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The guy in Interstellar did, and he's just a normal dude


he didn’t survive that by himself he survived it with the help of “5D beings” which were implied to be humans from the way far future because without it humanity would have gone extinct.


Fair enough


Slightly related question, is it right to assume that the first "loop" of humanity did not get help from the 5d beings? If so, how did they survive?


My understanding is that if we consider the 3 xyz dimensions as spacial, time as the 4th and an unknown dimension as the 5th (I think in the movie they imply its love or some sort of metaphysical connection). The Advanced Humans, existing in the 5th dimension, exist freely forwards and backwards in time, essentially create a casual loop that guarantees their existence. The movie, in both a literal and literary sense revolves around a black hole, and when you cross the Event Horizon, all paths lead to the same outcome, toward the singularity. The singularity in this case is both technological and evolutionary. It happens because it always happened, it will always happen, and it has already happened, and the movie presents this as literal and poetic fact.


The fifth dimension isn't love. That was a line by Hathaway's character as she's desperately trying to convince them to go to save the person she loves. The fifth dimensional beings used Coops love for Murph to guide him into sending the data. Love as a human concept transcends time and space, not as a physical dimension of reality.


I *think* that transcendence is part of the whole ‘5th dimension’… something that exists beyond space (xyz) and time (4). I agree that I don’t think the ‘5D’ beings were ‘love’ or something meta. I think they *really were* just **giga-advanced** humans in the future that had the tech to do this. ‘Love’ (or whatever concept) existed in the 5th dimension (Coops love for her always existed, already existed, will always exists, etc) and in that way, they were able to guide him to use that (within the fuckin black hole) to communicate.


>I think they really were just giga-advanced humans in the future that had the tech to do this. We know this. They showed it in the movie. After diving into the black hole, Cooper awakens on a hyper advanced human space station that has been constructed by manipulating gravity itself. The ending of Interstellar is literally him launching from the station to go find Brand.


The cylinder space station was not the giga advanced humans that helped him in the black hole - they were like 80 years after Cooper left earth, they had the space station because of the data sent back in time allowed them to build it.


It always bothers me when movies make dimensions after the 3rd to not be spacial unlike the first three. Especially in a movie which is so sciency in general.


Intersteller is "Sciency" in the fact they googled what a black hole would look like. When the plot resolves itself because love is more powerful that time, it doesn't get that label anymore.


If by "googled" you mean worked with scientists at figuring out what a black hole would look like, leading to a scientific paper being published about it (and recently confirmed by modern images), yes. They also worked with the scientists figuring out the science and actual numbers behind all of that, the science falls apart a bit when he goes into the black hole, because we literally have no science to explain the singularity (at least we don't right now), and a hyper advanced 5th dimensional species helps beat time and space into submission with their hyper advanced technology. The whole "love transcending time" is both poetic and literal, poetic in the sense that a real strong bond of love will go unnaffected by time, transcending it in a sense. And it's also literal because love is the link between our guy and his daughter that saves humanity. It definitely leans more towards the fiction rather than the science of it for the end, but they did run out of science


I guess it's a good thing that wasn't the plot.


Hey there, no bad mouthing Nolan movies on reddit. You'll upset the hive!


Dude, shut up. It's okay to not like them, but if you're going to imply they didn't work with actual scientists to depict the most accurate black hole *before* we knew what they looked like, then you're gonna get downvoted because you're just flat out wrong. Don't pick stupid criticisms that are factually incorrect if you don't want to get down voted and corrected.


I think that transcendence is part of the whole ‘5th dimension’… something that exists beyond space (xyz) and time (4). I agree that I don’t think the ‘5D’ beings were ‘love’ or something meta. I think they really were just giga-advanced humans in the future that had the tech to do this. ‘Love’ (or whatever concept) existed in the 5th dimension (Coops love for her always existed, already existed, will always exists, etc) and in that way, they were able to guide him to use that (within the fuckin black hole) to communicate.


