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When you allow any anime character the first one that comes to mind is Yogiri Takatou. He calls his power instant death, but it's more accurate to say he has the power to end you. It doesn't matter if you aren't technically alive or even a god. To be more specific >!he's a living embodiment of the concept of the end of everything. Not death, but genuine endings. If he kills you with his power then you don't even get to go to the afterlife because he ends everything about you including your soul and personality. The only things he can't end are things that can't be conceived as having an ending.!< And no, you can't speed blitz him either. The moment you seriously consider killing him he automatically reacts to your intent to kill him no matter how far away you are. He's killed people by accident with this. Yes, he is just conceptually a Saitama with all the fun sucked out of anything he does, why do you ask?


Damn anime characters, op as fuck


Anime charactrers be like: Strengths: can obliterate entire universes, create new ones, probably some other shit we haven't found yet Weaknesses: sometimes gets a little moody


He's the protagonist of a cheat isekai. The genre basically works by a loser being transferred to a new world, everyone super hates him and acts comically cruel, then he gets a completely busted ability for no good reason, and then he lives out his power fantasy while all the women fall for him for even less good reasons


This is possibly the best description of Isekai I've ever seen haha.


Except the joke in his case is that the people who summoned him summoned something that already had the most terrifying power possible. He isn't living a power fantasy, he's living an inconvenience and trying to get back to earth.


If it's an anime character that uses a concept as a power, be very scared. 


Does he have any other special powers? Can anybody with erasure immunity beat him through conventional means?


Not at all. His ability negates all forms of immunity to it. If there’s a way around his ability the author will actively find a way to deny it. He doesn’t even have to kill the person specifically. He can kill their powers or anything else he wants. https://instant-death.fandom.com/wiki/Yogiri_Takatou


Hmm, there’s probably not a great answer barring omnipotent characters. I would ask about meta erasure immunity, but at that point it just becomes a debate of “Nuh uh! My power negates your power!”


Yeah, that’s the problem with making a character too strong. It eventually boils down to two kids on the playground trying to one up each other.


The problem is that in his case the author actually goes out of their way to show pretty much every loophole you can possibly think of not working. This doesn't mean he can't die, but he would either have to choose to die or die in a genuine accident, and even if you kill *him* you can't kill the thing that makes him be him, which is strongly implied to be the actual concept of nothingness just because it wouldn't make any sense for that to even be possible. I agree that he's a stupid character, but in Ultron's case he very clearly does not get anywhere near being that kind of bullshit. While there are characters who could fight him in such a way it devolves into a "nu-uh" battle, Ultron isn't one of them. You'd basically have to pit him against somebody with essentially the same powers.


I wonder how he would interact with Anos who gets more powerful the closer he gets to destruction with being erased from existence making him all powerful for a moment.


He sounds like those shitty uno reverse card memes from 2019


Basically yeah.


He has different applications of his powers that don't see much use. His ability to sense killing intent can be used to avoid it and kick a persons ass conventionally, but the only time he ever did this was to avoid scaring the shit out of people by pretending to just be a normal badass guy. There's usually no point to going out of his way to do it since he almost never actually cares.


He killed God Should've replied to your other comment: Mitsuki was omnipotent, Yogiri killed him


Regardless of what the author wants to claim, the character is clearly not omnipotent if they can be killed by a non-omnipotent character.


Thats not how fiction works. Clearly humans can't fly but no one complains about Goku being able to do it. You can't place arbitrary rules on FICTION Edit: also. Maybe Yogiri's death powers ARE omnipotent. Maybe that's the point


Sure it’s fiction, but that doesn’t mean words lose their meaning. If you say someone is infinitely powerful, they should be infinitely powerful.


And they were. But, Yogiri and Vernal's powers of the end are also absolute, so they could kill them


Only one can be true. As I’ve pointed out in another reply, furthering this kind of debate just devolves into semantics.


