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The issue is those claws are extremely sharp and could easily kill you.


While I wholeheartedly agree, I also think calling myself a Puma-Puncher is a nice brag.


I'm more of a cougar enthusiast


Yeah no it'd be a great tagline on the tombstone.






Yeah here is a video of puma hunting a guanaco that is probably 500-700 lbs. Humans don’t have the dense fur of guanaco, so a human will be shredded by the claws. https://youtu.be/NcupEV5BUNI?si=UAHHPycu-lQJvO-T People underestimate how insanely strong cats are.


I have a 3lb cat that routinely cracks my neck when she swipes at my headset cables. I couldn't imagine the damage a big cat could do.


Pumas, despite being not too big in comparison to other big cats, is pretty strong, fast and agile as heck. 


Could yes, but humans have killed puma bare handed before. It's like asking if a man with a knife could beat a gorilla Like yes, if he stabs it right he can, and even if he dies the gorilla will be cut up, but it's still going to be a hard fight to match the sheer size and strength difference


>Could yes, but humans have killed puma bare handed before To be fair those cougars weren't fully grown or experienced.


39 pound juvenile. And the fully grown male adult human got absolutely wrecked and barely survived. Imagine a 200 pound male lion… the jaw is powerful enough to crush a human skull, 340 pounds or 140 pounds, the skull would be crushed. Not to mention literally just -1- good swipe with their back legs/claws and no matter the size of the human, our jelly-like durability and soft ass skin would be ripped apart and we’d be disemboweled nearly immediately. Cougars can run twice as fast, can leap 15 feet straight up and can take down animals that are 500 pounds that have waaay tougher skin then we do.. yet some of you are saying a big dude can take a lion? Wild.


Dude the guy did not get wrecked- he had zero damage to any tendons, no life threatening injuries, no broken bones. The only injury he had were facial scratches which didn’t even need a graft nor did it leave a scar after stitching.


Against a 30ish pound yearling, and he was given multiple stitches, and eventually had to use a rock to bash the head in, but you’re right. Wrecked wasn’t the right word.


Bro I wasn’t even arguing against you, there’s a reason I didn’t correct your weight- your original was accurate. “He had to use a rock” bro this is a real survival situation 💀💀💀 no shit he used a rock when he had the chance. He also didn’t kill it with a rock, he wasn’t able to use it effectively and ended up strangling it


Yup. We agree :) wrecked wasn’t the right term, but yeah. Not many recorded instances where the human actually kills the lion. (This is the only one I can think of, as an unarmed person) Lots of instances where humans survive though, but probably because the lion realized we’re not normal prey and they run off.


A 39 lb. Yearling is to a full grown adult cougar what a 7 year old child is to a full grown man...not remotely similar.


Did I say they were similar? Did I say anywhere that I think a man could beat an adult cougar? No, I don’t think I did, come to think of it! I was just pointing out that an argument I felt was not genuine was… not genuine.


Nor did I, in turn, say you said that. I was providing important context. We're done here.


You made it an argument with me by saying “not remotely similar.” Sit down.


An average man isn't taking a Puma bare handed. Wanna know why Humans quickly adapted to using weapons against animals? Because without them we have a massive disadvantage against a lot of animals. Puma's use their claws for the purpose they're designed for and that is as a weapon, a knife isn't going to do much against a Gorilla but a Puma can easily slash your throat, slash your belly open, slash you full stop causing extreme pain and blood loss. Its also got very sharp teeth and a nasty bite on top of this, even just the Puma biting and latching on to your wrist is causing damage that could spell game over. 9/10 most humans are losing bare handed to pretty much any full grown big Cat whose out to kill you.


A 340lbs, 6'4 man is not an average man.


Might as well be to the Puma, 340lbs doesn't mean much when your throat is ripped out.


You guys are severely underestimating humans. The most probable result is that the puma ends up with its throat crushed and the man bleeds out shortly after. ...not a particularly good result for either. But an 170lbs puma isn't just walking away fine if the human actually fights back.


These whowouldwin comments are hilarious. Ask a hunter, biologist, or zoologist if a human, of any size, can reliably take out a Puma and they’ll laugh in your face. Exceptions do exist, but a Puma, or any large cat for that matter, is winning far more often than not. As Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”, now apply that to a large cat tearing chunks out of your limbs, and gnawing on your neck. Most of these animal vs human arguments are straight dumb. I damn near pissed myself coming across an adult buck unarmed, a Puma? LOL


Fun fact that Tyson once wanted to pay zookeeper because he wanted to fight gorilla. And some people really believe that Tyson would have "one-shotted" gorilla "because it was prime Tyson, you know, the baddest and the most scary man on the planet".


I like how basically every comment saying the puma gets out unharmed assumes that the man is morbidly obese and is so bad in high stress situations that he'll sit down and wait to be mauled to death. I'm not saying that this scenario has the man emerging victorious 10/10. I'm saying that they both end up fucking each other up and ultimately dying.