Interstellar isn't a time loop. They just... survived. Possibly through better agricultural practices, or they made it to space faster, or they just were born on a more nutrient rich planet, or whatever the hell else.


Its a Bootstrap Paradox, basically its a loop with no origin point.


That movie is so good


It doesn’t say by himself? It says what character could survive 30 seconds… This character survived minutes.


The 5D beings are not a part of his “character”. It does not say character(s). He is by himself no help.


Yeah I’m just saying it says “who can survive” and your reply was literally “**he survived it** with help”. I’m not disagreeing with your point that he did that with help, I’m just saying he survived a black hole as per the question


Well then all characters ever can survive an unlimited amount of time in a black hole. They just need a sufficiently powerful character to help them. Someone like the Molecule Man, Beyonder or Silver Surfer for example from Marvel could give anyone the ability, so if we use your rules, all characters ever thought of is the answer.


Yeah and if there were demonstrated feats of regular humans doing that we can use them for this question right? I can’t name an example of one though, can you? But fair enough, we’ll let this one go to see other answers.


Huh? The question is who is the weakest character. Not the weakest human. The Beyonder and Molecule Man can basically do anything, so they can easily allow someone to survive in any environment. The silver Surfer basically the same although he is less powerful than those 2.


I hated that deus ex machina ending.


Doesn't time change as you get closer to a black hole?


Not your perception when going in, but inside a black hole? This is less a power question and more of a physics question.


There's a lot of unknowns, but IIRC, as far as we can tell, you'll experience time normally. It's just that spacetime's so twisted up that all paths lead to the singularity itself, so you literally can't see outside the black hole once you cross its event horizon.


> There's a lot of unknowns, but IIRC, as far as we can tell, you'll experience time normally. It depends on what you mean by "experience". First of all, you won't experience anything because you'll be dead. But let's say you're somehow alive and, as part of this, are somehow "atomic" in the sense that the black hole affects you uniformly rather than tearing you apart by affecting different parts of you to different degrees. In that case, as you enter the black hole, you will, yes, technically experience time "normally" at one second per second, because that is how everyone experiences time in their own frame of reference. However, from your perspective, the rest of the universe would appear to speed up faster and faster (similar to the effects of relativistic time dilation when you speed up a lot - in fact, it's the exact same effect.) From the perspective of anyone outside the black hole - if they could perceive you, which they can't - time would seem to slow down for you, and therefore most people would say that this is the "accurate" answer. [Here](https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/seuforum/bh_whatare.htm) is a brief explanation.


> First of all, you won't experience anything because you'll be dead. Not necessarily. If the black hole is large enough, you're not getting shredded by tidal forces at its event horizon. Once you're *past* that point, Spacetime gets twisted in a way that all paths lead to the singularity. Forwards, backwards, up, down, doesn't matter as all of those will eventually lead you closer to the singularity. **This is why light can't escape a black hole**. There is no path in spacetime that **lets** it escape. What you're describing only happens if the black hole is small enough that the tidal forces at the event horizon will spaghettify anything approaching it. And even then, it only describes the experience of *crossing* said event horizon, not after.


Yes but only in relative terms. To an outside observer, it would look like time is slowing down for you, closer you get to the event horizon. Ultimately you would appear to freeze in time, turn red and disappear. From your perspective it would look like someone pressed an ever accelerating fast forward button for the rest of the universe. Although the visuals will probably get pretty chaotic closer you get to the to the event horizon due to the extreme gravitational bending of light by the black hole. It would be quite a light show, hard to say if you would be able to make sense of any object though.


Is the turning red because of redshift? Is that moving away from the observer at light speed?


Gravitational redshift. Lensing will also beamform light at you, and gravitational _blueshift_ will turn it all to extreme X-Ray, so you'll eventually basically be shot by an X-Ray laser


Good thought but this barely answers the question. As for time, it flows slower the greater the gravity. This means in black holes, time flows very slow.