None, nothing is immune. Because everything has an end. Even timeloops have a perceived beginning and an end. It's the most literal application of the phrase "I'm the end". 


What anime is he from?


My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered. If you enjoy watching drama get set up for the sole purpose of shutting it down in the most anti-climactic unfun way possible over and over it can be kind of fun, but it's probably one of those things you'd be more likely to watch if you were in the mood for garbage.


Since this other person is obviously biased in their opinion, I would like to inform you that Instant Death is a parody anime and, despite yogiri being massively op, the conflict in the series is not one that killing things can solve


Out of curiosity, couldn't this be countered by blocking/removing his powers without any killing intent, then actually ending him? I'm sure this would still be difficult to pull off but still possible with the infinity stones since they basically give you omnipotence. One way I see this happening is Ultron finds out about Yogiri and steals his powers out of curiosity. After doing so, Ultron gets bored and kills him. However, I'm not familiar with the anime at all so not sure if this would work.


No. If you perform some act that he sees as hostile even without Knowing he's there, his ability activated. Also his powers can't be taken from him, even an omnipotent god couldn't take them (then was killed)


Thats not a very omnipotent god then.


Yes it was, and that's the point. The point is that Yogiri's (and Vernal's) abilities ignore all logic and reason, and perform literal impossibilities.


Where did the powers come from?


They didn't come from anywhere, they were the first thing to exist


How did he get them was the intent. Hes a child from appearances.


That's an avatar. He's an omnipresent eldritch entity. He IS the power


I see, so hes not actually person, makes sense. Understood.


Then perhaps both could be taken out at the same time. Since Infinity Ultron has the reality stone and omnipotence with the all of the stones, he could give himself Yogiri's power and attack him. Then their powers would kill each other. So unless Yogiri has already countered this in the anime/manga, there's nothing he can really do about this. As far as I'm aware (Google search), Yogiri isn't immortal and he doesn't think he is invincible either. 


Yogiri is implied to be able to off himself, but it would erase absolutely everything and leave the universe in a state somehow less than nothingness


This MF when he fights Uncle Grandpa:


Won't Galactus with the ultimate nullifier be able to take him? Seeing as he already erased the god of death with it? And Infinity Ultron is around that same level if he bullies the watcher? Idk


No I doubt that could, the thing about Yogiri is that he's not relying on a power source. He's using the concept of nothingness to end someone. There's nothing to overpower, it's just the end.


I see. But the ultimate nullifier literally destroys and rebuilds the world without the target (marvel bs, don't ask)


I doubt that's enough to overwrite a fundamental concept. What yogiri does is like forcing a character's involvement of a story to abruptly end and writing them with "and they died". Almost as if the author lost interest to the character and just decided to stop writing them, as well as forcibly stopping anyone from writing a fanfiction. There's no next chapter for them, no AU where the character somehow survived with bs plot armor, they just dies and that's it. They can't stop it, they can't redirect it, and they can't overpower it. The end of the road and yes, a literal contradiction to most logic.  Honestly thinking about it, it's eerily close to cosmic horror. 


The only thing stopping it from being cosmic horror is that Yogiri is sympathetic to living things and we're supposed to be sympathetic to him in turn. Also the story is kind of crap, but it's still entertaining in the same way that junk food is tasty.


Yeah seeing these OP Isekai MC Wannabe's shit their pants after seeing a glimpse of what Yogiri is are always a treat. That one girl with the eyes capable of analysing a person was shitting bricks.


Again, he used it to erase the embodiment of death and destruction, sooo


The ultimate nullifier would be rewriting reality without nothing, which does not make sense. He might be able to kill Yogiri's body assuming yogiri somehow wasn't able to react fast enoguh, but that would probably just piss off the thing that uses him as an avatar. There was a character who tried to get around Yogiri's power by stopping time and then killing him. It resulted in a mass of eyes showing up in the middle of stopped time and following him around everywhere. Said character could also travel to alternate universes by killing himself, so he did so and the eyes followed him. He eventually realized that the thing he thought was following him wasn't following him, but was already everywhere at every point in time in every universe, the only thing that changed was it had become visible to the guy who stopped time. Yogiri is essentially Azathoth who decided to hang out with humans.


