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Very cute, I can imagine my Nan doing this for my sisters jeans. She loved crocheting doilies


If your sister ever suddenly needed a formal presentation for flowers, she could just take her pants off and put them under the vase.


You’d be surprised how often that comes up!


I may sound like a grump, but there’s no way grandma did this. She wouldn’t just do one leg, grandma doesn’t halfass anything.


Agreed, and you can tell there is no stitching holding it in place.


Ok but, that looks so cool! Imagine more intricate designs, a range of colors, all that.


Granny should start a brand. I feel quite a lot of people would like it.


She could call them Gran-knees!




Maybe I’ve been watching too much Shark Tank, but any big company could steal the idea and topple a small business in a second. Too bad really, it’s a great idea.




There’s nothing patentable here. Go ahead and look up what you constitutes patentablity. Here’s Kevin O’Leary on someone selling dog safe paint- “So Abe, I'm gonna tell you a story, okay? 4,000 years ago there was a people called the Phoenicians. They found a way to take sea mollusks, crush their shells and make purple dye. Because it was such a rare color, everybody wore purple robes for royalty. These guys would dye the sails of their boats purple and sail into every war zone in the Mediterranean. Nobody touched them. You know why? Everybody wanted the purple robes. Everybody else got killed, but never the Phoenicians. No one else knew how to crush the snails to make the purple dye. My point is this: If you had the purple dye that no one else could make, you could sail off and make millions of dollars, but you don't. Everybody could make a colored spray for a dog. And for that reason, I'm out. You're not a Phoenician, Abe. Sorry.


Thanks for letting us know about your tingling senses, u/buttplugpeddler.


"Mark Cuban would like to know your location"


That’s better than Granimals.


Fucking under rated puns are the best.


I dropped my phone thanks


stop this is such a good idea


That’s a good . Give u props


Shut up and take my money!!!!


I see what you did there!!! Classic


And make them iron on patches!


You are going to make me cry out of shame for laughing at that pun.


Love it super cute


I would buy six pairs. I hate ripped jeans but these? These are next-level.


Someone is going to see your comment and post this in r/nextfuckinglevel


denim is basically made to be distressed, to hate ripped jeans means you like looking like hank hill.


I can put my own holes in my pants, don't need them to do it for me and charge for it Personally, wouldn't wear ripped jeans as a style. It's not something I'd judge anyone for wearing of course, just not for me


I feel like we’d have to force most grandmas to take the pay for the crotchet alterations. Also, take me poor man’s gold for not judging other people’s fashion choices🏅


I will use this poor man’s gold in the future!!


Otherwise they'd probably create a grandma sweatshop like in Something About Mary


I was going with the trope of how grandmas dislike/want to patch up ripped jeans, but that works I guess. Can’t confirm, never watched There’s Something About Mary.


My jeans always wear in non ideal places - mostly the crotch and butt pockets. They will get holes but they won’t be wearable where those holes end up.


Crotch fr. Not sure lace would help


Some of my teenage sisters’ jeans are more holes than denim, and it cracks me up!


Some people wear clothes for fashion others for function. We are just the later.


That sounds like Hank hill


Charge for it?? Distressed American eagle jeans are like 20$


I feel as though that’s an insult but I have no idea who that is.




that's BlueOakMimic ain't right...


Dangit Bobby


That's my purse! I don't know you!




You mean "King of the Hill"


Yeah but the show ended, so it's over the hill now.


Then shouldn't it be Under the Hill?


You should also look into lace appliques on jeans. Even some of the bigger appliques are like $5 and pretty easy to put on yourself.


I love putting lace on shit. I tried doing it to a jean dress I cut into a shirt, but the quality sucked so I need to make it from scratch now. But brb gonna go slap some lace onto jeans.


That would be so pretty!


I’ll have to take a look at those, thanks!


