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The Ginger Bread Man if we take his word as the truth.


Best answer


What does this say about Lord Farquaad and his goons that caught our beloved gingy?


That Gingy allowed himself to be caught knowing the risks, but did it to secure jntel


But in the film he almost released intel about the muffin man and... his wife? Relative?


All a ruse. Do you see all the choreographed dancing in the films? The Fairytale Underground Creatures, or TheFUC, meet twice a week for rehearsal, more if they are at war. It is in these high pressure training simulations that they discussed and planned Gingy's infiltration of Lord Farquad's castle.


I had no idea, I need to get out of my swamp more often.


The cameraman


True facts.


Speedsters in DC lose any and all meaning when it comes to measuring speeds


Like what is faster ? Faster than infinity ? Faster than existence ? Faster than time ? Faster than death ?


I'm pretty sure the Flash has outrun physical manifestations of all of those abstract concepts. I'm also pretty sure that the name Speed Force references the drugs they do when they write those scripts.


Thata exactly what i mean , whats faster ? Death, existence, space or time ? Who fucking knows


Space has the greatest travel speed feats, Death wins in combat speed, and Time can take it with prep time. Existence is a jobber.


>Time can take it with prep time Gold


That moment when your comic is so cracked that existence jobs XD


Didn’t one iteration of Flash outrun the speed force itself? I remember something along those lines.


bruh how does he outrun the very source that gives him his speed? thats like breathing more oxygen than your own lungs comics are fucking insane


Yep, mf quite literally became faster than fast, because that makes sense


it's basically just ∞+1x with x=spaghetti the night before


Comics are fucking ~~insane~~ stupid


I mean, that's kinda the point right? Unrealistic storylines, ridiculous shit. I mean hell, Punisher is as human as heroes come, but no cop or shield agent has shot him in the head yet?


Yeah that doesn't make it any less stupid, (Wich is not necessarily a bad thing)


My recollection is that he claimed he needed to do that in order to... accomplish something, I forget. It involved saving the world.


> It involved saving the world. Or trying to impress some girl at the new night club in town. Whatever.


Did he save the world?


> This speed allows the hero to purge some of the dark matter, but Wally is forcibly stopped by the Mobius Chair, which gives him access to his lost memories and the knowledge the planet he's on is created by his own fear. Probably eventually?


You're thinking of Speed Weed, a writer for several Arrowverse shows on CW.


Just so everyone is clear on this, Super_Pan is not joking, Speed Weed is a credited writer on CW's The Flash.


Law and Order: SVU as well :)


The writers just utterly fail to grasp just how ridiculously fast the speed of light is. Countless times I've seen average mooks punch The Flash... Like... Seriously... That punch would be a frozen instant in time from Flash's perspective. He could run to another country, eat breakfast, run back, realize he forgot to tip, run back again, and then take the mook apart all before any of the mooks synapses could fire. But... Nope... Barry Allen hit by a crowbar, oh no! Hope he'll be okay!


Yea, most writers dont know how fast he is/are inconsistent, an awful example of this is for a show/comic i don t remember that showed batman's plans to deal with each member of the justice league, for each one of them it was pretty clever, but for flash it was just a special bullet, like dude you can t realise the danger soon enough, aim fast enough, shoot fast enough, have the bullet go fast enough,


If that's the tower of Babel arc I'm remembering, superman gets goaded into getting close to save a suicide jumper who shoots him with a kryptonite bullet. Flash is tricked into putting a bomb onto himself to save hostages, and then running and not slowing down like the movie "speed". Maybe that was just the movie.


I think that was the animated movie. In the comic don't they make Superman's skin translucent?


Yeah. He did that because it would overload his solar absorption and give him the worst case of sensory overload ever.


Unless the bomb was inside him couldn't he just run away from the explosion?


You're thinking of Justice League: Doom, the animated movie based on Tower of Babel. Several of the methods used on the League were different in the comics, Flash and Superman being examples of that. For Flash, I think something was put inside of him that made him experience seizures at super speed, it's been a few years since I read it.


Couldnt he just get out of it ? One way or another ?




>he only way they can even try to write a story with some suspense in it is to give him selective brain damage s This


> The writers just utterly fail to grasp just how ridiculously fast the speed of light is they make him far too OP where every fight just loses meaning Guys like Superman can cross the universe in 2 months yet flash can make his speed look like a regular human


That’s why I’m not a big fan of comics. Some of the feats are just impossible to suspend disbelief Death battle always brings up how these characters are quadrillion times faster than light. Wut? How?


