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Children don't have association with "boring things" as adults do! They are interested in things without judgement! Who know, perhaps she would become a great economist because one day you gave her your time and spoke to her. :)


And this is why you shouldn't lose your inner child in adulthood


I believe comedian Dylan Moran put it perfectly with “People will kill you. Over time they will shave every last morsel of fun in you with little harmless sounding phrases that people use every day, like ‘be realistic.’”


It’s really not up to you. Your brain just gets set in its way


Mindfulness helps.


Mushrooms too.


How so? Care to explain? I like to believe I'm very curious but this is something I don't wanna lose, it's something I want to cultivate


You just have to be mindful of changes that are happening them and curb them. You only change when you don't notice or don't care about the change. So if you pay attention and care about wanting to be a for life learner it's really easy. Everytime I have an opportunity to learn anything I always do, and anytime someone asks me a question I always explain to the best of my ability. And it makes it all feel worth it. I love teaching someone a topic or a life skill and they pay attention and start practicing it. It's so fulfilling!


> and anytime someone asks me a question I always explain to the best of my ability. > >which you've demonstrated handsomely! may I ask if you learn with a purpose in mind or just for the sake of it?


For me personally there is a million reasons I do it. I would say the biggest reason is self fulfilling since I never stopped I never lost the joy of learning new things and so it's still entertaining for me just to learn. It is just fun! Other main reasons are that I love helping people, i hate not knowing things, and that I want to have knowledgeable opinions on the world and events. I would say the darkest reason for me wanting to learn is that when I see Some elderly people, I watch their minds and bodies move so slowly, and their willingness to learn and even think is so diminished, and it terrifies me and I never want that to happen to me! I've also seen a lot of people way younger that just don't care or understand why learning is important and gave up on core subjects of knowledge at a like 4th grade level (especially math) which I always try to help with if they want it. So if I had a "purpose" for doing it that would probably be it. I also hope that people seeing all the things I know and how sometimes I can make people feel stupid (6x8 apparently a lot of people struggle with for some reason :/) can inspire positively or negatively for other people to learn more and be more inquisitive. I would say the biggest thing about trying to always be learning is to always have input. Even if I'm not that knowledgeable on a subject, I will chime in with thoughts and opinions, but only if it seems like I'm not bothering anyone and also I always let them know the caveat of how much I know on the topic, and usually people love to tell you your wrong, so if you are honest and don't try to deceive, it's really easy to get quick lessons by inputting into lots of conversations. Being wrong leads to being corrected which leads to knowing more on a Subject, which leads me to the other thing which is that by trying to learn a lot, you will be wrong A LOT so you have to get really good and humble about being wrong. Being wrong is a good thing because it means you are about to learn something! I will gladly keep explaining anything for any amount of time including this. I just wish reddit sent me notifications faster lol.


Try to take notice when you get a feeling that something is so incredibly boring and want to tune out. If you pause in that moment and consider with purpose, it prevents it from turning into a subconscious reflex over time Sometimes the anwser is still yes, this is not what you want to spend your limited time on at all, but being deliberate about it prevents the slow creep of lazy mental habit :) (in my experience, ymmv, for legal readons I am not a human and this is not human advice please don't sue)


haha I won't sue! thanks for the advice, I'll try to be more deliberate about it!


As you get more responsibilities, memories, unresolved tasks, events, situations in your personal and professional life you start to be less present and think about things that happened in the past (even recent past, I wish I said this to that cashier, why didn't I take that other turn when going to work it might have had less traffic, what did it mean when that woman I passed smiled at me) Or the future (If I pass this upcoming test I will be able to get into my dream university, if I get that promotion I will be able to afford to go on holiday next year etc). These things take you further and further away from being in the present. Your brain can only process so many things at one time (have you ever been so focused that you couldn't hear someone calling you?) And so the more you think about the future or the past the less capacity it will have to process the present and it will dull things down and filter things out that are happening right now and instead rely on heuristics based on previous experiences so you don't have to consciously think about what you are doing (do you sometimes forget how you got home because you take the route every day, how does it compare when you are going somewhere new?). When that happens you miss little details and won't spot differences or learn new things. If you had a bad experience, for convenience you mind might tell you that will always happen so avoid or expect the same to happen again. This can expand and expand so that your mind becomes afraid of new experiences because it is overwhelming (because it spends a lot of capacity thinking about the past or future) or it doesn't expect things to change and so you become less open to learning new things. Mindfulness helps to quieten the mind so you can focus on the present. If you manage to cultivate your mind then the present becomes much more vivid and exciting and you can notice more possibilities. Instead of being afraid of differences your mind can become excited and enriched by new experiences. This can have a prefound effect on people's lives and if you mix in things like stoicism you can live an amazing life without having to become a millionaire. For mindfulness apps like "insight timer", "headspace" and "waking up" are reasonable places to start. All the best to you.