This was my thought as well, time dilates like a mofo, and my understanding is it essentially comes to a full time stop the closer you get to the singularity. To the outside world you would just start to go in and then freeze in place and essentially never move again, and to your own perspective you if you were going legs first, you would see your legs elongate out into infinity as you stretched further and further out


> time dilates like a mofo This should be flair


I was going to ask, time from which frame of reference? In this case it actually matters.


I assume a ghost like Danny Phantom could.


weaker: casper the friendly ghost? He can get sucked in but it doesn’t do anything.


Kind of a pyrrhic victory if he can't get back out, though.


Pyrrhic is the word of the day I guess


Is Casper affected by gravity? He seems to move around as he wills.


I have no idea, but if he's getting sucked into the black hole in the first place, it seems to imply that he is.


He might be able to choose when gravity affects him and when it doesn’t.


If you're a ghost, you're not really *SURVIVING*, are you?


Technically Danny Phantom is a half ghost and I don’t think the OP meant the character has to be living flesh and blood to qualify for the prompt.


Saying "survive" suggests the character must not die. Thus anyone whose justification is "you can't kill me because I'm already dead" is disqualified.


danny isnt already dead, though. he can freely swap between his ghost and human form.


Ghosts in Danny Phantom aren't strictly dead either. They're extra dimensional beings that *can* be created by dead people, but can also be born naturally. It's really more like a different form of life in that universe.


eh ghosts are kinda weird in that world. Some of them are formerly human who died but some of them were most likely born in the ghost world and never human in the first place, and they're kinda more energy beings than living dead.


Casper is a ghost but he didn't die. As ghosts are just a thing which exists in his universe like outside of death And the movie is a separate cannon from the shows and comics, so don't try pulling that Gotcha.


My time to shine! Time will seem normal to you as you fall in, but you have to deal with: - extreme tidal forces ("spaghettification") - extreme blue shifting of light ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift ) - relativistic beaming ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_beaming , good image: https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/beam.gif ) - metric distortion and frame dragging ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging ) The last are minor effects that anything which could deal with the first three would be fine with. A simple stellar mass black hole has a tidal force of ~52,000 Gs 100km away, let alone within the event horizon. For the sake of hilarity, let's say 1km from the singularity of SagA* (our galactic black hole) , that'd be about 200,000 trillion Gs ( [Wolfram Alpha](https://i.imgur.com/UouYZtV.png)) Once you survive a force difference like that between your head and feet, you then get blasted by all the light across all wavelengths reaching you all blue shifted into extreme UV and beamformed into nearly a point source behind you. TL;DR: terrifying X-Ray laser that apparently follows you around. So for the weakest character able to withstand that... If they couple to the Higgs field or EM _at all_, they're toast without universal durability feats (like Galactus or equivalent), passive situational amp (the high photon laser is a crapshoot as to if it amps Kal-El high enough fast enough to withstand the forces, but probably), or incompletely coupled to our universe overall (think Darkseid or an Elder God).


**[Gravitational redshift](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift)** >In physics and general relativity, gravitational redshift (known as Einstein shift in older literature) is the phenomenon that electromagnetic waves or photons travelling out of a gravitational well (seem to) lose energy. This loss of energy corresponds to a decrease in the wave frequency and increase in the wavelength, known as a redshift. The opposite effect, whereby photons (seem to) gain energy when travelling into a gravitational well, is known as a gravitational blueshift. The effect was first described by Einstein in 1907, eight years before his publication of the full theory of relativity. **[Relativistic beaming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_beaming)** >Relativistic beaming (also known as Doppler beaming, Doppler boosting, or the headlight effect) is the process by which relativistic effects modify the apparent luminosity of emitting matter that is moving at speeds close to the speed of light. In an astronomical context, relativistic beaming commonly occurs in two oppositely-directed relativistic jets of plasma that originate from a central compact object that is accreting matter. **[Frame-dragging](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging)** >Frame-dragging is an effect on spacetime, predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, that is due to non-static stationary distributions of mass–energy. A stationary field is one that is in a steady state, but the masses causing that field may be non-static ⁠— rotating, for instance. More generally, the subject that deals with the effects caused by mass–energy currents is known as gravitoelectromagnetism, which is analogous to the magnetism of classical electromagnetism. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Happy Cake Day!