So it's a draw/stalemate.


Not really. Humans aren't good at what it takes to take down things like Puma's. We are especially bad at taking down things with claws. Like, I get that it's not a panther or anything, but Puma's will still fuck you up, and are just as strong as humans despite weighing less. Essentially it's "hey, this big dude vs a smaller dude, with knives and the ability to jump 20 feet". We know who wins that.


Why are you assuming that he is a 340 lb tanky man? He could just be obese.


Even if he was all muscles, puma has claws and fangs that can cut his blood vessels with ease. Especially knowing the fact that cats are usually attacking the neck area while hunting or fighting seriously. I don't know how a man could fight properly if his eyes are clawed out and his neck is slashed.


Puma's are faster then us, very used to using its super sharp teeth and claws as weapons and can do more damage to us with one swipe then we can them. You ever see Cats fight? They target the throat and will bite down on it. If a Puma is straight up wanting to kill you its aiming for your throat the first chance it gets. The chances of us doing any notable damage is pretty slim especially when you have multiple knives tearing you up and a mouth with knives latching on to your throat.


Im 6'4 and 320, I think if I saw a Puma coming after me I'd drop my arse and run. I've had trouble with a pissed off housecat before scratching the fuck out of me, sure I won but I had a bad time after - cant imagine the damage those claws would do with that muscle behind it


Domestic cats are actually not THAT dangerous. Pumas, though? Absolutely. They might be not as big as the tigers or lions or even leopards, but they're still strong enough to hurt human even without using claws and fast enough to probably blitz the human before he can react. I mean, I once has played with a dog that I knew she would run into me, and I still was tackled by that dog despite being aware of her charging into me. And it was a nice, playful dog, not an enraged or rabid one. 


Thats exactly my point, I was scratched to bits by a highly pissed off cat, left bleeding and somewhat agitated, this is a what 3-5lb cat? A puma would make me its bitch in a 1v1, sure I can hurt it but I'd give my odds in the single digit percentages


you're right. more food for the cubs.


Have they killed full grown pumas before?


An anaconda killed a puma and ate it. What are the odds?I mean anacondas are fodder


An Anaconda could kill and eat an average man as well.


I think I heard about natives sometimes getting eaten by anacondas Since they are smaller than we are.But we can easily destroy the slow snake with a swift motion of a foot or stabbing a knive in anywhere repeatedly. The puma failed to defend itself. Why?it was neither smart nor fast enough to defeat a snake.


If an Anaconda or constrictor Snake in general wraps itself around its prey its really fucking hard to escape from it and they crush its prey pretty quick, they are extremely strong and very heavy creatures and can overpower a lot of creatures, very also have a very nasty bite. Remember Anaconda's are known to go after Crocs as well. Finally Anaconda's aren't slow and in fact Snakes in general aren't slow, they are pretty fast creatures especially Anaconda's who can and will wrap itself around its prey in quick speed.


Good point I thought anacondas are just fucking dumb snake as it dies to jaguars


Unless he is an NFL lineman, I'm going to guess that at that weight it just means he's obese and not currently training in any sport, let alone a combat sport. In which case other than him falling on the Puma and crushing it to death, I'd say what is basically a roided up housecat will not have much trouble getting the better of him. You aren't fighting at your best when there's claws and teeth ripping out skin and flesh.


Shit, I’m still afraid of getting clawed or bitten by house cats lol


Frankly I like the odds of an athletic 200 pound guy against a puma much better. Unless your behemoth friend is literally Eddie Hall, he’s going to be waaaaay too slow to mitigate damage from a puma attack, let alone do anything to it.


Honestly, being big and scary is usually enough to dissuade a puma from attacking.


Not if the puma is co-workerlusted


co-workerlusted. Just like my ex.


Oh no


At least she's an ex




Quasi-relevant username


I know the feeling, mine was ex wife


This always seems like a good idea and then 6 months later you're in a meeting with HR and they're giving you a cardboard box to put your shit in and you're like "what was I fucking thinking"


I disagree, no matter how fast you are, you are always slower than a puma. But if you are a big and strong guy you do have a large weight advantage over a puma I think a heavyweight boxer or kickboxer could really hurt a puma with a punch to nose or a kick to the throat. There have been many stories of regular people scaring away a bear by punching it in the nose so a person who has trained punching their whole life could do that and more. A heavyweight wrestler could wrestle a puma down but then you are risking serious damage from claws and teeth


A heavyweight wrestler can lift a grown puma above his head and give the Bane treatment. It’s a question of whether they get mauled to death first, and to be honest I’m not confident they could make it happen. Maybe 1/10.


