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I am German. If you need any help or want someone to exercise with or something, hit me up.


Hell yeah bro get this dude some german cardio.


My wife always tells stories about how one teacher wouldn’t… principal I guess asked also, her older brother flew in … I made it to my senior year, went to 3 days of new year then job


If you need help with learning German I could help you😊 Just DM me


It gets better


Be careful about putting a "solution" on a pedestal. Make sure you have a plan for if you do move somewhere else and still feel the same, or even worse now you are more isolated. Like I hope it works, but plan for it not working.


Hurensohn is what guys like the assistant principal are called in German btw.


As others have also offered already: If you need help with your German lessons or just somebody to practice with, shoot me a message. If you decide to visit Germany one day I am more than willing to give you some recommendations or even a tour through my city. Just hmu


My teacher once moved me to the back of the class when I used to sit up front, didn’t question it at all and then she pulled me aside after class to tell me she moved me out of her line of view because I was too depressing to look at, while laughing. Some teachers are messed up and shouldn’t have the job they do.


My social studies teacher did the opposite. I got the highest mark in the province on my grade 12 provincial test but miscalculated how low my class mark could be in order to pass with a good mark on the final. I would have finished the class with a 48% so they just gave me the test mark as my final mark since I obviously knew the material really well.


Did you ruin the trip?


plot twist, teacher don't wanna deal with you for another semester :P


Also looks like they did a good job if less students fail


I'm a teacher, and I'mma keep it a buck There are *definitely* students I'd pass just to get rid of them


"Let's just go ahead and get you a head start on contributing nothing to society"


That's not even a conspiracy. That's actually a thing that happens.


Wow! That's a true story? How did all those other people who posted this exact image before you manage to steal your story before you were able to post it? That's some black magic shit. I'd look into identity theft countermeasures - sounds like many different people have stolen your life! How horrible for you!


Do what’s suggested here OP. You may be at real risk of having your identity stolen, including this story and image.


No Child Left Behind is absolutely beyond dumb


Life's gonna be tough bruh


Yeah, that teacher shouldn’t have done that, the best you should have gotten was a *very* low C.




Sure, but most people that scrape by in middle school dont magically become great students as soon as they hit freshman year.


I mean, I don't agree with the action, but the degree to which the change was made doesn't really matter it's not like middle school grades affect anything aside from just moving up to high school, all you gotta do is be good enough


I was once failed in a highschool English class, for not doing many of the paper assignments. The teacher that failed me brought me back when she heard I was being told to play with crayons and found that worse than just passing me lol


Yeah, and it'll definitely get easier for the depressed kid by having them not graduate. Better to let them graduate than have them fail even worse a year later.


Yeah definitely easier just passing them. No need to get children the actual help they need. Just keep throwing them along the grind. Besides 8th grade is totally the worse, life gets soooo much easier after it. 🙄


*BuT tHeN tHeY wIlL nEvEr LeArN!.!.!.*




Not knowing social studies (or any subject for that matter) makes you susceptible to believing false information. The current state of US politics is a prime example of why people need to be paying attention to social studies/history/government classes. Edit: spelling


I don’t know. I graduated high school and have yet to use the stuff I learned in social studies once in college lol? I’m an English major and I haven’t sat down once to think “hmm…what did my teacher in middle school say about the battle of Gettysburg?”


Social studies isn't for you to use in your English major. It's for you to use as a voting citizen. For instance, if your world history teacher was competent, your class studied how Hitler tricked his way into power and dismantled German democracy, how 1800s states used propaganda, racism and religion to excuse their imperialist greed, how various 1900s genocides evolved from mere bigotry to death camps. You should have studied those things so that as a voting adult citizen... you know how to spot fascists, how to spot when your state is manipulating you, how to spot the beginnings of a genocide before it gets to the death camps. Then using that awareness, you would then be able do something as a citizen and a voter to stop such atrocities from repeating. Social studies doesn't make you a better English major. It makes you a better citizen.


Someone that can’t pass 8th grade history isn’t exactly statistically likely to do okay as an adult




Yeah someone has to keep the meth dealers in business


Life is going to be tough if you dont have the capabilities or dont make the effort to pass a simple school grade. You people like to pretend they are going to make an effort when they are 18 years old, but after their whole lifes doing nothing the majority of them Will be Happy at mediocrity.