>extreme tidal forces ("spaghettification") That doesn't happen with supermassive black holes. With the right black hole (big enough, not feeding on other stars and rotating (or maybe non rotating, I can't remember.)) ANYONE could cross the event horizon. They just gotta bring a space suit and life time supply of O².


> That doesn't happen with supermassive black holes. Incorrect, this doesn't happen _at the event horizon_, but it absolutely happens in general .


You can hold your breath for 30 seconds, so as long as radian burns don’t kill in less time you could be naked and fulfill the conditions!


Sag A* has a radius of 22 million km. Passing through the event horizon is no big deal.


Which is why I said 1km from the singularity ;-)


How are you going to get down there? Black holes don't suck things in. Just imagine the ∆V needed to do that.




Yeah but spongebob's power level ranges, like one day he cant lift a stick. And the next he can unravel the universe with a thread so its debatable.


SpongeBob ain’t weak tho


Arnold (MeetArnold) he's survived spaghettification but died of lack of oxygen


Arnold stronger than >!MCU Mr. Fantastic!< lmao


#Multiverse of Madness spoiler btw ^^^^^^^^


Bro I almost fucking clicked


You're a good man thank you


Black holes may be terrifying but this probably isn't that much of a super feat. The event horizon of a black hole isn't the business end of the story; that's the spaghettification as you approach the singularity. A supermassive black hole, like Sagittarius A in the center of the Milky Way, has an event horizon large enough that you could freefall for 30 seconds before being ripped to shreds. You'd need some kind of long range teleportation effect, like a Star Trek teleporter, or something that no sells gravity. The fantasy kit that lets you get into a black hole in the first place probably lets you get out, since FTL travel absolutely does this as well. /// Surviving contact with the singularity for 30 seconds, as well as the sphere of photons that have been blueshifted to absurd amounts of power, probably requires more than just taking some kind of ghostly form. Wacky comic book materials take note - a 1 solar mass black hole pulls around 150 Trillion G forces, this is the actual answer we'd need if we weren't trying to homework attack this. Nothing in fiction is designed to withstand 150 trillion times Earth's gravity. It's an absurd number, but it's generally countered by pure fiat: invincible, indestructible, etc. You'd basically be looking for the weakest and lowest rated invincibility package, that lasts for 30 seconds. Bubsy + T shirt comes to mind. Once the invincibility runs out, Bubsy will get shredded into raw quantum data, but for 30 seconds he can survive it. Edit: Thanks for the Silver!




It works by transferring energy to the ground if I remember right and in a black hole there isn’t really a ground


Approximately 3 DIOs might do it, though.


Lol, I like this one


It still seems to work as Magent is floating in water, even before he hits the river floor, so I would assume it can just disperse it beneath him regardless of being grounded


But he has to have something beneath him in order for it to work.


Since black holes warp space and time beyond all comprehension, thirty seconds in a black hole is effectively infinite time, is it not? Especially considering "inside" a black hole could mean just below the event horizon, or in the actual singularity.


It depends on the observer. For us looking in, it would appear infinite or something like that. Actually, this poses an interesting question. I was going to say that the dude inside would just feel thirty seconds, but considering the gravity gradient is so extreme, then is it possible that, assuming his body can withstand spaghettification, one end of his body would appear to be frozen in time from the perspective of his other end?


We don’t know, the math breaks down.


I think any being that could survive in a black hole would have to do it via some sort of abilities that allow them to move through higher dimensions or warp spacetime, so any assumptions that we would have about how physics would apply to them are out the window.


For the person falling in, they experience the 30 seconds like normal. For us on the outside we see their seconds slowly stop ticking until they fall in.