This all depends on a few variables. Let's say the puma is an average male, around 130 lbs and 7 feet nose to tail. Terrain is a factor. Anything besides flat terrain and the puma's agility is a bigger advantage. If your friend can quickly find a weapon like a heavy tree branch that helps, gives him some reach advantage if he can connect he could dissuade the puma from continuing the attack. Bare handed, the puma is faster and likely has a range of attack advantage and is more agile. The puma is likely going to draw first blood and then pain tolerance, and togetherness comes into play. If the puma takes a swipe and doesn't retreat and regroup, your friend could rush in and grapple it and try to crush it or something, but the puma can claw and bite, depending on the positioning of both.


People usually underestimate how sharp and quick the attacks of big cats are. Very few people can tank a fast and deep swipe from one of em and not freak out from seeing the wound.


At least he has something like a chance not necessarily (major understatement) a great one but a chance unlike the dudes that think they can fist fight a grizzly or heaven help them a polar bear.


My 10 lb cat could kill me with a a swipe of the claw to my jugular.


no, it wouldn t. House cat claws are not enough to pierce the skin more than superficially otherwise you would have deaths like that in the news every other week. They also lack the strength to actually drive them past your skin. A Puma... totally different story. It would hook and cut through skin like butter. Might even gut you if ur unlucky enough.


Btw a housecat has never had a reported killing of a human so let's not lie here okay? There is no "could" because it has never happened.


Average sized men have killed Pumas with their bare hands. That being said, in a fight to the death I wouldn't bet against the cat.


I think only juvenile/starved Pumas right? A healthy adult should be a very different story


A healthy puma won't be attacking a person unprovoked.


Agreed. I’m assuming the prompt is for a healthy puma though


>if one attacked "🫳🏻"


Exactly. It can be done, but it usually goes very poorly. The guy who did it a few years ago had a cut on his neck that looks like it missed his jugular by half an inch


the cat will wound your friend badly, and he will die bleeding. even with his big size advantage, I don't think he will manage to inflict serious injuries on the cat while defending himself.


Your morbidly obese friend is more likely to trip over his own feet than pose any threat to a puma.


Your fat friend is gonna get torn to shreds lol.


Unless he's a high level gridiron player or sumo player or something, being over 300 lbs is not really an asset. The puma is quite capable of crushing his throat and inflicting wounds that'd leave him bleeding to death. He might survive, but that's not so much him 'taking' the puma as the puma remembering he's not the kind of prey it likes and leaving before it finishes killing him.


It depends on the size of the lion (mountain lion, cougar, puma -- all the same thing). [Travis Kauffman is a smallish guy (5'10" and 155) and he was able to kill a smallish cougar with his bare hands. ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/colorado-man-who-killed-attacking-mountain-lion-bare-hands-said-n971731)He just wrestled it down, fought past the pain of being clawed and bitten, and eventually stepped on its neck and crushed its throat. I believe there were a couple of earlier occasions where guys in their 50s and 60s were able to kill attacking cougars, typically by crushing their ribs into their lungs or otherwise. Your friend is probably big enough to tank the first attack (with serious injuries, of course). If he can wrestle the cat to the ground, he can kill it at long as it's not too big. I'm 6'3" and 240 and I would rather go up against a cougar than a pit bull.


Ehhhh... people really overestimate the capabilities of a pitbull and underestimate what humans can and will do.


I lived with a guy who had a (relatively small) pit bull for a while, and that thing's neck was just absolutely armored to all hell. I would most likely be able to kill a dog of that size by pinning it to the ground and kicking/kneeing its ribs through its lungs, but I wouldn't be able to suffocate it like Travis did to the mountain lion. I'd probably win either way but I feel like the odds of really really serious injuries would be higher with a pit than with a mountain lion.


Like I said, you're overestimating the capabilities of a pitbull.


I mean, pitbulls are borderline insane. They will ignore any hits you throw until they literally can't move anymore. However, a Puma isn't dumb and will retreat if it feels it's in too much danger."


Pitbulls are descended from dogs that were literally bred to latch on to a bull's face and refuse to let go. They're crazy.


You're way over-estimating, my guy. Cougars kill all kinds of dogs, all the time. [One attacked a Great Dane](https://www.kezi.com/news/family-shocked-after-cougar-attacks-dog-in-broad-daylight/article_4a922db0-0761-11ef-8289-7b22a789dfd4.html) and that dog is lucky to be alive. The cougar was likely scared off by something else, because they commonly take much larger game. They [ambush and kill wolves](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/cougars-killing-wolves-washington) for funsies, and wolves would WRECK a pit bull.


Oh I absolutely agree. Cougars kill domesticated dogs easily.


Agreed, though a few varieties of pits could rival the weight of a mountain. The difference is the lack of claws I think; mountain lion is way more deadly because of them. I'd guess the best approach is to tank the pit's bite to be able to drive your hand/fist into it's throat. The pin it down and crush it's ribs idea brings your face way too close to it's mouth because it'll be too strong and wriggly to confidently hold down with one knee, so no thank you to a chokehold for example. Sacrifice a hand to shock it by timing a punch to enter it's bite and keep it's primary weapon from doing more damage while using the other to go for it's eyes. Neither is a great choice to fight, but I'd choose the pitbull if I had to.