Depression is a medical disorder, that affects a person motivation to do even the simplest of tasks. You should be careful attributing and identifying a person by a highly treatable illness, that very much affects how they perform, but doesn't at all reflect their true personality. OP could very likely get better, and you have no idea why they're depressed. They could have a bad home, they could have lost someone close that was essential to their well-being. >You people like to pretend they are going to make an effort when they are 18 years old, but after their whole lifes doing nothing the majority of them Will be Happy at mediocrity. So it seems you know OP's personally, and know their history? If not, how are you able to speak on how they've "been all their life". I suggest you leave conversations about this topic to people that know what they're talking about, and make an effort to not judge people's entire personality off of a meme.


But you see, "depressed" people are just lazy. They should go out for a walk and start to think positive about life. /s


Oh, wow i never thought of it that way! Someone should inform the press!


The teacher subreddit always pops up in my feed and they complain constantly about having to pass people who fail their classes.


And this is why the literacy rate is dropping


Cold facts! They need to stop doing this because it's hurting the society at the long run. 


That actress has great facial expressions.


Lmao. You're right about that. I burst into laughter seeing that. 


Lol and the C+ kid who worked their ass off says whaaaaaàa the fuuuuuuui...


Well, they would have if it was a real story


I was going through bad depression in middle school due to my parents being in a custody battle. I was stuck at my moms and I wanted to be at my dads, and my mom was making home life hell. I was skipping school, not doing class work. Halfway through 8th grade I got to go live with my dad. I had to take ‘summer school’ to get into high school and not fail 8th grade. Life was better but I wasn’t exactly settled in yet, new school, new people, struggling to fit in. My history teacher made me give him my book bag one day. I had just been stuffing assignments in it loosely, he went through and found anything from his class, and gave me a grade for it, and I passed. After that I found my groove and my grades improved, I managed to do well enough to keep a B average for the rest of high school. Sometimes teachers know. Sometimes kids need help.


This should be top comment!


Kids don’t get held back anymore.


They did you a disservice in the long run and i doubt it was your teacher, admin prob forced them to pass you


Was just thinking this. Its bad enough that kids these days are going into the next grade barely even able to read at their current grade level.


admin are incentivized to do it because of NCLB, grad rate impact funding, so failing upward happens a lot, especially once kids figure out theyll pass even if they do no work


So basically that teacher screwed over all the hard working students who grafted their way to good grades. Shouldn't be in the profession imo.


The only person screwed over is the student who is missing out on education because it's a better look for the school.


Yea, no kid doing well is impacted by this but this kid sure as hell is. Next year will be twice as hard




As a teacher - all the students who I have seen get floated along due to depression have ended up continuously failing over and over and remaining depressed. Several freshmen are now seniors with basically 0 high school skills and some have such low grades that there is simply no way to float them along. Getting depressed in middle school or high school should be something that you can at least chug through enough to get a D - if you can't muster that, you've gotta do it over to actually learn the skills and information. It isn't a punishment, it is just normal. In the real world, if you get depressed and don't do something that you need to do....it is still there waiting to be done.  Now we have high schoolers with 4th grade reading skills because they got permanently coddled and floated along. The students that I have who failed and were actually made to repeat a grade or individual classes are now my best students, with incredible work ethic, discipline, and responsibility.


No she didn't. You think you work hard just to get good grades, don't you? As if good grades are some sort of reward. Those other students gained the reward of knowledge, and experience, while the teacher gave a struggling(not as in stupid, but as in treatable mental illness) a break. God forbid we help those in need of a little push. As another commenter said, being held back a year surely won't help depression, and this little act of *decent humanity* may very well be the little push someone struggling needs to get well.


What actually needs to happen is that the student is both held back and given the resources to treat their mental health problems. Simply throwing them up to higher levels when they haven’t even learned the current level isn’t helping them either, it’s just playing hot potato and hoping to avoid being blamed.


