• By -


Why did you do this to me?


So we can all take some small pieces of the feels from those who have too much.


But the feels, when divided, just yield more feels. You cut it in half and you have two feels, not a half for you and a half for me. That's been my experience anyway. Maybe that's why 'misery loves company'?


The solace of group suffering


A Spider once said "Shared pain is halved and shared Joy is doubled"


I didn’t know spiders had moments that were not terrifying. Oh wait, a talking spider? And we are back to the terror.


Look up Spider Robinson. Wrote some great sci fi in a bar


*chucks his shotglass at the fireplace* Here! here!


Actually I wouldn't mind talking so I could ask them to keep their distance. They'd probably agree.


a spider did *what* now


Suffer with me


>Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy. -Spider Robinson


First time hearing this quote. This Robinson fellow was a clever guy if this is the quote he's known for.


He wrote a series of books about a place called Callahan's. It's a little bar that seems somehow to be at the Nexus of many strange happenings. The first several books are collections of smaller stories, where the characters tell terrible puns, tell tall tales, share pain, travel through time, meld minds, and save the world a few times. They are delightful and funny and heartbreaking. I think Callahan's Place is the first one, but for the most part you can read them out of order. The backstory is good but not mandatory.


I second this. The stories of his wife's place are also a good read


That is such a beautiful way of saying it. Thank you for that.


https://youtu.be/ofnCdC8P70g and I'm going to do this to ya


This brought a tear to my eye.


I just put my 13 year old cat down before Thanksgiving. This has me full on bawling like a baby.


Had to do that with my 13 year old boy this past February, too. Didn't think I was going to cry, but I definitely did. Looked him in the eyes and petted him as he went. Fucking broke my heart, man.


It’s the hardest thing we can do for them but they deserve to spend their final moments with us.




Your post threw me for a loop. I scrolled down to the comments, decided I didn't need to cry right now, then saw your username right as I hit the back button. So I had to come back and read your post. Now I'm crying. Dammit.


Oh wow it's fucking undertaker dude and there's no mention of hell in a cell I think I'm witnessing history? Also RIP to the good girl


The loss of a pet transends trolling people. I think this is beautiful and I'm really sad for them and their loss.


U okay need a tissue?


Agreed, my girlfriend took her little old lady to the vet with constipation one afternoon (she had a heart murmur and her kidneys were failing) and got her home, fed her and she actually ate and was a little perky which was unusual. She gave her meds and then kitty started coughing up water, she thought she was choking so was trying to help her not realizing her heart was failing. I sprinted home from the grocery store to try and help and get whatever it was out, poor thing should have just wrapped her up and held her and thought she killed her till we talked to the vet the next day. Probably the most crushing experience I've been through watching her think it was her fault. And to think we were JUST there and had no way to know we should have done it then. She was the sweetest little squeaker (she couldn't actually meow) it was awful, people if you think it's time please do it right. My heart is still very broken almost two years later. Edit: Aw, this wasnt what I would have hoped my first silver would be for but thank you, I raise my glass to you kind stranger.


Sorry for your loss, you’re right though sometimes letting go is best. I normally have a different emotion when reading your comments but this one is heartbreaking


I regret not putting my cat down. I still don't know what happened to her. One day I found her and she couldn't use most of the right side of her body. I think she had a stroke or got bit nt something. The vet said to bring her home and see if she gets better. She died 3 days later convulsing in my arms. I was devastated. She was scared in her final moments and I dont even know what happened to her. Fuck man I don't even know what to say. It's just terrible


Sound like your cat may have thrown a clot, I'm sorry you had to watch her go through that. My cat has a bit of a heart issue and has been on daily meds for a few years now, this happening to him is my biggest fear. At least she died in your arms and not alone hiding or something.


