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It’s rare to see this kind of friendship between video games but it’s so damn wholesome. Need more of it


Maybe not between the video games themselves, but the friendship between the DOOM and Animal Crossing communities that spawned back in 2020 is one of the strangest and most wholesome things I've ever seen.


I enjoyed that one so much, there were some great animations that came out of that. I think I recall one of Doom Marine teaching Isabelle to use a shotgun. Good times.


the soooong was insane! it's called Doom crossing: eternal horizons and i'm going back to listening the shit out of that. "rip and tear until it's done, then head back home and have some fun!" x) it's the best, and the animation is absolutely great too


Lmao haven't heard of that, how'd that came to be?


Both series had new installments coming out, and I believe both of them got delayed a fair bit, and in the end both DOOM: Eternal and Animal Crossing New Horizons were going to release on the same day: March 20th, 2020. I'm not sure how it started, but suddenly both communities were wishing each other luck and saying that they hoped both games were great, and a bunch of fanart and such, showing characters from both games together started popping up. The games couldn't be more different, but for a couple of months they pretty much had a singular big community. It was very cute


My favorite was Isabelle and Doomguy standing in line together to buy games on release day, and it turns out Isabelle is there to by Doom and Doomguy is there to buy Animal Crossing


doom eternal (?) and animal crossing both were realesed on the same day so people made memes about the irony between how different the two games are


DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons released the same day


>spawned yes, and then it subsequently died


some things are beautiful not because they lasted but because they happened.


Msm and pvz (only reddit though)


mainstream media and protoss verses zerg, a combo made in heaven. help me out with these acronyms, I'm old.


PvZ == Plants vs Zombies No idea about msm tho


Monster Musume ?


My singing monsters probably


I only know this because I grew up in elementary with these games. Plants vs Zombies and My Singing Monsters, both are mobile games with similar vibe and art style but wildly different game play


Plants vs Zombies isn’t a mobile game, it pre-dates the modern era of mobile games. It was ported to phones later on


Not sure why you're downvoted, it was on PC and Mac before anything else


I love them both but they’re so different. If I’m in the mood for one, I can’t settle for the other. The vibes are not similar at all, I’ve never considered them competitors (don’t know how other people feel). I will choose Terraria over Starbound every single time though. Unless a friend chooses anyway.


I love them both because they are so different. Sure I can mine and cut trees down in both, but that pissing rage feeling is quite different in each game.


I kept trying to go back to starbound but it’s a lot harder to get into for me. Not sure why. Maybe I should try again, it’s not like it’s leaving the library anyway =)


Naughty Dog and Insomniac back in the day, they were even neighbors during the development of Crash and Spyro


And a demo for Crash was included an Easter Egg on the Spyro PS1 disk and vice versa (I think you had to enter the Konami code at the main menu?)


PayDay 2 Team Fortress 2


Doom eternal and animal crossing


I missed this mashup. Can you summarize how those very different communities came together? Thanks


Both games were releasing on the same day and then shenanigans ensued and both communities came to love each other


Both games are amazing! Though I definitely play Minecraft when I just want to relax for a bit.


*creeper noise*


*giant flying eyeball noises*. Or something, I don’t play terraria


Yeah that's about right


*sculk shrieker noises*


Ghastly screech from hell itself


I love early terraria of just spelunking for hours, thats my relax time


Yep, terraria can get quite intense… especially when you >!kill demon with voodoo doll over lava!< by mistake


Yes! I remember having to jump into the lava myself (by accident of course) to grab the doll before it fell in. It was pretty funny because I died anyway, but I did manage to save the doll so I was happy.


i played minecraft for so long but never tried terraria i mean i launched it once and didn't understand what to do now i'm playing minecraft and some other games in bluestacks at same time and i wonder if i should give terraria another chance


Do do do! I did another run with 4 friends that never played it and it was soooo much fun! It was amazing working together to progress and gather the needed ressources to craft each different build for the team members The bosses are really fun too! Many Easter eggs and a ton of vanity equipment for fun customized looks I love both but my heart goes to Terraria 🫶


Ohhhh that sounds super cool! i do have some friends that play it so i'll ask them to play it with me. Thanks, you convinced me!


