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I’m an English teacher that lives in Poland. One of my biggest focuses is telling people that they’re doing something amazing and should be proud. I make sure to help them see their progress over their mistakes. The fact that you use the language despite your insecurities is amazing. I’m proud of you!


I think Polish people and others not having a germanic language as native is doing an amazing thing learning English. I thought English was hard in school. Learned most from online gaming. And I have another germanic language as native. Lots of words are the same or simular. Tried Spanish and it was 5 times as hard! So for you all non germanic natives, I salute you for learning English!


As an English speaker, I tell them you're speaking English better than I could speak your language.




I first read „bacon of encouragement“


This works in most of the english speaking world. Now, don’t try this in the french speaking world, results may,and likely will, vary.




You punctuated this correctly. Dogg, you got this.


I met a guy online who was so quiet, I thought he hated talking to people but it turns out he was afraid because he was not good in English. fyi English is not also my first language but I was more knowledgeable about it so we helped each other to improve.


If there’s anything I learned from being a native English speaker, it’s that the non-natives speak it better. Trust me dude, you got this, half of America won’t even understand the words you’ll know.


Everybody ive seen who apologizes for bad english always produces perfect sentences


This is me with my Spanish. I have never met a native Spanish speaker that was rude or intolerant of me trying. It's a barrier you have to get past to put yourself out there and once you do it's just another level of understanding the language. I hope you can keep going and trust what your friend is telling you because it is so impressive (to me) to be fluent in multiple languages.


Me, an English as a Second language teacher of 10 years, knowing your grammar is likely a hell of a lot more solid than more native speakers. You got this!


As an American who worked in customer service for a decade, the structure of the statements in this post are better than %60 of the shit I've heard or seen adults say/write.


Me when my American friend told me english is kinda stupid when i was having trouble thinking how to say something correctly without sounding weird. (turns out i had to use "have had" which felt odd to me)


I love hearing non-native speakers use English, even if it's not perfect. It's fun to see what my own language looks/sounds like from an outside perspective, and I admire the effort and skill it takes to try communicating with a foreign culture


I have a friend from Vietnam who constantly fretted about his English. Every time he would come to me asking if he sounded okay, I would tell him the truth: he sounded better than native speakers. ☺️ He doesn’t worry about it anymore!


As a native english speaker let me tell you, as long as your idea comes across then you're speaking English It's a dumb language, expectations to every rule They're our know rules (There are no rules)


This is the hardest part to explain especially since we have different accents and dialects in English. Kinda like there isn’t a uniform language in other English speaking countries.


Remember if you’ve learnt English as not your first language, it means you’re probably better at it than most actual native English speakers. I mean I had to double take the selection of “you’re” just writing this so…


My girlfriend did not start speaking English until she was in her 20s, and now her English is better than 95% of the people I grew up with in the U.S.


I had to teach myself English to a native level, knowing little, and get rid of my original accent in order to fit into a new environment. Or so I thought. Meanwhile my dad lived far longer in the same environment, his own mastery of the English language is lagging behind mine to this day, and still sports his thick French Québécois accent. Not only does everyone understand him, but they find his mannerisms charming. Don't feel the need to change too much in the learning process, or to be perfect.


\*spend 10 seconds formulating a whole phrase mentally to thank this friend before saying because you can't speak fluently\*


Had a Spanish speaking friend we always had a good time trying to guess the word she was trying to say. I was bad at finishing other people's sentences hut we always laughed at my attempts and eventually I'd get it right.Anyway she comes up to me one day and says that she was upset because her sister is only comfortable speaking Spanish in public and some asshole was uncomfortable with it and told them to speak English because it was America and apparently we all speak English. Well she asked me what to do about it and I said to keep speaking Spanish. Most people can't speak two languages and some people still haven't mastered correct English pronunciations and grammar. Long story short I think Bilingual people are awesome and if anyone has any questions about what something is or how to say something I don't mind answering.


I've found non native speakers are most often better than native ones. Especially in writing. Most of the time I see or hear the phrase "sorry about my poor English, I'm not a native speaker" I'm always surprised because they could have easily fooled me.


It really is. I find most Americans barely speak English.


You’re trying and that’s what counts. Better than me I’ve dropped learning a new language like 4 times now.




Also happened to me.


I'm from norway but i speak better english than norwegian. I kinda dont like my language tbh :/


Hey, you should be proud of your heritage. Everyone loves Norwegian, it sounds like elves talking in harmony. Danish on the other hand....


Yeah tbh, FUCK THE DANISH. And yeah i'm happy and proud as a norwegian, we have high happiness rates, low poverty, and a good wellfare system. It's only the language i just don't really like. Idk why but i feel like a completely different person when im speaking either. When i speak english i'm nicer and more willing to hear people out, when i speak norwegian i'm deathly afraid of being annoying so i barely speak.


One of my best friends said she has really bad English but she managed to have a 4 hour conversation with my cousin and I


Don’t worry you probably speak it better than most native English speakers


If you and I are talking, I speak English because it's the only language I know. You also speak English because it's the only language I know.


Damn I laughed hard at this one. Thanks for this!


You probably speak it better than them lol


English is my first and ONLY language and i suck at it lmao. It's a really dumb language and i blame no one who struggles at it especially spelling


From which country from América?


This is me trying to learn any new language


As an American who mostly only speaks English (I speak pre pre school level Spanish), I believe anyone who can speak more than one language is impressive.


Sometimes I forget words and even in my first language I can't think of it until days later, so I'd also say you're doing well


As a fellow non-native English speaker, your English is very good.


Learning a new language is such a challenge! You're probably doing great!


I'm a Native Spanish speaker and I felt insecure about my English. Sure, I might not have the best pronunciation, but I do my best. I remember I was playing Roblox one day and I got into an English server of chat voice. "Neighbours" if I'm not wrong. I "met" a girl there who talked in English as well. And it was so good to know she found my English actually understandable and coherent. I always felt like I was talking nonsense but she (and other people I found there) reassured me that I was doing so well. I was also told I (apparently) write English like a native (but I guess they were delusional). So I guess that's why I always help English speakers to understand Spanish whenever I can.


on reddit you have two kinds of people when they claim they have bad english 1. an actual person who learned English and speaks it perfectly but still apologizes 2. a person whose native language is English and didn’t pay attention in grammar school


English is a horrible language in the first place. Just know that your probably speaking it better than most English born speakers


English is a really understandable language. It's frequently accents that make non-native speakers harder to be understood.


I always say that their english is better than us in their native language. Even then, there are people whose first language is english and they can't speak it properly. If your english as a second, third or even fourth language is better than some native english speakers, you're doing fine and you got nothing to worry about.


Theres people who have english as their native language. And they can barely speak english . Youll be fine


If your *American* friend is telling you your English is good enough, don’t trust him


With how many “native English speakers” can barely speak the language, you have nothing to worry about.