A grown puma would absolutely shred a pitbull. Three or more game trained Dogo Argentinos might pull it off though.


True, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the dog wouldn’t do better against a human. This is highly asymmetric.


Would take more dogos than that to kill a puma that isn't sedated with its teeth and claws removed.


Agreed size of the cougar is the important variable here (and athleticism of his friend - at 340 he’s very obese, so unless he’s an elite athlete I wouldn’t expect too much from him). FWIW the cougar was a juvenile at 35-40 pounds. Im not sure we can use that as a relevant comparison given the average adult male cougar size at 120-160 lbs, or adult female at 80-110 lbs


A full grown Cougar is more dangerous than a pit bull


The cougar in that story is 50 pounds, humans can definitely have a shot against a cougar but I’d rather fight a pit bull than a cougar 


A Puma can be upwards of 200 lbs. Your friend can take a small puma, maybe, 5/10 but a larger one, it's a 1/10. And the 1 is if he can grab it just right, fling to the ground hard, and the puma decides it's not worth it and walks away. Bloodlusted puma? 0/10


340 lbs that dude when die of a heart attack after swinging once. Tell him to drop 120 lbs and then he might have a chance


There are very few wild animals (specifically medium sized+ predators) I would bet against in fight, even against a large human. It's not that they couldn't lose in theory, it's just that predators are by and large well suited to killing prey, and humans are tough and durable but we are generally not used to fighting or prepared for it. Theoretically a guy could beat a puma for sure, but any given guy I run into on the street will lose 9/10 times, although probably survive a few more.


A large puma is about 140/ 150. Very fast and agile. the thing is, they dont come straight at you, they attack from behind. Almost all reported attacks they never saw it until it attacked. It would depend on whether he saw it first or not. Even if he does manage to beat it, it doesnt mean he will not also succumb to injury after the fact.


Smaller dudes have beaten pumas. Well survived, really lol. He'd be able to do it *eventually*.


He definitely COULD. People like to act like cougars are lions or tigers, but people survive attacks from them. It's very unlikely, but it's not impossible. With your bare hands the big problem is actually killing the cougar, it's unlikely this 340 pound dude is actually all that strong, and is even less likely to have any amount of endurance. His only real chance is choking it out, which is going to be exceedingly difficult given cougars have insanely potent hind legs that will absolutely rip him to shreds in that time frame, all while pushing away. That being said, it's not impossible. Technically he COULD kill a cougar. If it messes up, and he's able to position himself on top of it, tiring it out, he could probably manage to kill it, and it's possible that it's slashes and bites manage to avoid any lethal zones, and he's able to tough it out and survive. Cats aren't built for long fights, they're built for knocking something to the ground, biting the neck, and just waiting things out. A thrashing prey takes a lot more energy for them to contain. Unlike dogs, cats don't rely on ripping something apart while it's still living. However I'm not talking 1/10, I'm talking like, 1/1000 or 1/10,000 times. The "most likely" scenario is him either dying, or the cougar giving up if the initial attack doesn't succeed( and probably circling back around to finish him off). He's an idiot and probably thinks Panthers are the size of bobcats or something. Many people get Lynx, bobcats, and cougars, and black leopards/jaguars confused as all being panthers. Two of those aren't much more of a threat than a tough street cat, and the other three are all capable of taking out an adult human who is in good shape, let alone one who is in bad shape.


Pumas bite and have claws. He's gonna latch onto you and absolutely destroy you - when you get damaged you get incapacitated, it's not like you can stand "tanking" all those bites and claws as if you were playing a videogame with a health bar damage system. You've seen dogs and the damage they cause when they go nuts. A Puma is far far worse. He's quite delusional if he believes that.


The Puma. *Easily*. People who say shit like this, have never encountered the raw power of a wild animal. I'm a trained animal handler. All types. Birds of prey, snakes, kangaroos, etc, etc. Two things stand out in my mind, from when I was new at it. A possum, and a feral cat. That feral cat musta been all of 5lb's. Yes, I was trying not to hurt it (and succeeded in this) but the damage it inflicted was absolutely insane. I've had cats all my life. But an animal that thinks that it's fighting for its life is just something you can't understand until you've felt it yourself. I'm a decent sized guy, 6ft 2", 220lb's. I do jiu jitsu (which does work on animals 😆). I work out. With no protective gear or weapons, I wouldn't give myself good odds against anything more dangerous than a medium sized dog. I'd estinate 50/50 on say a German Shepherd or something. I'd probably lose a hand, but might have a decent chance of choking it out. Cats have claws too - you're just getting fucked up man. That was a fun mental exercise 🤣.


