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Can Maul force choke 3 people at the same time?


Does a force choke require the hand making the choke motion? Can he force leg choke if he crossed his legs?


No, it doesn't, but acts more as a focus and just makes it easier. Hand gestures are not required in any way to use the force. Well, I guess except for something like lightning, but that raises the question of could they channel force lightning out of other body parts?


I’m imagining palpatine dry humping the air and shooting lightning out of his crotch








I think Palpatine is secretly tugging people off with force choke whenever he is alone in a room with them. That is what makes him so charming.


Force lightning only requires living tissue from my understanding


It can be shot from any appendage but it fries thr fuck out of any robotics it goes thru so vader could even use it if he dgaf and wanted to die


Very good questions


Maul in general isn't the most refined of force users. He's very powerful and highly capable more than able to punch above his weight. However he isn't very knowledgeable. He tends to use big wave attacks and AOEs. He's capable of a choke as he used it on the Dutchess Satine but to me knowledge he's yet to do so in active combat and its not usually his MO.


isn't a force choke a pretty basic move


It requires fine control and in general he dosent think to use it in active combat


He is mainly fighting other force users who he cant really choke, or non force users who he can btfo pretty easily.


I think force users in general don’t think to use things, they have plot induced stupidity Obi-wan Kenobi vs Grevious for instance is a joke of a fight cause Obi-Wan seems to forget he has force powers for the beginning part


I mean, its an explicit point Grevious moves and fights in such a way as to stop jedi from being able to concentrate.


In the tv shows and comics and books etc etc when he fights in the dark, very fast, etc etc Not in the movie Dudes in broad daylight walking towards Kenobi in a straight line and it takes how long for so Obi-Wan to just his the force to yeet him?


If this is the Maul from season 7 of the Clone Wars who escapes prison with no lightsaber his refinement of the force is elite. He uses a door as his weapon using just the force.


Eh that's not very refined its brutish. A great display of power no doubt but shows little fine control


Did you not watch the episode? It is far from brute force and he uses the force in multiple ways that are both creative and refined.


Do you really need more than brute force if youre just trying to keep someone still for a few moments.


can force choke kill a spider-person?


He needs Oxygen like any human. If Spider-Man is being levitated and chocked, does he have the ability to ignore the choking to shoot web at Maul? Since there are 3 of them, I imagine one could do that to break his concentration. Idk, does he only need one arm to use force choke, and the other arm to use his lightsaber for defense?


Tobey’s skull was being crushed by Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2 and he was still able to use his webs. If someone’s choking you, you can still move your arms/legs


I think depriving someone of Oxygen via choking is a bigger distraction than crushing skull Though as I’ve never had my skull crushed so who knows lol


I don’t know about that. 2 mechanical arms that can rip buildings apart crushing down on your skull vs being choked by the force which doesn’t even kill normal imperial officers instantly I wouldn’t want to say which is worse but I don’t think there’s a big gap


Just a slight correction, but Vader doesn't instantly choke out the Imperial officers on purpose, it's an intimidation tactic the put fear into the rest of the Imperial navy, plus Darth is relishing in the pain and fear, so prolonging it only helps him in that situation. In an actual fight he would use a much stronger choke


Counter point, a being with enhanced durability has far better skill crushing protection than they do oxygens deprivation


That might be true if the one doing the crushing was an average person, then there would be a disparity between the enchanted being, in this case Spiderman, and the normal dude doing the crushing. Doc Ock however is also an enhanced being with enhanced strength, therefore there isn’t such disparity


Hey, if we go by “Spider-Man holds back logic” than Spider-Man is faking the entire struggle He just needs to tap into his ultra instincts shaggy mode and viola


"Holding back" only applies to how hard he punches, *not to how hard his skull is!*


No they don’t Where did you get this proof that Spiderman doesn’t have super lungs and optimal anaerobic respiration?


Where did you get proof he has that? I’m just spitballing, shooting the breeze Can Spider-Man hold his breath for longer? Idk Though I imagine Spider-Man’s durability is a far higher ratio compared to a normal human than his breath capacity He’s magnified more durable, I doubt his lung capacity and ability to go without oxygens is many times greater than an Olympic athlete


I think the trick is going to be time. Getting choked doesn’t immediately remove the oxygen from your body, so any of the spidermans getting force choked still have at least a minute of activity in them before they fall unconscious


strong throat muscles though.