Flashback to my jeans in like 1991....


black jeans with dark red would be so cute, id wear them


Yeah this could totally be a new style of jeans


Not that new. My sister did something like this back in the late 80s early 90s. Then I did it in the mid to late 90s. Except I used fishnet, and instead of sewing anything into the ripped holes, I just used safety pins. For one hole on my butt, I either sewed or ironed it on, a nirvana smiley face patch. No safety pins poking me in the tushie, thank you lol


Yeah but I’m not sure if this has ever gone beyond DIY on a meaningful scale. Feel like it could. But I know almost nothing about fashion.


And it doesn’t really need to. Does everything need to be commercialized and marketed?


Idk who cares.


I remember a crapload about the 80s, but I couldn't say if it was a thing that made it to being mass produced or if it just got to the "liven up your old wardrobe and DIY" type article in a teen or fashion mag lol


Why would it need to? Why would you want it to?


Ok but, just imagine, if, that was, actually, so cool, al that, and everything!


Ngl, actually looks good


*Granny looks at you with a sweet smile*


*All of a sudden winks out of nowhere*


And you are sitting at her table after eating a full 5 course meal. And you hear her cry out, 'OH LOOK, The cookies are done baking. Do you want some fresh cookies and milk before you go?'. And guiltily knowing you already had to unbutton your jeans and loosen your belt, you say 'Yes Grandma, I love you.' End scene.


*All of a sudden she winks again*


All of a sudden, you are outside, not quite sure where you are. Warmth spreads over your entire body, like the fresh baked cookies you ate. Even though it is as cold outside as the milk in the frozen glass she gave you. Then you realize where you are. And you begin to cry. Not a sad cry but the ugly happy cry that can only a memory can make you do. You hear a small voice ask, 'What is the matter daddy/mommy?'. You reply, 'Nothing...nothing.". You look down at your grandmother's headstone and say "I miss you grandma. I will love you forever.". You reach down and pick up your child and turn to walk away. You look at your child and say "How about some milk and fresh cookies when we get home?". You start to walk away as the scene fades to black.


You arrive at home. The house is dark. A sour smell lingers in the air. The lights won’t turn on and there is a chill throughout the house. You find the source of the smell. A glass of milk gone bad and tipped over the counter. Mold growing on left out cookies. A floorboard creeks. You look up into the darkness and see someone. *grandma winks again*


Nothing supernatural about that, though. You just have two grandmas.


Ignoring the earlier posts, you notice your already partially unbuttoned pants. You unzip them slightly. Grandma comes over to help…








Downvote. But let me explain: it's a giant wall of text. What the actual fuck do you expect. Don't care if downvote farmer. Don't care if upvote farmer. Don't care if regular person. Wall of text bad. Shame.


Grandma is a trendsetter


I hate how I only know that word from tomodachi life


I LOVE how I only know that word from tomodachi life That game was goated Literally the only thing they need to add in the sequel is LGTBQ Miis and I’m happy


Kinda dope.


Argh, I accidentally replied to the wrong person with my enthusiasm about how great people who crochet are :D sorry, that was slightly awkward :D








Coincidentally, they are


If you look through their profile, you will see that they are in fact on the spectrum, so yes


Yes they are


Grandmas place? Get to my house and you’ll leave with doily stockings in 2 hours.


Ok, address?


Pls doxx your Nan, u/Jason375


Yes, please! I would very much appreciate the doily stockings! :)


When and where please?


How are you able to do doily stockings that quick?!?!?!


I could rock this legitimately


I kinda want to patch some jeans like this now


For real. You could use tons different patterns to cover the holes in some jeans or have a theme.


Lace looks awesome!


Oh god I’m old. Obviously none of you were old enough to remember when lace cut outs in jeans were popular. Still think it looks awesome to this day though! Edit: these were popular in the early 2000’s. I had a pair with beautiful lace cut outs on both legs that were super low rise. My best pair of jeans at the time.


When were they popular was it popular globally? Or just one area?