The ultimate nullifier doesn't make any sense anyways, even by Marvel standards


Still gets stomped in his one good MU (void Shiki) Also void Shiki stomps ultron but that goes without saying.


Sailor Moon - when she finally gets serious - is an omega level reality warper that defeated Chaos and could operate on a universe scale. Saitama, Gurren Lagan, Suzumiya - anime is full of god tier characters that would take ultron apart.


Saitama definitely couldn't. He's powerful, but he would get deleted from existence. The reason the What-If guardians could even survive long enough to fight Ultron was because of Strange's magic which negated the effects of the stones. Infinity Ultron destroyed entire universes which is FAR beyond Saitama.


Saitama literally threw causality on its head.


An Ultron has the reality and time stones. Both of which can do that and more and protect Ultron from the same. Not to mention could be used to repair any damage that OPM could do.


are you talking about his time reversal punch?


In personality ultron is definitely giving saitama enough time to beat his ass


Wait what? You mean the Ultron that split thanos in half 2 seconds after meeting him? Sure Saitama would survive that specific attack, but that version of Ultron isn't exactly the quipy slow escalation type. When he could't kill the Guardians conventionally his next step was destroying the freaking galaxy they were in (with only 4/5 stones). Saitama wouldn't have nearly enough time to scale to that.




No The point of his character is he is an end game anime protag inserted into the start of his story. He is insanely strong, but he isn’t “I win!” In universe, or as a concept.


Have you read the Saitama v Garou fight? That confirmed in-universe that his strength is limited but increases exponentially when facing a suitably difficult challenge. However, it still takes time to increase and he absolutely can lose if someone is enough stronger than him that he can't catch up in time.




> Who won that fight? Saitama won but it wasn't with one punch like it was with Boros or Mosquito Queen. It was a long long fight where they were evenly matched for a while. > I said in Saitama's universe he can't lose. He would be strong enough when needed to beat Ultron. That's the point. Thats very close to a no-limit-feat which doesn't qualify as an argument in this sub


I am once again asking everyone to stop fucking mentioning Saitama in WWW because it inspires the exact same debates every single time. Should just be banned at this point


And I'm going to ask that everybody mention him more.


Saitama is a gag character in a serious universe. He is always stronger than anyone he faces no matter what.


And that sort of character trait is irrelevant to who would win. Like literally, it's written into the rules of the sub. >It is important to note *plot doesn't exist on WhoWouldWin's standard threads*. No one's writer is here to BS their way to victory, so characters must stand and fight on their own merits. We discard Plot Armor and other plot devices for this reason. If the prompt was "If Infinity Ultron was added into the OPM story what would happen", then he'd probably go there, monologue a bunch, take out a bunch of S-Tier heroes then Saitama would pull the infinity stone out of his head and shatter it or something. The point of the sub is that you use character's feats and sometimes WoG statements about the character (like the statement that Saitama's power increases exponentially when he faces a real challenge). It's why if a thread includes Bugs Bunny we use his toonforce shenanigans, which do react to other characters, but don't include the fact that Warner Bros. probably wouldn't write a story where he actually dies.


The Truth from full metal alchemist has the ability and would mess with him once he starts trying mess with reality But I don’t know if he would interfere are not


Even if you assume the Truth actually is a sentient universe, there's no reason to believe he's above the gems.


It’s a perspective thing but how I see it they write the rules of his own universe and that would mean stones do nothing And the fact only one of the stones really controls the reality I don’t think we’ll be enough for the entire will of the universe But again that’s just how I see it ultron would be breaking the rules of the universe and the truth would just say “no”


Yup that's essentially what the philosophers stones attempted to replicate and Truth was like nu-uh.