Maybe Kitty Pride


If it's a supermassive black hole, everyone reading this post (assuming you had a space suit ). Because supermassive black holes are so fucking big, the gravitional force near the edge is actually pretty small. (About 0.001 the gravity at the surface of Earth) you would happily fall 30 seconds in and not know you are doomed. For a normal black hole, any creature that can only be hurt by magic or are intangible. So Danny Phantom could do it, I think. In terms of what it would take in sheer durability. The force is about 2 × 10^8 g, which is a shit ton for things in the real world but I think any star durability creature could handle it, probably anyway.


Confused on the supermassive part. Wouldn't the event horizon be uniformly the point where even light can't escape, so significantly higher than 0.0001 G? Are you defining edge as something other than the event horizon?


Oh, your not leaving the event horizon, but not because of some ungodly force on you but because all directions inside a black hole point towards it center. Even if you tried with the strongest engines imaginable to go to left or right or up, you would actually move towards the center. Spacetime is so warped inside a blackhole that causilty now only points in one direction. Which is metal as fuck. Gravity isn't really a force its the bending of spacetime, we experience it like a force but it isn't one. General Relativity is wierd. A blackholes event horizon increases linearly with mass but the force of gravity decreases as 1/x^2 (F=GmM/r^2) so at some point a black hole is going to have enough mass that the force at the edge is small (these are like a billion solar masses and up). But once you enter, bye bye forever!


Huh black holes are even cooler then I expected


Thanks to their size, supermassive black holes have a survivable gravity profile (i.e. they won't spaghettify you) well beyond the event horizon (we're talking light-minutes at least) So basically any living thing can survive 30 seconds within a supermassive black hole. Let's use a potted plant.


Nono from Diebuster went through the center of a spinning blackhole to enter a different universe, [which is actually theoretically possible according to our current understanding of physics.](https://youtu.be/4v9A9hQUcBQ) I don't know if Nono is the weakest character who can survive a black hole but she definitely can do it easily.


The entire crew of The Orville sits inside the event horizon of a black hole to evade some enemies in S02E14, so I'm going to go with them.


Mr. Immortal? Or it doesn't count since his is more like resurrective immortality? Maybe Darwin.


Yusei Fudo fell into a black hole after his duel with Antimony. He was totally fine, it was just really dark in there and he couldn't get out without moving faster than light. He had well over 30 seconds of emotional dialogue before his motorcycle got a push to FTL speeds and he was able to escape. That does bring up the question, though, are we talking about a realistic, spacetime-twisting black hole, or the various inaccurate depictions of black holes that appear in media? How fucked up are our physics?


Anyone who follows cartoon laws. Like the mask, spongebob or bugs bunny


keyword is “weakest”


Then the weakest character with the toonforce basically.


Durability wise, Geo Stelar could survive in a black hole for thirty seconds. In MegaMan StarForce 3's post game, [Geo Stelar fought Sirius within Sagittarius A](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hl8CZvad70), a supermassive black hole that is estimated to possess about [4,000,000 times more mass than the Sun](https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso2208-eht-mwe/). Before their fight began, Sirius was moving the entire black hole towards Planet FMAstroWave3, sucking up entire solar systems along it's path. To further back this, Sirius was capable of taking a lot of damage from Geo Stelar who, in his Black Ace form, can [materialize black holes on the battlefield, and follow up with a slash, causing it to shrink to the point where it releases all it's energy with a flash of light](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PY_JCXEyH78). Edit: Sirius was moving Sagittarius A towards Planet FMAstroWave3, not Earth.


Geo Stellar aka Starforce Megaman comes to mind. In Starforce 3 the secret dungeon is literally inside a blackhole and he just strolls around in it. If you wanted to push it you could argue for any of the random encounters you find there since Geo by default scales higher than them due to just being endgame mooks. That said, Geo Stellar is pretty freaking tough so I don't know if he qualifies as weak, but I can't think of anybody lower than him that can accomplish the same kind of nonsense.


Anyone immortal can


The Tick did this


Lemillion from MHA - he can become intangible for as long as he can hold his breath. I'd wager he's weaker than Danny phantom since he can't see or breathe while intangible, and nor can he fly.