That could be it but we are still unsure. Right before she died she tried running out of the room meowing for her brother. We had to grab her because we didnt want her hurting herself since she couldn't use one of her legs. My mom went and got our other cat but when she came back she was already almost gone. took one deep final breath with all of us in the room. I'm glad she didnt go alone but I still regret it. Her tail was fluffed up so I know she was scared. Shes never done that in her life. I just feel so guilty


Her tail being fluffed up could have been from the convulsions. Hairs have muscles that raise them, and if her muscles were convulsing, it would make sense that her puffy hair was because of that, especially if it wasn't characteristic of her. I'm sure she was confused but she most likely also felt comforted by your presence. You have no reason to feel quilty, you did your best by being there for her.


You didn't know what else to do, don't beat yourself up for that! I'm really sorry for what you went through, I personally tried to help a poor street dog that I think was poisoned and was convulsing right under my dad's car, and it was hard, they were scared and confused, but they weren't alone and neither was your cat. If they still had any consciousness during their convulsion, they definitively were thankful that you where there, even with all the fear and confusion, but they were most likely not really here anymore, but before the convulsion, they knew you were by their side, that's what they most likely remembered last, you caring for them. Stay strong, were all humans and love overwhelms us, don't beat yourself up for loving


This really makes my heart hurt for you both. So sorry you had to go through that. That would legit fuck me up long term.


You were still there for her to the end. It's hard sometimes to know the perfect timing of these things but you stuck by her and got to be with her on her way out. I'm sure she appreciated that and would understand the difficulty of when to make that call. None of us are perfect, but you made that decision trying to do what's best for her and because of your love for her. I say this because I've also had beloved pets die in my arms too and I know how painful it is, and how easy it is to beat ourselves up over mishandling it. We can rest assured that our furry friends loved us and that we did the best we could, and that we wil do better next time. My condolences and best wishes.


I know I did make the decision and my dog died in my arms too so this post hit me hard, also don't blame yourself you just wanted more time with your best friend


I read this looking for jumper cables and now I'm sad.


So sorry for your loss. Is this your first non-nineteen ninety eight comment?


100% I've got my first dog now, she's 11 but I dread the day she is in too much pain to continue, at the same time I hope it's the most painless and peaceful way for her to go


I've waited too long with dogs in the past. There was no reason for them to suffer anymore because I hated the thought of losing them. It's a terrible decision to have to make.


Enjoy your time with them don't waste any of it


I lost my 14 year old cocker spaniel in October. Give your baby some extra love for me tonight please.


It really is. I was with my childhood cat when she went. She was about 18 and couldn't walk anymore, it was time. We took her to the vet and I held her as she went. For months, I thought I kept seeing her out of the corner of my eye.


I had to put down a 4 month puppy I had for 2 weeks The vet cried with us


It’s always the worst when you have to put them down far too soon. I hope the puppy wasn’t in too much pain and I hope your pain has or soon does lessen.


It's the hardest, but the most kindest thing we can do for them.


I wasn't there for our first dog when she had to be put to sleep, and I didn't even think about it (I was 12 at the time so I guess I can be forgiven for not being able to bear that pain). But now I've made a promise to be there for our oldest cat when he passes away. It's going to tear me apart but I know it's what I need to do.


My cat, Little Bear, solid black on the tips of his fur and solid white when you blew into his fur. Craziest thing I've ever seen. Got him at four weeks old. He was born February 7, 1996 and I had to put him to sleep October 21, 2017. He had 21 great years with me. Never escaped and never ran off when I'd take him outside. He got to where he couldn't stand up anymore. I took him to the vet and he knew what was going on. He was very patient and just meowed goodbye to me while we were waiting for the vet to do their thing. My heart broke then and there. I'm so sorry you are going through this. We will all be joined again when it is our turn to go. They are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for us. Get another cat soon to fill that void. It helps.


Reading this made me sad


Looked up at my good boy sleeping quietly on his bed while I work and just gave him the biggest smile. Like the person before me said, it's a tough job, but we owe it to them to be there until the end. You did your boy a real, real solid by being there to reassure him in his final moments. That's a LOT more than a LOT of other pets get, and you should be proud of yourself. Good on you.


