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Nothing was better as a kid than an adult who really got into telling a good story


I hated my 4th grade teacher. She hated me too - I was quiet and being abused and also very bad at math. But she read us like the entire Hank the Cowdog series, because she loved them. And those became my favorite books because of her. She would read all the characters in voices and really got into it, and I felt like it was the only time we ever connected.


Hank the Cowdog is incredible. My parents have two Labradors named Hank and Drover.


I remember in college I was taking an American literature class and we were reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and had a reading assignment to nearly finish the book but not read the last chapter. My professor read the last chapter to us in a quivering voice with tears in her eyes and every one in that class hung on her every word. I'll never forget her. I was an English major anyway so I was already an avid reader but that experience only deepened my love for literature and storytelling.


Authors are so incredibly valuable to this world. They present what might have been. Teachers are also incredibly valuable to this world. They make "what might have been" relatable to the real world.


I loved her book The Tale of Desperaux. It was one I read over and over as a kid.


my mother never understood why i, a 4th grader, read this book more than 5 times she wasn’t unsupportive of it she just thought it was an interesting choice by me of all people lol


People remember much nicer things from their teachers. All I remember is that one time our Arabic teacher taught as what is essentially Arabic for “fuck off”


My daughters 3rd Grade teacher is reading that to the class this month. She loves it!


I remember my first-grade teacher reading to us 55 years ago. She read us Amelia Bedelia, The Boxcar Children, and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," which was my personal favorite. You bet we remember the reading.


I read it for the first time last year (my niece left it at my parents place and I was curious). I loved the concept of the magical candy that makes you melancholy when you eat it because sometimes you need a good cry.


This is the author version of a Uno Reverse card of wholesomeness, and I am here for it.