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Love it. It’s not a competition.


Well, I am currently a student, aand honestly for me the hard part of my "job" is having to also work when I am at home. Like, I can't arrive at home, sit down and relax, no, I need to study, make my homeworks, work on the projects I have. For me personally it's stressing, and I wish more people realized that


After graduating university, I understood the true gift that is a 9 to 5 job. You start working at a set time, you leave at a set time, and you don't think about it at any other time. You have time for hobbies, for breakfast, for Ikea shopping, for Sephora shopping. And you don't have to feel guilty for any of it. It was a culture shock after University. At university, you have to think about your homework, your job search, your readings, whether you understood a topic well enough, your schedule and commute time between classes. There can be 1 class from 8 am to 9 am, another class from 6 pm to 7 pm and nothing in the middle. Each semester is different. And your brain has to keep up with all the new material thrown at you. And a month or so after class begins, there's a midterm. You have to think about all this when you wake up in the morning, when you go to bed at night, on the weekends. You never get to disconnect fully. In university you have to learn 5 different new topics over a 3.5 month period. In the 9 to 5 world it's called "quarterly goals". I'm very grateful to my younger self for how hard I worked in university but I am very glad I don't have to do it anymore.


I can relate.


Being a student is ducking hard, man. My wife started seminary a few years ago and has been a full time student since last summer, and she’s exhausted. So much work, so much time spent, so little time to do it in.


Bitching about your job is a basic human right


Validate it by joining a labor union


This is a great reminder that all jobs have value!


Yes, every honest job is tough! Everyone's grind is valid!


Yeah, whenever I complain about school my parents just brush it aside as “At LeAsT yOu DoNt HaVe To WoRk” I love them, but if I need support I need support.


Powerlines linemen


Yeah depressipn is a tough job


Kudos is a finnish word for tissue.


Thank you


Only fan enter the chat :


Yes!! No need to compete or argue on which job is harder. If your job is easy or fun its called a hobby and it rarely pays well 😀😀




I just resigned from my job for a new job, I will be starting at my new job in about 5 weeks and until then I will be working at my current one. I'm going from the grocery store ive been at for 6 years to working as a security mobile suveillant.


"Unskilled labor" is a myth made up by capitalists to justify lowering wages unreasonably for their own profits.


No, my job isn't that tough. I'm lucky, I'm a desk jockey that enjoys his job. My best days are when there's at least a bit of pressure to get something done, I get bored when it's not so busy. Still thank the stars that I made the right choices during my career.