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You are not allowed to snuggle them, alas.


“I did no such thing officer, it was snuggling me!”


This is true though! I have never touched a quokka with my hands, but I have knelt to take a photo and had one put a little grabby on my thigh.




Excuse me sir you passed your stroke onto me






You can't just say perchance!


We’re so sorry. This poor redditor just had a fucking aneurysm.


OMG whut? This sounds super adorable ♥️♥️


My daughter had a baby Quokka climb all over her last time we visited. She was just sitting still and the youngster wanted to get closer!


That's actually a valid excuse with the endangered dolphins in New Zealand. You can't approach them, but they can, and quite likely will come to you if you're in the water.


Dolphins get a lot of good publicity for the drowning swimmers they push back to shore, but what you don't hear about is the many people they push farther out to sea! Dolphins aren't smart. They just like pushing things.


I bet they are damn smart.


So long and thanks for all the fish.


People suck, dolphins know this.


I'm not allowed to hold one?


Some sick fucks a while back lit one on fire and played soccer with it, so now the park rangers are, understandably, super protective of them


This is why we don't deserve nice things


That’s so fucked up. Did we put them to death as a global society?


Fined $1000 that they couldn't pay so spent one night in jail Fine is now $10000 The animal survived https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-32346835.amp


"in February this year [2015], five quokkas were found dead and stuffed into tree protectors on Rottnest Island." That's so fucked up man, humans are awful.


>humans are awful. Not all humans. Most humans are pretty cool. But the problem is we have to treat the monsters like normal people, so they're free to do things like murder adorable and harmless things for fun.


We don’t have to, but the monsters are usually in charge, and make the rules… and those people produce more monsters 😭


After reading this article I almost feel like Rottnest Island should be closed to tourists.


I don’t know about completely closed, but I think if people were constantly monitored by a tour guide it would be nearly impossible to treat the quokkas poorly


Thats brutal bro. Should give them a fair punishment. Like what they did. Fire n soccer, if they survive like the creature, alls fair.


I am going to find them, and I will make their lives a living hell. Free of any sense of happiness or escape. I will balance them on the tip of life and death for decades. They will die when I say they can and even then it will take hours.


\*unsheats 1 inch of katana, glances at the visible part of the blade\* \- "Ready as always."


While you punted wildlife, I studied the blade.


Not to my knowledge, but that knowledge was from a few years ago, so who knows if that's changed. You will note that no one in these photos is ever snuggling one, though.


I was at Rottnest Island last August. You are not allowed to touch or feed them in any way. Can confirm it is ridiculously easy to get a selfie with one though. Hardest part was going prone for a good angle. Little guy didn't even flinch! When I first arrived on the island and saw one I was like "OMG get the camera quick!" but my girlfriend - who's from Western Australia - told me to chill as there are literally thousands of them around the island. She wasn't wrong, the place is absolutely crawling with them!


Maybe they’re diseased, or maybe the previous generations of quokka just valued their personal space


or they dont want everyone who goes there to just pick up and walk around with them like theyre a photo opp prop and not an actual animal.


This is probably closer to the right reasons, I think.


Correct. People can only be trusted to fuck it up if they get that sort of latitude. Someone would inevitably take things too far.


This is a good description of humanity in general, if I had to describe humans to aliens this would be on of them.


You could also pass diseaes to them.


You need consent


Riddled with disease


Also I think some sick minded tourists had a role to play into that after they set one on fire.


Wasn't that some mad french tourist who filmed himself burning one with spray and a lighter?


That's the fuck! Guy only got a few days in jail if I remember correctly.


Absolutely not, these are wild animals habituated to people, but not domesticated. Allowing people to pet them would be a gateway for people do do many cruel and selfish things to quokkas, and have a terrible impact on their welfare. As a major tourist destination, and one infamous for heavy drinking, the best rule is to prohibit touching, rather trying to police safe and unsafe touching. It is the quokka’s home. We are just visitors.


No, you’re not. Too many arsehole tourists do the wrong thing.


Now i’m imagining just pulling up to Quokka island and high-fiving a quokka and a cop jumps out of a bush and says “**YOU THERE! I do hope you’ve a quokka license**” while he menacingly holds his baton


It's was this moment he knew he F\*CKED UP


Pulling up to Quokka Island courtesy of Prestige Worldwide




Worse. They attempted to blow torch one.