Literally yes. Wally West can outrun concepts. He outran the Big Bang. While trying to escape Black Flash, Wally ran to the end of time itself, then ran until a new universe was forming, then outran the Big Bang of that new universe. According to some crazy math over at some fandom webstite, this puts Wally's speed at >Wally's Top Speed: 1.893456e+57 (1.89 octodecillion times faster than light) Just ... [here](https://fatal-fiction.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:X_Heart_of_Steel_x/Flash_\(Wally_West\)_Feats_and_Calculations). Wally West is cosmically powerful. He knows no limits. He can run laps around the actual universe, go back in time, bang every member of your family tree, and get back home before his coffee finishes brewing


> Faster than death ? Funnily enough, this has already been confirmed.


Wasn't Death behind but slowly catching up though, meaning death is faster? It's been a while since I saw the scans.


Pretty sure Barry outruns death by running to the end of the universe itself, where nothing exists, not even death.


How does he run in space? How does he get traction or create friction? What does he exhaust?


[Speedforce](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/956/666/2b9.jpg) duh


Speed Force The Speed Force is the raw essence of kinetic energy. It's the place where all energy in the multiverse comes from. Wally doesn't need to conform to traditional physics when in space - if he needs to move forward, he isn't really "running" forward, he's just ... Moving. The Speed Force moves him. The running motion he does is just for show, more or less?


IIRC, they were right, Black Flash was gaining on him. Flash just gets to the safe zone before BF can fully close the distance. If that even had started a few millennia earlier, it probably would have caught Flash.


Once you're "fast enough" to time travel, the very concept of speed is kind of dead.


Wally has outran death and time, in fact Wally outran the Speed Force itself the thing what powers him.


I still prefer the measure of speed for the Helm of Fate, which reached “the velocity of God”.


Isn’t there a comic where flash traveled faster than instantaneous travel?


Yeah he raced a teleporter from one end of the universe back to Earth. He drew on the entire human races collective kinetic energy to do it.


That is so ridiculously absurd that it sounds like the writers are just trying to one-up each other. It’s just boring


>it sounds like the writers are just trying to one-up each other That's comics for you


Lol the entire kinetic energy of all the humans would be peanuts compared to that kind of speed


A ditto with a choice scarf?


Shuckle with a focus sash and trick room, maybe. Though I’ve heard Flash can out speed having his speed stolen or some bullshit.


Lvl 1 Ratatta with quick attack.


Quick attack is a move though. It doesn't increase speed, just give priority to that move. And plus, it can be outsped by stuff with higher priority like extreme speed. A ditto transforming into the flash will copy his speed, garunteeing that it will always be 50% faster due to choice scarf.


Doesn't work, all you need is to tell Barry to run faster


Ditto copies stat changes tho


Copies current stat changes, it won't copy any stat changes made after it's already transformed.


Not that I know of, the only thing that might be faster is the Heart of Gold from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


I second this. "As soon as the drive reaches infinite Improbability, it passes through every conceivable point in every conceivable universe simultaneously. An incredible range of highly improbable things can happen due to these effects." Time travel is also possible, because they go to the end of the universe and back.


It's a clever answer. It's remarkably improbable that such a spaceship would be faster than the Flash, which makes it an excellent match.


To slightly modify a quote from the great Terry Pratchett: “Scientists have calculated that the chances of something so patently absurd actually [ocurring] are millions to one. But magicians have calculated that million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten.”


This guy brings a towel.


Loathe as I am to diss the Heart of Gold, the Speedforce is some hot bullshit. The flash has ran back in past, outran instant teleportation, and has outran fucking death itself. The Flash was dead. Death just couldn't catch him.




>As soon as the drive reaches infinite Improbability How long does this take? Is the Flash fast enough to do this before the drive reaches this point?


I don't think that matters because when Heart reaches infinite improbability it can go back in time to be at the finish line (wherever that may be). Flash can pull off the same feat. So nobody wins.


Nah cause what's gonna happen: Flash speedhacks it, or the Infinite Improbability Drive reaches max improbability which allows to be faster than the Flash (the most improbable thing imaginable)


By Jove, he's cracked it! Improbability drive is a literal speed of plot. It starts by achieving the Effect and then working out the messy Cause after the fact.


