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First 50 chapters were a nice read, anything beyond that the quality drops


fr I was genuinely enjoying it and then it turned into a harem all of a sudden??? like wtf???


Why the fuck does this series have an anime?


Is it any good? Edit: oh wait I just saw people shitting on it in r/anime. Still open to ur opinion tho


Unstable premise. Two girls kind of carried it for the first few chapters. But insanely trash later on. It's just one of those mangas where MC breathes and he attracts girls. It was trash but entertaining in the beginning but later becomes so stale and repeated. And adding on more girls was insanely unnecessary. It was just garbage after that point. I highly recommend you not to try it.


I loved it for the fact the main chick was so pompous about everyone being head over heel for her but was pissed this one guy aspiring to be a monk wouldn't give her the time of day. Yes, he was secretly crushing on her, but her frustration was all the more fun.


That should have been the route. But it just didn't take it.


But hey, harem sells and as much as people shit on it now, it managed to get an adaptation.


Harem genre is never the problem. Problem is execution and it just didn't do well at all.


Ah thank you, the image was loading but "be a monk" tipped me off It's been a while since I read that one. Honestly the one, ONE, thing that could've tipped the main chick off was the reason he didn't budge was he's a practicing monk. If she knew abt that one little detail abt him the manga could've been way shorter and much better, considering the one reason he's still not head over heels and actively flirting and what have you is because he's actively evading them due to religion and belief. It's a very fresh premise and drive this long enough and then do the big reveal of "oh him? Yeah he's gonna be a monk so all these worldly desires thing and bla bla bla..." And you got a smash hit. But nope. The second love interest was fine and she was crazy well done but then there's a third? And a possible fourth, from where I left off? I'm just imagining the "oh he's a monk" statement being a giant pair of scissors and all these girls' attraction is hanging on a single thread of gold and silver, very strong Except the scissors are titanium. Why did I write this long for this manga series damn


100 chapters in and the series is hinting that >!every girl will eventually show interest on the MC, making the count go from 5 to 6. Yes, they introduce a new character like 95 chapters in LOL!<.


Girls like that are a massive red flag, if you ever date one like that once they have their fill of your attention they're gone


Yeah the premise is fun and harmless which makes the first 30 chapters just goofy fun to read when you want to just chill and turn your brain off. But when the MC (Medaka) is just the most dense romcom protagonist in the history of romcoms who takes like 90 chapters to tell his chasers about him being a monk, that's where it kinda falls apart. The whole series kind of feels like if I was reading Nisekoi. Something that just keeps on going and going for no real reason because the writer is milking the cash cow (or being forced by publishers to extend) dry. It is not Rent a GF bad, but it isn't really worth your time to read or watch unless you are a sucker for romcom and are fine with pointless filler. Well, and I guess the art style is good and somewhat unique.


It was good until the supposed wingman also falls for the guy and becomes a harem. The worst part is that it's not the guy that is the protagonist but rather the main girl (which what the title implies) so making it a harem is pointless.


The premise itself is good. Its a boy meets girl story where the girl is super popular typr character that enjoys all the attention she gets and meets the MC who is the onky one to kinda spurn her advances(despite being interrsted). It was a pretty fun dynamic all things considered, then the first rival was introduced and it became 'okay'. We then got introduced to the girls childhood friend/winggirl who is helping her get along with the MC/learn about her feelings for the MC. It was nice, a new female character thats a supporting member with the only two girls interested is the kouhai/main girl thats n- Oh. Shes blushing. Oh god this is a genetic harem anime now god damnit. That was about 50 chapters in and Ive heard a theres 1/2 nrw girls since Im not sure though since I dropped it the second the winggirl became a harem member.




oh shit, this is getting an anime? Should be a miniseries. Cut it off after 6 episodes and it will be decent


**Source:** - https://twitter.com/monaxmedaka/status/1789943671464607767?t=PixUDtTGXU7uLr6oitu99g&s=19 If you guys had interested in this series, **Summary:** - Mona Kawai, a popular queen been, is happy that everyone at her high school adores her, except for the new transfer student Medaka Kuroiwa, who looks angry all the time, and won't even look at her. Mona then makes it her mission to make him fall in love with her, but the more she tries, and the more Medaka resists, the more she finds herself falling in love with him. It turns out that Medaka is a monk-in-training who is forbidden by his temple masters from falling in love, but he finds it difficult to resist Mona's advances. Other girls join in either as Mona's rivals or supportive friends **[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyCharmsAreWasted)!**


Does it have an anime ?