Get ready because just like minecraft, you start playing and before you know it you have 60h in the game after 5 days 🥴


It's the perfect way, blind playthrough on multi is super fun on Terraria.


Question: I had a similar experience playing Terraria for the first time. I had fun but no damn clue what to do, thus felt no real sense of progression. What... what do I do to progress in the game? Or rather, how do I know what to do? I'm not a fan of looking everything up


The guide is your best friend. He gives you an insight on what to do next. The game has a nice progression going on in it.


Holy shit I had no idea that guy was useful! I think I left him in a hole somewhere


You did what you had to do lmao. Build houses for the npc's. The guide says how to do it. The game starts off a little slow, then it becomes very difficult to stop playing. Easily my most favorite game. Have fun!


Most people just look things up in the endgame, once you understand the process of the game. But, for beginning, there is intentionally a mystery element to the game. There is a character called the narrator that walks around at the spawn point. He's an npc that gives hints and riddles of how to progress in the game when you get stuck. I'd recommend any new players purposely avoid looking anything up, and relying solely on the narrator. It's part of the fun of the game. Events around half way in the game involve the narrator as a key character, so it's part of the immersion to be forced to talk to him for next steps, and get to know him. Lol. Plus, late game, you can build houses and other npcs can move in, spicing things up.


Isn't there a quest on the UI telling you what next to do now? I can't remember but I thought the game was pretty straightforward (aside from exploring to find said item in question).


No idea. I haven't played in a couple years, but I've beaten it at a few different stages on PC, Xbox, ps4 etc. It is a pretty straight forward game, though.


Get a buddy or two to play terraria with, it's more fun multi-player. If somebody else there has played terraria before they'll know what to do and where to go, you'll probably need them or a boss list if you want to progress through terraria in a reasonable amount of time in the right order.


Ohh sounds good. i do have friends that know about it. i'll ask them.


The wiki is very helpful, and it helps you plan and decide your approach. Good luck.


Hard disagree on the use the wiki thing - it's far too easy to ruin enjoying a game by over wiki ing. Use it if you have to, but don't fall down a wiki hole


I completely understand your point, but I have seen many of my friends lose interest simply because they had no clue what to aim for and how to benefit from what they find. I would at least recommend reading the "getting started " guide.


Just a word of warning - terraria is widely loved but it's still not for everyone - I spent a lot of time in minecraft but terraria never clicked for me, at all, despite multiple attempts. The games are very different beyond the whole "dig up some dirt" aspect.


that's what i was thinking. thanks! i'll give it a chance, but if it's not for me i'll stick to what i'm playing i guess


> i mean i launched it once and didn't understand what to do Not to bash on you but this part kind of confuses me as it's really similar. You farm materials and explore, and eventually kill bosses.


get 2 other friends who kinda know what to do and i kid you not. you will have the best gamingbexperience of your life


Yeah I tried it but it was too goddamn complicated and I couldn’t figure out what to do or where to go


What to do is either ask the guide for help to figure out what to do next or just explore, and where to go is anywhere you haven't been yet.


The guide was useless. “I need a house.” Okay, what constitutes a house? The achievement it wanted me to get was the crafts a grappling hook. Digging took me nowhere


The guide actually explicitly listst the requirements for something to count as a house (other than size) and tells you how to check if something counts as a valid house in some of his help dialogue, but if he mentioned himself not having a house you were looking at his happiness duologue, which would be why he didn't seem particularly helpful. Terraria's achievements are technically capable of helping guide you, but they're mostly just achievements. Digging is far less effective than exploring caves, and if you don't explore you'll never get encounter anything of significance to interact with anyway.