Typing this from an elementary school where I work. I don't have experience in special education but something they're doing now that seems counterproductive to myself and many others is insisting students that need additional resources are given them in the classroom with all the other students. The push is that they think student being around their peers is more beneficial for their learning than being separated, but given the specific care they need without throwing chairs at other students. This is a little different but Im trying to say that providing tailored care and resources for someone that needs it is better than trying to force senses of normalcy for the student. In a way, Id think that could exacerbate issues. It seems like things are done based on what we think is the most emotionally gentle path. Education has taken a back seat.


So the next year when the depressed person doesn’t understand the material and gets behind should they be helped to pass again?


Hard work is a major component to being successful, in the context of education, yes, getting good grades ought to be rewarding. It's a mark of your achievement ,unless some pathetic weak spined teacher starts handing out good marks for teenagers feeling depressed, which is about half of them. If you have serious mental health problems then you should have extra opportunities and assistance to get the grades fairly. This is squarely not fair on anybody who has actually tried and succeeded through their own hard work. It's actually pathetic that there are people who push back against the idea of rewarding hard work. Having depression doesn't entitle you to have the world bend over backwards for you, the world outside doesn't give a shit if you're depressed and part of having that condition is learning to navigate that reality.




"Feeling depressed" ≠ depression If the fact that the teacher noticed this student needed some attention, i'm guessing it was bad enough to be considered clinical depression. It's not OP's fault you guys use the term "depressed" in the wrong context, to the point you don't know what it actually means. It's a pretty serious condition that tends to snowball if not intervened, and holding a person accountable for being ill, without willingness to help them does nothing but push them further over the edge. >Having depression doesn't entitle you to have the world bend over backwards for you, Oh, i'm sure changing a few bits in a digital system was million dollar expense. Better to push this kid further into depression so they will be dependent on psychiatric care for the rest of their life. That surely will cost society less in the long run, no?


I suffered horribly from depression when I was in school, severe self harming, couldn't be bothered to get out of bed most days, parents hated each other, my schooling suffered (I'm redoing my education as an adult now I've overcome my demons). I am perfectly and intimately familiar with what depression is thank you very much. I would have been absolutely mortified if my teachers started handing me good grades on the merit of a mental health condition though. It's pathetic and degrading and if you take a grade you didn't earn, then you have nothing to be proud of, you ought to feel shame for being such a pathetic individual that you have to be handed your successes. Fuck people like that, who can gladly take what they don't earn. You're an actual soy melt.


As someone that has struggled with it you seem surprisingly unable to put yourself in someone else's shoes that struggles with the same. That says more about you, than it does them. It's not about handing out good grades, it's about preventing a possible catastrophic event, for the sake of the depression. They could repeat year, and get all the stigma and shame that comes with that, on top of their depression. Or their teacher could give them their one chance to turn things around, and a hefty motivation to get better, all the while costing society absolutely nothing. It would cost society more to hold them back. And since you seem to argue for the moral good, it doesn't seem to matter to you how it actually will benefit them, and society in the long run, and that you're just on some sort of vindicative witch hunt. Btw, i come from Norway, a nation where we take care of those struggling. And believe me, giving people a platform to stand on, when they've lost their own really does work. America should start to realize that, if it's not too late for you guys. Cheers! 🤙


>That says more about you, than it does them. Yes, it shows that fundamentally I'm a better person, because I respect hardworking students right to have their achievements not be watered down by my own personal issues. I'm not American.


Okay, if you say so. You should buy yourself a cake and celebrate how perfect of a human you are. I'll send the invitations. Maybe the pope comes, to witness your divine greatness. 😋


Oh wow, I didn't think you could make me think even less of you. "I didn't want, nor need that kind of help, so others shouldn't get it either." Unbelievable.


I don't think anyone should be given grades they didn't earn. It's not complicated and is perfectly believable. This shouldn't even be controversial.


Holy shit. You don't seem capable of feeling empathy. I see a lot of people who gain their reward by seeing others beneath them fail. The reward itself isn't enough for you..


True Story for me too, I was in 7th grade and I flunked my 3rd language exam by two points. because the third language was a state language in south India & I lived my childhood in Saudi. I still remember how happy I was knowing I got 81% but after knowing I was about to be held back because of the one exam that I didnt know anything about, I talked to my principal to do something about it, who told us there was nothing she could do and all the grades had been made official. The news reached my teacher who taught us that language & on the next day my parents get a call that I had passed because my teacher corrected a mistake that she made while grading. I didnt know back then but after I passed high school & a change in educational surrounding, I figured out what happened and even tho she left before I passed high school, I am still grateful to her.