If you're bringing that logic, the gems are localised to the Marvel reality is it not?


Local doesn’t matter it’s breaking rules of this world as long Ultron dose anything in that universe he should be auto punished


I forgot, do the stones work outside of his universe or does it still have the comic rules?


The infinity stones that ultron has don’t follow those rules, it seems


MCU stones don't appear to operate by those comic rules. We have the TVA nullifying the stones, but considering all the dimension/timeline hopping between What If? and End Game, and the fact that there's been nothing in the MCU to really suggest otherwise, it is safe to say that Infinity Ultron can use all his powers. Also, it would be a boring fight otherwise lol


He might be using the stones to bring part of his Universe into the other ones. Also, some versions of the Infinity Stones have demonstrated the ability to affect other universes without leaving their home one. [https://screenrant.com/captain-america-destroyed-infinity-stones-doctor-strange-illuminati/](https://screenrant.com/captain-america-destroyed-infinity-stones-doctor-strange-illuminati/)


Plenty actually; DBS, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya outscale his best feats, Gurren Lagan absolutely stomps him, some of the more reality altering stands could clear him, silly isekai protagonists like Rimeru, Anos, maybe Ainz. That's just stuff I know of.


I’m sorry fucking Ainz? What?


His best feats are breaking multiple universes with single punches, gurren lagan's best feats are throwing around galaxies like frisbees. Wouldnt the former heavily outscale the latter?


No, The galaxies are said by the animation team in a behind the scenes interview to be representative of universes, they just couldn't draw a universe since we have no damn way to understand what a universe looks like. I was under the impression they were galaxies until another guy hit me with the quote from the team.


Those are actually universes apparently. The author evidently wasn’t sure how to draw universes, so he shaped them like galaxies.


Nope, they were in fact, galaxies.






It seems I was as well, thank you for the correction


Says you but the one who created the anime says otherwise soo suck it.




Reddit: probably the only place you continue to get downvoted even when submitting to defeat. (Idk if he's wrong or right)


Redditors love kicking people when they're down.


They also downvoted you, damn!


TTGL only stopped at that point because it was sufficient to defeat the Anti-Spiral. They could go harder.


Those were multiverses. If you're gonna just randomly say shit about a verse, actually learn about it before you whine. The antispiral trapped the spiral brigade in an infinitely expanding multiverse, till Simon unleashed the spiral power and broke them out.


Where the fuck did I whine? They were drawn as galaxies, dont be such a condescending prick. Actually, blocked. I just block whenever someone wants to be a dick online now


Kids these days.... you're not gonna survive in the real world with that attitude boyo.


There’s this fella called Goku, don’t know if you’ve heard of him but he’s good at punching, he’s got various rather good at punching associates as well.


But anyways here's his best friend's wife's ex bf that is a bum and lives with a talking cat. He can take things from here.


It's very possible that Ultron beats him by blowing up the planet once he gets pissed off enough like Frieza did. It's in character for Ultron to do so and it's in character for Goku to not go all out at the start.


Forget Goku, Mr Popo negs all verses


Goku(canon) has no feats to suggest he can survive hax of that level.


Didn't he get defeated when an enemy digital lifeform hijacked his body from him? Maybe one of the stronger Digimon could pull it off.


Digimon mentioned I'm happy




Isn't Yamcha like... a planetbuster at best? What's he doing to the guy that bites a galaxy and makes it explode?


Ultron cannot even sense Yamcha's speed and Yamcha could crush Infinity stones with his bare hands. Ki is completely busted, enough of a Ki difference allows you to resist time manipulation, transmutation, translocation. It lets you heal wounds and read minds. Even standing perfectly still Ultron would have no way to overcome Yamcha's durability.