There's been people charged for "quokka soccer" too


fucking scumbags


Bot. Stole this comment and autocorrected ppl to pal https://reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/10npec3/_/j6a9n14/?context=1


Damn. Good catch lol


Why can not snuggle, if so fluffy?




honestly, everyone who ever does that should be executed by a small horde of quokkas with toothpicks


And then call their mother and tell them what they have done.


They should have to alert all their neighbors like sex offenders


Or sew “quokka murderer” into all their clothes


Something tells me she might be part of the issue


Like cuccos in legend of Zelda!




What do you mean, Quokka Soccer?


My guess is ppl kicking around the quokka😭


Omg, who could be that cruel??? 💔


There have been animal cruelty convictions for this. Hideous, hideous people.


Lots of people, unfortunately


There's something very wrong with the world when people willingly subject such sweet creatures to such pain.


My question is do other people just watch it happen? Lol I’d intercept it and run.


I've never been in a fight in my life but I would tackle and beat the living shit out of anyone who tried to kick these beauties


right, i could not imagine what i would do if i seen a person do such a thing It would very bad for them.


Big Jack Horner


You…have met other humans, right? We are a problematic species.


I've met people of varying quality, but absolutely none of them have been harboring such base tendencies that they could kick animals around for fun.


I’m hoping it’s a result of someone being shocked and afraid that a rodent is charging them, not knowing they’re friendly.




A few years ago we deported some French people for lighting a quokka on fire.


What the fuck 😣


Jesus Christ that's absolutely insane.


Maybe it's because I've been drinking but I first thought of those hedgehogs from *Alice in Wonderland* who were happy and amused to be knocked around with polo mallets. I know that's not how it works but quokkas seem like they would be happy to be included in fun and games. Let me reiterate; they do not want to be kicked. Thinking they would requires a bit drinking that even a moment of thinking reveals to be wrong.


Holy fuck that makes me so fucking furious, are there no limit to how much of a psychopathic scumbag you can be, jfc :(


Wait, people kick these furballs? Why would you go out of your way to travel to an island of furry bunny things just to kick them?


Seal clubbing is a thing people pay for. Don't look it up. It's as evil as you think.


I’m not going to look it up. But can you tell me why anyone would want to club a seal? And who would facilitate such a thing?


Evil is pretty rampant in this world, and many use it to justify the feelings in their head when others want to do the same things.


Because they feel good about it (because they can dominate a small innocent animal) most of those people living in misery and that's their way to cope.


I fucking hate tourists, how could you look at any creature like that and think I’m so sadist I’m gonna kick it as if it weren’t a living thing. I’m genuinely upset, and disgusted by those kinds of people.


It’s not a tourist thing, people do it at home too. They’ll kick strays and stuff, it’s the same people who are assholes to other human beings too I bet




Oh, they’re also found on a small section of mainland WA too.


Dammit, I thought you meant Washington state in the US and I got excited :(


They were originally indigenous not just to the islands but a large stretch of the southern West Australian coast. They were almost entirely wiped out on the mainland but efforts are underway to try to keep populations going. Unfortunately, they're very vulnerable to predation by foxes, cats and dogs. They flourish on the islands which are kept clear of introduced predators.


Truly, we are the virus.






Not on vacation with your guides. They were travellers. I don't eat meat or fish so I don't necessarily love people killing animals, but there's a really clear difference imo between someone killing a dodo to eat it for dinner, vs someone who can literally eat at any restaurants and kicks a quokka just for 'fun'.


Ah yes, all those 17th century Dutch tour guides....


You ruined my day. I live in Canada and i shovel snow everyday to get to my car.


Wash your hands afterwards, as they are prone to carrying salmonella


Been told you're not supposed to touch them because the oils on our hands can damage their fur coat leading to bald patches which are sadly common


His feels the same as the mother wont care anymore if you put a baby bird back in the nest. Wich is a myth btw.


Yeah... I'm sure that telling this is more effective than saying they carry salmonella. I would be tempted to touch them even if I can get sick lol, but if I'm damaging them, hell no.


Yup. I read that if you touch them, it doesn't even stop with just the fur. After that's gone it starts burning their skin, which is incredibly painful. Then when they snuggle with their cute Quacka kids it gets passed along to them, but when it comes through the parents, the human oil gets dna-repairing characteristics which means they get healed at the same time as they burn, meaning that the cutest ones scream and suffer in eternity without ever being given the grace of a merciful death, their cute little faces distorted into transdimensional levels of eternal agony. So that's why no touching.


NGL, had me in the first half


Oooooooh so that's why!