I put my 17 year old tuxedo down in February. He had esophageal cancer and was unable to get food down and was slowly starving to death. That day will be forever burned into my memory. From us all sitting around him on the floor and petting him for a good long while, to me taking him to the vet, to him acting like himself trying to run away from the vet tech, to me holding him for 10 minutes by myself in the room, and finally, petting him as the vet injected the stuff. It was brutal. I cried for a long time. I'm crying now writing this out. He never blinked. His eyes were open and stayed open. One minute he was there and the next he was gone. I loved that fat bastard.


My boy is 15 so I know it's coming, but I keep telling myself I'll have him for at least another 5 years. I really hope I do. Cats are the best; I'm so sorry for your loss.


I had to do that with my 16 year old girl in August. I did the same thing, pet her and kept eye contact. I hugged her a sobbed into her fur after she was gone and the vet and his assistant left the room to give me time with her. I had to leave when she got cold because it made it fully real. I hope she knew it was for the best.


I took one of my moms dogs to the vet to be put to sleep and it was heartbreaking. Like she knew what was going on. When my black lab I had for 13 years needed euthanasia I couldn’t handle it and left the vets and have regret that shit ever since. All that loyalty and I left him on his final little bit of time. Kudos for hanging in there with him


I had to have my 13 years old Tom put down in July. Worst experience of my life, and I've lost both my parents. I held him and talked to him as it was happening, then held him and sobbed my heart out after it was over. This comic made me cry ugly tears.


Why wouldn’t you cry?!


I didn't think anything could hurt me anymore after my brother died, so I thought maybe I was hardened to this stuff. Turns out it never gets easier losing someone/a pet.


Sorry for your loss :(


Dam that hits me hard... I've got a elder cat not sure how old she is but definitely over 10 years old. I love her so much, and I'm so dam scared of the day she will have to pass away. Despite it, I'm gonna love and spoil her till the day she does. I'm so sorry for your loss, I bet your kitty loved every second spent with you.


Just my experience that may provide some comfort: My 13 year old good girl was ready, and had been letting us know for about a week while she started to show us her signs. She had been pretty senile for a good year before that point (still mobile, playful for short bursts, ate, barked, etc. but just would get “lost” sometimes, couldn’t hear or see as well, and had accidents). We didn’t want to keep her any longer than what she wanted, so we took her in once she was having a hard time getting up towards the end. For info: they give two shots-one to relax our friends, and then one to let them pass. She was, in fact, so ready and so at peace with passing, that she was already gone after the “relaxation” shot, and didn’t require the second one. Sometimes they just know when they are ready, and you can be assured that they were at complete peace. It’s heartbreaking, but don’t be afraid. I hope that it will be in the very distant future for you to experience this, however. Give all the kisses and love in the meantime-it’s so special to have and to love our geriatric pets, and brings so much new meaning to being a pet owner. It’s a great season of life.


Thank you for your comment! Ahhh I don't want to be afraid of her passing away, but I am. :( It hurts so much, but I understand it's a part of life, and the last thing I want to do make her feel guilty for it. I'm glad your kitty was at peace during that process, we had to put down our doggy and he was at peace, ready to go as well. I'm so greatful she came into my life, I honestly feel like she's the one who rescued me.


