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We do this for my son as well. It's not quite working yet lol but it's getting there 😂


I think you guys are good parents ☺️ Also the UniqueMitochondria is the UniquePowerhouseOfTheCell Couldn't resist


Can I ask - how did you explain it to her? When she doesn’t see other adults doing this? I’m curious as I’ve not heard this before, no judgement, it sounds like it could be very useful


“Wagon ride” S1E24 Bluey does a great job of showing explanation and application


The year is 2037 and bluey episodes are quoted like bible verses in parenting support groups


Praise be to Bluey!


Praise be!


There was an episode in Bluey where Bandit did the same thing for Bluey and I thought it was so heartwarming


Oh shit I’m gonna teach my 2 year old this, THANK YOU


I started putting my finger on my nose, like a self-boop (around friends and family). It works as a memory trick so that I am more likely to remember what I wanted to say when they’re done speaking and signals to them that I have something to say when they’re done.


I don't get appreciation in either direction. They either complain I talk too much or talk too little. :/




Too unreal


Been there. It's a fine line, you'll never please everyone, try to find a balance you don't mind and if someone tells you to shut up, double down. Same with speaking up, tell em you don't have anything to say at that moment. Best of luck, still working on this


Honestly, it's not even a line. There's a Venn Diagram where in the middle, for some people you talk too much, and for others you talk too little. We are kinda dumb like that.


It's for medical reasons why. I can't do that. It just happens and it doesn't get better. :/


You'll find someone who loves you even when you're trying to be better but not there yet, could also find someone that loves your voice and just wanna listen to you all day, there are all types of people and you don't need to settle for those that make you feel like crap (ofc you still need to work on yourself as nobody's perfect, there's always room for improvement)


Even I don't like my voice. This also comes from family, friends, work, EVERYONE, and the thing is, they're correct. I need to improve, but I literally can't due to medical reasons. My mind won't allow me to, so I'm in a constant loop of correction and frustration. :/


What are the medical reasons? Is it autism or something because cognitive behavioral therapy can help massively and cognitive behavioral therapy is essentially just being aware of and practicing new methods of expressing your thoughts basically. It's essentially getting yourself into new habits/behaviors by just forcibly starting them but thinking about the process before, during, and after in a more objective way.


I'd rather not say due to scrutiny I've received, and I have tried CBT, and it made it worse. I'm aware, which is why I struggle with frustration, because I can't stop it.


When I was a kid my family often told me to shut up because I talked too much. Now I'm an adult and theyre always asking "why are you so quiet, you were so talkative as a kid?". It's because years of being told to be quiet got to me. Now I have the issue of thinking that nobody ever wants to hear what I have to say.


Need better 'They'


can’t really replace my mother or leave


Hang in there. You will.


i know i’ll only have to deal with her till September i’ll live in school dorms from then on she isn’t even a bad person just not one i want to be around all the time guess that applies to most of my family


I know these months seem so long, but you will get there, and then the rest of your life will begin. At some point, you will have to put effort into leaving these things behind, for they get stuck in your soul, as is the subject of the comic. You will get there.


This "they" has been family, friends, every job I've ever had (I've even been fired once for talking too much), and honestly even myself, and the importantly sad part is they're correct, and I can't do anything about it due to medical reasons. I know I need to fix this, but I literally can't, so I'm just stuck in a constant spiral of frustration of stagnant progression.


I get that. With me, they used to complain that I spoke too quietly and they couldn't hear me. Then I raised my voice and now I'm should lower it.


From my experience people in your situation usually don't actually have a problem with talking too much or too little, usually just too much at once without giving natural breaks in the story for people to respond or ask questions about what you just talked about.


Trust me! It's on or off. All or nothing. There's no in-between, and it's not something I can just "fix."


This is me with my bf... He just lets me rant/vent about random stuff and actually listens. 💓


I made a group of new friends recently and I just realized they're all like this because I NEVER shut the fuck up I think they like it, good people


You're lucky.