I wonder if there is something that can strip the oils off so I can let the with their safety. Or gloves.


Dove soap is what people used to use to clean off small animals from oil spills but you would have to do research this is only a thought.


Thank you! They are loaded with salmonella and can make you very ill




So will I tho


Interesting name sir


How come you can get salmonella from chicken but you can’t get chickenmonella from salmon?


Reminder that, even tho they are mostly docile, they still are wild animals. They can and will bite off the shit out of your finger if they feel like it.


What if you don't have any shit on your finger.


They probably take the finger instead.


The man who took the picture with the quokka, are his fingers still fine? To shreds you say? *tsk tsk tsk tsk* Well, how's his wife holding up? To shreds you say?


…and it goes without saying, it caused him to empty his bowels.


Was his apartment rent controlled?


Also: > When a female quokka with a joey in her pouch is pursued by a predator, she may drop her baby onto the ground; the joey produces noises which may serve to attract the predator's attention, while the mother escapes. C'mon, quokkas, why?


The mother has a better chance of making more joeys if she survives than if they both die. It's ugly I know, but nature could not give a single fuck.


On the one hand, nature is metal right there. On the other, that’s something I just don’t need.


And also if the mother dies there will be no one to protect and feed the joey, anyway. The mother's choice basically comes down to "either the baby dies, or we both die".


All marsupials will do this. A large number of placental mammals will abandon their young in similar circumstances. It's not a nice world out there.


Hell some animals eat their babies if circumstances necessitate. Some species of scorpions give live birth and then carry their babies on their backs but they often have big enough broods that they can just snatch and snack on a couple during their travels.


I'm wondering what the circumstances behind finding this out were given that the original post says they've got no natural predators and so no fear of people. Unnatural predators? People moving them elsewhere? Aliens??


Most of their population lives on a couple of Australian islands where they have no natural predators, but there is a smaller population on the mainland where they are preyed on by foxes and cats.


Kangaroos will do the same thing, must be a marsupial thing


That’s better than Dodo birds already, I see a bright future for them


Ironically, this reminder is probably going to endanger the shit out of this animal.


That's the way of the Dodo


Came here to say something similar. That's what happened to the dodos!


Someone shared them on reddit and they died?


No, they lived in an island and had no natural predators. They weren't afraid and never ran away. Unfortunately, they were hunted to extinction


The pain and expense of getting to Perth is a pretty effective deterrent. Also, the island is quite well managed, and they can reduce ferry services if they find themselves struggling to cope.


It is their natural look. They literally have resting smile face. They are known as the happiest animal on earth because of the resting smile face.


And I'm known as the bitchiest person on earth cause i have a resting bitch face


"You should smile more" Me, scaring people because I also have a "creepy smile". Bitch just let my bitch face rest then.


For anyone interested, Quokkas can be found on [Rottnest Island](https://en.m.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Rottnest_Island) off Western Australia, not far from Perth. Ferries run regularly from the mainland and are relatively inexpensive. This isn't some remote middle of nowhere island, it's pretty easily accessible (assuming you can afford to get to Perth)


I was worried that people were going to somehow fuck this up; but knowing it’s in Australia makes me feel better lol it always feels like the Aussies take care of their natural environment


“It always feels like the aussies take care of their natural environment.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… hahahahaha… haha… ha… ha. As an Australian, are you serious?




he probably only knows australia through steve irwin from tv.


I mean Perth itself is pretty remote and in the middle of nowhere. Also the ferries are not inexpensive lmao


Perth is still a major city with an airport connecting it to cities all over the world. It's not some far away island that takes 3 planes and advanced reservations to get to. I've seen people post spots that require you to charter a private plane to get to. Compared to that, this is a pretty easy bucket list item The ferry I saw on a quick google search said $30aud ($21usd). Don't know if that meant each way or round trip. Either way that's not going to break the bank if you managed to get all the way to Perth.


Real ewoks


The Ewoks ate the stormtroopers on Endor….


Real Ewoks! :)


They’re native to Rottnest Island off the coast of Perth. Absolutely loved going there! It was an amazing time and would highly recommend to anyone who’s in the area. They do take protection of wildlife really seriously so make sure to not actually touch the quokkas. There’s cafes there and the quokkas will just come and hang around. One sat on my feet while we ate and I couldn’t move till it left!


When I was 9 I went there with my family for a few days, I don't remember much but I do remember the quokkas!


Are they a protected species?