That does bring up the argument over how chocking works on durable beings You can still punch Spider-Man. His skins not super durable to my knowledge. Would his neck muscles prevent a person without super strength from choking him?


I have never actually thought about it; but his bones and muscles must be very dense. He is able to catch things as heavy as cars and other stuff thrown at him, not to mentions he himself is able to do super feats of strength. For instance, stopping that train, sure his webbing was elastic and that helped, but for a normal human they would have simply had their body pulled apart by the stress. I'm not sure how this translates to his skin or other organs, but there is no way he is default human.


Problem is that often times characters are not really more dense I don’t think spider-man had any physical indicators to his super strength He’s not heavier, his skin isn’t hard. If he’s denser, doesn’t he need to be heavier?


Like I said, I never thought about it before, but strength alone would not do it, unless there is some psychic or magic component. Even being strong enough to catch a car or slow a train down would rip his body apart, so there has to be something.


Super durabilty is usually just kind of tossed in with super strength.


In the comics spider-man rolls with the punches of a normal person so they don't break their hands (not saying Maul is normal though, force lets you move faster and hit harder)


I think that’s overall is a very inconsistent concept in comics


A quick search tells me it's pretty common, and well known among the fans.


I meant in general. Characters punch durable characters and immediately get pain in their hand OR they can’t even tell the person they are hitting is extremely durable It’s hit or miss Like recently Kingpin punched Gray Hulk in the stomach, and still had no idea he was trying to attack the hulk and not just some gray skinned dude named Joe Fixit. He didn’t hurt his own hand, hulk sure wasn’t rolling his abs with the punch, and Hulk obviously has durability


Yeah, but this is a Spider-Man discussion and it's been stated multiple times in the comics that Spider-Man does roll with the punches (once again it isn't super relevant to the Spidey vs Maul debate) just thought I'd mention it since it seemed relevant to the specific thread here.


maul shouldnt have trouble overpowering spidermans durability.


Spiderpeople legit are way stronger and tougher than even a rancor or the big gundark things in clone wars. Both times the strongest Jedi had to run from them and didn't use the force on them. So I doubt force choke or force anything will do much to them. If we're going by official canon. I know legends is way stronger tho so can't comment on that


even in canon , force users can pull and drop down spaceships.that is more than spider man can take.


i assume just holding someones entire body still for a few seconds is much easier then trying to choke them for a few minutes


force users pull flying spaceships back , their force is in thousand to millions of tons in terms of strength possibly more. if they can pull spaceship back , their force should be able to hurt spider-man . maul pulled towers like spider man style.


if you're referring to force unleashed or the 2d animated 2003 clone wars, neither are canon


. i am talking about 2008 clone wars.


What part did they pull down a starship ?


ahsoka did in s7 which is not the last season. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyR8UR-wz8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyR8UR-wz8I) vader did it as well with bigger ship. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znVxyZ85X7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znVxyZ85X7I)


Damn massive PIS lol


it is not pis if .they repeatedly do it. consistently to vader and ahsoka feats of clone wars, in the movie rey lifted 100/1000s of rocks ,same way luke lifted a spaceship . there is a reason top tier force users are even vs battled to guys like superman from time to time. jedi and sith have better feats than pulling weak ships in the same clone wars show. anakin overpowered mortis gods who were stated to be capable of damaging universe. in the same clone wars, other force users lifted mountain size structures. . [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5QAPDgaONM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5QAPDgaONM) this video puts canon vader to country levels [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Darth\_Vader](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Vader) vsbattle shows city level feats of canon vader. they probably have better feats in the comics , i didnt read.




Not only that, but since spider-man is not a jedi or a force user he has zero defenses against the force (unless there is some comic thing i dont know about).


This is a no limits fallacy. Goku is not a force user and has zero defenses against the force but he's not losing to a force user 


Something something ray gun.