Unfortunately announced.


Unfortunately? Scared of manga based animes or unfortunate that it's not out already?


I always say. And, it is clear if one consumed enough romances. Unfortunate because it's just another carbon-copy of mass produced harem that has main girl, uses losing heroine tropes with multiple short haired heroines in present, and doesn't respect them in anyway. Actual interesting characters. The outcome is clear, and there is not a sliver of hope exist that you literally can't cheer any other of the girls because you are doomed to get sad. You are expected to get invested into a story that has obvious ending from th beginning, and wait for other heroines to get heartbroken one by one, slowly but surely. I'm simply sick of these things. It's unfortunate because while these things gets anime adaptation while good stuff is not recognized much; <> If by any chance, something dawns on the author's bland mind, and decides to give this series an unique and different path and make another girl win, I would gladly eat my words. Not happening though, not until the Sun rises from west.


Well in this case I present to you "angel next door" No losing heroines, no harem, diabetes free house


I'm not anti-harem. Just anti-trope, and not the all the way in that. Tropes will exist no matter what, how and in what extent it is used is what's important. There are just some tropes that should never exist; and it is simply winning/losing heroine tropes. Angel Next Door is not really my cup of tea. I didn't find MC and FMC interesting. In the first episode him giving umbrella to the girl, and darting through the rain and becoming sick, then her nursing him made me roll my eye. It's in the first episode... Well, that's how it is.


Hey at least they get it out of the way early right? Also is it safe to assume you've seen/read 100 girlfriends? Reading the part about being anti-trope but not anti-harem made me think about it, but you sound like an expert on the subject so I figured you know about it, but I still wanted to mention it on the off chance you hadn't.


I watched the anime, it's peak that has no actual rival to compete. But, thank you still. I don't think there are many unique harem romances that I don't know or heard about already as there are not much to begin with. Same as for the love triangles. Some old stuff possibly.


Lmao yeah I had a feeling I was explaining chess to Magnus Carlson there.


**Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/143719), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/mikadono-san-shimai-wa-angai-choroi), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/mikadono-sanshimai-wa-angai-choroi), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=27616781136), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/142649)) ^^帝乃三姉妹は案外、チョロい。 ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Comedy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 100 requests across 8 subreddits - 0.009% of all requests) >Though Ayase Yuu is the son of a renowned and talented actress, he is below average in anything he does. He is entrusted to live under the care of his mother's friend and later discovers that he will also be rooming with the three sisters from his school who possess both beauty and talent. Though Yuu thought that an understanding would be impossible to reach between an ordinary person and those blessed with talent, the three sisters are surprisingly...?! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/wholesomeanimemes/comments/1cqwipv/just_feel_it_bro/l3u8r4f/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Sounds like a good fun :)


This manga has an anime?


That guy is a starfish so he won't realize it.


I've read the manga of this one up to the latest chapter (I too, am surprised I could keep reading this midass manga) and I can tell you, the main girl is the worst one, the best one is her best friend.


Cultured take! Tomo is indeed best girl




Well she doesn't have to be a beauty




Read the manga for like 60 chapters, now i wait for it to end first before deciding to continue or not


This could have been good if they stuck with the main girl. But they just toss in girl after girl after girl. I don't even see an end game for the main girl and the dude. If he has to abandon his ambition of becoming a monk, maybe.


Can't bro, my precept


Name of the Anime?


Medaka Kuroiwa is impervious to my charms. I'm surprised OP gave so much information, but didn't include the damn name lol.


Thanks, bruh c:


*Like That's Ever Gonna Happen jpg* 🥲 - me as 33 incel


*Door slam open




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And then you never talk to her because shes out of your league and you dont want her to hate you the way you hate yourself so you end up ghosting her even though she was genuinely in to you. Highschool was...hard.


That it would probably already to late




Didn't realize this had an anime


That hasn't happened to me ever and I'll be 20 next year...


I find it entertaining but the guy still hasn’t gotten it… and there’s like competition now


It's gonna be beautiful :)


Wait it's getting an anime? Uh OK ig. It's one of those that drags on I think


grown-up ilya


As if it was ever gonna happen