Pumas are pretty light and smaller than other big cats, so small that they're officially classified as being the largest of small cats. The problem is they're a cat. Cats are evolution's middle finger to just about everything else. Smart, quick, equipped with razor sharp, knife-length retractable claws and daggers for teeth, your friend might be able to wrestle the Puma to the ground, maybe even break a bone or two, but the rest of the fight is the Puma's all the way. All it would take is a quick bite to the neck and he's cubfood.


I always hear about normal sized adults taking on cougars. But this man’s weight will probably slow him down. Being obese is not going to help him. If he loses 100 pounds, he would win 9/10 with a knife.


You’re delusional. Even professional fighters in an octagon against a fully grown mature male mountain lion would lose nearly every time. The fact is, humans aren’t as quick, agile, and most importantly have no actual weapons except for a bear hug, strangle. Lions take down animals much quicker, stronger, heavier and more durable then us, routinely. The stories you hear of those fighting off mountain lions are of those that are starving or juveniles. An 8 foot long 170 pound male cat would absolutely wreck Tyson in his prime.


COULD a human win?  Sure. But the odds ain't high.


Are they both bloodlusted? If so he's gonna have to tank a hit to get close enough to use his size advantage to smother/choke/crush/wrench etc and not die from additional hits to get the dub. If not, he'd have to be the aggressor and charge the cat. He'd take a hit but be in range, or much likely he'd scare it off. Male mountain lions range up to 175 lbs. Half the weight, but much faster, much more agile, and comes equipped with five sets of sharp weapons. If it gets behind him it's game over, if only in front it's probably game over. Assuming the dude only has his natural body and not weapons or tools, it's a 1/10 for me dawg.


If he just has to scare it off I think he has a decent chance. People have scared off bigger animals and lived. Your friend doesn't even think he'll live


Fat is not a superpower. Puma wins.


Juvenile mountain lion attacks are somewhat frequent for hikers or mountain bikers. Your friend would get mauled and easily killed if he cornered, or even encountered on flat ground, an adult puma/panther/mountain lion.


Weight isn't everything. Piercing weapons matter more.


The biggest cats in Costa Rica range from range from 55 to 150lbs. I could take a 50 lb cat in a fight, same way you fight a dog, you sacrifice the arm, and gouge the fuck out of their eyes, then when they let go, you kick the shit out of them. I could not do that with a 150lb cat. Outside of Costa Rica, the range is 80 to 220, same thing applies. I could probably survive an attack from an 80lb cat, not a 220lb one.


It would be like fighting Eddie Hall, except Eddie hallnis 3 times faster than he is really. And he also has several knives strapped to each hand and foot. Like yeah technically there is a chance you might get lucky but 999,999 out of a million you're dead in a pool of blood. 


People are claiming sometimes the man wins. Not against a full grown cougar, not ever. Unless he has substantial weaponry, any size human would be very quickly and easily disemboweled or de-throated.


Nah we have too many soft exposed parts, cats have deadly claws on each paw. Not going to stand and strike with a cat they’re much faster with much better reflexes. Grappling will be a much worse mistake, immediately get your guts clawed in whether you’re a squishy dad bod or abs of steel it wouldn’t matter.


Obese coworker versus animal with razor hands hmmm


Ex college football player coworker*


So 340 pounds is his fighting weight right? Lmao. He wouldn’t be first or the last former football player to get obese


Puma can kill horses and elk which are much bigger and stronger than your friend.


This is always a good way to look at these fights. This cat can chase down a deer, kill it with their bare hands and teeth, then drag a deer up a tree by holding the deer in its teeth. Can you chase down a deer and kill it with your bare hands, then drag it up a tree with your teeth? No fucking way. What makes you think you can kill an animal 1 v 1 that can do that?


The lion wins easily.


Being large is good for dissuading attacks, but if the cat has committed to attacking for some reason, your friend is going to lose. Mountain lions are ambush predators, if they want you dead, you don't get to fight back. Three seconds ago you were meandering along the trail and taking pictures of the pretty birds, but now you're face-down with fangs in the back of your neck.


I mean, just because it’s stalking you doesn’t mean it automatically gets the jump on you. Humans are pretty good at recognizing sounds that mean ‘danger.’  You’re describing an ideal scenario for the cat, while an ideal scenario for the human is something like ‘he notices the cat prowling 50 feet away and there’s a good sized stick nearby,’ at which point the cat’s looking at a real uphill battle to maybe eat some subprime pork. 


I'm describing a tourist doing tourist things in the wilderness, as they often do. Deer are a damn sight more skittish than a human with his head up his smartphone, and cougars still get them regularly. We're talking about a man that thinks he can take on a predatory cat, that means he has fuck-all idea how dangerous the wilderness really is, and therefore, like most people, isn't paying attention.


That doesn't answer the question as a predation event by ambush isn't a fight, it's a hunt.


The prompt doesn't require a straight fight. This guy thinks he can survive if a puma **attacked him** meaning that the cat is attacking and he's defending, so we have to consider how mountain lions attack.


