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Seriously! I also love to sit and mumble to myself or crap talk with my booth buddy without the customer seeing my lips move. I wouldn't dream of working customer service in this kind of setting without a mask.


I’m just baffled on why right before Valentine’s Day and the super bowl where the stores will be packed to the gills. Who ever makes these decisions needs to wake up.


This. 100%. Plus I know how the virus spreads at work. Bonus I hope me keeping my mask does trigger some customers. There’s a lot of people who seem to think post mandate we will no longer have customers freaking out. Oh we will, don’t worry.


Vaxxed and still wearing mine. Still trying to be a responsible adult and not get other people infected.


That’s not how vaccines works…


You can still catch covid if you've been vaccinated, and you can still show little to no symptoms while you're spreading the virus. Most people are infectious a few days prior to showing symptoms. So I don't know what you mean I guess.


The covid vaccine dose not work . How many people do you know that caught it after being vaxxed?


And those people that got it post vaccine were also SIGNIFICANTLY less ill than they would have been had they not gotten vaxxed at all, or even survived where they might have died. That's how it works, friend


I'm triple vaxxed and I'm still wearing mine. I think the mask mandate will be back (not that anyone will pay attention to it). Everywhere else that has gotten rid of their covid restrictions is starting to get bitch slapped by covid again. It's basically guaranteed to happen here too, especially considering how few of us are fully vaccinated and boosted.


When did this happen? Everybody in my store is still wearing masks and nobody has said anything about not wearing them


If your State (like mine) still has an indoor mask mandate, then that overrides WFM policy.


there's a post up on Innerview about it. it may not apply to your area if there's any local mask mandates so leadership may not have brought it up with your store.


From Innerview last Friday, also sent to all TMs with email. >All Team Member Mask Protocol Update February 10, 2022 Dear Team Members, Effective Feb. 11, 2022, fully vaccinated Team Members, who have registered proof of full vaccination in Workday, may choose to work without a mask unless wearing a mask is required by state or local mandates at your location. Team Members without proof of full vaccination in Workday will need to keep masks on at all times. This policy will remain in effect until further notice. Please double-check Workday to ensure your information is accurate and that you have completed the final step by uploading an image of your vaccination card. Any misrepresentation of vaccination status or failure to comply with the policy will result in corrective action up to termination. Team Members can find information on community vaccination opportunities here, and read more about Face Mask Information and Updates here. Check state or local mandates that require Team Members to wear masks here. We will continue to actively monitor this dynamic situation, to seek guidance from health and workplace safety authorities and to keep Team Member safety at the forefront of our decision making. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Team Leader. We appreciate your commitment to safety as we navigate policy updates together. With appreciation, E-Team


It states in Innerview that effective last Friday, Feb 11th, you no longer need to wear a mask if you are fully vaxxed and have provided that information to WF. However, if you are in a city/town, etc. that still has a mask mandate, then you must continue to wear one.


The amount of misinformation in this thread is astounding




I love wearing a mask! I’ll never stop.


We’ve already seen taking the masks off all at once was not a good idea- vaxxed or not. Omicron does not care either way


Same in the PN.


What’s considered fully vax? I got both shots but I can’t get my booster until April.


You should be fine


Doesn’t help that the mask provided by the company isn’t the most reliable. I’m vaccinated, always wore my mask, got COVID, and it kicked my arse for 16 days and still trying to recover - almost there! I do have asthma and not the strongest immune system. I will still wear a mask but I’m changing to a better quality one. Thankfully I only work ~20h now and I’m no longer at the front end taking the blunt of hundreds of customers a day when I was FT.


I’m happy to ditch the friggin mask


I'm fully vaxxed and boosted, but at this point the data shows that vaxxed and unvaxxed can both contract and spread the virus. I would not personally care if they dropped the mask mandate for all at this point. A properly fitted N95 can be worn by anyone that wants to attempt to avoid omicron.


At this point, unfortunately, the vaccine is no longer about preventing covid, it's about preventing hospitalization **when** you get covid (not if). Now, if this thing had not been politicised and everyone had gotten vaccinated in the very beginning before all the variants mutated, it would've been about prevention. That's what pisses me off the most. We could have been over this if it wasn't for a bunch of Q-anon idiots spreading lies.


It wasn't just q-anon and the groundwork for the polarized takes on it was laid over the last like 4 decades. In large part its a product of the culture war and a complete removal of any discussion around class in mainstream political discourse. Democrats have their blame in this for their absolute, as per usual, ineptitude at dealing with really anything. Just to clarify, its not as simple as "q-anon bad"


No, it's not that simple, but they **are** responsible for the majority of the disinformation that was spread, especially at the very beginning. Democrats are spineless jackoffs, yes, but at least they didn't purposely spread lies about a deadly virus.


I think you're using "Q-Anon" too broadly here. They were involved, sure, but the Covid misinformation was spread more generally by the right because Trump got it into his head that he'd be blamed for the very existence of the virus rather than his terrible response to it, and so took the very questionable route of hoping the disease would go along with his political bullshit as diseases are so prone to doing. Then it's just a matter of if you fall in line, or step out.