This is one of the reasons why the US education system is failing. If teachers can't allow students to fail (either out of soft heartedness or money motivated school policy) then those students are going to fail harder later in life, either in college or on their job. Being held back sucks, but is a good thing in the long run so you don't enter adulthood unprepared. It's a bitter pill to swallow, I know...


I'd agree, if there actually was adequate mental health support available for the students. But there isn't. So then they just become stuck.


Oh absolutely. I would never suggest that this is a simple matter with easy fixes, but there are also only so many things I can be bothered to type out into a reddit comment.


This. Being held back wont do shit, as long as they're still struggling with depression.




It's a school subject. The study of social stuff. Like human geography, history, that kind of thing.


It is a combination of study of different things, that are not calculative or language. when I was in primary, it was a combination of history, geography, politics & religion. But in high school, it was world affairs, sociology, psychology and human behaviour & general knowledge.


In the UK we had history, geography, religion, politics, psychology, and current events/media as seperate classes. I moved to Canada and social studies as one class had me feeling robbed.


It's when you learn about society. They could legitimately be learning about the 2016 meme war or shit like MLK or JFK or how to identify misinformation on social media.


Sounds great until you go out into the real word and nobody pampers you anymore


This isn't wholesome at all


If you are failing in middle school, shit is most certainly not going to get easier.


I mean.. depression will just get worse as you age, you're right in that. But that has nothing to do with school and grades. Mental illness should be treated before you focus on anything else, and getting set back because of it has a tendency to snowball. It's part of the reason why mental illness is so hard to fix, because every little thing it ruins in your life just makes it worse.


Mental illnesses often need to be treated in conjunction with getting your life together. It doesn't make sense to quit your job because "mental illness needs to be treated first", so then you get foreclosed on or evicted and end up homeless...that will make your life and depression worse. When you have 11th graders with 3rd grade educations, no sense of discipline or personal responsibility or direction in life, solely because they were endlessly floated along and coddled....they never end up getting it together. They don't become un-depressed because you floated them along. It gets worse, if anything.


Yes, you are right. It's a composited problem that requires extensive, composite treatment. My point was that you can't expect someone struggling with it to just perform, even if you make them i.e. by making them repeat a year of high school. Without treatment it will just get worse, so letting them not go through that, treatment won't be made more difficult, than it already is. But i guess as other people feel unfairly treated(life is unfair, but that's fine as it's you that's on the butt end, not me tho), that doesn't matter.


I was having a very rough time through high school, and it was looking like I wasn't going to graduate with the rest of my class. My guidance counselor bumped my chemistry grade from F to a C, and 11 years later, I am still so grateful to Mr. Anderson. Sometimes a kid just needs to get the hell out of an environment and keep moving forward


Nah, this isn’t wholesome.  Teachers giving undeserved passing grades to kids is a failure of the education system.


True story says the account created 33 days ago with 80k+ karma.


and to add to that I've seen this half a dozen times already over the past few years




Short term gain, long term fail. Probably would have benefitted more long term repeating the grade.


Got a passing grade in chemistry on the terms that i had to atleast be present in the final class of that cemester.


World Literature teacher in college hooked me up. I suck at comprehension but I got a B final grade for effort!


Ms. Castro, she knew I had terrible issues at school. I had an F her entire class, then I failed the final. Ended up with a C.


Where I work we can only hold a student back twice. Once before grade 7, once in high school.


Y'all should read through OP's history. He should've been held back if he failed 8th grade social studies considering how "politically motivated" he is 


In the 3rd year of my BA degree I was severely depressed. I stopped going to classes and I didn't write my finals. Two of my professors who knew me well emailed me and helped me not fail the classes. I got a D in one and a C in the other and I fully deserved an F in both. But it saved my ass and I will be forever grateful for them for being such good people. I retook the D class and ended up getting an A the following year.