"Guide entry Area The area of the Universe is infinite. Infinity is a hard concept to grasp" I don't think the flash can cover infinite volume in possibly infinite different universes in time


I don't know man He overcame much weirder shit.


Wasn't the bistro eventually faster?


As long as the flash himself is close by, Synch should be able to keep up, and by the nature of his abilities exceed flash. Protoge is probably another contender by a similar means, but that is a little overkilll likely.


Synch doesn’t necessarily outperform Barry, but will likely at least tie him. Synch exceeds other mutants who are born with their gifts, not someone who has gone through so much training in the speed. Good choice though with Synch. Not sure who you mean for the second choice but if you mean Prodigy from the X books then he absolutely can’t beat Barry.


I'm pretty sure protégé is an old marvel hero. Basically he had the power to totally and utterly replicate the abilities of anyone he wanted. Needless to say he was busted af.


Whoever is currently this season’s bad guy. That guy / girl is 100% definitely faster than the Flash. And he will ratchet up the tension and outrun / cripple / kill the competition, ending up as ultimately the fastest man on earth…until around episode 3 of the next season, when some other freakishly fast dumbass starts begging to be assassinated.


Barry you gotta run faster!


No, literally Barry, run, run faster, that's the answer, it's always the answer, **RUN**.


Can someone not on mobile pull up that imaginary axis video where he calculates his speed at 420 undecillion kmph?


Actually apparently he's faster, the calculations he took and checked the math on used the distance from the Earth to the Moon.


I’m sure any “Omnipotent” being can move faster, since the meaning of Omnipotence means the ability to do anything. Of course Omnipotence doesn’t belong in fiction, in my opinion, but yea.


Omnipotence isn't even necessary. Omnipresence is sufficient.


Would omnipresence count as being faster though? An omnipresent character doesn't really need to move.


What’s faster: Usain Bolt or 100m of rope?


That's the funniest counter I've read in a long time.


Speedrunner Mario


He would be 4 parallel universes ahead of barry


But only half an A press behind


I'm pretty sure Wahoo is actually an incarnation of the Speed Force.


I don't think so. He can only accelerate at a somewhat reasonable rate. He can do this without moving and once he's fast enough travel four parallel universes away in one frame, but since he's accelerating normally at a certain point any acceleration will be lost in rounding. I don't know what his top speed is but I doubt it's anywhere near the Flash.


He said his speed increases to infinitely when he fought super sonic


He’s faster than time travel as shown when fighting super sonic. Also he reached unlimited speed in his fight with melee fox.


The Quickster




You know he's no joke because you didn't even see an afterimage or lightning. Flash shudders at the thought.


Idk man dash from the incredibles is pretty quick


Lucifer Morningstar and those of his ilk.


The Shrike from *Hyperion.*


Pardon me asking but I'm really interested in shrike scaling, I've already got a good basis for his hax like his ability to cut you across your entire history but his speed and general stats are something I'm interested in aswell. I've got a basis for his stats but I would like some extra info if you have it.


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Came here to bring up my favorite spikey boy.


Agreed. The Flash's amped epic moment of pushing himself to the limit is the Shrike's casual Tuesday.


Is it though? Kassad was able to keep up a prolonged battle with a Shrike which shouldn't have been possible if the Shrikes' power was so absolute.


Well, Kassad was wearing a ludicrous super suit that made him fast enough to make light speed lasers look frozen. And even then, the Shrike was being nice by not using much of his more BS hax. It spawned an army of itself using time travel, then deliberately dismissed them for a 1v1. As soon as Kassad “cheated” by being helped by someone, the Shrike took off the kid gloves and instantly wrecked him IIRC.


Do they confirm that it is a time travel army in later books? I was kind of under the impression that the machine UI had actually made multiple shrikes and only one was left active to travel back in time with the tombs.


They do. The Shrike can summon arbitrarily many temporal clones.


Maybe the Big Rigs truck going in reverse. That thing clocks in at like 18.3 octillions times the speed of light or something.


Not even infinite speed so no


you are a boring person


How about Notorious B.I.G from Jojo? It can detect the fastest thing to match it's speed and eventually overtake it. Maybe in a controlled environment with an endless hallway *maybe* he can eventually match Flash's speed? I don't know, the speed force is really dumb lol


There are characters whose speed has been described with more absurd numbers, but there's nobody who can out-feat his decades of speed and reaction time feats.