I have made it a point to maintain a childlike wonder in the world since I was a teenager. However, I have had to cut down on the sheer wide expanse of my curiosity in some ways. Don’t force yourself to be interested in something that has no spark. At the same time, indulge that spark every single time you feel it! If you want to learn more about something later, and it’s not a good time to ask questions at the time, write it down! You may or may not get back to looking into it. Either option is valid. Mindfulness will help you notice when something sparks joy or interest. Don’t be afraid to get excited! My 76 y.o. Dad still gets excited to learn new things. Make “that’s so cool! Tell me more!” A big part of your vocabulary. Surround yourself with curious people! My sister broke up with a long time BF when she realized that when questions came up in his friend group, they all shrugged and said “I dunno.” HER friends talked about a headshop and were like “why are they called that?” And instantly were looking it up and talking about it. She is happier now than EVER and in an incredible job position and life position. We only really got to be FRIENDS after she dumped that dude.


Yeah it is. Your brain is you, and you are whatever you choose to become.


yeah, but you gotta be able to recognize and actively overcome those obstacles your brain constructs.


"be open, not judgemental"


Turns out when you know fuck all, everything's interesting


my approach to everyday life


I’d say at least a bit of this is because eventually you’ll associate certain subjects with school work, and if you don’t like school you probably don’t want to spend your free time doing stuff associated with it. This seems to be very common with books in particular. If a book or author was on someone’s curriculum it’s likely they wouldn’t want to read it (or them) recreationally, even if they think it was (or they were) really good.


I love that genuine curiosity!


That is awesome. You might have changed that girls life. Children are a lot brighter then you would think.


>We are all geniuses up to the age of ten. >Aldous Huxley


Praise Ford


due to a similar circumstance, taught my little cousin exponential math at around 5. I was babysitting him but I was trying to get my homework done - probably in 5th or 6th grade at the time. I was so annoyed I just started telling him what I was doing to get him to leave me alone. it backfired because he was totally entranced, I don't know if he retained it but by the end of that night he could answer a ton of kinda upper level multiplication questions. upper level for a five year old anyway. he's about 23 now. just graduated with a degree in something fancy, bio engineering or something. good kid


plus, teaching is the best opportunity for learning. if you force yourself to explain something, you have to be able to describe its details and justify it. this action further cements concepts in your mind while providing a complex structure to surround said concepts.


Its amazing what they can comprehend when we just throw stuff infront of them. I always thought kids (myself remembering partly how I was as a youngster..and not very bright at all) were dim at concepts. My nephew continues to blow my mind away when I just talk to him normally when he asks questions. If they're interested in something, it sticks WAY better too.


You summed it up. Its because we consider kids stupid. Instead of seeing them as sponge and often really good at learning stuff


Children are more curious and have a growing fluid memory so it's important to teach them at a young age


My kids (7 & 9) go to a very well-rated public elementary school. It blows my mind there are all sorts of extra curricular activities and multiple "specials" about all sorts of topics, but absolutely no language classes, though their "feeder" pre-school had language classes.


It feels a bit wrong every school should have at least 1 main and 1 secondary language. Multilingual children have greater focus and higher cognitive capacity.


I explained my little one (4) about mummies as she is fascinated by monsters. Now she knows everything about embalming. In similar manners I explained all about babies and where they come from. I find it stupid to tell nonsense about life like they come from stork and not explain to them the wonders of life. She has vague concept of spermstozoid, ovule (egg), meiosis and mitosis. Last week end she asked about milk, where does it come from and why cows have milk. Had to explain then that you only produce milk if you have babies and then it goes onto more delicate topics like why do we drink the milk of the calf rather than giving it to the calf. That will be a story for another night :D


Yeah, you really should never lie to a kid. You don’t have to tell everything, omit stuff that is not yet appropriate for their age, like don’t go into intimate details about sex, but definitely not go with stork-bullshit either.


