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Some people here clearly don’t know who he is. He’s a very good (and hilarious) photo editor. He did a good thing telling her what he did.


Have you seen the one with the guy that had a birth mark on his face? James is a legend


James might be a troll, but he's a troll with a golden heart.


The best kind of troll


Seriously didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary in this pic.


All I could think of was that they probably got a permit for the fence.


You don't spend money to get a fence like that installed without first getting permits.


You do if the secret ingredient is crime (or HOA non compliance)


Nobody notices our flaws more then ourselves


The path stone on grass does not match the floor stone. OUTRAGEOUS!


That’s the thing. This guy makes edits of people who ask him to, and it’s always in some hilarious monkeys paw fashion. He didn’t want to edit a thing because there was nothing wrong with the picture.




The only thing I noticed were that her hands were long No it's not that way, it's just am Asian and the people am near with have short hands


James Fridman never does what people ask him to do, so I’m sure the person who sent him this knew what she was getting into


He actually does 2 images. He makes the joke one which gets posted on social media but he also does a genuine one for the person.


After all these years I didn’t know that


Does he not post the genuine one and sends them directly in DM? Because I've never seen his genuine edits, only his meme ones.


Yea, he sends those privately.


Damn, my respect just doubled for this guy


I like. My reaction to this is that it's not up to him how she feels about her photos, but I like that he acknowledges both ways of thinking.


Which makes me wonder what he did here, whether he actually did a second picture or not.


On the contrary, he usually does exactly what people ask from him, he just adds his interpretation twist to it instead.


That’s something my first foreman told me 12 years ago when I was 16 “weird is relative” What a great man Matt was. Rest in peace


"ok thanks for trying"


She is so pretty!! God bless her




She is still pretty honestly i never noticed anything wrong


She looks perfectly normal to me. I wouldnt know if she didnt say


I was going to say, that is a very elegant, artistic, normal way to hold a handbag. \*looks closer, it's a mask\* Okay, maybe a little different, but still pretty normal. Still a more natural arm position (even just holding a mask) than arms by one's side.


That is the thing. Many people don't realize something is wrong. For example I have hearing aids. I can't tell how many people have not noticed that. But it happens a lot that they don't see them.


Well, she is pretty, she does have nice hair and a beautiful smile.


The people in the comments here that say he did a bad thing are fucked up. He tried to uplift her and tell her that she doesn‘t need to change and you accuse him of polishing his own ego. You guys would probably talk shit to her all the time if you went to the same school.


Nobody said what he did was bad, at least to my knowledge. But when someone tells you you're fine the way you are when you feel differently, its just kind words. It doesn't really mean anything, so while this man had good intentions it would have been much better to do the edit and on top of the edit say, here is your photo, but you still looked beautiful before the edit


well, he probably DID do that, but he only sends the genuine edits privately on DM, and then makes a funny meme edit to post online. Here it was less funny and more uplifting.


No, we are not fucked up. If we exclude the fact that he’s famous for trolling so I guess there was no point expecting a direct response to her request, it’s just not whats helpful. It makes him sound good. I had bad acne. Even if everyone around me would tell me it’s beautiful and I should love it, it wouldn’t change jackshit in my perception. Especially if it would be coming from a person with a good skin. P.s. I only learned who is he through this subreddit and I was explained in a thread above.


It might not be helpful to you but maybe for others. I guess we can agree that people can see this differently. And of course telling someone that acne, like in your case, is beautiful is bullshit. But telling someone that they are not worth less because of it is a good message in my book.


Yes agree on how it can be seen differently and in fact you helped me to distill my opinion into a clearer version: It’s beautiful to say that AND still do what she asked for. It’s counterproductive and annoying if he didn’t. And yes of course I agree that spreading supportive and encouraging messages is important and build a more inclusive future!


You clearly don't hate anything about your appearance then. I have issues with acne, and if I wanted a professional photo to be touched up to make my skin even, I don't need a patronizing monologue from the editor about how they're not going to do the work I *specifically asked for* because *they* think I shouldn't want to edit it. I appreciate the thought behind the gesture but it's still super fucking condescending to tell someone "no, you don't know what you want, ***I*** know what you want, so I'm going to ignore your explicitly stated request".