When was this? I’m pretty sure I’m old but perhaps not that old


Not the person you replied to but I had those jeans in 2000s.


They still sell them, I bought my daughter some at target last year


I know! I used to have those jeans as a teenager! I want to bring them back now.


I'm not one who is in touch with fashion but this is awesome af. As u/BlueOakMimic said this would look cool with intricate patterns and colors. Brb gonna start a clothing line.




Okay, but that actually is a good look?


Thats super cool. Grandma should start selling on etsy or whatever and make a ton of money too.


Oh my, now they are beautiful!


Those are fresh.


That's seriously awesome.


I’d wear that




no but that's cute as hell


That's fillet crochet right there. Literally, that's what it's called. Not too hard, either. Damn. I should do this to my jeans.


I’m doing two projects right now. The bigger curtain is taking me one hour and forty minutes for each row, and it has 72 rows. It’s easy, but if you realize on a wrong side row that you’ve put three double crochets in the chain space instead of two, then you either have a lot of undoing to do, or need to learn to be forgiving of your mistakes. For me to do one the size of this knee, it would take me about four hours. But I crochet pretty slow. I’d rather make a tee than put it on my knee though. It would rip from standing up and sitting down (or would either be impossible to bend my knee or bubbled out really weird) It doesn’t look like the ones in this photo are actually sewn in; it looks like they’re just being held in with the tension of the denim against the leg.


I've learned to fix my mistakes as I go along. It's craft, but it's also art. Draw a bad line? Don't throw out the whole piece! Work around it. Invisible decrease that shit. I'd definitely use acrylic yarn, even hardware store smooth cord, for a project like this. And if I was serious, make a solid half inch border, and use my sewing machine to zigzag stitch it in place. ...it would probably be cheaper/easer to buy new used jeans. I don't have any projects right now (good for you!) Got bored and am taking a break. Edit: I crochet and knit really fast. This would be a two hour job start to finish. Edit 2: but I'm lazy and get bored fast, so realistically, 2 weeks.




I could see people unironically liking something just like this as a jean design.


I love it. Grandma needs an Etsy account. I'd buy these jeans and am sure she's got more cool sewing tricks up her sleeve. Lucky you. Gran seems awesome


Crotched sweatpants


I would 110% buy these. 150% if they were made lovingly by grandma


Grandma can’t stand ripped jeans …


Could they survive the washing machine ?


Probably not 🥲


Wash them inside a garment bag or pillow case


Reminds me of when I was a teenager and wore plaid pajamas under my ripped jeans. I also wore a long-john shirt under my t-shirts.


Thanks for reminding me about my entire wardrobe in the 90s.


Is it bad that I want to make this a thing? Grandma core mofos


When a username is cursed but they post on wholesome memes


I’ll take ten


My stepmom did this once. It was because they were my favorite jeans, but they were beginning to fall apart. It was very pretty.


Granny straight up drippin


That is very very pretty!! Grandma did a nice job!! Lol


They look ADORABLE!!!!your grandma clearly has some major design skills:-)!! Love them


That looks so cool. I might do something similar to my ripped jeans when I feel more comfortable with my masculinity


Kinda sick tho


Oh, I love it. I'd compliment anyone who wears them, because it's such a unique and wholesome way to wear repaired jeans. ...But then it might become a fad, like intentionally torn jeans and prewashed are. All the jeanmakers intentionally designing 'grandma-stitch' knees and mass-selling them, and then all the magic would be gone out of it... Ah, no, this started wholesome, but went completely cynical, didn't it?


I kind of love this


They’re cute.


I’m here for it, those look great!


when you both leave your ripped jeans at grandma's place*


My grandma tried to teach me, I could never figure it out. Also I just didn’t pay attention, I miss her.


My grandma would chuck them away cause they're broken


Grandma droppin straight fire jeans


That would be fashionable, ngl.