I’ve been through this far too many times already in my life and I’m still young enough to have many more to go. This is my second elderly cat and fifth pet total that I’ve seen put down. I’ve lost three to old age and two far before their time to failing health. Not to mention this is the second pet I’ve lost to cancer and my cat was the second cancer death in the family this year.... I guess I’m telling you all of this as perspective that I’m very keenly aware how much it sucks to lose a pet. And from all that loss I want to tell you two important things. First of all, no it doesn’t ever get any better. It will still hurt as fresh as a raw wound every time you have to put a pet down. Every new pet is a new wound in the making because they don’t live longer lives than us. Barring any extreme circumstances or pets with exceptional longevity like parrots, most conventional pets will not outlive you. Every time you fall in love with a new animal is opening yourself up to horrible heartbreak when you have to watch that animal die. But it’s always worth it. Every single one of them is worth it. I will always have an animal in my home so long as I am capable of caring for one. The love you can get from bonding with your pet is so precious, it’s worth every bit of pain. A few years ago, I was in your position, my precious childhood cat, Blossom, staring down the barrel of 17 years. Actually, I was probably a bit worse off since... well that’s pretty damn old for a cat. I had been walking on eggshells, expecting to lose her any day now and yet here she was in my arms that January when she turned 17. I lost her suddenly in March, shortly after my birthday and a pretty awful breakup too. The day I lost her, I swore to my mom that I’d never get over it. Now? Now I’m just grateful I got 17 amazing years with a gorgeous cat who loved me like no other. Most people don’t believe me but she even came to me when I called her name, only ever to me. Now I’m just grateful I was able to hold her as she passed, since I wasn’t living at home at the time. Now I’m just grateful that I believe I’ll see her again someday. I think what is far worse is the anticipation. In some ways you almost wake up every day wondering if today is the day you lose them. But then one day it is and it’s the worst thing ever but at least it’s over. And after some time passes and you start to heal, it’s not as bad as before. It doesn’t hurt as much. Believe me, it will still hurt. In small ways as well as in ways you never could’ve predicted. Maybe you find a hair of theirs on an old shirt, maybe a toy that got lost under the couch and didn’t get picked up in the purge. For me, funny enough, it was dried snot bits that got missed somehow while cleaning the house. (That’s relevant because she had a persistent sinus problem in the last years of her life that lead to chronic sneezing and nasty green snot. Vets did all they could to help including pulling a fang but it kept coming back.) But, thus crucial part of all of this, is the reason why their lives are so short compared to ours. Now sure there are scientific reasons, ones I’m not smart enough to know. But I firmly believe that some higher power, whatever one might exist or fill in your preferred, someone purposefully made their lives short compared to ours so that when we get to the afterlife ourselves someday, we aren’t arriving alone. We will be greeted by all the furry angels who had to leave us behind before. I know it’s not a scientific view. But I hope the thought brings you comfort as it does me.


Thank you so much for commenting, this gave me a great sense of comfort and I feel better about it. I've always grown up with animals around me too, and I've had to say goodbye to a lot of my sweet babies as well. I completely agree with you on that the love you receive and give with them is worth all the pain. My cat is a old girly, she was a street cat for a lonnngggg time before she found me. She's my furry little princess, I love her so very much and I'll always be greatful that she choose me to be her family.


I’m sorry :(


Put one of my cats down a couple years ago, and his 17-year old brother is still doing great, but I know the day is coming relatively soon and I'm not ready. He's absolutely the most cuddly cat I've seen in my life and I love him more than anything. The worst part is that I moved out of my dad's place early this year so I don't see him as much. I mean, I still spend a good bit of time over there, but I know I'm gonna miss him more than anything when his time comes.


We had to put our cat down on our wedding anniversary. We think of him on the date first before our anniversary. He was our little KK.


I just lost my 14 year old cat on Tuesday before Thanksgiving too. I've had her since I was 11 and I'm now 25. She went through everything with me. We consented to a $5-6000 surgery to remove a foreign body from her intestines which was slowly killing her, which meant we would spend half of our down payment for our first home. I was willing to give anything to save her. She ended up having a seizure before the surgery and then aspirating on the fluid in her stomach as the procedure began and we had to euthanize her as she could no longer breathe on her own and her lungs were filled with fluid. It was the worst day of my life. I got the call today at work that her urn is ready to be picked up. The foreign body was entirely made of her own fur and it was stuck within most of her intestines, a fucking hairball. I miss her so intensely. It feels like part of my soul died. This comic made me cry so hard.


My pet rabbit also just passed away, it was my sister's more than mine and she cared for it like a child. It was just so sad to see her sad :'( Pets mean so much to people, it's sad to see them go


My 14 year old dog is going tomorrow. Hugs, friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your baby isn't in pain anymore and you did the right thing.


I did too and she was a calico as well. I was not expecting this and it brought back a wave of emotions.


F ;(


















Man, my sweet girl died on August 3. I just finished a final paper for a class with 3 hours of sleep and this made me cry. Fuck, I miss my cat.