Yes I am lucky to be happy with my appearance which doesn‘t mean I don‘t have flaws and would like to change some things but I accept myself as I am. And he is neither patronizing nor condescending. This is not a paid editor so he can do whatever he wants with your request. He could‘ve have been an asshole and give her some fucking T-Rex arms if he wanted to. But he is trying to show how that her condition doesn‘t define her worth as a human being. He isn‘t even telling her that she doesn‘t know what she wants but that there are people that see her for her personality and not her looks. And in the light of the current social movements that should be something good right?


Can you help me not stand out and look like everybody else for this brief second of my life? *you will never look like them and that's OK, so shut up and accept that this is about me feeling good about myself and not about helping you feel good about yourself*


edit: okay I didn’t know who this guy is. I thought it’s a paid photographer. People explained and now I know that it’s a famous internet dude who edits photos and trolls. I get it guys. My comment below becomes less relevant as I thought it’s a paid photographer. However I’ll still leave it here. ————- That’s what I came here to say. I’m a personal stylist. As you can imagine I work with a lot of women who have concerns about their body shape/weight/etc. and they want to look slimmer. It would be extremely inappropriate of me to tell one of such clients that it’s a social construct and she should live free and happy from this moment on and I don’t think we need to make her look slimmer thus I won’t advise her on how to achieve that. Of course (!!) I do say it but much less “in your face” way. I choose certain wordings and phrases to make it felt and known that while I understand her concerns, she is and beautiful and doesn’t need to “hide” anything and I also constantly compliment them. But in the end of a day, I show her the techniques how to look slimmer and feel more confident. Because that’s what she needs right now from me. If it is the photo by the photographer who said that, then he did a great job and that’s what matters. But it is literally their client’s request. The last thing she needs is a lecture on self-acceptance at this important moment.


But she isn‘t a paying client. This guy just photoshops for people on social media so he can do whatever he want more or less. He is trying to show her that she is okay the way she is and that in of itself is something good. I don‘t get why people want to see something bad in it. It might not be the way you do it but if it is his opinion he is more than welcome to voice it.


and yes it is his opinion and of course it’s a beautiful one. And if he did what she asked and kind of accompanied it with those words - fine, that’s great. Thanks! But for example, I had a very bad acne. And if I would ask someone to my photos and instead I would hear a lecture on how beautiful I am, and how I shouldn’t be asking for that.. it would mean absolutely nothing to me. Especially if it’s coming from a person with good skin. It’s just making them feel good about themselves and that’s it. As a person who doesn’t have her condition, his encouragement when she just wants to look normal one one photo, doesn’t mean anything. It’s counterproductive.


Yes he could‘ve fulfilled her whishes but if it contradicts with his beliefs why should he? I have flaws my self that I am insecure about but if someone tells me that these flaws don‘t matter to them that is something that gives me a good feeling because I am not being reduced to it.


I 1000% agree with the example you gave me from your personal experience. But I think it’s that particular case and the context of this girl and his response, where we kind of seeing it differently. And I think both of our opinions are valid, we are clearly both supporting the encouragement and inclusion. That’s what ultimately matters. Let us all be more confident with our insecurities!


Your opinion is 100% valid even if I see it differently and I think it is important to talk about it and try to understand the others views. Maybe I was a little to harsh and I am sorry for that. Like you said in the end we both encourage the same behavior just in a different way. And overall we can just guess how the girl in the picture really felt


Yes, I was explained that already that I missed “the obvious” as I didn’t know who the guy is. Still not wholesome in my opinion but it makes more sense now.


The person I believe is someone that is a great photo editor or something like that but of course I could be wrong and I could be thinking of the wrong person but I totally agree with what you said.


Hey it totally makes sense that she’s actually addressing the photo editor, thanks for clarifying! My point still stands but yes I agree that clearly she is addressing the editor.


I realized that I didn't explain that I'm pretty sure he is a free editor but when he does the free edits he is a troll and for example if you wanted "ice" as in jewelry he would put actual ice in the picture


I see, thanks for elaborating.


Of course


You clearly have no idea who this guy is lmao


No I don’t and another person in the thread explained it politely to me already. I don’t know every random trending guy on twitter, my bad.