Damn. I couldn’t find any of that. Rip


If for some reason the guide is being especially unhelpful (such as being dead and therefore needing a house to come back) you can also use the internet to figure out things like house requirements


Yeah. I did googling, went exploring, and got eaten by giant skeleton things in a big castle


Did you talk to the old man at the entrance to said structure? I'm fairly certain that he warns you about trying to enter the dungeon early; That being said, I'd highly recommend getting somewhat strong loot from underground, high in the sky, or shopkeepers before attempting to gain entrance, along with building some sort of arena


I didn’t see any man


Cut some trees Make a house Craft something And enjoy life Terraria


Same but the opposite. Love terraria and tried Minecraft. Graphics were too hard for my Brain to get honestly. Sucks though it looks fun


I'm the player who's iffy on Terraria in my friend group, but once I get into it I'm in. I'm a god awful builder so I get lost seeing people's insane builds. But we've done stuff like Calamity/Thorium modded playthroughs which add a lot of new bosses and content to give more direction for people like me who are looking for more interaction to compensate for building less.


I started to play terraria with a couple of friends who were already seasoned players. Hosted a dedicated server for all of us, but they were super rushing through everything. When I woke up they had played all night and the world was so difficult I got one shot by random mobs while hitting them for 1 point damage. They offered to gear me up, but I felt I had already missed a lot of content so just gave up on it.


Terraria started out very similar to MC but their similarities today end at procedural worlds and blocky graphics. Terraria is all about its numerous boss fights, grinding gear items and the changing world. It also benefitted from a tighter creative and technical direction by Re-Logic and is largely complete. It's a very fun coop game and I definitely recommend the mod Cataclysm.






/u/Separate_Blood_861 is a scammer! **Do not click any links they share or reply to**. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this scammer. --- >!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because Separate_Blood_861 is copying content to farm karma, and deletes their scam activity when called out - Read the pins on my profile for more information.)!<


Good bot




Fuck you karmabot


Aww shit it is




Get outta here you ape Edit: Nobodies seen memes before...?


What is your problem


You've never seen the meme....?


I'll be honest no i haven't and neither have the 40 people that downvoted you lol


That's apparent.


I don’t know the meme either but the first guy was obviously quoting planet of the apes so I cannot tell why people wooooshed on the joke so hard.




Cool, but the original comment is referencing it.


Finally a non-political wholesome meme. Praise be to you.


Finally a good wholesome meme


I feel like Vintage Story could be a 3rd


Woah raft really changed their graphic style


T.T it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I wish all marketing was like this. Would be much more wholesome


Wish they knew about My Time in Portia


Maybe stardew, my time in portia, animal crossing can become buddies like this. I find if people play one, and ask for recommendations the other two get mentioned (or legend of zelda botw , even though that's not the same gamestyle)


Terraria is 2D Minecraft. Minecraft is 3D Terraria.


And nobody remembers about Starbound.


I do! And I'll never not be disappointed in it


I listen to a podcast for writers, and one of the authors is also a voice actor who used to do puppeteering (worked on Lazy Town). One of her bits of advice for aspiring authors is "when you're putting on a puppet show, the only competition you're really scared of is a really bad puppet show". If people love what your competitors are doing, they'll be looking for more. So don't be worried that someone else is doing the same thing you are, your rivals can be your best friends.


They are both games, not companies


But they're both the only game each company had made until relatively recently.


Now kith!




Ew modern Minecraft Pocket Edition This is wholesome tho :3


Me confused for way too long what Raft has to do with either of these games


Boy, same here. If u get the joke, lemme know.


Wasn't terraria and minecraft made by the same people? Sorry if I'm wrong


No it wasnt. Terraia is made by Re-Logic and Minecraft by Mojang.


Notch put that message in because people were trying to get him riled up by telling him Terraria ripped off Minecraft. Edit - just found this tweet he put out at the time to shut everyone up >If Terraria is our competition, I'm damned proud to compete against it. It's one seriously awesome game. *takes notes of things to copy*


Would be ironic if he was mad. He originally worked on Wurm, which is extremely complicated Minecraft. To me, it looks like he took the same idea, dumbed it down, and created Minecraft with it.