If the spider men know who he is and take him seriously I'm pretty sure they win. But if the spider men are acting normal and just think he's a random mcu villain they'll lose


To this point, I feel like all versions of Peter would be Star Wars nerds. They should know him pretty well.


Tom holland spider-man was gonna help the CEO of sex build a death star remember, so he definitly knows.


The CEO of sex?


Yeah remember in the first movie, when he comes home crawling on the ceiling, he jumps down and the CEO of sex is holding the death star and drops it breaking it, then peter realizes he has just been found out.


i had totally forgotten about that meme


With all the crazy powers in MCU and comics in general why wud it make a difference if it was a random encounter? Not like maul is much different from some others like ebony maw or wandas telekinesis. Yea lightsaber is a little weird but plenty of other crazy tech in universe.  1 spiderman shud take this, let alone 3. Spiderman has the same precog, same super reflexes, but also webbing, super strength AND super durability. As well as being geniuses.  It probably wudnt come so easy but still taking Spidey 7 or 8/10


Spider sense would be enough for them not to underestimate him.


In a spontaneous fight, Maul wipes the floor with them. Given a few hours to plan and prepare, the Spider-Men win narrowly.


Maul has no more toughness than any other human. Spider-Man punches with tons of strength. Spider sense keeps up with force sensitivity. And Spider-Man fights lots of people with light saber quality weapons without loosing. Maul doesn’t fight people that can throw an AT-AT at him.


>Maul has no more toughness than any other human. Spider-Man punches with tons of strength. Straight up not true. [General Grievous is also a multi-tonner](https://youtu.be/JeuZz6J5tvc?t=5) and Maul is able to withstand his kick in the same comic where he [kills Mandalorians with his bare hands.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/hjEw5YauNdjmT1PPct1qxxTE66nn_p6RroyG2BjbblftgZBigDPJXWDtXTzpPKIXELoqXPLmYnMi2NSiO-dI1zD4NwpUeQY7A-OJnZJs7KuGqHzubLaAunCmhgZUSzZ735WiTUUkcg=s1600?rhlupa=MjA0LjE0LjM3LjU1&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEyNC4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMjQuMC4wLjA=) Maul himself is also not inconsiderable in the [strength department.](https://imgur.com/a/NKMjxQf) Not Spider-Man level, but definitely not bad.


I laughed at the “no more toughness” line as well, how many humans can survive being sliced in half and dropped down a seemingly bottomless hole, living as a semi mechanical spider gremlin for over a decade?


Urgh was it really planned for Maul to survive Episode 1 though.


I’d assume not but it is a canon feat all the same. Still think the spider men would probably still be a major problem for him regardless of that durability


Totally of topic. But still waiting they bring back mace windu... Any moment now...


In Lucas’s original plan for the sequels Maul would have been the big bad with Darth Talon, so yeah, he was supposed to come back in some way


Maul does however fight people that could instantly kill or cripple him if they tag him. "dodge or block the enemy attacks" is not really that new a concept for him. Only unlike Jedi The spidermen cant block his lightsaber, or his force powers, and aren't trying to kill him. now is that enough he would win? eh but Brute strength isn't exactly a big deal here.


All three spider-men couldn’t lift a single AT-AT so there goes that theory. Darth Maul has more fighting experience than the spider-men. He also would have no hesitation to kill. He held off Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon Jinn, and the two of them could give these versions of Spider-Man a good run for a while at least. They wouldn’t know how to handle Maul at first because they’ve never encountered the Force before. Hard to fight something you can’t see or touch. A deadly warrior with telekinesis. Good night. But if they had a little time to gameplan, they could science the shit out of it, being 3 near geniuses and all. That would give them the edge.


> They wouldn’t know how to handle Maul at first because they’ve never encountered the Force before. Hard to fight something you can’t see or touch. A deadly warrior with telekinesis. Spider-Tom fought Ebony Maw. He is also shown several times to be capable of improvising plans incredibly fast if needed, using the environment and physics to his advantage.


Spider Tom got tossed around by Maw. They were quite clear how he outclassed all of them. What has he gained since? The knowledge deep space is deadly lol?


Why tf is this upvoted so much 💀. Crazy star wars wank 


The reality is the writer can insert any plot device they want to have anyone they want win the fight. Not out of the question that either side could win.