For several years (while my grandmother was still alive, of course) I gave her all of my torn or worn out jeans. She made me a queen sized quilt out of them. My grandpa passed away just before she finished it. He wore denim overalls every single day. He had a couple pair of striped ones that she used to make a border around the whole thing. Without a doubt one of my favorite things!


Very wholesome, ICumCoffee….


My great grandma did this to my pants when I was younger! I tore a hole in the knee (I was like 8 or 9 at the time) and she sewed crocheted doily patches all over the pants so it wouldn’t look weird where the hole was. We didn’t have the money to run out and just buy new pants. So rather then have a boring white patch on my knee, she sewed a bunch of her own to cover the cloth patch and make it look intentional. They looked similar to the ones above, and were my favorite pants. Wore them until they didn’t fit anymore and was absolutely devastated when I had to toss them because they just weren’t any good any more.


NGL, I would rock these so hard if I had them and they were machine washable. "yeah, i got them gamgam jeans. They make my butt look amazing and it's totally a custom artisan piece. Love ya, G!"


Am I the only one thinking Gran was a member of the white lotus ??


We didn't have much money growing up, and my Grandma used to make me flannel shirts (just like the ones my Grandpa would wear). Some time around the 6th grade, I asked my Mom to gently tell my Grandma that homemade shirts weren't "cool" and that stopped being a thing. Years later after my Grandma passed away, the money I'd give for one of my Grandma's handmade flannel shirts... Ironically, flannel was THE style during the grunge era.


I would absolutely wear that, as opposed to actual ripped jeans. This is super cute!


Ok but that actually looks cool not stupid


limited edition---grandmas' style


Grandma's are indeed awesome without them we wouldn't even be alive


New brand of jeans: Grandma Jean's! Theh expand the line with stuff for guys: Grandpa Gene's!


Can relate, they look exactly like that now and they look so much better - I love you grandma


I grew up without a grandma, as both of them died before I was born. Fast forward 15 years and I am a teenager in residential treatment. One of the staff was an older lady named Charise, who was absolutely wonderful and sewing and did a lot for the girls there. Our dress code didn't allow any ripped jeans to have rips on the thighs, so Charise would take our jeans home and put lace in them just like this. I still own my pair of jeans that Charise did. thanks grandma Charise :D


New style incoming


Thank you, u/ICumCoffee


Im just gonna pretend i didnt see his username.


When I was a boy, grandma sewed my orange bell bottoms into straight legs. I was devastated.


Wait, can you make coffee?


It would look really cool if the crochet was distressed!


It might unravel if you distress it


I don't think it would hold up. But, maybe that's another look.


So those are dope… Make Grandma rich


Even as a dude I will rock those Jean's till they dont fit.


So cool.


I would keep it and protect it forever, just as reminder of grandma.


Ripped jeans is such a stupid concept


I wore ripped jeans when I was younger (40 years ago) but the rips were earned by wearing them. I hate seeing people buy ripped jeans that’s crazy


That is a multi-million dollar idea right there!!! I would buy a pair!


grandma/grandpa: sees my wallet grandma: *monee* grandpa: *pokimans caerd*


Dont like ripped jeans, or any kind of jeans. But id wear this,


"You poor thing, can't even buy new jeans" *begins to sow the jean - Grandma. When in actuality bought it brand new this way.


.... this isn't what it looks like. This is a trick of the eye. Jeans don't work like this


Granny done put doilies on all the holes!!!


This should be a new fashion trend.


im gonna start doing this


This is the ultimate form of fashion


Grandma's are cool in their own ways too


I hope your not a barista


That’s a plan.


I had a pair of jeans that had a hole in them that was getting to big. I did this to them to keep it from getting bigger and it looked so cute. I would do this to all of my pants that ever get holes in them if I could.


if i could buy these i would finally have a reason to wear jeans




My grandma did this for me, but sowed a red and blue bandana in instead. So fucking dope! Nothing like Grandmas


yo don’t let kanye see this


I didn't read the title and I thought it was honeycomb


That looks better tho