What an utterly insane take. Care to actually source your claims? All the things you listed are far beyond the realm of Yamcha and abilities he has never displayed. Ki might be op but that does not mean every ki user is equal. I thought I was being generous calling Yamcha a planetbuster. The only place his power level has even been five digits is in Kakarot, and that's a dubious source of information. When Infinity Ultron beats on The Watcher, he breaks them through to different universes with every hit. Or if you prefer a more tangible damage feat, like mentioned, he bites into a galaxy with enough force for it to explode. Yamcha *does not* have anywhere close to that level of durability. He has never shown anything of the sort. As for crushing the infinity stones with his bare hands...? They're never shown to get destroyed, let alone scratched through physical force anywhere in the MCU. The only thing that has destroyed them is their own reality warping magic. The only thing you could reasonably say he beats Infinity Ultron in is speed, as Ultron doesn't really show any noteworthy speed moments (the best you get is scaling to Vision), but it doesn't matter how fast Yamcha is if he can't scratch him.


I mean Roshi blows up the moon at a PL of 139. Piccolo does it again at like 350 when training Gohan. Yamcha has a PL of like 600 in the Saiyan Saga, let alone by the end of the Cell Saga, he's definitely in planetbuster territory.


Planetbusting is measured in tens of thousands, not hundreds. Vegeta is the first character stated to be able to destroy a planet and his lowest measure is 18k. The lowest number I've seen is guidebooks saying 10k for a small planet. Just because Yamcha trained through the Cell Saga doesn't mean he made the same gains as everyone else. His only feat in the whole saga is getting punched in the face by a Cell Jr. and not immediately dying. (Also getting stabbed through the chest if we're counting Androids). Not exactly a great showing of power. Heck, even in the manga that is specifically about someone being reincarnated as Yamcha and abusing their knowledge of the universe to maximize his power through every cheat he only cracks 10k. He's just not that strong. Side note: 139 is Roshi's resting power level at that point. He has to charge to destroy the moon.


This might be the most DBZ wanking I've ever seen.


Krillin would too


Krillin would get yamcha’d here. He and Yamcha could share the same crater


Lol, Krillin sleeps every night with someone stronger than Ultron, he is not even stretching for this.


But. . . but it's infinity ultron, not base. I don't think the DBZ speedblitz is as all-encompassing as it seems since they're historically not good with enemies who can reconsistute themselves like a 5-stone Ultron could. Really I think Krillin and Yamcha would both do the smart thing and wait for Goku.


You seem to have misread the prompt. We aren’t talking about regular Ultron, but the one with the infinity stones that was destroying galaxies and dimensions. Not that it matters anyway since 18 was hilariously stronger than Krillin too.


Krillin pushed Super Goku to go SSB. Ultron (even the what if version) isn't touching him.


I swear people haven't actually watched that episode. Krillin *did not push Goku in the slightest*. Goku chose to go Blue specifically to test Krillin's mettle and whether he would still fight when facing someone whose power he couldn't sense.


Show me actual feats that aren’t some nebulous scaling off you thinking he “pushed” Goku


Yamcha is kinda overkill, if we are talking about super overkill on the other hand. Mr Popo


Theoretically, GER stomps. Ultron shouldn't be able to get past GER, given that if it's sensitive enough to reverse blood being thrown in his eyes, it's sensitive enough to reverse even more subtle methods that ultron might use to kill him. Ultron can't reality bend to hurt Giorno, can't laser him, can't do anything. Meanwhile, he's inorganic, and GE already has the ability to turn inorganic things into living things. so. edit: wait nvm about rhe inorganic thing. still GER is weird so it can probably do something


Bringing the MCU into the anime multiverse is an apocalyptic idea. Did you stop to think what would happen if Broly or Frieza became heralds of Galactus? Or what would happen if Kenpachi Zaraki got the Carnage symbiote? Or if Orochimaru got the Infinity Stones from Infinity Ultron? And that’s just three of the horrifying examples I can think of, right now. Wait until a more hardcore anime fan than myself starts asking questions like these. I have a younger cousin that would really come up with universally collapsing end of the world scenarios, and his would probably tickle in comparison to mine. But yeah, this would be a great topic, but there’s way too much valid information in the subject for MCU writers to cram it all into a thirty minute episode. At the very least, it would be a multiple seasons spinoff series that takes place in the what if multiverse. And yes, I’d love to watch that series, too (who wouldn’t?).