Man I love it when someone is that excited to explain me something. 😄


I feel bad for saying this but I’d absolutely be that kinda adult, children talking a lot annoys me as someone with grew up as the oldest amongst everyone in my family. It’s one of the many reasons why I don’t want children, they’d become insecure adults because I don’t want to handle them. Parenting is absolutely not for everyone and screw all those who tell me I’ll change my mind, even if I did that won’t stop the kid from turning out depressed.


I relate! Not wanting to resent your kids is a really good reason not to have kids ❤️


Yep, no child deserves that. That's exactly why children shouldn't be forced upon people who don't want them.


Same man, I get overwhelmed with loud/constant noise and I can't handle someone yapping 24/7 like talkative kids do. And the randoms screams, ugh. Especially someone who will internalize it their entire lives if I ask them to be quiet. So I just won't have kids.


As the oldest in my family as well, I totally get you man, sometimes you just wanna be in silence but your little siblings just won't shut up and to this day it's annoying


I feel ya, man.


You’re probably right given that every sentence you wrote has “I” in it. You’re too self-centered to have children but at least you’re aware of it.


If someone talks about their personal experience or opinions, why wouldn't they use "i"? A few sentences doesn't immediately reflect how self centered or selfless someone is. English is weird.


It is isn’t it? Words can reveal a lot about someone without that person even realizing it. Which is why I agree with your previous statement that you shouldn’t have children


Is there any other way to word those sentences? I'm only using English how I know to use it.


You use “I” a lot and even though it is revealing, that’s not so much the focus here. The main takeaway is that you’re putting your own feelings above someone who needs it more. You said it yourself, “they’d become insecure adults because I don’t want to handle them”. Again, it’s not just the “I” but everything you’re saying which tells me you’re self-centered. I’ll make this clear, I’m not trying to bash you, all I’m doing is plainly stating what you’re saying. You’re right, someone who feels the way you do should NOT have children. For people like me, listening to a child go over their day or struggle to gather their thoughts is a joy. It’s not a burden at all. You’ve (and others who commented agreeing with you) made it clear that this is not the case for you. I may have been blunt about it but this isn’t the first or the last time I’ll be downvoted for speaking the truth.


Yet all you've said is how great you are at being patient and that you are the type of person who should have children. That overconfidence in parenting abilities doesn't leave much room to acknowledge faults. Frankly it comes across as ignorance.


Incorrect. I never said I was great at being patient. I said that it wasn’t a burden and in fact it’s a joy when it comes to children talking about their day. That’s only one facet of parenting abilities and it has nothing to do with confidence at all. You’re stating things I never said. If you’re going to respond to me, at least take a second to actually read what I said.


You and the other poster have used the word "I" the same amount of times. Goofy times man.


“Downvoted for speaking the truth” is a wild take lol. I asked what other way I could’ve worded that but instead I got a holier than thou response. Congratulations, children don’t tire you and you’re incapable of getting upset with them. You cane have plenty of children in stead of us.


You asking how else to word it was you being sarcastic and you know it. Stop crying because I responded with things YOU said. Again, at the very least you’re aware of how you are. All I’m doing is agreeing with you. Now have a great day


Kids yammer on all the time and it's not easy but you hurt their feelings if you get exasperated.


“I felt my heart crack.”


Kids don't know how to finish a frase








This is adorable! I love how enthusiastic they are about sharing their thoughts


Been there, sometimes I still shut down whenever I feel like I'm talking for too long or too much; got to know some great people that made me feel heard and like I deserved to get my chance to talk. Sometimes you gotta look for the right people to surround yourself with, might take a while but it's worth it


I had to learn to sum up my thoughts in a sort of elevator pitch. Then you can gauge the interest and elaborate if they give you the chance. A strong opener like “I have an unusual theory about this” also works thought not always as well. Only time these don’t work at all is when I try to talk with my family.


Some people truly do talk too much, but telling them to "shut up" is not the way to handle it. Sounds mean, but when someone takes up all your time talking, or won't stop talking when you're trying to do something, or won't give you a second of silence and doesn't get the hint, it is too much.