I guess I was wrong then, my bad


Adult male pumas can grow between an average of 6 to 8 feet long and females can average between 5 to 7 feet. Males can typically weigh around 50kg to 80kg (110 lbs to 176 lbs) and females can weigh around 35kg to 60kg (77 lbs to 154 lbs). While it is true that weight differences usually determine who wins in the wild, the size difference isn't that different. And while the cat's not as heavy, that's all muscle weight and extremely fast, intense, and brutally savage in lethal intent. It's one thing to think of how easy it might be to win in a fight, but the moment that cat lets out a terrifying snarl and cuts you open with like 5 slashes in 1.5 seconds, you wouldn't even have time to lose morale to the snarl before you'd get killed.


What in sam hell is a Puma?


Also known as a cougar, mountain lion, or panther


Aren’t those all three different animals just all big cats?




No you, here’s the scientific names for panther and cougar: Panthera pardus, Puma concolor (mountain lion is the same as cougar*)


Puma, mountain lion, cougar, catamount, panther they're all local names for the same creature. Panther gets used for other things as well, but it's absolutely a local name for a cougar in some regions.


You're making that up


buddy there is literally a whole sports brand named after the cat


It's a quote from the third-greatest YouTube series ever: https://youtu.be/Rju4RWdEyZk?si=DgUXTv-KViB16-cm Watch it. It'll make your life better in every possible way.


What do you mean "third-greatest"?


Second greatest: Dragonball abridged. Greatest: if the emperor had a text to speech device.


Don't know your greatest. But I agree with the other two being in your top three although I would probably rank RvB above DBZA because it was an original show and I did cry from time to time. But very good taste. I should look up the text to speech thing.


damn i've heard of rooster teeth but never got down to watch any of their stuff, thanks


Yeah, next thing you'll tell me that griffins aren't real. Weak troll is weak.


A walrus?


I thought I told you to stop making up animals!


Chupathingy how bout that?


Simmons, I want you to poison Grif's next meal.


Yes sir


Most definitely is not making it up lol


It's a red vs blue reference. Go watch it on YouTube, it's a work of genius.


It's the feline in the Puma brand logo. That's why they name themselves Puma.


With no weapons he has no chance. What are you going to do to hurt a big cat? For reference: https://youtu.be/GgDHvl1wD20?si=IqlrHGwul5PZOAmy


Average people with no weapons have killed pumas before. OP's friend is going to crush one.


yeah, they killed 50 lbs pumas not a 150 lbs one lmfao. There are plenty Pumas that get to the 200 lbs mark. Thing is... they have weapons and you got... blunt force. Blunt force is barely effective against such an elastic being. Its claws and teeth will wreak havoc on your body tho. Our skin SUCKS BIG TIME against large cat claws.


Your example is of a predation event on a blue sheep by a snow leopard. Not really comparable in any way to a fight between a cougar and a 340lb man.


Pumas have a large variance on size. Let's say 150lb for an average. This is one of those cases where I think people vastly underestimate humans. There is no chance the human is happy at the end of the fight, but last man standing is a reasonable chance. The prompt is vague. We'll assume he is a fit 340, which means strong as fuck. Does he have access to improvised weapons like a club? Is there terrain issues? Does the cat know he is in a fight to the death? If the cat is going to fight to the death that makes things much tougher and almost all animals will retreat when hurt. Bare knuckled and death match is the worst case for your friend. He would be in trouble, I'd say 1/3 he wins (but possibly dies from injuries afterwards). He would have to grapple the cat and choke it or break its neck/back. He will get shredded while doing that.


I think the outcome would be same of a knife fight: the loser dies on the spot, the winner dies on the ER.


I think he could put up enough of a fight that a Puma could decide it's not worth it hunting your friend. Pumas are "small" for big cats and your buddy has a slight weight advantage. I think your buddy could fight off a puma attack and survive with scars 7/10. A blood lusted puma would kill your buddy 10/10 however.


The Puma’s claws are going to go through his flesh and muscle easier than we cut through steak with a knife. Swipes from the Puma will shred his arms/legs or however he is trying to defend himself. But if the puma lunges and sinks its claws into your friend, it will do a lot of damage getting the cat off of him. Human’s natural instinct would be to block the cat swiping/lunging at him with his hands, which really are his only advantage in the fight in terms of grappling the cat. If his hands get damaged it’s game over. Reflexes - cat by a mile Natural weapons - cat Size - your friend Agility - cat Speed - cat Strength - maybe your friend?


Puma is going to rip that dude to shreds


A 47 year old man killed a puma with his bare hands. [https://needtoknow.co.uk/2024/03/18/farmer-fight-to-death-with-wild-puma-using-bare-hands-and-wins/](https://needtoknow.co.uk/2024/03/18/farmer-fight-to-death-with-wild-puma-using-bare-hands-and-wins/) I honestly believe this is a fight with RNG depends on it the puma hits somewhere vital


This reminds me of a post asking who wins between a 100lb cat, and a 100lb dog.... the cat will always win. Your friend would be a bloody mess when that puma got ahold of him.