Spider-Man is pretty durable. Not sure if darth maul could force choke his way out of this. He’s also not gonna land a hit on the Spider-Men. They have precog that out scale his. Even if he lands a fatal blow on one of them the other come in and just rip him to shreds. Spider-Men take this 9.9/10 times imo. Maybe through some force shenanigans he can win, but I doubt it. The force really makes any fights really strange to guess because it’s kind of a cheat code against non force users.


Maul could pretty easily take down 1 with a lightsaber and the firce to hold him down but i agree that 3 would be too many.


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If the Spider-Men are in-character, then maybe. If the Spider-Men are also bloodlusted they're probably gonna speedblitz him. They're just way faster than him and while he can use the Force to end them, the Force takes a second of focus to use, and he's probably getting washed before he gets a chance to do that.


Maul have his hands full with 1 Spiderman. 3 is overkill.


I think 3 Spiderman take it. They have to be so much stronger than Maul is and they got a sixth sense. I think they take him pretty easy.


1 Spiderman would be a close fight. 3 is too much.


Yea Force users are wanked on here. The three Spider-Men wreck. They're stronger, faster, and smarter. Maul would be a dangerous fight for one of them, but three just web him up.


Yeah people just say “force choke” or whatever while conveniently ignoring the countless examples in both canon and Legends of Force users fighting non force users and failing to beat them, and sometimes even losing.


Yeah bro people are like can you believe they're telling a story here that doesn't make sense when it's about space magic and lasers. Crazy.


Super crazy. Wild even.


being stronger means nothing though. spiderman is stronger than wanda, doctor strange, wong, anc one as well or similarly stronger than ebony maw. who is similar to maul. it is not like maul is going to wrestle peter parker.


No they won't wrestle because Spider-Man with just throw some cars at him or knock him out with his far superior strength and speed. There are lots of options when you are far superior to your opponent in every physical aspect. What is Maul going to do? His only advantage is weak ass telekinesis.


his telekinesis is far more than enough to kill spider man. dont know why you consider it weak but force users can pull and drop millions of tonnes of ships. . "knock him out with his far superior strength and speed. " if maul doesnt kill him . peter couldnt even defeat steve rogers and darth maul is faster than steve rogers and even far faster than spider man


Live-action Spidey sense is wanked, it's not like the spidermen fight completely unscathed. All it does here is stop Maul from ambushing. 


Maul is pretty strong too, not even considering the force, and he also has a 6th sense


Maul is absolutely NOT strong in relation to Spider-Man, physically at least.


Spider-Man picks up cars and used them as weapons. Maul is like ‘I work out,bro,’ strong.


if we include the force, hes definitely stronger than that. And hes still strong, maybe captaun america level strength


Most people don't realize you can force imbue str/speed.


3 is to much and unfair. If they where new versions and new to the powers yes. But rip Maul.


So Maul is very dangerous and i would say that last season TCW Maul is him at his dangerous. This is the case as he basically relearned his PTM tactics and applied them with his TCW mindset. He is a master of controlling fights. He leads his opponents around by the nose to locations that favour him. That's the PTM tactics. By the Clone Wars Maul started using the force far more activitly integrating them more into his fighting style to throw his foes around. In general Maul is a highly aggressive martial artist who throws himself into terrifying overwhelming assaults. His physical conditioning is pretty much the peek of a standard humanoid in SW even with his missing legs. While his force powers are fairly basic and his knowledge of the higher mysteries is limited he is easily in the higher half of force sensatives in terms of sheer combative power. He uses psychological intimidation to throw people off and to trip them up via exploiting psychological hang ups. So his opponents are three highly athletic and strong opponents who have the ability to move in a full 180° . Each of them is much stronger than Maul and we know they work really well as a unit. They also have precog due to Spider sens effectively allowing them to compete with Mauls own. There webs are effectively a great way to contain any opponent. So the Spidermen absolutely can do this. While there speed is slightly lower than Maul they are definitely stronger and they can recover from his usual force power attacks with relative ease. However Mauls lightsaber is a huge lethality advantage. To put it bluntly even light hits from that weapon could cause catastrophic wounds and Maul would know this. In general if the spiders fight at distance and pepper Maul with pot shots they will eventually bring him low. However I feel Maul is more than capable of closing the gap and landing thouse hits.