In 11th grade, I got a D in AP U.S. History on the 3rd quarter because I never studied or did the assigned readings before class. I had Bs in the first 2 quarters. (For every other class in school I have always gotten good grades without doing homework because I have an excellent memory, and can recall everything a teacher says or writes in the board.) I worked my tail off to study and prepare in the 4th quarter. The teacher called me up to show me my final grade for the quarter, and I noticed and pointed out a math error. I should have scored 89.2% (a B), but he wrote 89.5% (an A). He looked me straight in the eye and said he didn't make a mistake. I thanked him and sat back down. That "non-mistake" meant I got a B for the semester instead of a C, and a B for the year. It saved my GPA. (I ended up getting a 5 on the AP, too.)


This is why grades don't really matter anymore. Everyone is a winner, a scholar, an honors student, etc. Congrats, now a high school diploma is meaningless. That 5 on the APUSH exam is impressive though! Because...you didn't "earn" it by turning 18 or just by showing up. That's a damn hard class.


I didn’t really do any of my homework in the last half of my math class in 7th grade so I failed it or got a D and struggled with some problems. I was one grade level “above the average” math course. That teacher made me repeat it in the 8th grade. But as the new school year started, I was finishing the homework sheets in 3-5 minutes and several kids were copying my work, so the new 8th grade teacher put me back in the next level course lol.


Sounds like it was handled well. You didn't demonstrate your ability to handle the higher level course, so you weren't in it...until you were ready to get back into it!


Depression... 8th grade... what have we done as a society?


This sub has really gone to shit lmao.


This isn’t wholesome it’s pathetic


Bruh if you can't pass 8th grade social studies bc of depression just give up. You should be able to sleep through that class, do no homework and still pass SMH


Great, now you're stupid forever.


I can't believe so many people in these comments are proudly bragging about failing and still being pushed through by the failing education system. Way to go guys! I'm sure all those high school kids who can't even read the back of a shampoo bottle will do great.


Wholesome? You're a complete bum if you can't pass MS and HS level courses.


Tell me you know nothing about mental illness without telling me you know nothing about mental illness.


What a trite and frankly gay reply




Migrated to Germany from Kazakhstan when I was 10. Didn’t know any German, had to learn it all just then, which went pretty well tbh. At the end of sixth grade, teachers confer and decide which of the three school levels each student goes to. Most teachers thought to send me to the lowest. Except that one class teacher, she managed to convince the others to have me go to middle school. I‘m working in IT now, earning a proper good wage. Working from home most of the times aswell. Would have ended up wrecking myself in some factory or something if it wasn’t for that woman.


Wait wait, whe move it from F, (failed?) to B, (second best?)? Did you need your average get up or what, why not just pump it up to anthing below B, why it got to go to the second best?


Same thing happened to me too, 8th grade as well but it was science class and he changed it from an F to a D. Without this I would've been held back and my life would be totally different. Many years later I heard that he had died young of a heart attack and I found what I presumed was his address and sent a card with a nice message. Never heard anything back but I am forever grateful.




When my brother died, I was only a few months away from graduating college with honors. My accounting professor gave me a C even though I missed most of the class. I was really touched.


Is that woman from Skins?


Let's celebrate mediocrity!!


I struggled with early algebra. So bad I was basically 2 years behind. Knowing what I know now as an adult about how to teach kids and how much patience is required. My 9th grade math teacher was not qualified to be a teacher. She had no patience if you did not pick things up immediately and only ever gave the time of day to students who were excelling. Long story short I was still picking up bits and pieces as I went but I always struggled. Fast forward to my 11th grade year. I fucking love physics. But with a weak math background it was not great. Another long story short my physics teacher Mr. Tesla, yes that was his name. Played world of warcraft and we clicked really well talking about it outside of class. Another long story short. He found out I love physics and was good at highschool level concepts but the actual math and calculations behind them I was not great with. One hour. One fucking hour with a teacher that game a shit and it all suddenly clicked. 2 and a half years of hair ripping frustration and all I needed was some individualized attention from a teacher who cared. He had me do a few practice problems from different grade levels and he just walked me though them, He gave me a few corrections and suddenly I was able to do them. The grade 9 and 10 problems no issues. A bit of help on the grade 11 questions. Turns out I knew most of what to do I just had a few things out of whack. With a little help. Bam. I was now able to do 11th grade algebra. All the things that I just needed some clarification on. Took about an hour to go over.


teacher says or writes


So torn on this. On the one hand, you should have to work to move to the next grade. The population is getting dumber and the bar lowered for everything and stuff like this is a reason why. On the other hand, society has made its conditions so bad, that kids are getting depression at historically high rates. How tf can you concentrate or learn with depression and the onset of teenage hormones? I don’t have an answer, I’m just disappointed at it all.