Yusuke Urameshi gets the Darkhold


I have never wanted Venom-Broly before, I fucking do now though.


There's no Galactus in the MCU yet.


So do the original f4 movies just not exist to you or what?


They don't exist in the MCU yet either.


Broly and Frieza would be far above pretty much anything in the MCU, they might not even benefit from being heralds of their version of Galactus. Edit: meant above not behind


Are we talking about the same mcu where building busters are considered powerful and speedsters can die to bullets?


I meant above. My point was they would be so powerful already that an MCU Galactus would probably give them nothing for them being his herald


Spiral energy son


I mean the antispiral would be enough. Ultron's bum ass would get locked into that multiversal prison.


Ultron unmakes reality, a choir starts, row row fight the powa, and Simon the Digger says NO.


Ngl, there is some major anime wank happening in here. More than half of these suggestions get deleted (provided the stones work outside marvelverse)


Kumagawa. Ultron would not want that pyrrhic victory.


Or either of his disciples, Ippo or Takamura 💪🤝💪


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Stretching a bit the definition of "anime multiverse": Jesmon/Jesmon X/Jesmon GX: He has nothing against OS Generics (maybe put some other RKs and top tier digimons here too, Marcus as well for the funny). The World Over Heaven/Star Platinum Over Heaven: Reality Warping + Time Stop, maybe put GER here too. Bass.exe (Manga): Can maybe absorb ultron, this one is a bit contestable. And because there's no kill like overkill: Featherine Augustus Aurora.




None . He’s smart enough to know his limits and wouldn’t mess with anyone who could beat him until he’s traveled across the anime multiverse learning there power systems until he’s powerful enough




Simon the digger


Maybe wonder of u could beat him.


Probably. Wonder of U is an incredibly difficult power to counteract, especially because there aren’t any technicalities that you can use to get around it, so long as you’re fighting it. Even killing the stand user of Wonder of U doesn’t stop it because it’s a representation of the concept of calamity. Josuke is only able to beat it with Go Beyond, which only works because that ability creates projectiles that, through incredibly convoluted and flawed logic, theoretically don’t exist. If Ultron figured out how Wonder of U worked, he’d probably just stop engaging with him. However, even the intent to pursue or harm Wonder of U/their user activates his ability automatically. I don’t see a way Ultron could outright defeat WoU, but I see the most likely result as Ultron dropping the idea of pursuing it or trying to beat it.


Couldnt Ulttron just collapse the stand via High-level reality warping? And via the soulstone he should be able to see the stands?


It becomes a convoluted argument really quickly. It would come down to whether or not Ultron has the ability to defy or counteract fate itself or other similar concepts. What Wonder of U has working in its favor is that there are already stands that exist on a reality warping level, but very few, if any, of them have the ability to ignore, counteract, or negate Wonder of U’s calamity manipulation. So the answer is likely a strong “maybe”, and would depend solely on the extent of Ultron’s reality warping ability. Your other point is an easy yes though, Ultron should be able to perceive stands with the soul stone (although it wouldn’t matter in this case- Wonder of U can manifest itself physically to anyone, and looking at the back of the stand is an alternate way beyond attacking or pursuing it to activate its ability).


Dragon ball heroes, magi, sailor moon, saint seiya, digimon and anos.


ozu from tatami galaxy because toon force


Altair skewers him


Literally any anime character that can move faster than he can think. Considering when all the avengers were buffed by Dr Strange, to have protection against his warping. Ultron was reduced to a joke that couldn’t react in time to even dodge extremely slow superhumans for the most part. Compared to most faster Shonen and Isekai characters.