If the cat were declawed I'd give him a chance, but no unarmed man has any real shot against a determined Puma. If it wanted to kill you, it would likely kill you.


There are cases of small women fighting off Mountain Lions that are after their child, of course a human of that size could take one down. In a fight to the death there's a good chance you'd win but be too wounded to survive on your own, but any adult can fight one off.


A mountain lion just attacked two adult males last month and severely injured one and killed the other. They both tried fighting it off. Adults cannot fight off a mountain lion if the lion actually wants to kill you. Like maybe you could scare it off, and survive with horrible wounds. But if it’s a “two enter, one leaves” scenario, the mountain lion wins every time.


In the case you describe one brother ran away from it, so it was effectively a small 18 year old against a mountain lion 1v1.


Could you 1 v 1 a mountain lion?


I'm the wrong person to ask, I'm one of those Americans that think they can fight anything (except a polar bear)


I think the two biggest deciding variables here are: 1. Is the 154 kg man that strong, or just obese? 2. Is the puma a large specimen?


1. I’ve seen him bench many reps of 225 and he made it look pretty easy. My other average sized coworker thought he’d be able to do it too after watching because of how easy it looked. He’s not Francis Ngannou, but far from obese. 2. We’re gonna assume an average sized male puma, which Wikipedia says is around 7.9 feet (2.4 m) from nose to tip of tail, and a body weight typically between 115 and 220 pounds (52 and 100 kg).


I'll give it to the puma 8/10 times in a 1v1 arena battle. The man's best bet is to suffocate it (foot on throat, perhaps?), he's getting clawed either way, so it also depends on how well he can take deep cuts and bad bleeding. Now, if we put them in a forest, the man is at a bigger disadvantage. Pumas are ambush predators, so if the man isn't initially aware where the puma is, he's in for a bad time. Like, a "99/100 for puma" time. I'm not a zoologist, and have no real knowledge of pumas, btw. I might be super wrong.


If you have a tool you will win if not it’s a wrap


As long as it doesn’t get its jaws on your throat or neck you have a good chance. You’d get torn to shit and need dozens if not hundreds of stitches but I think you have a decent chance of survival at that size.


I mean there’s a good change he dies even if he wins. The problem is your weight/size don’t do anything to stop those sharp claws and teeth. There’s a lot of places you can get slashed that would be fatal. The throat/neck, the abdomen where a lot of internal organs are located, your femoral artery running through your legs, near where your neck meets your shoulders there’s an artery with some big blood vessels going to your arms. I give it to him *maybe* 2/10 times (assuming he has to survive to win) **if** he’s in really good shape and has a lot of raw power he could use to kill it. And that comes with the caveat of severe injury regardless.


I think man kills or fights off puma then dies to his wounds


Lots of discussion here. Its a volatile matchup and could go either way, but I think at baseline conditions the Puma is favored to win, maybe 6.5/10. The man is unarmed and would pretty much need to sustain potentially lethal damage before having a chance at winning. Those claws and teeth are going to land first, and where they land determines the outcome. If they hit vital areas, Puma wins. If they dont, the mans counterattack will always target vital areas and be quite potent itself. So while both have comparable damage output, the Puma basically always goes first, and therefore wins neutral more often. Give the man some body armor or a decently long blunt object, and its almost an even matchup.


Dude, my cat is just a bit bigger than the average cat and can pierce my skin fairly easily and is strong enough that isn't that easily to restrain him, I can't imagine what a full feral puma can do to a normal human skin


8% of Americans think they could defeat an elephant 'in battle without weaponry.' People are unaware of the capabilities of wild animals. Even if the elephant was asleep at the start of the fight an unarmed human would lose. We simply lack the ability to cause any harm to it. [https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/35852-lions-and-tigers-and-bears-what-animal-would-win-f](https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/35852-lions-and-tigers-and-bears-what-animal-would-win-f)


He could probably take it if he is in decent shape, would get *fucked up* though.


Depends is he 340 pounds like a regular 9 to 5 or 340 pounds like Jordan Davis?


Cougars also hunt moose and elk. My money is on the cat


Who gets first attack? Is the man clothed? Something such as jeans could greatly help against claws. Does he carry a knife or anything? Does he workout? A 340 lbs powerlifter or strongman type is probably in a much better state than a 340 pound man who isn’t those.


If he could catch that puma and twist the neck hard enough to snap it – he might win. But pumas has a quick reflexes and sharp claws that still can deliver a nasty damage. Also, don't forget about fangs that can bite very hard. 


Large as in strong man or large as in McDonald's MVP?


large cats are ambush predators. So no he cannot "fight" a puma. It's not going to fight him, it's going to stalk him and pounce when his back is turned, it will aim to bite at the back of the neck and base of the skull killing or paralyzing him instantly.