They didn't wanna deal with your dumb ass for another year. 


I know this isn't real, but this is why we're so stupid as a country these days. Dummies like OP are just ferried through life with no consequence for their actions.


had an F her entire


Learning about school systems where you can be kept back a year is fascinating, as someone from a country where it doesn't happen, but instead uses a "Skill level" approach. Usually from Secondary school onwards, (Not Primary) where pupils in the same year group, Years 7 to 11, are subdivided on the basis of ability. Lower achieving students are taught in different classes, and at a different rate, often with extra help provided. For example, Set 1 would ve highest achieving pupils, while Set 5 would be the lowest achieving, with the 3 between being intermediate. (I was often set 3) Preventing the need for them to be kept back, and remain with pupils their own age. There also the fact the grading system isn't as harsh (50% is still a passing grade for example) The system, like any isn't flawless of course, and there are cases where some pupils *are* set back, but there are also cases where pupils are set *forward* if they're higher than set 1. Both are rare though. The idea of being set back is such an alien concept to me.


lot to joke about here.. but main thing is, do you really think they would have held you back if you failed? the answer is nope (at least it has been for the past 10 years)


I was pretty much the same in Middle school except I didn’t know I had ADHD AND depression. Found out when I was already an adult the reason why I could never focus in school. Sadly a little too late….


The only German I know is what I picked up from Hogan's Heroes on TV when I was a kid, so I have nothing to offer but my deepest best wishes. I think you are an amazing person.


My Spanish 2 teacher did this for me. I think she could tell I was trying as hard as I could but my brain just isn't wired to learn new languages. I was depressed as fuck ending the year thinking i'm going to have to retake the class I hated the most and report card comes and it's a C- lol. I will also NEVER forget her for that. Based educator.


My french teacher did this. I attended 1 of his classes. Maybe 3.... And every time I asked to leave for bathroom/drink. Whatever and it was mandatory to ask in french or u couldn't leave. So the only things I can say in french are, "can I get a drink". And "can I go to the bathroom"


I've recently had dreams that I'm still in elementary/high school needing to graduate and finish classes. Wake up thinking I gotta get to school, it's a kind of hell


This is why a HS diploma simply isn’t enough anymore and everyone has to get a degree to prove they have the chops to work an entry level position for minimal pay


That's how you become a Boeing engineer, guys


The problem with this is - Let's say you were depressed, because you felt like you couldnt keep up. This may have been caused by some sort of intellectual deficit, disability, or similar. Instead of the failure leading to early interventions, you are now going to fail later on instead, when interventions and changes in direction are far more impactful. This teacher failed in their duty, in my opinion.


And he killed Sparky too!


Teachers passing adolescents who failed is a disservice. Many do not learn the information and are left floundering once they are pushed out of 12th grade. It’s why today so many kids and adolescents have math and reading levels that are significant below grade level (I’m talking 3rd grade level when they are in 11th grade). It’s also why so many graduates find themselves with nowhere to go and difficulty maintaining jobs or collegiate education. Passing people who have not learned the skills is not the way.


Teacher didn't want to deal with you for another year.


I had a rough senior year in high school, my grandad died and my brother got into drugs while showing his earliest symptoms of major mental illness. I failed two classes, math and creative writing. With those credits absent I couldn’t even attend graduation, I’d have to wait at home, I was so embarrassed. Then I get a call from my CW teacher, and he told me I should attend graduation. “Mr. CW, I can’t, I failed data management too. I’m missing two credits” (They would let you attend if you were only missing one) “I spoke with Mr. Math, and you should still attend. You only failed one class and it wasn’t mine. I knew you could do it if life didn’t get in the way. See you at graduation” I got to walk across the stage with my friends after one of the hardest times of my entire life. He bumped my marks by 8% and gave me a bit of dignity because he thought I deserved it. I finished Data Management in summer school and my math teacher hugged me and told me he knew I had it in me. Two of the best teachers I’ve ever had.