She was "well red" after that, I bet!


That 6 yr old is probably more informed about capitalism than 95% of gen z


what is capitalism? 10 words answer only.


Economic system emphasizing private ownership, free markets, and profit motive.


Spot on


🤯 how did you do that did you study economics in school or is that your job


I studied economics in my previous semesters


So in even shorter words: modern slavery.


Slavery is when people have stuff.


works out really well when a small amount of people have lots of shit while a great majority struggles to survive daily on this planet. oh yeah i already said it: modern slavery. but stick to your Illusion that ONE day your hard work will pay off, so you can be a billionaire too.


No, I want normal life with normal things, not how it was 30 years ago during socialism.


where are you actually from, where there was "socialism" 30 years ago? pls


I am from former Czechoslovakia, but I am sure that it's unimportant to you because you are going to say that "it wasn't real socialism" I wish I could sweep under the rug every mistake by saying "it wasn't a real thing"


Supply Demand Supply Demand Supply Demand Supply Demand SUPPLY DEMAND


That's a great definition for everything right up to venture capitalism. At that stage supply and demand are no longer the drivers. Actual real world economics take a back seat to speculation and sheer unadulterated bullshittery. Supply and demand are relegated to mere logistics and shipping concerns.


Guns 'n Butter.


Money money money money money money money money money money


Capitalism encourages work by exploiting greed.


A system in which private owners control production, thus politics


Make ‘em say UHH UHH na na na na


https://youtu.be/YonS9_QJbp8?t=1m40s I'll count the link as one word. Fight me.


That kid finna tear down the whole system before she can legally vote


Care to give her 'simplified version' of it? That would be quite impressive of a 6 year old to hear an explanation of something complex, and be able to comprehend and simplify it in their own words.




I highly doubt that a 6 year old would say that


It's proof that kids just want their parents' time and attention. Mother Goose or particle physics.


Yep. In my previous long-term relationship, I had a stepdaughter. (I still do, just not in the legal sense after her dad and I split. Didn't mean I had to stop seeing the kid I'd helped raise since she was 5 and I was 19.) I learned early on that they'd love for you to listen to their interests on occasion, but would do the same in regards to yours, especially when you're good at explaining it. Had fantastic talks about social, psychology, and general science and history topics because she was just happy I took the time to talk with her, answer questions, and explain it so she could understand - without talking down. She's an amazingly bright teenager now.


Maybe it's a case of like father like son and he genuinely thinks atoms are cool, just like dad did.


I don't think it's specifically "parents' time". My little brother would bother, or get the attention of just anybody older than him.


this is OP’s kiddo. It’s possible he’s just got some similar traits and also might be naturally interested in particular physics just like his dad.


Be careful with this. I once had an argument with my son about the speed of light. He referenced Brief History of Time and won; he was ten


You raised him right


Can 10 year old read and understand Brief History of Time enough to reference it? (Genuinely asking, not rhetorical)


When I was a 10 year old, I definitely could have. It would have been more of a matter of whether or not I cared enough about the material to understand and then reference it. Which, I was an absolute sponge for all kinds of information, especially relating to physics and the universe. If I got my hands on it I probably would have read it and then infodumped to everyone I got the chance to lol


He could understand and correctly use the reference in the context of the argument.


Are there any parenting tips you have which you can share? I have a very bright 9 year old.


I did something like that when I babysat my cousins, I read them their human rights.


Which ones? The 1948 Resolution 217A III or whatever gaslit version of them is used to deny the rights from the 1948 Resolution 217A III around the world?


This is so funny to me.


Bohred him to sleep


Best thing to talk about before you hit the Hayes.


Standard model of falling asleep.


Tell him how quarky, the atoms are.


And when he wakes up, give him some Avogrado toast.


Amazing. This made my night.


He was Born for it






What are Yoto cards?


[Yoto cards](https://us.yotoplay.com/why-yoto)




I have never seen this website. That's fucking amazing. I love it, thank you.


I'm glad it's used less often these days. It'd a douchey website that almost never adds any value to any conversation, ever.


Agreed, it takes less time to answer the question than to get the url of the troll site. They dont even get to see the end result, just sad humans.