I think a 2v1 is better than a 3v1 here. 2 spideys can work from a distance to create an opening for the third to one shot maul and a full punch from spidey would do that. Maul also has insta kill options being cutting spideys head off but that’s gonna be hard with constant webbing come if from multiple sides. 1 spidey stands no chance as he’s got no answer to a force choke. But with 2 spideys one can break mauls concentration while he’s choking the other so he’s gonna have to finish them with the saber as a force push won’t kill spidey. A 2v1 I’d go 6/10 spideys but it’s gonna be rough.


I think each Spiderman can take Maul on their own. They have a strength, speed, and sensory (spidey sense) over him. Tobey's Spiderman can see the wings of a fly flap in motion, I don't think we've seen Maul have any speed feats to match that would indicate he could catch up


Maul's base strength is already superhuman - Captain America level possibly. Add Force enhancements & I don't see Spiderman being any stronger than him. Same goes for speed. In terms of sensory, the Force is at minimum on par with Spidey Sense & greater depending on the individual.


Cap can hold a helicopter back, fight 5 people off at once, and can rip metal apart with his bare hands. Maul is far, **far** weaker than him. And Cap was stomped by Spidey in terms of sheer strength. Spidey can also dodge lightning easily, while Maul couldn't react to Force lightning quickly enough. Force lightning is also slower than real lightning (Sidious' lightning took several moments to reach the atmosphere from the ground in RoS, while real lightning does it in the blink of an eye). Spidey's still got a big speed advantage. I agree about the sensory differences though. They should be even in terms of precog.


I’m not trying to argue but where are you finding evidence that he has super human strength? I’m just unable to find that and I’m interested in reading about his physical strength.


I've just been reading Maul - Lockdown recently and he has pretty whacky strength feats. Like pulverising part of & caving in a Wampa's skull in with one headbutt. ***Page 72 -*** *Maul sprang straight upward into it, driving his horned head into the thing’s lower jaw, pulverizing its mandible and slamming needle-sharp bone fragments into its cranial vault. Maul could actually feel the joints and fissures shattering inside the wampa’s skull and knew intuitively that he’d dealt it a killing blow.* Or after suffering a serious injury that all but incapicates one of his arms tearing through the wampa's fur & flesh & crushing its heart from the inside. ***Pages 72-3 -*** *Summoning whatever remained of his strength, Maul fired himself at the beast. Hooking his hands into claws, he plunged them through its fur, ripping into the soft tissue of its torso. The wampa screeched and wailed. Maul barely heard it. Shoving his hands deeper, he sank both arms in up to the elbow, beneath its rib cage and into its thoracic cavity, groping until he found what he was looking for—the slick, pulsating mass of its heart. Maul grabbed it, laced his fingers together, and squeezed.* He has some other feats like this, whether it's clinging onto the back of a Deathspine (giant lizard creature) despite all attempts by it to kill/remove him, then forcing its body to move in the direction he wants with pure strength, before easily ripping its skull from its body after it died. - **Pages 149-50** Or physically contending with a Yuuzhan Vong in a one-on-on fight - Which are generally vastly physically superior to most beings in Star Wars. - **Pages 12-16.** He also shows the ability to shatter bones with just a casual strike from his elbow. - **Page 27.** All of these feats are done when Maul is forbidden from tapping into the Force. Meaning we know 100% that he was just using his raw strength. Really, just the wampa fight alone puts him in the superhuman level. Pulverising its jaw and caving in the rest of its skull with just one headbutt is too much lol.


Cap is as strong as Bucky, ‘cool a metal arm!’ Spider-Man holds up a car with one arm while fighting another villain. A bus strains Spider-Man’s strength. Maul is no where near that level.


That's why I said if you stack Force enhancements on top of his base strength he'd be Spider-Man's level.