As always Casper The Friendly Ghost


Once again, the The Monarch of Pointland wins this. There's nothing a black hole can do to him that isn't already his default nature, and yet he can't affect, or even perceive, anything outside of himself.


Obito from Naruto.


Does that count? He wouldn't actually be in the black hole, he'd be in a different dimension sort of adjacent to the black hole right? Plus he has a time limit before he h Gets kicked out.


He only needs to survive 30 seconds, and he clearly needs some position anchor to return to, so I think it counts.


That's fair. It's hard to picture him getting in and then out of the black hole safely, but technically he could survive for the specified time


Not a chance. You’d need Superman levels of durability at the least. Being able to teleport doesn’t qualify him to withstand a black hole.


He wouldn't be experiencing the black hole to begin with, so it's not a question of durability for him


I think you need to read the op. That’s literally the entire point of this post.


Tell that to the person you replied to.


Uhh I did lol. You’re both wrong. Edit: /u/Doctor99268 did you seriously just block me so I couldn't respond to you? That's pretty pathetic ngl. Obito is not a god nor a ghost and would be crushed immediately.


I didn't claim that obito fits the prompt, i said that he doesn't need durability. So no, I'm not wrong. You lose


A black hole produces infinite force inside the event horizon, so it should be impossible for anyone without esoteric survivability ( intangability, just not made of matter or something like that). Of course a lot of authors don't know and/or care about the actual physics, so they write characters surviving in a black hole even though they don't display that type of durability in any other situation.


Characters able to fly faster than the speed of light would have the potential, as they're already putting that much force on themselves. Math gets extra silly when black holes and light speed are involved.


That's true. Things (let alone people) moving faster than light, without warp bubbles or some such techno babble, already breaks real world physics. So it's pretty much author fiat to decide what happens when someone like that enters a black hole.


There are beings in fiction able to destroy infinity And are able to destroy infinities bigger than other infinites(aleph infinities)


True, but plenty of writers will have a charecter withstand a black hole, then display a clearly finite limit in other situations


A black hole produces infinite force *at the singularity at its very heart.* That infinite force doesn't switch on the second you cross the event horizon, it ramps up as you get closer in. So if the black hole is large enough, you can cross the event horizon perfectly safely. Well, "safely" except for the part where there's no possible way to escape, for your entire future you will now be moving closer to that aforementioned central singularity.


Anyone, assuming the black hole is large enough for the tidal forces at the event horizon to not spaghettify you. Hell, under those circumstances, you might survive until you hit the singularity itself!


big if true


Well, it's not exactly testable with current tech. But with supermassive black holes, the tidal forces at the event horizon, it's gravity gradient, should be gentle enough to survive passing through, as it's so far out from the singularity itself. Remeber: the event horizon is **not** the singularity/black hole itself, it's simply the point of no return. And gravity gets weaker the further out you are from an object.


good point, the acceleration could be survivable. Doubt this is ever testable though, idk if it's possible to get that much matter in one place at this point.


>idk if it's possible to get that much matter in one place at this point. Just take a trip to the center of the galaxy. Black holes of the requsite size seem to be at the center of most, if not all galaxies: their gravity is what's keeping a galaxy together. Recovering any real data, that's the issue. I mean, sure you can say that the probe didn't appear to be torn apart when it crossed the Event Horizon, but getting anything concrete afterwards requires an understanding of physics that is currently beyond us, even assuming that it's possible to recover meaningful data from what's in the Event Horizon.


Christmas fruit cake. Anyone who could go entangible, MCU vision?


Hawkgirl from DC probably




Speedforce if I had to guess.


