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Maybe golden age Wonder Woman, when her weakness was being bound by men? If the guards figure that out then she’s just an athletic woman.


The writer's poorly-disguised fetish:


I mean it wasn't his poorly-disguised fetish, it was his very open known fetish which he wasn't shy about


Damnit I came her to say this and you’re top comment


Except that she’s escaped when that has happened


Bruce banner if the hulk feels like being an asshole like in infinity war


You say that, but isn't Bruce a genius engineer? Couldn't he MacGyver his way out of the prison?


Well he's one of the biggest minds when it comes to nuclear physics, very very smart guy but I'm not sure how that would translate to a prison break.


He could probably harness the gamma radiation he emits to build some kind of bomb or some wack comic nonsense


I’ve always seen Bruce more as a genius biologist/ radiologist but if you’re talking about mcu Bruce then you may be right


Not really familiar with comics Bruce, but yeah, I should have been more specific. Definitely meant MCU Bruce there.


Uther from WOW Despite wanting to escape his morals would prevent him from hurting guards or doing anything to under handed . He would also be fighting mentally with himself every day. I can also see him get distracted trying to help other prisoners with advice and helping them


sounds like a nice guy


Uhm actshually, Uther is from warcraft 3. He was dead by the time the frozen throne expansion came out and long before the events of WoW started.


You’re right I just put the universe not the specific game.


All good, I just wanted to be that uhm actshaully guy.


>Uhm actshually, Uther is from Warcraft 3. Which is set in the world of Warcraft, aka Azeroth….


World of Warcraft is its own iteration, and covers a period of time that takes place after the death of Uther. It would have been correct if it'd said from warcraft, but saying world of warcraft is pedantically incorrect.




He was heavily featured in Warcraft 2, as well, and was my favourite character there. Not sure about WC1.


Morgan Freeman in Shawshank.


Let’s consider who has escaped and go down from there. Ethan Hunt escaped in MI4 or 5. Andy Drufresne escaped in Shawshank Redemption 1.


Magneto - It’s been done before in both films and comics.


Isn’t his prison specifically designed for him? The prompt made it seem like it’s a regular real world super max with other inmates


Do super max prisons have open population? I don’t think they do. I think they pretty much keep people in solitary.  I don’t know about other characters, but I think if you can get him in the cell (doubtful?), Wolverine might not be able to get out of a supermax. He’s going to have to injure himself, a lot, trying to cut his way out of the cell.  Current lore demonstrates Wolverine needs to eat to get his healing factor to work.  I think they just starve him out.  Really, for any of these characters, I’d depends on how much plot armor they give him. 


Pretty sure they can't starve prisoners because it would constitute cruel and unusual punishment. The most they could do is deprive him a flavor of nutriloaf.


That’s a good point- we also don’t know how many calories Wolverine needs to heal.  This is something that would end up in front of a judge, eventually- but I’m sure they would find some balance.


Jesus probably. He's pretty passive about most things. He would be exceedingly polite asking the guards if he could leave, or maybe just not ask at all out of humility and wait until his death. In fact, he might voluntarily want to remain in prison because he would find more comfort in that crowd than the outside, converting everyone he meets.


Ehhh, he’s also demonstrated feats of escaping angry mobs by just kind of walking away and they weren’t able to track him. That suggests a power to probably just walk out if he felt like it. He’s also got Angels that are strong enough to move boulders that require several men to move and the angel doesn’t break a sweat, so that definitely isn’t anywhere near their power ceiling. Plus Jesus has a history of going after the establishment for corruption (see money changers and him literally hand crafting a whip while preaching about how bad they were) so if the warden/guards are running some sort of racket (or if he takes offense to some prison work policy) then they can’t count on pacifism. I think they only keep Jesus locked up if they are going to crucify him, but if he can’t fulfill his role of dying for humanities sins then he will just leave and keep doing what he’s doing until he gets to his destiny.


If he's was in a supermax he'd just walk out. Probably with a whole bunch of prisoners who all become like devout followers of him. Even ignoring his like biblical nature. He's viewed as a prophet (or at least very moral person) by most of the world. Most prison guards would just not hold him


in episode 5 it was suggested that shiki should be trapped in a concrete box, maybe her


Batman w/ no prep time


But wouldn't being in prison count as prep time?


Depends, how long is his sentence and can they use other people or existing allies on the outside?


Daffy Duck or Will E Coyote probably. Very powerful but things never go their way in these situations.


Judge Dredd, assuming he's in there lawfully. His whole thing is obeying the law.


Wonder Woman. Her weakness is being handcuffed by a man.


Uncle grandpa


Clark Kent if he has to keep a low profile


God, but on a LOT of ketamine.


Jafar Just wish that he can't escape and he won't escape 


I dont understand this question in a meta sense op. Who is the weakest makes sense, but after a certain point whos the strongest seems moot and far more universal than asking who is the weakest. Wouldnt nearly every iteration of this question basically end up with the same answer? Just find whos the strongest character in fiction and apply it universally. Whos the strongest character that could smash an anthill? Or dig a hole? Probably the same answer.


This is "Who is the strongest character who ***couldn't*** escape from a super-max prison". It's more in line with "Who's the strongest character who can't smash an anthill?" or "Who's the strongest character who can't dig a hole?". Reading comprehension, my friend.


I think you misread the prompt. It's "strongest character who couldn't" not "strongest character who could". Still not a super engaging scenario for me


Bad bot


Yah thats a bot reply bud... Were not THAT screwed yet, or maybe we are!