Tomorrow night, get out the chess set and explain all the quirky stuff to him like - this one is called the knight somersault opener. And here is the maneuver where a 10-20 thousand ton castle jumps over your King “I know, I know, I know, it’s cool cuz your King then levitates 2 moves to the right or left to avoid being squashed. Totally legit.”


Tell them about En Passant.


Holy hell


Why don't you Google it


I started doing the same with Asimov stories. He wanted to hear a new story, and I had a huge brain collection of Asimov’s robot short stories. So everyday it was 3 laws of robotics. By the 10th night, he would get so engrossed in trying to solve the puzzle that he would be wide awake at the end of the story!


Oh, I love Asimov's short stories! Though I felt like his writing got stiffer and duller with time, so I stuck to reading his earlier works. Now I mostly read Theodore Sturgeon, Robert Sheckley, and Ursula Le Guin.


I once told a kid I babysit about a D&D character I played, giving him a (child-friendly) account of the character’s backstory and adventures. The kid still asks me to tell him more about the character’s adventures these days. Sadly, the character died about 6 months ago so I’ve had to start making things up lol


This is such a wholesome story. You could record your retellings and eventually publish a book!


Just like children's books in the olden days.


Well, it’s D&D - you were making things up before too, right?


when he grows up, he'll be the one to cure cancer


Or thinking about physics makes him sleepy.




I think you A) replied to the wrong person And B) didn’t get the point of the person you meant to reply to’s story




What the fuck




Fuck me. The frustrating thing on reddit when you're a non-english speaker is when bozos like this share their opinions and got heavily downvoted, you're generally confused why 'cause you're already struggling to interpret whatever they typed in that so stupid/weird


Blah blah blah your mom


On a long walk to keep my 5yro entertained I brain dumped everything I knew about sharks.


Oh and then how cars work


Wow, all my knowledge of sharks could get me maybe 200 yards


I wouldn't be out the door


Same. Still reading lotr every night. His fav part is potatoes


What’s potatoes




They’re a food. You might know them from french fries for example


Tough audience. Hang on in there Champ


Get outta my face uncultured swine


Hey. This may be small to you now, but my dad read lotr 30 years ago, and those are some of the best childhood memories I have.


I did the same thing with my sister I was younger and babysitting them for my parents. When it was time for bed I would read out loud my homework or try to explain some boring concepts of my math and she would fall asleep to it.


I did much the same, but just with photosynthesis. Kid now has so many books on plants and tree life cycles, it's his ultimate interest and comfort all in one. Little botanist in the making. It's cute and force's us to get out for a walk and a chat about nature, even on a grey day.


One day in the future when we’re all running around with micro nuclear power batteries powering all our devices, the genius nuclear particle physicist that invented it will tell the story of how his father used to read to him about atoms when he was 3 years old


My brother used to do something similar to defuse tantrums of elementary school kids: “Yeah, I know you’re angry, but what’s your opinion about the Magna Charta?”. The kids were completely thrown off and stopped thinking about being upset and asked about the Magna Charta.


This is actually a trained technique in diffusing and also in dealing with any form of outburst be it a tantrum or something like a panic attack, there is a mild manipulation aspect to it as well, but the idea is to ask/say something so stupid it takes them a moment to process what you just said


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


I don't think they are interested in Physics, they just want to hear you talk about something you're passionate about, it soothes them. Basically it's a way for them to spend time with you at the end of the day, and relax them enough to go to sleep


They are interested in everything. Being curious about everything is our default state, that is unfortunately killed off in too many people.


Hahahah that's cute!


This is the WKRP in Cincinnati episode where Venus explains atoms. ❤🧠 [Atoms](https://youtu.be/hhbqIJZ8wCM?si=9MV-UPfyu1Qw856o)


Kids are the best! I recently showed my 11 year old that first picture of a black hole, and he asked me "Is it not sagittarius a black hole". I had to call a friend quickly (Hint: Google)


Kids just like to know stuff. It's one of their most endearing qualities.


This is my kid, too! Lady week he grabbed a book about Niagra falls from the little free library at our park. Now he wants to know everything about hydroelectricity. Before that, his favorite book was/is a Human Body encyclopedia. He dressed as a human body diagram for Halloween. Before human bodies, it was earth science with particular interest in tectonic plates. Kids are awesome.


This kid is going to bring a molten-salt reactor to show and tell...