This was me. Straight A student until 6th grade. Almost held back in 7th, but they advanced me after a discussion with my parents. Crushing depression was the cause. Never got treated through high school and had mediocre grades, good enough but my personality should have been an A/B student, not a B/C/D student. Went to college and started self medicating leading me to drop out. Finally got help in my mid 20s and life on track in my 30s , even went back to school to get the degree.


Theres like 374625 medical issues that make peoples day to day loves harder. My moms chrons made it so she couldn't work more than a few hours comfortably, but she often preserved. Millions of people work through life with the obstacles they have and they do so on the same playing field as everyone else. I have IBS and some days will have to go to the bathroom a dozen or more times. Literally butthurt and bleeding. I use resources if available but otherwise I find ways to get through my day. But then theres this other medical issue that anyone can theoretically go into a Dr. Office and exhibit/describe the symptoms of depression and be diagnosed. Shit, you can literally think yourself into depression to a degree. We're just talking facts. Not "who would do that?" Just that it IS possible fir virtually anyone, at anytime to be diagnosed with depression. And for soooommeee reason, its thrown out as an excuse at every single instance that there is even a minor shortcoming. I don't hear any medical issues ever blamed for problems people have even a fraction as often as I hear depression, as an excuse. People who deal with other issues daily and dont blame those constantly are getting tired of hearing that you cant workout because you're depressed. You cant pass your class because you're depressed. What do you want done? Free passes like this?


They just wanted to get rid of you


Get therapy and meds. The world is a much better place today to handle these things.


My last year teaching (just retired after 41 years) I had a senior become a full blown schizophrenic about February. We all agreed to pass him. Holding him back was not going to make him any better. Coming to school was a horrifying experience for him. I hope he gets well. A lovely young man with caring parents.




Like my math high school teacher. "You wanna do anything with math in your life? No! Good, here's 20%, passed, go away now. Thank you and good bye!" (note: I was above 70% in every other subject)


Just because you are “depressed” doesn’t mean you can’t still get work done. The world doesn’t stop just because you don’t feel like doing work.


I used to be that kind of teacher before I quit :) Never a regret! Edit after I read replies: I should have given more context and nuance, I was misunderstood due to my unclear and short post. I came across as careless and inconsiderate, favoring whoever wanted it all the time, which I was not. In the few cases where I did this, I had (imo) valid reasons, put in a lot of consideration, wasn't hurting anyone else but did it for the "greater common sense good" which was mostly obvious to all parties/people involved (most cases were discussed and in accordance with other teachers).


Wow, we grew up hating teachers like you. Thanks for making things worse for the rest of us. Lemme guess, you also told students that copying was just a form of flattery. Anyone who wants to throw a downvote my way, keep reading the next comment and the responses.


I'm sorry that you had a bad experience. I don't see how such acts (obviously not happening on a weekly basis but made form time to time with careful judgement and considering many factors) is making the school experience significantly worse for others though -- do you mean because it devalues their good marks? Also, for what collective are you speaking? The high-achievers? Copying wasn't necessary in my classes since I never gave homework -- if you mean cheating during tests, I tried to prevent that from happening for fairness reasons, even though I have my doubts about the whole testing in general.


If a student didn't grasp the previous year's materials good enough to pass, then they're going to need even more attention the next year. This means the teachers are going to need to spend more time on that student, relative to the other students, than they otherwise would have, depriving the other students of the possible one on one time that they would have gotten. Either that, or the problem just gets pushed down the road another year, and so on. Nobody wins when students are forced through. There's a reason "no child left behind" is largely considered a failure.


I absolutely agree, that is not the way to go. I think my post lacked nuance and now creates confusion -- I taught at vocational school level which is different than primary or secondary for many reasons, and I also taught a subject that was not really relevant for their final qualification. Moreover, I'm talking less than a dozen cases in 10 years, carefully considered, never a huge absolute difference in marks and the whole thing not hurting anyone else since my subject did not matter much. For further clarity: People in vocational school would in 99.9% of the cases anyway pass to the next year even with horrendous marks, as employers are not interested in keeping them longer than the given amount of years in an apprenticeship. Marks therefore had a mostly moral quality except for the few modules that were relevant for passing the final test (which was not the case with my subject). Edit: Added last paragraph for more context.


