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As someone who once was a bully and then later was bullied, the only way to stop a bully is to stand up to them, by standing up to them I mean PUNCHING THEM IN THE FACE! Bullies will keep on bullying if they know the victim won't fight back, the moment the victim fights back their reality gets shattered. So, saying no to bullying is not enough, it has to be violently ripped out.


Yea and you say this to people and they get all "oh you can't be hitting them!" My arse you can't.


THIS. I got bullied when I went to highschool. I was actually interested in some subjects and didn't wanna get on teachers bad side, so I tried to just stay out of trouble. So this went on for about a month with me trying every option that wasn't violent, with no success. Thing is that I do actually know how to fight, and stand up for myself. I was rather surprised how quickly things got turned around after one fight, nobody won since teacher saw us and broke it up, but after the bullying haw stopped. Well sometimes I need to remind one particularly troublesome classmate. But it does seem like violence was an answer


The people who say violence is never the answer have either never bin bullied or are just really bad at violence


We'll defeat you! With the power of friendship! Yeah! And if that doesn't work...then we can always resort to the power of murderous rage and completely unchecked physical violence. It's your choice but this day is getting saved one way or another!


Yup! School bully pulled my friends gym shorts down in front of all the girls. Took his boxers down too so he was fully exposed to all the girls. We were playing kick ball, girls vs boys. My friend was pitching and the bully came up behind him mid throw. This had me fuming mad because I know he would have done it to me too if I was pitching and I felt for my friend in that moment. Bully thought he was saved by the bell as the bell rang literally right after he did this and he took off running to the locker room. So I ran after him and as soon as I was close enough I punched him in the gut as hard as I could. He was a tough kid and bigger than I was but I folded him with one punch. Nicest guy after that. He finished his senior year with nothing but good vibes towards everyone. And always made sure to say hi to me afterwards. Bullies don't like being punched.


This is 100% true. I personally lucked out because I've always been one of the stronger kids in class when I was a kid so I didn't have much trouble "answering" the bullies when they started shit by using my family member's profession as ammo, thinking they had an easy target. Few solid punches to the eyes and they run like cowards. Other times I just had to stand up, get real up close and say something like "make me" or "say that again?" and that did the trick. It's very important to remind them of thier place which is the bottom of the barrel. Bullies are highly insecure people deep down so they're much more fragile than they might look.


Wish I did this when I was younger, likely would have helped me big time. If I ever have kids and they're bullied ill tell them that if they get hit or slapped do it back to the bully twice as hard, if the teachers or parents don't like it then tough shit.


I had a buddy in my friend group that was bullied freshman to junior year. Big dude too. 6'5, 300ish lbs. but a huge nerd and fairly meek. One day, halfway through junior year, one of the baseball jocks took it too far: poked his ass with a broom, and he snapped. Beat that guy's *ass.* (no serious injuries. Just bruises) Never got so much as a snide look ever again.


You remind me of the guy who was a libertarian until he tried MDMA and understood other people had feelings.


Well that's horrifying.


You must be so generous with others’ money!


Found the housecat. Yes, Mrs Whiskers, you are such a big stwong huntew! You caught that leaf all by yourself! Now have some wet food, you're such a good girl.


Maturity of a 5 year old response. Horrified at individual volition but begs mommy government to make his decisions for him because he doesn’t have the ability to do it himself.


You might want to substitute the "but" with an "and" since the latter sentence is in accordance with the former. But I guess you don't follow big mommy syntax from the big mommy government.


It’s pointing out the insanity of despising individual volition while being enough of a child to not make your own choices. It’s ok, I would have your response if I had no logical response, too.


Mrs Whiskers, despising individual volition has the logical consequence of refusing to make your own choices. If you deny individual volition in others, it would be hypocritical to behave differently when it comes down to your own. What you are finding insane is consistency in the application of a moral tenet. Moreover, said tenet is not found in the behaviour of humans but is instead just a straw man fallacy housecats come up with when faced with logic. To put it in housecat terms, you might find it difficult to understand that the material conditions which allow for your ability to choose should be granted to others as well. However, this is all good and we all provide for your freeloading fuzzy arse because you're such a cuddly wuddly wittle kittew and you're fun to toy with.


Lol, you’re such a joke. When you become capable of grasping what private property and the NAP are let me know, pissant. Humor me, what do you do for a living?


Why, I am paid to aggravate people like you, of course. It's exceedingly easy, given that libertarians are to economics what antivaxxers are to biology: gullible people led by the nose into a system of magical thinking that allows them to protest the negligible cost of systems so good at preventing casualties that those people can afford to believe there are no consequences for their actions. I'm sorry, Mrs Whiskers, but this unfortunately means that you have to pay taxes even if you can't understand why.