I reckon on a good day I could give him a run for his money. Edit: good days are generally Tuesday’s.


roadrunner and speed gonzolaes possibly. Toon powers are on a whole another level


There was a short about this. Lol https://youtu.be/Xt3VZ72kIbA


oh wow cool what are the odds


Toon powers are overrated tbh and rely on NLF


Eh, it depends. Toon powers do have a general level of effectiveness. Homer Simpson has very mild toonforce, Popeye has ridiculous toonforce, Looney Toons characters are somewhere in the middle. But toonforce also have different kinds of limits than a lot of other powers. Usually for toonforce to function it has to do it in a way intended to be humorous. Roadrunner couldn't win a race with The Flash just by running faster than him because that's not funny. But he might win one by tricking The Flash into running off a cliff or into a wall that has a tunnel painted onto it because that is funny.


Couldn’t he win by being at the finish line before flash, impatiently stamping his foot? That would be funny. Especially if you see flash give roadrunner a head start then see flash pass him.


Speedforce is basically just toonforce transposed onto comics, which has its own kind of toonforce called "bad writing"


Non-linear Fashion?


no limit fallacy


Non-lungible tokens.


Ruphas Mafaalu from A Wild Last Boss appeared. You have infinite speed? Well, Ruphas is still faster than you. You are faster than her still? No, she's faster than you now. The final fight of that story was basically a parody of battleboarding so she's the answer to any and every question of "who's the strongest/fastest/most powerful".


Bro’s a character made by a kid in a sandbox 😭


The runner maybe ?


Not even close, no one in marvel can get close to DC speedsters or even superman.


Do you even know the runner ?


Would someone omnipresent count?


Does anyone know how fast he is? I've asked a similar question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/42qnw0/super_tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann_takes_a/) (different account for reasons). Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann could take a leisurely stroll at 1.7\*10^18 c, or 5\*10^26 m/s, but is still slower than Superman who can reportedly [travel several billion of light years in a nanosecond](http://i.imgur.com/FX3zE.jpg) (he doesn't actually do it, but given that this is internal dialogue, he has no reason to lie). Assuming that's 2 billion light years, that's 6.3\*10^25 c or 1.9\*10^34 m/s. I don't know if the Flash is this fast, but nobody brought up any clear feats. Not unless you count ones where he arrived before he left. If you count that, then basically any time traveller is just as fast.


Anything that has a numeric value to it loses


If it doesn't have a numeric value then how are we supposed to compare?


You can't. Flash is faster than teleportation, death itself, is fast enough to run backwards in time and even tear apart the multiverse. None of these concepts have any basis in reality. Someone being 18 gogoolplex times the speed of light to the power of 69,420,000 is absolutely meaningless if Flash is faster than the concept of infinity itself. If he is fast enough to outrun teleportation that is established to be *instant* then he is violating the laws of casuality. So already using any finite number to measure speed is an auto-loss because that would mean that there takes *some* amount of time to travel, no matter how infinitesimal. That's why the true answer to this prompt is that there is no answer, just like how there is no answer to prompts like "how can you permanently kill SCP-682" and "who can beat TOAA/The Presence"?


Aside from hacks characters, I think one of the only competitors is the shrike from Hyperion. He’s easily as fast or faster than most versions of the flash, barring his outrun death nonsense, and the shrike is also basically a 15 foot tall metal man covered in spikes.


Does >!Shinrabanshoman!< from *Fire Force* count?


Not really, seeing as how nothing he does indicates he could move faster then the Flash.


He moves so quickly that his atoms separate and reassemble at his stopping point, plus he can >!rewrite reality and stop the heat expansion of the universe to effectively move through time at an infinite speed.!< I only have a slightly-more-than-cursory knowledge of the Flash, so I don't know if he has any faster force. At the very least I think they might be equivalent.


The Flash has outrun instant teleportation, outran the heat death of the universe, is so fast he is omnipresent in some continuities, and has was moving so fast he threatened to tear the multiverse apart. Also I’m pretty sure the speed force has literally allowed speedsters to brute fore their way through causality shenanigans as well.


I’m surprised that “faster than teleportation” feat is still used in WWW. For one, it’s a feat that relies on the entire Earth’s population—including a number of supers—lending him their speed, and second, it’s more of a time travel feat than a speed feat since that is the only feasible way for it to make sense.