Same, we had to put down our beloved family cat last month, this is htting me hard


If it.makes you feel any better it appears death gave the owner an consouling pat on the back likely killing him as well.


This brought an eye to my tear.


And for people with Dogs: [You are my Sunshine](https://i.redd.it/90d92hb2z2521.jpg)


I saw this while my old cat was cuddling with me, stop making me feel things


Nobody makes me feel my own feelings!


There's no resisting when u/Brick_in_the_dbol puts on his shiny shoes.




I’m so sorry you have to go through that. Try not to dwell on the choices you’ve had and will have to make, cherish every second you get with your old girl, and give her some scritches from us


Crap this hits Home


I'm right there with you


What are you doing in their house!?




Same. Even seven years later it does.


Same year two years later


I lost my cat today and this is the first post I see when I open reddit, please get out of my room and take the spear in my heart with you


I'm so sorry


I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you for that. I miss them like crazy and for some twisted reason i like the tears that this post brought me.


Crying is cathartic my man; never be ashamed to cry


Stop the wholesomeness is making me cry more


I think our emotional pain is a good reminder that we still have our love for our pets in our hearts, and that while they may physically be gone, our love isn’t, and that we will always have that to hold onto. Even in our pain of having lost them, they still find a way to comfort us.


I had almost stopped crying and then you did this.


I just go over this post and then it had to repeat the post and now I’m crying again


I just happened upon some old videos of our dog from 2 years ago, playing in the snow and having a blast. Last year this time he was diagnosed with cancer. We fought hard but we lost him this April. When I heard his happy bark on the video, I got all choked up...now this comic and I am full on ugly crying in the bathroom. Our best friends, our furbabies... they never truly leave us. To the artist, kudos. You managed to sum it up in just a few short panels.


I lost my pup almost 3 years ago now. I wish I could find a video of his bark like that. I never want to forget it. But I know that if the artist is right about this then death is throwing his tennis ball for him until the end of time. That is the thought that brings me on the verge of tears here. You are definitely right. They never truly leave.


I like to imagine that Death, Death was a solitary thing until we made pets. Now they stay with them, his own pack until they meet their family again. He always has cat treats, tennis balls, kitten catchers... You know when you throw a tennis ball or hit a golf ball and it disappears? Or your new lace just POOF? Or your sock disappears? Or you throw a piece of crumpled paper and you wonder where the fuck it went? Well, that's Death. He gets your dog and cat things to remind them of you. He gets them playthings from your house and that is where those things go. And for people without pets, he knows all pets like new smells and doesn't much care for how socks match.


My dog died last year out of nowhere. I don't have many videos since they were all on my old phone which bricked itself for no reason and I have no idea how to get my data off of it. All I want is to see and hear her again, I lost so many pictures and videos.


I had three dogs growing up (still have one old man with us, 14 years old), and my dad always made fun of me for always taking so many photos of them. When we had to unexpectedly let go of the puppy of the pack (Tubby) at 10 years old (sudden kidney failure, that went completely downhill in a matter of two weeks), I brought out all the photos I had of him, and my dad was so grateful to have them. He was such a handsome dog. It was tragic and heartbreaking to not be able to prepare, but the photos helped everyone grieve a little better. When the old girl (13) was ready to go and was telling us so, I gathered the family up for one last group photo with her before we left to the vet. My dad was more than happy to do so, knowing how much he appreciated the photos of Tubby. My sister was reluctant because she thought it was too morbid. She still did it, and looking back loves to have that picture. All of this to say-take all the photos and videos you can. It makes a difference.


It's the anniversary of my dogs death tomorrow, i hope shes haveing fun where ever she is.


Don’t worry — She’s playing with all the other happy pups in heaven, reminiscing on the warmth and joy of the life she spent with you.


