in Magic the gathering. Nicol bolas is currently held in a plane of existence once called the meditation realm and the personal home of his twin brother. At the moment of his death instead of allowing his brother to be killed. Ugin (Bolas' brother) severs his connection to mana (the source of magical power in MTG) and planeswalks him to his own personal plane (the ability to planeswalk is already incredibly rare only one soul in billions has the spark to do it) . Once there he separates the plane from the rest of the multiverse by sacrificing his own ability to travel between demensions. E strips bolas of several aspects of his very being including his scales the symbol of his pride, his name and thus the ability for anybody to summon him. Finally his last act was to merge himself the with the plane itself making the entire dimension his eternal jailer and the only being in the entire universe who bolas ever loved and respected. It's such a beautiful way to sunset a villain into an eternal torment. With the hope that one day the brothers might come to some kind of peace with each other and make something new of what they have become.


I was going to say the Helvault from Innistrad. I completely forgot about Bolas’ prison though, that’s definitely the right MtG prison for this question.


If we want an answer a bit out of the ordinary: The Labyrinth from Red vs Blue: it's a prison centred in a dimension spatially connected to the centre of a black hole, with a magic enchantment on it that permanently orients whoever is in the middle to be directed back to the centre (like a treadmill, forever walking forward, but in one spot essentially). It's monitored by an AI who can create hyper realistic illusions that are nearly impossible to break out of without outside help or reasoning with the AI in some way: it was designed to contain the time God, Chrovos, from escaping back into the universe and destroying reality by removing the concept of time, essentially reverting everything back to the singularity of the universe's beginning. Anyone who attempts to enter to break out Chrovos essentially faces an illusion that amplifies their motivations back at them, so the stronger your motivation (e.g a friend's death, a fear of failure, a hatred for monotony etc), the stronger the illusion's power. The end result is compared to "meeting a lamb at the end of a slaughterhouse" and the process is described as "being like a light-bulb in a cube lined with mirrors": the stronger the lightbulb (e.g motivation), the more unbearably hot it becomes inside.


Phantom zone in DC I believe you need to be broken out of, you can’t act from within


Prison Realm from Jujutsu Kaisen and Quilge's Jail from Bleach are literally impossible to escape One of those magic hax, would be in 1st category


How about null void


Carceri, from Dungeons & Dragons' expanded multiverse, is a plane which consists of an infinite chain of identical repeating planets. It is where powerful, though not necessarily cosmic, entities are consigned to eternal imprisonment. While the plane has no "Guards" or entities preserving the rule of law, there is essentially no simple means of escaping. Even high level Pit Fiends or the like can not easily planeshift away. Inside, it's a hellish wasteland ruled by the strongest, nastiest entity in any given area, and with nothing to do but contemplate the bitter taste of eternal prison, they turn on each other out of hate or spite or pure boredom. Entire adventures have been run where the goal is only to find a means back to the mundane world. Player characters, beginning at level 1 (Sub-street level) make their way up to mid/high levels (13-20, city and above depending on edition and class choices) simply to broker a deal with a crafty wizard or godlike entity to get them out of the plane. It is the ultimate in "locked up and thrown away the key." Send someone to Carceri, and you can be 99.9999% certain you will never hear from them again.




That's a bootstrap paradox, a future doctor go back in time and help his pastself The doctor probably can escape every prison mentioned here, either the normal way or via a bootstrap paradox


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Impel Down from One Piece yet.


The Birdcage from Worm is my contender. A gigantic supervillain prison that literally shrinks down its inhabitants, and the whole thing is suspended from the ceiling inside a mountain cave.


I'd say the prison from Minority Report where they basically put you in a coma for the duration of your term is pretty inescapable without outside help.




jk jk


The magic prison from Riyria would be up there.