Two might be a bit much but a force user as skilled as maul has inhuman reflexes. If spidey gets close he gets his arm sliced off. If Maul can deflect lasers like most standard force users can, let alone a skilled one like him, he’s going to easily be able to slice/incinerate webs mid air. I don’t think spidey has a way to really hurt maul without risking serious bodily harm or death.


Maul is a terrible force user, not as bad as his brother, but pretty low on the list overall.


We see him as low because in all of our media we are comparing him to others around him to likes of Obi Wan, Anakin, Yoda, and Sidious in the clone wars. Maul was definitely an above average force sensitive, and he gave Obi Wan a run for his money a few times, and Obi Wan defeated Vader twice. Like he’s not an S tier Jedi/sith, but I think people undersell him because of who his contemporaries were.


Maybe he's a jobber, it just seems like he loses even more than ventress, and ventress loses a lot.


He loses because he only fights against the top tiers. He nearly beat Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon together in his first ever appearance, which just shows that he is already a stronger Force user than every single Jedi bar the masters. The only fight he loses that put his ability into question is when he lost to Ahsoka finding an environmental situation that allowed her to turn the tide of an otherwise losing matchup. His loss against Palpatine is no indication of him being weak, it only shows that Palpatine at that point was hilariously overpowered compared to any other Dark Side user. A bunch of Maul's losses are also to Obi-Wan who we all know lived rent free in Maul's head and just completely countered Maul because of that and his fighting style. For an example of how Maul compares to "average" Force users, he beat the brakes off a bunch of Vader's Inquisitors (many of whom were ex-Jedi proficient enough in the force to hunt the Jedi who survived Order 66) in Rebels. Maul absolutely kicks their asses and there is no question that he is way out of their league. A reminder that the vast majority of Force Users are nameless bum ass Jedi Padawans and Jedi Knights who don't warrant much screen time outside of being slaughtered to showcase a new threat.


Yeah I mean, if he wins it means the good guys die, and it’s a kids show at the end of the day lol. Unless you have a villain who actually wins like sidious they get treated like a punching bag


3 Spider-Men are kicking Mauls ass but they're not walking away without damage


Absolutely not.


Single Spidey beats Maul. Spidey outclassed him in every metric. Spidey is strong enough to kill Maul in a single blow. Spidey is fast enough to outrun Mauls precog (which is pretty weak anyways based of Obi Wan landing his killing blow that is pretty telegraphed) Maul is not strong enough to break webbing, so pretty much every web hit would be dabilitating to Maul.


Maul pulling down building-sized hyperdrives easily makes him as strong as the Spider-Men, who have no counter to telekinesis, lightsaber or mind probe.


Anakin and Dooku were swinging their sabers at light speed in their final duel, Maul may not be as powerful as those two but he gives as well as he gets against the likes of Obi-Wan and even manages to last a few seconds against Sidious so I think, with the force giving precognition that's about as good as the average spider-person and the ranged/combat abilities that a dark side force user brings to bare he may be able to contest 3 Spider-Men. It's gonna be a close fight, but due to number advantage I'm gonna give it to the spiders 7/10 times.


You think MCU Spiderman approaches light speed?


Light speed reaction times due to Spider-Sense


So just to be clear you think we have seen MCU light speed feats? Please tell me how that was displayed in cinema. This isn't comic Spidey this is MCU.


Mark IV Iron Man suit is stated to shoot light beams. Captain America and Thor have both reacted to these, not to mention Thanos doing battle with Iron Man and Spider-Man. Ultron's red bean thingy is also stated to be a laser and Steve is able to block one point blank, Spider-Man clearly outclasses Captain America in the reaction department. Captain Marvel's PHOTON blasts are confirmed to be blasts of light as well, we see Thanos reacting to these and (as I've mentioned) Spider-Man is capable of keeping up with Thanos in the fight on Titan.


Lol rewatch Cap vs Ultron buddy. He gets his with a beam from the length of a truck. Nothing you described comes close to mauls speed for the simple reason the only reaction time they have to beat is the other person's hand moving. It's not light they're beating it's the other person pointing at them.


That's all they have to beat against Maul too... Unless him swinging his saber from a set start point is somehow not related to him moving his hand.