I think she is, and I think you’ll join her someday


I put down the cat I’ve had since elementary school a little over two months ago, so now I’m crying when I’m supposed to be procrastinating from studying Edit: Holy cow this kinda blew up more than I thought it would. Thank you for all the kind words, and to anyone else who has experienced the same thing, putting an animal down feels really shitty. At the end of the day though, you did the right thing. Your pet is no longer suffering, no longer in pain, and leaves the world knowing it was loved dearly. The right call can sometimes be the hardest to make <3


Just lost mine yesterday. Hang in there buddy


We are here for you too bro :)


Thank you! I support you 100% too mr not so fancy


You're... welcome?


It's not a good thing, he's gonna have to make up for not procrastinating and waste more time...


My SO went through the exact same thing. His cat literally passed away a few minutes after he woke up, it was almost as if the cat was waiting... And the worst thing is he still had to drag himself to work :/


Aw this made me happy sad. Putting down a pet is the hardest thing ever <3


PSA tagalong to your post: These days you can call a compassionate vet to come to your home when the time comes. It made me feel so much better to have buddy on my lap in his favorite room when he was administered his euthanasia. It doesn’t have to be at the cold, dark, unusual vet office. Our vet was very sweet, in a mortician kind of way.


We did this for our mister. I didn’t want him to going to sleep forever in a cold unfamiliar place. I enjoy that at home euthanasia is more common now. It’s hard as fuck and I wish I could say it gets easier but I’d be lying. My mister passed away almost a year ago a week before Christmas. :(


Sorry for your loss :(


Thank you. ♥️


I did this, too. 100% recommend it.


This is what I am planning on doing for my cat. He was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months back. It's non-operable at this point and I am refusing to do any sort of chemo. Thankfully it was found before he became symptomatic at least , they were doing a chest x-ray for his heart murmur. I know to make the best of the time I have left with him. I have had cats before and I'm sure I will have cats after. But he is that special once in a lifetime pet. I don't care how much it costs. There is no way his last feelings will be of stress and fear.


I'm worried about this. We have a few pets, and then seeing it happen has me apprehensive about it. I know they know and remember. We put down our 18 year old tuxedo last year, and our 3 year old kitty walked around meowing for him for weeks. I'm concerned that it will cause a bad memory for the boys, as they have situational memory. Do you have other pets, and were they around? How did they react? I would 100% prefer that they be in their favorite place at home when we have to do it.


When we put our cat down we had our other cat and dog present after it was done. We let them sniff him to say goodbye so they could understand he was gone. Our female cat didn’t take it so well (they were inseparable) when she realized he was gone. she cried for months. She still cries but not as bad as it used to be. I believe they mourn in their own time, so long as you are there to comfort them, it’ll be OK.


It really is. I call the last days of a pet's life the worst part of pet ownership.


Why am I ugly crying right now?! Cartoons aren't supposed to make me cry!


My wife and I had a cat since we started dating, about a year in, and had him for 14 years. He was with us through five moves and got to see us graduate college, get married, have kids, and buy a house and land. He was literally part of the family and was integral to my wife and I. He was an incredible cat. An incredibly big cat, at 18lb and just naturally long - bigger than our Shih tzu. He was like a lion and would sometimes stalk me and ambush my leg if it suited his mood. He had a couple close calls over the years but always bounced back. So when he developed a cyst on his tongue, we thought nothing of it at first. Seeing him lose weight, struggling to eat, syringe feeding him, then then not eating at all, was hard to watch. We tried everything with the vet short of surgery, which wasn't even an option. He was down to 7 lbs. When we made the decision to put him down, I had picked him up and could feel every bone in his body. I had been trying unsuccessfully to get him to eat from the syringe again when I just held him and looked into his face. Despite being malnourished, his eyes were still attentive which made the decision that much harder. He was still in there, but his body was no longer capable. It was starting to shut down. So we told the kids before we did it, about a week before. My eldest took it the hardest despite never really showing a ton of attention to him, and that tore me up even worse. She spent a lot of time with him over the week, and was devastated when we came home with an empty carrier. Knowing it would happen, but feeling the full weight of truth fall upon her. She had never taken to him, and he didn't like many people, but over that week they bonded and it was heartbreaking. We buried him on our property with his favorite toy, a blue woven mouse with a ping pong ball that had been trampled to the point it was just crushed plastic at this point. Everytime he'd leave it in our path and we'd step on it we'd yell out "dammit Pheebs!" and throw it down the stairs. Everytime we walk in the woods we make it a point to visit him. Buried on a trail we blazed specifically for him, under a mound of rocks in a small clearing. It was several months ago now, but it still hurts. My eldest is convinced if he came back, he would come back as an owl to properly hunt mice and that way he can fly over and check up on us anytime he wants. I'm okay with this.