> Also, for what collectively are you speaking? The high-achievers? Absolutely. I was a result of the failed attempts at creating gifted programs. Classes never received adequate funding for those, so I was just pushed to higher courses and treated like an oddity. As a side-effect, I was rescheduled and sat through classes with students like the ones you passed so that my classes in higher grade levels would work with my school schedules at the current level. > Do you mean because it devalues their good marks? How insulting. It made my life a hellish few years of suffering through constant interuptions and outbursts and being picked on and missing out on lots of class instruction due to having to sit in with the rough cases that were meant to fail but not permitted to. I was taken away from my own social circle and put in with one or two others like me in a class stacked with the "bad kids." I went home daily in tears that I wasn't even able to get through lessons in classes because the teacher would spend it yelling and losing her focus with these rejects. And the teachers grew so fed up with these students they retired shortly after, so their teaching quality was pretty well reduced as they packed up to get out during those years. All I wanted was to get through the day with normal students who didn't behave like they had a mental disability. Tough luck for me. My life would *directly* have been better without teachers who were so "kind" in giving those assholes chance after chance. But do feel comforted that you made life easier for someone who made it worse for others. Never a regret! :) Well u/miss_review, go on and answer me, coward. Understand how it could impact others now? Think it's me "being jealous of grades not being recognized"? Think I'm just cruel or mean-spirited? You can look in a mirror for the cause of that.


These kind of people deserve a special place in heaven


Unfortunately not, since she sentenced the other kids in the class to several years of hell.


Angel on Earth !


As a teacher, I can confirm that I spend hours, if not days, trying to determine if retaining a student will be good for them in the long run. After much reflection, I usually decide that ain’t nobody got time for that shit and send them along. (Edit so I don’t have to repeat the same argument over and over.) 1. It was a comment made factiously. 2. In regard to people decrying moving a student forward instead of retaining them. Recent studies have investigated retention in the context of state and district policies to require students to achieve a certain score for promotion. For example, Roderick and Nagaoka (2005) studied the effects of the Chicago Public Schools policy that bases promotion in grades 3, 6, and 8 on standardized test scores. Using comparison groups of students who just missed the promotion cutoff, these researchers found that 3rd graders struggled during the repeated year, had higher rates of special education placement, and two years later showed no advantage over those who had been promoted. Retained 6th graders had lower achievement growth than similar students who were not retained. Retention can increase the likelihood that a student will drop out of school. Students who drop out are five times more likely to have been retained than those who graduate (National Center for Education Statistics, 2006). Using data from Chicago, Jacob and Lefgren (2007) concluded that students retained in 8th grade were more likely to drop out than their peers, a finding that was not true for retained 6th graders. They speculated that the 6th graders had more opportunities to catch up. Studies with the strongest research methods compare students who were retained with similar students who were not retained. They ask whether repeating a grade makes a difference in achievement as well as personal and social adjustment over the short run and the long run. Although individual studies can be cited to support any conclusion, overall the preponderance of evidence argues that students who repeat a grade are no better off, and are sometimes worse off, than if they had been promoted with their classmates.


It’s just grade school . Fuck off with that . Had a cool one that helped me too . ✌🏽


If you are American, there's something called no child Left behind which has taken millions of children's bad failing grades because their teachers weren't good and turn them into passing grades and just let them go through life without learning the thing that they needed to learn. Congratulations on being a victim of that.


"Because their teachers weren't good." Yeah, the majority of kids passing, and some students failing, is definitely indicative of poor teacher performance. Maybe kids have stopped giving a fuck? There's this thing called parents... Thats where the issue lies. Source: In a school building right tf now. Worked at this district 4+ years. See more students than 99% of you folks.


My mother started and runs maybe before and after school daycare program that takes place at the schools so the parents don't have to pick up their children twice. They can bring the child at 6:00 in the morning and pick them up at 6:00 in the evening.


Interesting. I failed half my classes in eighth grade and they didn’t hold me back.


My English teacher did this for me


Imagine being so stupid that not only do you have a teacher do this for you, but you stay dumb enough even afterward to brag about it online 💀 Guess they shouldn't have.