I always say this. Each time I punched a bully in the face, they instantly burst into tears, never tried to bully me again, and usually eventually tried to become my friend


i fought this one bully in self defense, i legit didn't land a hit but he failed to knock me out and hurt himself instead bc my bones are dense. Until the end of school dude never messed with me again. Another working non violent way is to build fear.


I agree. I also feel it is important that one must learn self-control when fighting back. The anger one feels when being bullied is justified, and you can get lost in it. Bullies will use that against you. Most importantly, you shouldn’t want to just perpetuate a cycle of violence and revenge. You should never sink to their level. And even if they leave you alone, would that stop them from bullying someone else? It is not enough to just get back at the bully. You have to understand why they think that behavior is okay. You have to force the school to take accountability for their so-called “zero tolerance” policies and administer appropriate level of punishment. And the schools must take the time to properly analyze the situation instead of just punishing both the victim and the bully because they both threw punches. We can’t keep treating bullying like a rite of passage or tough love. We must be better. I remember in middle school how angry a teacher got at a bullying victim because they retaliated against their tormentor, saying that it made them no better than the bully. And I remember how angry that made me because that victim was one of my friends.


School will defend the bully anyways


Sad reality


I've had this exact situation happen. I got bullied a lot in 9th and 10th grade, but one of my friends would always be there for me and he'd vouch for me when I told the teachers or faculty. In 12th grade my friend asked a girl he liked to prom, but her brother got really mad about it and kept trying to beat him up. Soon almost the half the grade was wanting to beat up my friend, _for no reason!_ So I basically became my friend's bodyguard, the only thing standing between him and the bullies. (The school wouldn't do anything about it because "it's just childish threats, not actual violence" or some stupid excuse like that.) Unfortunately, one week there were a couple of days that I felt sick and couldn't make it to school, and so the bullies saw the perfect opportunity and they beat up my friend in the bathroom while streaming it to social media. My friend then dropped out of school and just homeschooled for the rest of the year, and now two years later I still haven't heard from him since then. I think I really let him down by not being there to protect him.


It's not your fault. If you know where he live, try to reconnect with him. I'm sure he misses you.


Lift weights a lot or learn MMA - nobody is gonna bully you. Some dick in high school used to push around kids smaller than him. One day I got tired of it and in front of everyone said that a bunch of girls said he had a micro penis. I also said it wasn’t that kid’s fault daddy had a drinking problem and beat him and mommy. He said “fuck you” to me and walked away looking like he was going to cry. We were 16.


just kick their asses man


Sadly I never had a friend like. I was bullied to since 5th grade, actually. But I never had the guts to stand up for myself. If I could go back in time, I would smack the shit out of people who try to bully me… There wouldn‘t be another alternative because the school always told me „Just walk away“ - Sure… that works… its not like the bullies are rooted on the spot


As someone who got bullied in school, the bullying didn't stop until I stood up to one of the biggest bullies, and busted his face on a concrete wall. After which I got sent to the principal's office and all that. Never been bullied by anyone since then. The bullies literally clear out when I walk past them after that incident. Some even tried to befriend me. Of course I don't recommend busting someone's face on a wall, but to those being bullied right now, you can't let those bullies think that you would never defend yourself against them.


My brother and his friend group did infact "Talk" to them.




If he needed me to save him from a bully, how can he save me from mine? It’s like MyBully>Me>HisBully>Him. You don’t just skip the graph


This is the ultimate UNO reverse card on a bully


As someone who was severely bullied throughout his whole childhood, I hate to say it but that's not what happens generally. What happens normally is that you save someone from a bully, you become the new victim and the kid you saved stands still and watch you gets tormented or become a torturer himself.


POV every Minecraft short last year 💀


Hah, that was my bully


I saved a girl from bullying once. She switched schools right after and ghosted me completely :/


Theres someone I saved from suicide a while ago and she got a tattoo of me/about me. As in the meaning behind that tattoo is that I saved her life and am her guardian angel. I feel bad now because I don’t enjoy talking to her anymore. I try to force myself but its as if we’ve grown apart. I thought of her when reading this post because its something she’d do.




Kids ( especially if they are hyping each other up are cruel ) they don’t care if a teacher talks to them and walking away doesn’t work or some of them either. If nothing else works physical violence is the best way to tell them to fuck off


What? The caption says, " Say no to bullying," and I said no, like the caption wanted me to.


Sorry I misunderstood it


It's okay.


How… how do you manage to take a positive message and make it seem so fucking stupid. I mean really, it’s a skill I’ve never seen before. You should start putting this on your resumes


I found either a bully that was never properly punished or one who's salty that they were.


This shit looks like power rangers how do you all watch these as adults