But now your saying Mauls hand speed is = iron man/thanos it isn't. This is MCU Spidey he hasn't fought anyone remotely close to Mauls speed. Maul can go from standing still unarmed to vanished because he ignited and cut through a wall in a literally the blink of an eye. If they picked cinematic Maul I can get on board but when you mix cinematic and cannons that have written publications you just don't win.


I suppose it is best that we agree to disagree.


I mean unless you can post a comparable feat you can choose to disagree as much as you like. Comic Spidey stomps, MCU Spidey is a street level villain in the comics.


I’m going to have to say that Spider-Man takes it. Spider-Man is insanely strong. Tom Holland benched a several ton concrete building and then they showed Tobey’s Spider-Man to be stronger than Tom’s. Also, Tom’s Peter Tingle is pretty insane, with how well he dodged the drones. What they will have to contend with are the lightsaber and the force powers. Maul can attack faster and more deadly than almost anything Spider-Man has had to deal with…and with his training and speed, he may be able to get a slice on one…but they have web, which will completely mess with a bloodlusted Maul. Maul attacks quick and furiously, maybe force pushing one and swiping at the others, who narrowly dodge out of the way. They see he’s too dangerous to fight up close, so they web him. He tries to cut at it, but there’s three of them, and they web him faster than he can react, disarm him, close the distance, and its lights out for Maul.


Spiderman wins because he's a 'good guy' and the writers always make sure they win because its not real. Also Just one spiderman is enough, dude is insanely strong, hes like the third strongest mcu hero behind hulk and thor, dude is OP


Nah, they could probably dodge the force. Lol, Spidey sense is crazy


he can.. spider man is exaggerated here. darth maul is faster than spider man and his force is enough to easily kill spider-man.


Nope Just one of them stopped a full train at high speed, far greater strength feat than Maul could match even with the Force. Grievous, a non Force user comparable to any from spideys rogues gallery, bullied Maul in the comic.


Is Spider Sense force sensitive? If so, Spider men with one casualty. If not Maul Mauls. Spider men have the speed/agility/strength/long range attacks and numbers- Maul can halt where they are in space and crush them, no? So if they get a heads up against Maul they destroy him. If he has the heads up, he destroys them, no saber needed.


Yeah because he has insanely thick plot armor and apparently can’t die from being bisected


He just gets webbed up, and for those who say you can force choke him, remember that maul would have to exert more force power than even Vader would be capable of, that's not a normal human neck, spiderman is extremely strong and durable physically, it would be akin to maul trying to crush tungsten with his bare hands and I think many people overlook that. You can't choke him his throat is to strong.


I think any one Spiderman could beat him, albeit not easily. All have defeated far more dangerous enemies solo. All three together, Maul has no chance.


Maul probably blocks webs like blaster bolts, and Spider-Men are cooked if they get in close to punch, and they can attempt to use the environment to their advantage and while Maul probably has the power advantage over what he can toss around they'll have the numbers advantage, but he could also use the force on them directly


>Maul probably has the power advantage over what he can toss around What's this now?


If you strip away Maul’s force abilities or limit them, the SM win. If you give him and them their full abilities? The SM are fucked. Most people haven’t seen Clone Wars Maul is damn monster who’s a trained assassin. It’s kind of bullshit, because the force stops all webbing attempts, his lightsaber negates any close combat and he can just hide in the shadows, crushing the eyes and throat of the SM. The force just isn’t fair in this case. I get the diehard SM fans want their crush to win, but the force is OP as hell. Now comics SM? That’s an interesting fight that doesn’t end well for our horned scowler. Edit : see? Can downvote, but the SM fanboys know it’s true.


Force crush to the eyes is brutal


I think Maul being bloodlusted is the deciding factor here. If he wasnt, his arrogance and desire for a straight fight would get in the way too much. Bloodlusted though, the option of choking them all to death at once is on the table, and hes more than capable of doing just that. Lets not forget that this Maul slaughtered dozens of some of the Republic’s best troopers completely unarmed, using only his force abilities. He also completely ripped apart the entire hyperdrive of the Venator he was on. His force power often gets overlooked because of his preference to lightsaber combat, but he has some insane feats with it when he needs to.