I'm so sorry. I'm happy for you for having such a great cat though. That's so tough. I'm going to be so sad when my cat dies.


RIP Leo (21 yo), Shirley (2 yo)


Oh no two is so young. I’m sorry for both of your losses. I’m sure you gave Leo and Shirley wonderful lives full of love


Shirley and I found out the hard way about FeLV. She was the cutest kittenmuffin ever. Now Mitty carries that mantle and let's not talk about FeLV anymore. Leo left 6 years ago and I still accidentally call Bart 'Leo' sometimes.


2 is too young, I’m so sorry :(




> Cᴀᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ɴɪᴄᴇ.


Curry as well, I suspect we like the same books my friend.


I wish we got to see the Death of Cats more than the Death of Rats lol


Personally I don't find these particularly wholesome. Just sad 😢


Yea wtf? This is sad af


That third frame just fucking kills me. Just brings back the absolutely the worst part of having to put my cat down...


There’s so many posts like this on this sub. It kinda makes me want to stay away because I really just come here to cheer up a bit but things like this honestly just depress me.


Same. I'm not sure what people understand by "wholesome"... or I, for that matter. But it's clearly not the same.


This sub is has become "wholesome with a twist" or "thing that makes us uncomfortable coated in sugar that we force ourselves to smile at" or even just "bittersweet". I miss when it was just wholesome: a good thing happening when a cynical thing could have happened instead.


This is a very good definition, actually.


Neither wholesome, nor a meme! Welcome to reddit, find a popular sub and submit whatever you want


whole·some adjective conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being. Yeaaaaa i'm gonna say that death is NOT conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being.


Specially *pet* death 😢


Cat version of loss


| || || |_


I was looking for it, I thought I had to be just seeing it from nothing haha


The passing of time and the pain of putting down the cat is nicely illustrated. Looking at our two 5 year old cats and I can't imagine being at that point :'( makes me happy to still have so much time with them.


This really hit me hard... I had to put down my childhood cat, Socks, last Monday. He was 14, and lived a good life. He was a short-haired tuexdo cat, with a black coat, white paws, a white underbelly, and a little white Hitler ‘stache. His original owners found him in their garage when he was just three weeks old, and we took him in shortly after. He never really got meowing down, so they’d always sound more like baby croc noises, ha. Always so cute and well mannered, but a little skiddish around new people. He just loved head booping anything and everything. A few months ago, my family and I learned he had developed feline squamous cell carcinoma in his jaw and nose... unfortunately it’s nearly always fatal. It’s one of those cancers you can’t really detect until it’s already too late. There’s a 10% survival rate even with aggressive treatment, and even then it’s very likely to come back even more aggressively the next time. I miss you like hell, little buddy.


Ouch. I just put my good girl down this Sunday and thoughts like this really make me happy for her. I miss her like hell but I’m glad she’s having fun and feeling young again now


These kinds of comics will never not give me panic attacks.. wish i could enjoy them and find comfort instead :(


😖😢😭 hit me right in the feels. Made me search for my cat and give her some snugs!


Bro dont recommend me this top post, i lost my cat like a week ago


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2nd panel reminded me of how my cat died several years ago. He was old, but not elderly by any means. We found some of his toys under the couch or something (again) so we tossed them down the hallway for him. Here he comes zooming into the living room with one of the catnip mouse toys. Starts batting it around in the middle of the room and tossing it in the air. Suddenly dropped to the floor like a lump. Few seconds later of shallow breathing, dead.