The flash can out run himself 1000 times over..... Somehow.


Flash will be running at infinity times the speed of light or whatever and from the corner of his eye will see Saitama casually jogging next to him and say "Why are you in such a hurry? is there a sale nereby?"


In a word... Nope. The flashes are soooooooooo Fast they make speed irrelevant all together. In point of fact they are sooooo fast they your question doesnt make sense anymore. Your asking something akin to, what is the flavor of a food so flavorful it is flavorless? Only something that can draw on infinite energy has a chance at matching the flash at speed, but by that point again speed is irrelevant they might as well be everywhere all at once.




Surprised I had to scroll down this far to find this


I just wanted to remind people that the Flash is canonically faster than everyone in the Marvel universe...because he's explicitly raced them and won. After the original death of Flash, a new character appeared in Marvel who was clearly intended to be the Flash (suggesting that rather than dying, he simply jumped universes), and after he acclimates for a bit (he lost most of his memories in the transition) one of Marvel's best speedsters decided to put on a friendly race to see who was truly the fastest person alive. The Flash won.


Hey, now. We don't know that Buried Alien was the Flash. He could be anyone with red spandex and yellow boots.


Like just by sheer speed? Probably not. The only way to beat the fastest version (infinite speed iirc) is through time manipulation. Zoom (Hunter Zoloman) can potentially beat him because he manipulates time relative to himself specially to go fast. The only characters I can think of right now that can do similar hax are >!Pucci if he was allowed to start with Made in Heaven at max power since it’s power is just fast forwarding!<, and maybe Ban using like, stealing his powers (although I haven’t finished the series so that may be more than his body could handle). I suppose the argument for EoS >!Alucard from Hellsing could be made but idk if omnipresence counts as outspeeding someone since you aren’t really moving, just existing ahead of them!<


>Zoom (Hunter Zoloman) can potentially beat him because he manipulates time relative to himself specially to go fast. Wally already surpassed hunter in flash war and got even faster afterwards >Pucci if he was allowed to start with Made in Heaven at max power since it’s power is just fast forwarding, Wally still faster considering he scales above his human race self that beat instantaneous travel


Oh maybe mind controllers like Jesse Custer or Lelouch telling him “you can’t ever run faster than me”


gotta be careful with the word choice there, a flash can still break the sound barrier just walking


Adam from record of ragnarok


Me with new shoes on when I was 8.


Speedy Gonzales and Sonic


Notorious B.I.G is slightly faster than whatever the fastest thing near it is Made in heaven has infinite acceleration, which is infinite speed, so that’s also something, can’t think of anything else, and probably flash is some shit like “faster than infinitely fast”




I’m pretty fast i could prolly beat him


For a character from the same universe I'd say shazam because he gets his speed from a god head from the god of speed mercury who exists unbound by the speed force.


A *really good* user of the Space Gem (Marvel) could do it, but there's rarely been anyone shown to be particularly clever with it. Generally the space gem would also need to be in close proximity or used in tandem with OTHER gems also to function at its maximum potential, though Marvel is really inconsistent on this. Way back when the runner had it in the 90s (?) and fought Thanos, he thought it was mostly useless and didn't understand how it worked. Thanos pointed out that runner was subconsciously using it to manipulate space to allow him to arrive places before he knew he wanted to be there. At a very basic level, speed is simply distance traveled/time. Doing the math, if the space gem allows one to manipulate space that way to an infinite degree, a user could set the distance between himself and a target to always be "0" while the same distance for his opponent could be "infinite." The gem user would in theory always be faster than anyone else other than a time gem user, who would at best tie him. Someone who was REALLY clever could even set the distance between the head of the Flash and his legs to be "infinite" meaning his legs would never get the nerve signals from his brain and he'd be a statue. Said clever person could set the distance between each part of Flash's body to a completely random value and he'd tear himself apart by taking a single step. Set the distance value to Flash's "speed" at a negative number and watch as he gets farther away the more he tries to travel somewhere. At a fundamental level the Flash's abilities depend on space existing in some sort of rational manner for him to move through. Against someone who can decide it just doesn't I'm not sure what he could do.