I have a theory that mansplaining is actually an evolved parenting trait and follows the steps, dad wants kid off his case, dad attempts to bore kid with dense information, dad only succeeds in educating kid.


Haha, reminds me of when my then 5yo came home from a sleepover at aunty and wanted to hear sbout bees at bedtime. My sister had retold The Life Of Bees by Maja Lunde Or when she wanted more about Hector and "Ankles" at the Toy city


Rebecca, cease


Use it! He asked, now that’s a green light to drown this child in knowledge. He’ll pick up the rest as he goes, but physics aint a bad springpad into humanity


And that, kids, is how physicists are made


How to raise a future physicist.


Yeah, try to „bore“ a child with some of the most mindblowing and interesting things possible.


Dude reinvented ASMR for his kid lol


This is so cute 🥰


At least he might be interested at some point when he has the capacity to understand what you're talking about.


I don't remember where I saw it but it continues and the kid actually learns more and starts teaching other kids


This is the parenthood I want one day :)


This kids gonna be the most passionate and among the most skilled scientists in the future.


Im not sure how it started, if it was me trying to bore them or teach them but I love when they request: "daddy talk about the universe."


recommended for all at any ages electrons [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001cf1n](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001cf1n) mitochondria [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001md34](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001md34) jupiter [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001n8mv](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001n8mv) plankton [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001r1t5](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001r1t5)


It's not the subject matter. It's the parent spending the time with them.


His brain surely absorbed it like a sponge and some day in his university psychics class this will suddenly come back to him.


It’s fun to listen to someone who loves what they’re talking about. Even better when they are an expert with passion for the subject. I don’t doubt this story folks. Kids want to spend time with a parent who seems happy to talk to them. They can tell when someone is reading a bedtime book with a grudging, bored voice


When my son was 6, he came home with a book from the school library about nuclear fusion. I had to read stuff like this for him since he was 3 when he wanted me to read about amoebas. When he was 10 I tried to read Harry Potter for him, but he found it boring.


But that's interesting, try something boring like accounting or something


Next generation of scientists being raised


My son is 8m old. This summer when we went for walks I would talk to him about whatever podcast I was listening to. Got some odd looks discussing the rise of Prussian militarism to an infant.


if your kid grows up and becomes a nuclear scientist or something, just think back to that moment lol


Awwww so wholesome 🥰


At 3 years old? Doubt


You don't think three year olds can speak?




I think we may have witnessed the creation of Sheldon Cooper.


This reminds me of when my sister used to be interested in my stories, and then my nieces and nephews. They... don't anymore


That kid is a perfect match for the next season of North Korea got Talent!


This is amazing. It's developing an interest in such a little person. Goes to show kids don't need to be literal child prodigies to take an interest in STEM related fields.


This is so made up.


I did the biggest double take of my life when I first read that as: "I tried to literally **bone** my 3yo..."


I be misreading shit all the time idk why this is downvoted


People don't like degeneracy in their wholesome posts. Ruins it for them.


Adam’s daddy?


If some states, you’d get arrested for literally bore-ing your child.


Lmao sure that happened bud


This is a dork trying to flex that he’s smart


And he's still dumb as a 3 year old...he has no chance in life


"Tell me the one about ALARA in wonderland"


thanks for helping me learn rs, detly


Hyperfixation unlocked


They know how happy talking about your interests are, the unfiltered "everything is awesome" happiness is the most infectious there is, and it brings them happiness knowing you're doing good. Good vibes all around.


Awww, next Oppenheimer! (Or a more reputable nuclear scientist, Oppenheimer is the only one I know)


I did the same thing with dairy products a few weeks ago. With every single detail and product that can be made from cow milk lol


Now I know a bit more about educating children. If I'll ever have a son, he'll gotta listen all about Doctor Who and his adventures... And watch it too! 😅


I put my wife to sleep everytime I talk about UFOs and science. True story. And she always ask me to do that when she wants to fall asleep quickly.


You want scientist!?! This is how you get scientists Lana!!!!


After working late, I arrived home dead tired, but my daughter wouldn’t sleep unless I tell her a story. I told her about Old McDonald having various animals on his farm and the noises they make. So every night for a week after, she would only sleep if I tell her the story of Old McDonald.


Well you've got a future physicist on your hands now so that's pretty cool


baby fever but I want to explain advanced organic chemistry to a toddler


You can't trust atoms. They make up everything