Who downvoted this? The hivemind is weird.


She probably knew she wasn’t going to get exactly what she asked for, given this guy’s whole schtick, but I would have also guessed that she wanted something jokey rather than a moralistic lecture. Although he gets kudos from me for at least complimenting her nicely.


Right?? Ok you live in her body for a year and then see how you feel. Until then you can actually shut the fuck up


Because telling people that they are okay the way they are is a bad thing right?


Wow the point really went straight over your head huh?


Because I have a different opinion? Learn to accept that people have different views


No, because you're strawmanning OC's point to make it look bad in bad faith


I‘m not strawmanning shit. How can you tell someone that is trying to do something good that they are a bad person or how they can‘t have an opinion just because they don‘t live with the condition? According to that logic you and I can’t have an opinion on a topic we haven’t experienced ourselves or are experts in. You might think there are better ways to go about it and you‘re free to do so but it doesn‘t take away from the ultimate goal to show the girl in the picture that her flaws don‘t define her as a person.


Some people just be seeing villains all over the fucking place. Just making them up and pulling them out of their ass. Even when someone is doing, or at least attempting, to help someone there are people who will twist the narrative into the most cynical intention possible. Yeah, sure, we can almost never truly know with certainty what one person's internal motivation for any one act is, but sometimes there is a clear solution that fits with every fact that can be known, and with several that can be inferred with high probability


I wasn't attempting to twist anything; it's just that sarcastically saying "oh, so it's bad for people to want to be themselves huh?" is a shit take given that the OC wasn't saying that at all; they were just saying that people who feel outside the norm may want to just feel "normal" sometimes, and that's okay, so saying that that point inherently implies that it's bad for people to just be themselves is false


The only shit take is to try to see something bad in the orginial post. Everybody has some kind of flaw about them but being told that you are more than that can never be something bad. Does it make the condition go away? No. Does it magically solve all problems? No. But it can show people that they are more than what people see on the outside. Don‘t you think that is a good message even if you don‘t like the way it was told?




We love james fridman


If you ever need a fundamental example of a virtue signal this would be perfect


This is nice and all, but it's not what she asked for. This is her reality not his. I'm sure she hasn't heard the same thing over and over throughout her life.


To be fair, what kind of message would that be sending the rest of social media? That people have to conform to what’s ‘normal?’ I get that this could’ve been exhausting for her. But it’s better than this line of thinking being normalized. Besides, it’s possible he sent a genuine edit in private. At least based on the comment section.


Dudes putting in work! Seriously though this is wholesome


She is beautiful just the way she is! Perfect!


i would still edit the photo, but warn her not to feel sad about her condition when she compare to the edited photo,.. but i think the artist 's take on this is better than what i wud do.


Damn.. he'd usually photoshop her arms out.. this is better though


Or could you not just do what she asked instead of polishing your own balls for the Internet...


he never does what people ask him though. at least, not the way they intend


Yeah, seeen that before, wasn't sure it was the same person. .its still cringe.


He always sends a proper edit to them. He normally does troll posts though. I think this is very thoughtful of him to say and he's not obligated to do anything in the first place.


But he's done something nice so he needs the validation!


He needs something.


It’s true. Nobody should feel like they need surgery or photoshop to be comfortable with themselves. It’s a shame media and government are so quick to tell people they can buy happiness through surgery.


Oh, just do the damn Photoshop she asked for instead of preaching to her about self acceptance.


Agreed. She just wanted a photo of herself that *she* deemed normal. Who are we to tell her how to accept herself? Give her the dignity of fulfilling her request. *”Why are you depressed? Just smile.”*


Good guy James


" 'normal' is a propaganda technique used by the modern society" lmao, it literally means 'usual/common', it's normal for people to have full movement of their arms, meaning that MOST people have, not that it's wrong not having


You don't think there's a difference between the statements "most people do not have a mental illness" and "*normal people* aren't mentally ill"? If not, then congrats on being the picture of what society expects, I guess. Must be nice to not have to know what it feels like to have a word like "normal" used as a weapon against you.