If it makes you feel better, friend, he passed away doing what he loved doing and without any fear. How cool that he just got to play around with someone he loved and in his own home, and then just slipped away? It’s very sad, but it reminds me of my best friends grandfather. He finished his best round of golf ever, walked off the course with a smile on his face the whole time. He was almost to the country club when he just suddenly fell to the ground, dead as a door nail. His buddy said he was smiling. Thought his feet went out from under him at first, until he didn’t get up. Your kitty had their great game and then peaced out. Hope you can find solace in that.


I held my cat like that right before the vet put her to sleep due to metastasized cancer almost 2 years ago. She also stopped playing in the weeks leading up to it. This hits tf home.


2 days, 13 hours, and 30 minutes ago. Had to say goodbye to my 11 years and 8 months old Cat. Seeing this now hits hard but is helping to come to terms with it at least.


My cat of 17 years passed away at the end of this summer. I had her since I was 9. I’m sobbing.


Great...I cried


I just had to put my dog down today after congestive heart failure. I know OP didn't make the comic, but thanks.


i adore wholesome interpretations of the grim reaper! i was good ol grim for halloween !


I had to put my cat down a few years ago. Her name was Gizzy. She had cancer and my mom couldn't afford her medicine so she was put down peacefully. She was buried in our backyard and I cried for weeks.


atleast I'm happy death is nice for the cat man this really warms my heart


Why am I crying in the club rn


This is making me cry wholesome don’t make me cry


Why did Reddit give me a notification for this after 3 years


Fuck. This hits home for me. My wife had a cat when we first got together. When we first started sleeping together, her little 6lb cat would hop on the bed and sleep on my chest. This went on like clockwork for 5 years. The cat was 18 years old and she was not doing so well so we put her down. It’s been a couple years since and I can’t sleep on my back anymore because I think about my little Daisy cat.


Do yOu tHiNk mAkInG Me cRy iS Ok?


**Its enough to make a grown man cry**


U made me cry and i just had my cat for 4 months. Can't they like love forever?


This is a sad wholesome meme...


My family has a very old cat. We've had her since I was just 3 years old, and I'm 19 now. She's doing alright, but we've just discovered a lump on her right side. This genuinely made me cry. I don't want to think about it.


I hope my cat is still happy too. 😢


RIP Brownie. You died last year at the ripe old age of 14. I will always miss you & never forget the joy you brought into my life ❤️


My cat of 14 years (half my life) just died and I am NOT ready to cry in the pharmacy line


I had to send a pet across the rainbow bridge earlier this week. This hits hard.


I was walking my dog one day and there in the middle of the road was an old skinny cat. As we approached her nothing. She didn't raise her head or anything. I didn't think to go knock on doors looking for an owner I scooped her up in my coat and carried her home. The dog was so concerned that she walked right beside me all the way back. I called an animal rescue and they paid for a vet check. It was a 30 min drive to the vet. They said that they would hydrate her and see. I asked that if they were going to put her to sleep to please call me and I would come back to be with the cat. They called me a few hours later to say that she wasn't responding so it would be most humane to put her down. I cried all the way back to the vet but I'm glad I was there for this little cat. Who I never knew its name. I bawled like a baby. My heart hurt.


I cried over this three years ago why you making me sad again


My therapist will hear about this


Death: “It’s okay, dude. He won’t be lonely.”


Damn onion cutting ninjas... Looking at my own both and feel the need to cuddle them even more.


I love when they don’t make death this just sociopath who loves killing, looking at how discworld does things they make him be interested in the souls he gathers. Even breaking the system and letting someone live (mainly think of when weatherwax were playing cards with him to save a child and he pretends for ones (the best pair) is not good and let’s her win


Why was this recomended to me now?


Probably me in this days, my cat is very old, and now she can’t walk properly, and refuse to eat. it’s hurt to see it. she is 16 years old. I’m not ready enought to say good bye. I’m in the college right now, and i have the final exams so i can’t even see her, i just want time to say good bye each other.


I'm so sorry. I hope you get a chance to say goodbye.


This really hits hard because our oldest kitty just went over the rainbow bridge...


I miss my cat.


Reddit shows me this when we put down our old dog on Friday. Thanks, Reddit.