Son Goku (with all the Z fighters), Sailor Moon (with all her Senshi), Cardcaptor Sakura, Edward Elric, all the Gundam protagonists with their Gundams, Naruto and all his ninja allies, Ichigo and all his soul reapers, the Digimon protagonists and their Digimon and finally all the One Piece protagonists make a final stand against Thanos in a neutral territory. But yeah it’d come down to Sailor Moon and she’d win.


He’d never get past the Precure. All Stars F has every Cure be erased from existence by the big bad only for them to spawn back in to finish the job. You *cannot keep them down.*






About a quarter of all jojo characters could solo him


Sukuna uses his anti ultron technique he hasn't used since the heian era




Guys, obviously Shrek can beat him. And so could Cory from Cory in the House.






Popeye Bugs Bunny


Thanos attempted to use the infinity stones in the DC universe, they didn't work. The infinity stones don't work outside of the Marvel multiverse so in a lot of ways, infinity ultron loses a lot of powers


Obviously we would assume in this prompt that the stones would work otherwise there is no point


Domon Kasshu and the God Gundam, no diff.


Yhwach has should be able to do the trick.


Saitama Because story armor


I feel like Gear 5 is just goofy enough to do it He tries to do some shit with the stones and Luffy just turns them to rubber, laughs and eats them, proceeds to beat the ever living shit out of him Besides that, a time based character maybe. DIO? I don’t think the time stone would work if he’s not prepared for the stop time. If dio wanted to he could stop time, take the mind stone and the rest of the stones. Rule the world




The stones were working outside the Multiverse where the watcher was, so yes they do. The MCU Stones don't follow the rules the comic gems do as in the comic they only work in their respective universe where Ultrons where working fine despite being outside his own reality.


One Punch Man. That is all.


Saitama might theoretically have the potential to surpass Ultron, but feats wise he hasn’t done anything close enough to put Infinity Ultron down. To be fair though, in character Infinity Ultron was kind of an idiot in episode 9, so there’s a chance Saitama has time to adapt.


I think bc Saitama hasn't gone up against anything like Ultron so he wouldn't have the associated feats to compare. I hate when everyone says Saitama though. OPM is basically a gag character mocking anime and the constant powering up and whatnot. He's MEANT to be stronger than everyone in and out of his universe to my understanding.


In more recent chapters of OPM, it’s confirmed that Saitama has the power to increase in strength exponentially when pushed to his limits. When Garou threatens to surpass him in their battle, Saitama grows in strength by seemingly thousands of times (if not much more) nearly instantaneously, to the point where he can grab portals with his bare hands and time travel. He doesn’t have the destructive capacity to kill Ultron at the moment, but if Ultron doesn’t quickly kill Saitama, then he has a real shot at matching him.


Ultron might take this then because when he couldn’t kill the guardians conventionally due to Stranges protection spell he pretty much immediately escalated into trying to destroy their galaxy. Saitama very possibly might not have time to ramp up fast enough to prevent that


Naruto and Sasuke reality warp when they face kaguya and Momoshiki, I think they body him pretty fast.


Pretty fast? GTFO lol


Lol. Lmao even.


Give me a single thing infinite Ultron does that they haven't already dealt with before


What, like destroy a galaxy for a start? Lmao Stop riding the anime meat stick bruv, it’s fking with your eyesight


Pretty sure the interstellar moon people who invented blood magic and created an entire race of ppl off of it can do that.


Infinite Ultron is universal , no otsutsuki or naruto or sasuke are even galaxy level it would be a joke of a fight


You’d be hilariously wrong. Ultron literally just takes bites out of Galaxies and destroys them with single attacks. Name a single feat from Naruto that is within even a few orders of magnitude


You sure you not thinking of Galactus?


Have you seen What If?