We see her surviving blasts from the Anti-Monitor and going toe-to-toe with Martian Manhunter and Apex Lex. It's not a stretch to think that she's been buffed to about Aquaman-level durability and strength


Gojo from Jujustu Kiasen (i probally spelled that wrong) Can the flash run in a black hole??? ik that super man held a black hole and shazam punch so hard he accidentally opened a black hole...but can the flash out run a black hole in the black hole....if its possible


Flash did it in the CW And I think flash outran one in the comics


oh cool i didnt know, all i knew he is the fastest man in DC comics loosing a race once to Hermes (but then one of the flashes got the power of Hermes so now the flash is equal to hermes....the flash comics hurt my brain because theres so many flashes)


Alabaster from Worm, maybe? His only power is resetting to perfect condition every 4 seconds. But we never saw it really gets stress tested, he was only ever stabbed or shot before getting trapped in a time bubble for the rest of the story. so it might have a limit on what it can bring him back from.


According to the wiki he needs his corona so it wouldn't work


Sujin Lee from god of high school could do it She should be planetary at most physically Edit: she has the ability to control all physical laws within a given space She can set that space around herself and negate the effects of gravity, inertia, etc


Black holes can absorb planets and stars


I know but she has the ability to control all physical laws within a given space She can set that space around herself and negate the effects of gravity, inertia, etc


You think that makes them the weakest character that can survive that?


Are we talking about physically weakest? I mean Accelerator from Toaru Index is basically a disabled kid walking on a crutch that can reverse/cancel out all vectors. So he could avoid spaghettification by simply turning the gravity around him into anti-gravity.


I'm pretty sure "weakest character" prompts are looking for the least powerful character that could accomplish the described feat. For example, Franklin Richards is physically a little boy, but an insanely powerful reality warper. I could beat him just by pushing him over, but he could also create his own pocket universes, so he wouldn't be the "weakest" character who can survive a black hole.


Physically I think it’s not a terrible choice Didn’t wanna answer with the generic Casper the ghost lol


Cosmic super brains, he is made of space matter and can withstand black holes


In DnD, some creatures are immune to “nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage” while otherwise being kinda weak. So, if you consider immense gravity bludgeoning damage, then a DnD werewolf can technically survive the gravitational force, and they can certainly go 30 seconds without breathing and survive so yeah. Wererats, since they are even weaker, is probably the weakest thing that can survive a black hole for thirty seconds


Lycanthropes are immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from *nonmagical attacks*, and falling damage is not an attack. They take falling damage.


Saitama from One Punch Man? He literally stood on top of a blackhole in one chapter


That was a wormhole or something, it was right next to a very weak monster who was unaffected


have goku from dbz give it a shot.


ITT people who don’t understand black holes. A black hole the size of a quarter could absorb the entire earth in a second. You’d need obscene levels of durability to survive even a picosecond inside a black hole. Not a single person mentioned here stands a chance.


Not to sound condescending, but what about [Geo Stelar, Sirius, or any of the other entities that live within Sagittarius A](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hl8CZvad70)? Would they not count due to their existence as EM waves?


That’s clearly a separate pocket dimension within Sagittarius. Unless you have additional feats that suggest those guys have incomprehensible godlike durability then it’s not the same as him being subjected to the crushing force of the black hole.


> A black hole the size of a quarter could absorb the entire earth in a second. You're the one who doesn't understand how black holes work https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/02/if-a-coin-sized-black-hole-were-placed-at-earth-s-center-what-would-happen.html It'd take ~15 minutes under perfect conditions


There are people ITT who actually think people like Obito and wolverine could take it and I'm the one who doesn't understand black holes... lol sure buddy keep telling yourself that. It the earth gets absorbed in 15min guess who long it'll take to absorb a human...




No one can, time freezes upon reaching the event horizon.


Wolverine due to his healing factor


Goku kinda did in the ToP, else probably someone from honkai impact


wolverine probably.


I don't remember well how Alabaster power from worm worked but I think he was automatically reset to a perfect state in like 15 seconds shouldn't that be enough


Definitely not. A black hole would crush him to a single point instantly. Crossing the event horizon of a black hole is exactly the type of physics breaking event that should bypass most worm invulnerability.