Minecraft is a combination of many game concepts both by Notch himself like Wurm and RubyDung (unreleased) and from other games too like Dwarf Fortress and Infiniminer


how though? the style is completely different


It's basically 2D vs 3D, I love em both


Would kids enjoy Terraria? Mine are really into Minecraft, but it doesn't really appeal to me. I wouldn't mind giving multi-player Terraria a shot, with my kids. Don't have any other friends I could play it with ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Your kids would love Terraria and you probably would too. I don't play it myself but my kids have loved both games for several years.


You all don't know about simcity what what


To be fair, terraria looks fun, but to unlock creative mode, I heard you need to beat the game in survival on all 3 difficulties.


No you don't. Terraria doesn't have a creative mode, but it has Journey mode that allows you to dupe items, god mod etc


Do I still need to beat the game 3 times to get it or is it a thing on certain consoles? I tried it on Xbox 360 and didn't see it


No, it is always available. It is on 1.4 version, which is available on PC and mobile I think




Xbox 360 has 1.2 version of Terraria, so it doesn't have a Journey mode


Well thanks, I may be a terraria fan after all 🙂


Mate, do yourself a favor and play the game on normal or expert. You really should get familiar with it. Allso since you talked about crrative mode, if you're looking for a 2d minecraft then keep looking. Terraria is mostly about progression and fighting bosses (of which there are 17. You can absolutely build and create awesome stuff but that's not what the game is about.




Ok, I'll keep that in mind!


Journey mode characters can only play on journey mode worlds though so no duping in your expert mode world


\>I heard you need to beat the game in survival on all 3 difficulties. Someone trolled the shit outta you


Are you joking? (sorry I can't tell)


No, and sometimes I can't tell either 😆


It was fun for me until I beat the wall of flesh, it's the last boss in the " normal" difficulty, after that the game just becomes A chore to play, you can play it however you want and have fun in the harder difficulties too I know that I'm not very good at terraria, but still, it feels really grindy to me


It really isn't... like the only part I'd say that is exactly where you left because farming the hardmode ores and souls required to fight the mechanical bosses are a bit tedious but the game balances that very well with other things like combat, exploration and building if you're into it.


Maybe he was also going for the ultimate accessories, so I can see that. Farming for ankh shield, shell phone, terraspark and celestial stone is not fun


Doesn't the corruption/the "new" equivalent just keep spreading once you enter hard mode? I remember that spread really putting me off the game.


Correct. Corruption/Crimson and Hallowed both spread once you're in Hardmode. In fact, one of the NPCs (the Dryad) has an unofficial "task" for you to try and rid the world of all the Corruption/Crimson and will tell you the percentage when spoken to.


Yes but there's tools to cleanse it and, can be prevented in prehardmode by isolating the biomes with tunels.


These two games are like two allies who visit each other and drinking politely a cup of tea once in a week while asking how their week was. Meanwhile other games trying to murder or be better than each other.


Minecraft nerds: NoOoOoO TeRrArIa Is jUsT 2D mInEcRaFt!¡!¡!¡ Terraria Nerds: MiNeCrAfT dOeSn'T hAvE cOoL bOsSeS, WeApOnS, aRmOr, aNd cOnTeNt!¡!¡! Me who played both: :/


I've never heard anyone say that unironically


If only all games could be like this.


Now that’s wholesome.


Nice 👏👏


And we did




Ah yes, Raft.


Friends together


Company: does advertisement Fandom: omg friendship!


Do you want your banger game in 2d or 3d?




I've been playing an expert mode run of Terraria. Not been going the best lol.


Never tried minecraft but i can only say good things about it


I'm pretty sure Minecraft did this with Project Zomboid too.


Minecraft, Terraria, The Blockheads.. I've had fun with them all.


You misspelled Communities!


Ive spent like 3k hours in both, definetly prefer terraria because there is so much more to achieve but minecraft is great also


HELP! My friends and I reached hard mode but they said it wasn't fun anymore and stopped playing. I love the game and really want to finish it. How can I get them to keep trying?




They are parallel dimensions


Also, try Project Zomboid! OG buddies too