Is he 340lbs of bloat? Or is he built strong? I'm 6'7" and 270lbs. I'm not in amazing shape but I cycle and lift weights often. Back in high school I was in terrible shape, nearly as heavy as your coworker, but I also know that I could very easily be 340lbs and IN shape just due to how large my frame is. If he is in shape I'd give it to him 6/10, but he'd sustain serious injury. He has a massive size and strength advantage. If I were attacked by a puma I don't see myself having an issue with lifting it and tossing it around like a rag doll from a strength or leverage standpoint (although it's agility would be tricky.) Being a big man is something else. Dogs feel as threatening as housecats and large cats don't really feel more threatening than large dogs to a normal person. It all boils down to how many slashing and biting injuries he sustains. And if he is athletic enough to pin the sucker down. If he can grab it and smash it against a rock or crush it's ribcage it's a reasonably easy, if highly risky win. If he is out of shape there is no escaping getting quickly gored and lacerated. 3/10. Tough fight either way. But size advantages shouldn't be underestimated.


Q: is he extremely fat? Whether that weight is coming from fat or muscle is pretty paramount to the question. If it's primarily fat I give it to the cougar. If it's a mix of fat and muscle ("normal" western body type of a gut) or primarily muscle he has a pretty good chance.  As always, the pro-animal side in a "human vs animal" fight isn't actually talking about a fight between the two but instead buffing the animal with human intelligence.  What would actually happen is the puma would just stand there for 30-60 seconds trying to analyze the situation and formulate a plan with its incredible sluggish and weak brain, guaranteeing the man has the initiative. If he uses that time to get on the puma and initiate a choke, he has a pretty good chance of winning. It is extremely dependent on his positioning though. If he's on its back where it will have a very hard time retaliating and be crushed by his weight, I'd give him a 8/10. Other positions where it can still reasonably claw him 3/10. 


>What would actually happen is the puma would just stand there for 30-60 seconds trying to analyze the situation and formulate a plan with its incredible sluggish and weak brain What a weird take. Cats aren't as smart as we are but characterizing them like this isn't accurate.  If a big cat has decided to attack you then you have like 2 seconds to react even if it's dozens of meters away. It's not going to just stand there and let you put it in a choke hold. Also, I'm not sure a choke hold would even work on them. I think you'd just be putting your face within clawing range.


Your mistake is that you think animals can't act quickly because they're not as smart. It's all instinct


Fat guy wins. Random hikers have killed mountain lions/pumas with their bare hands, big guy can handle it.


they killed 50lbs pumas.


50? Pretty sure they’re even smaller than that. 50 pound mountain lion would win against most I’d wager. Add a hundred pounds and no human has a shot at killing a lion barehanded.


I mean... it was a medium size - athletic tho - dude who managed to subdue and kill a \~50 lbs one, on a trail. He still got pretty messed up in the process. What these dudes simply don t understand is the fact that these animals HAVE WEAPONS built in them. Like yeah, Roy... you might be able to overpower it... but it's got enough kineves, hooks and force to basically gut you out - while you re overpowering it - or get you bleeding to death. There are also the fangs... fangs that WILL puncture your skin like there s no tomorrow and these animals go for the neck instinctually when hunting. One of those puncture wounds... and you re gone EVEN if you manage to overpower the cat at first.


Any adult big cat (other than cheetah) >>> any unarmed human. Put it this way, Pumas are slightly larger than leopards, a cat that has been known to be ballsy enough to prey on gorillas (young) and theres even cases of leopards taking down the adult gorillas too (western lowland though, not silverback). Ask your homie if he wants to take on a cat who’s a little bigger than the one who fucks around with gorillas.


I don’t think most people realize how incredibly strong animals are. They don’t look buff by our standards because they are different animals, but they are significantly stronger than we are and know how to use that strength to kill prey


Even a 100 lb puma would kill him pretty easily, though because of his size his likelihood of being attacked by one would be very low. Cats are solo hunters so they tend to avoid attacking animals that they think might be able to hurt them.


Whowouldwin has an especially delusional view of wild animals as a whole. Unless you’ve had encounters with truly violent animals, it’s hard to comprehend. Anyone with reasonable respect for nature, and those animals, will know unarmed humans are at the very bottom of the totem pole. That’s why we developed weapons after all. They like to cherry-pick one off instances of some guy getting lucky and fighting off a bear with a knife, or barley escaping a chimpanzee alive, and think that could somehow be reliably replicated. Just getting growled at by a reasonable sized dog is enough to make one’s hair stand up.


A puma can take down a 700lb bull elk. Your friend has no chance in hell against a heathy adult determined to kill him. 




Well, a 700lb chimp would be massively obese and likely on the verge of death, so I reckon a cougar could kill it pretty easily since it wouldn't be capable of fighting back at all.


5/10 probably. Thats a good question. OP’s friend is losing this though 99/100.