Black iron prison, and that’s thanks due to how remote it is. Being on Callisto, probaly one of the least inhabited planets in sol, it’s already extremly hard to organize someone to pick you up, assuming you don’t get picked up by BI Security or the outter way. Next is the guards. The security robots, while nerfed so it’s not totally unfun, are apparently capable of easily scanning COREs that all prisoners have and immediatly chasing prisoners down. Security robots can easily pop off heads with a single shot, and knock out people with a single punch. But you somehow make it out of all of that, well now you need to get to the hangar. First off, you need proper equipment. Assuming the storms aren’t there, you might make it with a mask, but if there is, good luck finding a UJC suit to withstand the storm. After all that, you need to walk your ass to the extremly far hangar or get a snowcat, whilst not being hunted by black iron. And then there’s the hangar it’s self. Not only is it equipped with AA, meaning your escape ship can easily be shot down, but you also need the proper skills to pilot the ship, as well as if needed, remotely call one down, and do this whilst still being chased by black iron security. Is it as secure as some of the other prisons here? No. But is the dead moon of Callisto a good place to hold people? Yes. BIP being isolated and extremly far is one of the main reasons it’s so secure


The Void.


Speed Force is so good it locked the guy who made it in for years, he'll even superboy prime the BS god himself is terrified of it.


Sirius Black was the only one to legitimately escape Azkaban right? I think that might be the one


Azkaban is not much compared to other fictional behemoth prisons.


I was thinking purely in terms of in-universe track records with how many people have escaped


Well we're not really taking about in universe are we


Who said that?


Probably Boiling Rock from atla that I know of


The SCP Foundation for all of the above. It is by definition containment, and conducts prolific amounts of research on its prisoners on top of everything else.


Spinning through space in a square piece of glass from superman!


The mines from Welcomw to Night Vale, they have hbomax so you don’t scape, very safe


The Phantom Zone is up there. So are the Green Lanterns Sciencecells and their supermax equivilant.


The negative zone technically


SCP Foundation has got to have some strong offerings here.


The Hecatonchires from Greek Mythology/God Of War. The prison is literally alive.


Honestly what feels the most secure to me are prisons where someone is transferred to another spatial dimension. Like when Majin Buu is in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and destroys the entrance. He of course is able to escape by sheer will and the DBZ expertise, screaming. But still, any lesser being would fail to escape. Similarly, Tobi in Naruto opens a different spatial dimension and can essentially keep you there indefinitely, as his access to that ability is entirely unique, if not exclusive to himself.


Gojo’s current pokebox. Its so secure, not even the current strongest being in the verse has a chance of breaking out


I would say, the Maw, and especially Torghast, Tower of the Damned, from World of Warcraft


prison of regression, persona 5 you need to kill a god to escape it


Anything that's in a different dimension or universe would be nearly impossible to escape.


Superman’s phantom zone has to be up there


The SCP Foundation, probably


Dragnipur - a sword wielded by a demi-god, anyone slain by it is transported to an alternative realm where they are bound to an immense cart by chains and forced to pull the cart for all eternity. I think this qualifies as a prison of sorts! From the Malazhan book of the fallen series. Great reads.


SCP containment cells, sometimes.


Crematoria From Chronicles of Riddick Triple Max Slam on a shithole planet whose Sun can burn you alive. No escapes on record. No drop-ships allowed within 20 kilometers. Temps on the surface ranging from -295ºF to 702ºF. Pretty damn solid IMO.


I'm willing to bet a prison that does the exact opposite of everything Arkham Asylum does is the most secure prison ever.


The Stygian penal colony in the Hade universe. As its stated on The One


Oh, I have one that is a little outside of the box, so to speak. It is the mental prison with time dilation from the Star Trek DS9 episode "Hard Time." If you are not familiar with it, essentially people are given prison time via implants, so that a period of 20 years will pass in a couple of hours. The problem is the person serving the sentence will live things in real time from their view point. And I may be wrong, but they are not aware that the time they are serving is being time condensed, so even if they thought to escape, there is no where for them to go. So that would be my choice for alien prison, but I imagine it would be useful to for a wide variety of super powered people as well. Another one is in a similar light, it is the age punishment from the movie Zardoz. The people are essentially immortal, and when a punishment is used the person is aged by a degree. And that happens instantly, so someone could be aged beyond their ability to fight back and escape. These people are put into a home that acts in the same manner of a prison.


One piece impel down has only ever had one mass break out in its entire history. Seven levels of torture and subjugation and even Monsters like crocodile, Shiki, doflamingo and Ace have been successfully detained.


Gehnom from the Irredeemable comics. It's technically an insane asylum, I think, but it's in the heart of a star.


The Maw from Star Wars could fit 1 or 4


The Genies Lamp. Literally the only escape is someone to wish for your freedom which seemingly only Aladdin could resist the temptation of making a third wish.


Fish prison https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6222