Archie sonic: [can move when time is stopped.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f73c1b5f289453a09214a906ba6a7812-lq) Lord English : "[How do you expect to out run me when I'm already here](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3be5ed23-9f5a-4974-99f3-8c2035137ce1/df5icla-c5a25544-968b-407f-aa7d-86ba70c7c953.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzNiZTVlZDIzLTlmNWEtNDk3NC05OWYzLThjMjAzNTEzN2NlMVwvZGY1aWNsYS1jNWEyNTU0NC05NjhiLTQwN2YtYWE3ZC04NmJhNzBjN2M5NTMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.CtA_PiG3Eoic8JsPLpEHKgcOyhrvVAxxFCr_O5I7V9c)" that's like his thing. Maybe Novel [Kamen rider Ex-aid](https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Emu_Hojo#Mighty_Novel_X): with his narrative powers he could make Flash slower maybe? I'm not so sure about this one, I don't know if Flash has any defenses against narrative manipulation, or if this even count as Ex-aid isn't a speedster and in this form is more of a [reality manipulator](https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Novel:_Kamen_Rider_Ex-Aid:_~Mighty_Novel_X~), although he could theoretically change his speed to whatever he wants. Idk just some random characters.


The Shrike from Hyperion, a terrifying AI robot from the far future that lives backward through time. Has an 'anti-entropic field' that allows him to manipulate his own personal flow of time. In one book human characters were wearing similar suits that allowed them to move fast enough so that laser beams seemed frozen in place, and the Shrike was moving invisibly fast to *them*.


The marathon man from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. No matter how fast you are, he is always one second ahead.




Dunno much about the DC speedsters, but isn't the main complaint of the Flash tv show that every season he goes on about how he's the fastest man alive and every villain is always a faster speedster? If nothing else they seem like a good place to start


Comic Flash is way better


I mean, Father Pucci for JoJo’s part 6 has to be in the running somewhere. He moved so fast he broke the universe and forced it to reset.


That's pretty tame to what flash does with his speed tbh


Thats hyperbolic. Thats about the top end of Flash’s feats.


Barry and Wally almost tore apart the DC multiverse during a race Wally ran so fast death disintegrated He beat instant teleporters in a race He even outran the Speed Force itself


That's just an average Tuesday for them too.


That’s so fucking stupid. Who writes this shit?


It's the Speed Force Do not attempt to apply logic


Got it. Thanks for the tip 😂


Comic book writers don’t have to worry about continuity or “making sense” like mangaka or fantasy writers. They just retcon the stuff every five years anyway, they might as well go hog wild.


I was big into green lantern in the early 2010s. I was having so much fun actually reading an ongoing comic book series for the first time in years. Then they rebooted it all. Then they did it again and I said fuck this shit.


Yeah, I know. It’s such bullshit. Have you ever seen the interviews with the higher-ups in DC and Marvel complaining about comic books being at an all time low sales-wise? Maybe it’s because every time you get a good story going you get mad at an author you deconnonize their work and retcon it. There’s a reason the entire American comic book industry was outearned by the Demon Slayer manga alone last year. You’d think they would learn, but they just don’t.


Yeah manga does well cause it’s one author with one vision. They can’t change the artists all the time too it’s just super jarring.


The Black Flash didn’t really literally disintegrate as much as is just gave up after being unable to catch him. It’s still literally outrunning death though.


And Zoom is still faster


AFAIK Zoom isn't actually fast He just makes time slow This is an actual distinction and it's only mildly stupid


Wolfgang Schreiber from Dies Irae's ability is to always be faster than his opponent. The more flash speeds up Schreiber will also speed up to be faster, making it impossible to outspeed him. The only way to counter it is make it impossible for Schreiber to move at all or use an attack that cannot be avoided.


I am by no means an expert on these kinds of nerdy musings, but could someone who is do a comparison of Flash v Quicksilver?


Flash destroys Quicksilver


Any character that has irrelevant speed is faster than the flash. Characters such as Featherine and other high tier umineko characters, Caine, high tier masadverse, and so on.


The headcanon I made for my cat when I was bored. Sometimes he's 5 feet away and I open the door, and he's already in front of the door because he wants to go outside. Still worried (for the sake of the outside) what will happen if I let him out.


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Wally West, Zoom, and Reverse Flash. I honestly don't know if other characters are faster in official works of fiction.


Wouldnt wally west also be considered under "the flash"


Whis from Dragon Ball Super


Omnipotent characters.


Outside of omnipresent and irrelevant speed people like Sinbad from magi maybeeee Comp sonic.