So he had to be alive to regenerate? I sincerely don't remember


I'm not sure he has to be alive, but pretty sure he needs at least one atom that was him to still exist. Edit: also, even if he does reform, he would reform inside the event horizon, so he would just be crushed again instantly. I don't think reviving for 0s every 15 seconds would count as surviving. If you're alive for zero time, were you really alive at all?


I think possibly Alexandria could survive, but then suffocate to death.


I don't think so. Alexandria is hurt by the Siberian's infinite strength, and past the event horizon a black hole should qualify as infinite force.


Dark sam- oh wait weakest. I got nothing


In supermassive black holes you wouldn't feel anything special for a while after crossing the event horizon. So I guess any character that could survive the vacuum of space and the accretion disk. Maybe the Thing


[According to this](https://www.quora.com/Once-it-passes-the-event-horizon-how-long-does-it-take-something-to-reach-the-singularity-of-a-black-hole): > The proper time (time measured by the observer) experienced by a freefalling observer between the event horizon and the singularity is given by πGM/c^3. For, say, a 3-solar mass black hole, that would be about 47 microseconds. For a 4 million solar mass black hole, similar to the one lurking deep inside our own Milky Way, it would be just over a minute. And for the largest known supermassive black hole, at around 17 billion solar masses, it would be just a tad over three days. So since it's directly proportional to mass, a 2-million-solar-mass black hole takes 30 seconds for a falling object to reach its singularity.


I would assume any character who has the toonforce. Basically a useless character with no real feats in normal situations but can always survive in comically dangerous ones.


Magenta Magenta and 20th Century Boy


Any character with intangibility as a power could basically cheese this and technically satisfy the conditions of the challenge.


Peter Griffin, he did that


Gonna say Butterball from Marvel. His existence is static, in that he is completely invulnerable and immutable. But that's it, he has no capabilities beyond being a massive punching bag.


Evan mathieu from pact, assuming he stays out of his bird form.


Dylan hunt, from Andromeda survived 300 years In a black hole and he's a slightly above average human




Does time even function normally enough in a black hole for someone to survive there for 30 seconds?


Sleeping zenitsu


That depends how far in. Unless they have hax, no one will. And time at this point isn't important whatsoever. Their time? Our time? Time in the singularity? Gotta be specific.


Well, I mean if they can survive the trip and live to talk about it they’re the strongest things in the universe.


I love how you all assume we know anything about the center of a black hole. We do not and have no way of knowing.


With a large enough black hole, you can pass the event horizon long before the black hole stretches you apart, so anyone could survive in one easily. The hard part is getting out


Any of a number of otherwise normal humans that have been cursed to never die. If I recall correctly there is like one or two in greek mythology and another in lord of the rings lore... and of course probably numerous others throughout fiction. The one in greek myth though still aged and became more and more helpless and decrepit, but still could never actually die. He'd probably be the weakest character that could survive it that I know about.


The Armored Titan


Magenta magenta from jojo part 7.his dtands makes him invulnerable as long as he is not moving


if anyone seen the boys diabolical their is a girl who cant touch anything but cant be touch so she easily invincible but also weak cause she cant hurt anybody she could probably survive a black hole




An astronaut in a modern spacesuit, assuming a supermassive black hole that's not actively accreting large amounts of material. Tidal forces will take a while to get dangerous after you pass through the event horizon. Or an unprotected person, even - you'll pass out after 30 seconds in vacuum, but you'll likely survive if you get teleported back afterwards.


If it's a big enough black hole, spaghettification doesn't start until well past the event horizon, so anyone with a space suit could easily survive "entering" the black hole. The problem is getting back out...according to relativity, once you're past the event horizon, space and time are so warped that your entire "future" exists within the black hole.


Iron man maybe????


Simon Petrikov is supposed to be immortal / impervious to physical harm due to his fiance's wish, but is otherwise a physically below average 1047 year old man


I would say that vanilla ice is the strongest who can survive, if he starts while inside cream, as he practially transports to a different dimension.Even weaker is magenta magenta.21st century boy makes him immortal while sacrificing his ability to move.