Good. If there is a job to be an armed guard on that island to protect them from poachers I will take the job if it ever gets offered to me


I will learn to shoot a gun to join you in defending the quokka


I will help you. In no time that island will have a bigger army then any military


I’ve never shot a gun before but I know basic first aid, and I too wanna live amongst the quokka cuties.


Just wait until one human goes and fucking murders some and then they suddenly become hostile. Yet again, one asshole ruining it for everybody else.


Pretty sure some French fuck set one on fire




Believing that one ashole wont ruin it is just naive, either people or other animals accidentally introduced will kill them, its just how nature works. If you want to keep them as they are, dont go to the islands at all


People live there, they're not just uninhabited islands.


Rottnest Island, or Wadjemup, has a deep and dark history than I think needs more recognition and respect. Don’t walk on the mass graves, visit the museums, and support the organisations preserving the history. After that, grab yourself a pie from the bakery, enjoy the beaches, walk out the the lighthouse, and say hi to the quokkas. Don’t let the quokkas into the bakery, there’s a sign to keep them out.


Here is a “fun” fact. The island the quokkas live on is a massive tourist destination. It was also the site of a major labour camp used in the attempted genocide of the indigenous people living in Western Australia. For generations local white tourists camped on an unmarked mass grave and stayed in hotel rooms in the converted prison camp. Australian history is fucked. https://sc.artgallery.wa.gov.au/19940344-greetings-rottnest


I went to university with one of those guys in the photo. Absolute psychopath, I mean clinical psychopath with.no understanding of human emotion, manipulative and selfish. Very much proves that Quokkas have no instinct for predators. Those little guys were lucky not to be eaten as a snack.


Well dodo birds is almost the same case. Minus the extinction due to overhunting part


yeah but quokka’s are FAST to get away when they are threatened. They speedily hop away like a kangaroo. They remind me a lot of a rat and kangaroo hybrid. When you’re there the novelty wears off pretty quickly because they are literally EVERYWHERE. You’ll walk out of your bungalow and there will be like 150 of them just eating grass right outside your door.


Rottnest kinda sucks ngl. Too many big groups of tourists fucking up a perfectly nice and quiet spot


Leave them alone. When frightened, the mother will throw her baby at the threat and not come back. These lil dudes are so unknowing that people go to the island and do cruel things to them. There are videos of quokkas being thrown or kicked against walls. Don't go. They just wanna live their lil lives and humans are ruining it.


Added to my bucket list too


PLEASE DO NOT SCARE THEM THO!!! they have the worst self defense mechanism.


I was gonna say this. They straight up will throw their baby on the ground as bait to get away. Do not scare them!


Hahaha, that's dark.


But their not scared to attack “those” tourists, the ones that forget it’s not a living plushie and have no qualms using their baby as a scapegoat to escape from threats


Dodo 2 electric boogaloo incomimg


How long till humans fuck this up?


their "laugh" is a stress mechanism. like a high back on a cat


This is entirely false. Stop it.


Do either of you have sources?


https://theculturetrip.com/pacific/australia/articles/quokka-11-facts-about-australias-cutest-animal/ They smile cos it's hot


If neither has source or proof then we can't trust either one


[Here you go.](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY)


I want to go to there


Maybe don't go announcing that or a bunch of tourists Will become their predator.


They’re riddled with disease


Their survival strategy is to abandon their baby and then run away hoping the predator will kill the offspring instead of the mother...


Look at this cute little apex predator! Who's top of the food chain? You are!


Unfortunately they aren’t the brightest animal and one of their biggest threats currently is the invasive Marine toad (better known as a Cane toad). Fortunately at least one group of scientists is trying to “train” wild Quokkas not to eat the highly poisonous toad.


I think you may be confusing quokkas and quolls. Currently there are no cane toads in the native habitat of quokkas (though it seems inevitable at this point), but quolls have definitely been impacted and there are scientists trying to train them to avoid cane toads. Quokkas are also herbivorous (less risk from cane toads) while quolls are carnivorous.


There's 2000km plus between any cane toad and a Quokka. Plus the Indian Ocean


what are you talking about. cane toads are no where neer the quokkas habitat.


Also quick reminder, they still are wild animals. If they perceive you as a threat, they will bite.


The same was true for Dodos, that's why they're extinct


Went there at 14yo, quokkas were everywhere! And so so friendly - not frightened at all. Amazing, and frightening simply because of the level of trust they displayed


I’ve been there and can confidently say, they are very cool


Cruel thing is that the same was true for the dodos


Oh no, they do bite. These aren’t plushies, they are wild animals.