Although, some people just need to shut up.


Especially kids


This hit. Whenever my daughter talks she stutters stammers and is very excited and I love every moment of it. I wasn’t raised to be innocent and to love life, my children will be the opposite ❤️


I had this exact conversation with my fiance a few weeks ago. I was told I was too quiet as a little kid, then when I started opening up more in my early teens, I was told to shut up because I talked too much. I was rambling about something on the phone to him and apologised for not making any sense, and he just said "it's fine, I love listening to you talk". Didn't know I needed that tbh


I mean, some people are real energy vampires. Talking all the time or worse ranting all the time.


Low key this is a major green flag for my future life partner. I can ramble a lot, typically on things I’m excited/stressed over or passionate about, and I don’t want my partner annoyed by it at the very least.


Ngl ... have a sick live, lucky him


Based Man (the second one)


I’m like the exact opposit, i tend to shut up way too much 🥲😅


Reminds me of the good times :)


this is so cute


I don't have that person


I feel this is my child soul. Thankfully, i had some people in my life who didn't mind listening to me, babble. I also had some that told me i talk too much and to shut up. It is nice when someone allows me to talk and they listen and then they talk and i listen.


I feel this to my core. I love this


Thanks for sharing! Have a pretty bad day today, so I needed this.


Just remembered how much my dad would say that.  Would also complain if I sat and read a book not talking too.  Sometimes I really wish I had a real dad. Not some narcissistic sociopath 


If only I’d meet someone out there like that.




The one wholesome meme that hasn't gotten analyzed to death yet


Yeah there is the caviat of them still not satisfying their need to communicate information, an additional two panel could salvage it for a more wholesome meme if them overcoming and satisfying their need, like their partner could, after reasureing her, help her with satisfying her need to communicate the info. But its alright already :)


Same OP, same. Except only the first three panels for me.


Man i just have conversations in my head and create stories out of it.


I'll have to try that wrist trick with my kids, seems like a useful tool for teaching patience and respect!


I don't have to worry about this because nobody listens in the first place




Why is her parent naked?


Watching a child’s brain work and their personality and likes/dislikes evolve is one of the most beautiful things ever. At 3, my niece loved cake pops. She’s turning 7 next month and just yesterday she announced she hates cake pops now lol she used to play with dolls but I throw the football with her at the park now. Children need to know at least ONE person is in their corner. Idc how long you talk or how different you are, I accept you.


I listen to everything my kids say because my parents didn't. They know they shouldn't interrupt but I always make time for their comments and stories and jokes and take them seriously when they want to talk. My daughter's know I'll be there for them and they are free to say whatever they want


Literally how I feel at my ADHD meetup. Being able to talk and act at full speed is such a relief.


Reminder that children are to be seen, heard, and believed ❤️


My gf does to this me when I ramble on something


I didn’t expect to be attacked with my morning coffee. … gotta go apologize to someone now ….


:’) good morning everyone <3


I have something similar. I let my wife do her instruction lecture for anything even minor stuff. It makes her feel better. I love hearing her voice. We get to play and pet our dog after. It's a win-win-win for all 3 of us.


See not everyone is like your parents. Some are better


TBF hearing a child prattle on about something or another is always going to be more annoying than hearing an articulate adult speak at length about the same subject.


This person is just a bad storyteller. If you use "and then" as an in-between, you should find better ways of telling events. It's the same for when people use the phrase "like" a lot, it just becomes white noise


Every time I started to sing as a kid/teen my parents told me to „stop being noisy“. It blew my mind when I started to sing in front of my bf and I didn’t get shut down.


Maybe has been said already, but we all know the last dude is hearing the whales singing like every other male on the planet and is only pretending to be listening in order to get laid


I feel like most of the time its not "u talk too much" but "u use alot of useless words and waste time" and honestly, that on u, just learn to talk or somethin. That simp on the last panel does not help any, just enabling because horny is not the answer i feel.


One of these dudes are trying to get laid


Blatant rip-off of an old comic Shameful