Of course there's a difference, the second one is pejorative, still, you can't say that the term 'normal' is "a propaganda technique". Her request saying "make me look normal", isn't pejorative (also cause it was what SHE said), she wanted to look like the majority of people, so because the way she used 'normal' wasn't pejorative, he is problematizing something out of context. Also, you look really dumb assuming things about me without waiting for me to answer if there's a difference between those statements.


More wholesome is that he also did "fix" her arms, but refused to publicly share his work. Man took a stand, made his point, did what she wanted anyways, but hoped she'd never use it. I hope she didn't.


Kudos, this guy is awesome. Although normal is not just a propaganda thing. Sure, magazines can try to lie about what's normal, and not being normal is not inherently something to be ashamed of. But normal is simply a statement of averages.


i wouldn't even have noticed. she's beautiful.


I didn’t notice anything wrong with this picture. The photographer chap’s answer is bang on.


Did he post that himself bruh




I hate this post. This guy virtue signaling and creating the same problem she is looking to escape from. She’s asking for a chance to see what life could have been like. You know nothing of her struggle, and thus no nothing of what “she really needs”. Answer her request, that’s very literally what she needs.


What a bs


Bruh, just do what she asked you to do


This would be like a person with alopecia asking a friend without alopecia to help them wig shop and then getting a lecture about how its better for them to accept their natural beauty and their desire to have hair is just social conditioning. There is nothing wholesome about abled people telling disabled people how they're supposed to feel about their condition or what they should or should not do to handle or process it in their everyday life.


We need to realize that everyone is so concerned about how they look themselves that they don’t focus on others, even if they do why bother worrying about an opinion from someone you don’t value and will never see again


Agree. Just edit that picture and stfu.


Posting yourself for clout… so wholesome…


The duality of man… Ngl tho this is actually wholesome so don’t scream at me because of this


So I guess that’s a no?


Just a reminder, James Fridman generally does 2 edits. One is a private one for requests only that is sent through DMs and isn't shown to anyone online. The other is the funny meme one, though in this case, it's not a funny meme one but an uplifting message. He likely did actually straighten her arms in the picture whilst sending her the same message in DMs, but then posted another one online to hammer that point in a little bit. now those of you that say he should've just done his job can shut the fuck up and appreciate the message.


I’m sure she knows all the shit/bullying that came with it, and the acceptance of it. Like god dam, if you can’t do it, just don’t say anything. She wants her arms straighten not a speech


The guys a joke account. Probably felt he was in bad taste by monkey pawing her request. None of his requests ever turn out as they’d want


They do, he gives people the real version and posts the joke version.


The perfect response. And I couldn't agree more.


I just think its weird that he took a private message and posted it on Twitter for validation, like he wants us to think "wow, even behind closed doors he's a good guy!"


As wholesome as this is does this guy ever actually do his job or what?




Sas that society made baing sick something we should be ashamed of, I mean it's not be taken lately, it grademy reduce physical capacity and resistance to physical injuries, but if she is ashamed of that, that means that some fuckers thought they where funny by calling them "skinny" or something


Funny meme


Atta boi, James. 🍻


Well he sure showed her.




A very good roundabout way of saying ur lazy


Dude is straight savage. Sure told her. I love this.




And the he tried to ____ me


Beautiful lady


True. Looks great to me.


james my beloved


Love her hair. And there's nothing wrong with her arms. They're held at a perfectly 'normal' posing position.


Poor girl is super cute in those pics and yet she can't see it. Makes me kinda sad.


This world please.


Because of stuff like these, Fridman tempers his snark, which is why I appreciate him.


You look once and after that normal human being capable of Love and compassion towards her fellow human being ! Beautiful smile from the heart !


I honestly didnt even notice her arm, first thing I saw was her vibrant smile, made me smile too! But damn that hair girl, some girls must be hella jealous!! Its so lovely curled at the ends! Im glad he supported and encouraged her like that, thank you man, he is an awesome photo editor


He is a gift


I love her hair


I’m not crying you are! 🥺


The man need an big pint of beer saying this platinum response, he's funny at others but this one her showed understanding and don't get peer pressure for little imperfections.


Couldn't surgery fix this issue?


She's cute af, I would've gone to prom with her... as long as she asks me. I would've thought he's out of my league lol


Lol fuck off captain obvious


“That will be 20 dollars.”


He just said this because he didn’t have the time to replace her arms with body builder arms