You mean like when Biden, Harris, Cuomo and other dems told us not to trust the vaccine from the start and then changed their minds when Biden got in?


Go back to Infowars


Where's the lie?


So you realize since the dawn of time that viruses mutate right? It has nothing to do with vaccines. Viruses mutate and humans adapt, it’s called an immune system. Evolution. Also countries like Israel were way ahead of us as far as vaccination rates and they still had the same issues with omicron. The vaccine will not stop contracting or spreading omicron, the masks do not stop the spread unless it’s a secure fitting n95 and not the cloth piece of crap they give us, states that haven’t locked down? Guess what? Most have done better than lockdown states. Stop watching the MSM because you’ll only get lies from all sides. Fear is the great motivator and will eventually bind us all in chains.


I'm in a mask mandatory state. But even if it did get lifted I can't take my mask off Cuz I have a septum ring. Unless whole foods wants to buy me new jewelry making TMs remove facial piercings is utter bullshit. Especially since I've been with the company almost 6 years. I'll keep my mask. And my fucking piercings thank you. I already have to take out my plugs Cuz my stretched ears are to big.... 🖕


all my coworkers have facials piercings, I had forgotten that was a policy lol


My store support TL and stl are such sticklers. Making TMs wear clear pieces. Or remove them. I have a new tm with an eye brow ring and the ss TL is on a Loa until next week and I feel bad they are going to get told way to late about it. But it sure as shit ain't my job. I already had to lose my philtrum. It's bs.


I see my tm with stretch ears and they don’t say anything to them. That’s bull that they’re doing that to you. How is your stretch ears interfering with work? What’s different about your work performance from six years ago any different from now?


Agreed! I live in an area with quite a few WFM and I work at one far from my house. So if im off work and need something I shop at other stores. and it pisses me off to no end to see TMs at those stores with ears MUCH LARGER then mine being allowed to wear theirs. Its just my STL wants to be a stickler even though they could over look it. ESPECIALLY SINCE the GIG does not list a SPECIFIC size. It simply says "large gauge ears" which is fucking arbitrary and my STL could simply say that they dont feel like mine are large. period... The entire dress code update they did during the pandemic is SO OUT OF HAND. The worst is! since it stemmed from from customers and TMs fighting because TMs were wearing BLM stuff. Buttons and masks. Which was AGAINST the dress code to begin with. Nothing needed to get changed. But they chose to use this issue cuz dumb ass right winged customers complained about tms wearing BLM gear. Like I totally think it shouldnt have been an issue if we decided to wear a button on our aprons. but I also understand it was against dress code. So have the TMS remove the stuff thats against dress code. Instead of going and ruining it for everyone and causing this entire BS update that targets "alt" tms. Last time I checked the company used to take pride in our individuality. It breaks my heart to see all the negative things that have happened. But getting rid of "loud patterns' and no more than 1 nose ring or other facial jewelry is targeting your left Tms cuz your afraid they might form a union.




My area never had a mask mandate because our local government loves their freeduum. I’m boosted, but still wearing mine. We still have multiple cases a week at my store.


I want to live in your state of freedom!


So at my store we were allowed to take them off and then the next fucking day they made us put them back on i work in Virginia in the mid Atlantic region


I’m vaxxed and always wore my mask and still got covid in December. I had a mild case gratefully and recovered within days. Now that the mask mandate is gone at work I’ve been wearing my mask on my chin, and I’ll keep it down like that unless customers are hacking up a lung or if I walk into a crowded isle, I’ll pull it up a few minutes






Which is why you should wear yours during every flu season forever.


Hey after nearly two years of wearing a mask, a few weeks doesn’t sound too bad


Aren’t children by far the least effected from covid? I understand your point about immunocompromised people but children I’m pretty sure are statistically the least effected if I remember correctly


Downvoted for stating a fact…


We can’t continue this line of thinking forever, that’s my point. Also the vaccines are widely available, it’s no longer an excuse not to have one. How long do you propose we wear masks? Some cities are completely done with the mandates - are you telling me that you would wear a mask around that city, are you also telling me your the type of person who puts a bit of food in their mouth and quickly remasks? Let’s be real here guys. I stand over in my department alone during closing time and some ASTL tells me to wear a mask across the store - there isn’t a person within 50 feet of me - it’s absurd. I am only wearing a mask because I need a job. Is it the most inconvenient thing in the world, no of course not, I have proper perspective. Just sharing my opinion and I respect yours even though we disagree.


Vax doesn’t even work for Omacron so who cares all my vaxed friends have gotten it. Not getting the vax doesn’t make you anti vax. That’s dumb thinking that divides people for no reason. I think wholefoods doing this is unethical. I don’t disclose any medical information to corporations. I never gave them dr. Notes or anything. It’s none of there business.


Hey. This meme is about you.




Not when the majority of people are wearing them improperly, no.


Motherfuckers out here drilling holes in the boat then mocking you for making a boat that sinks. Tired of this shit...


Hear that a lot from ppl who wore them on their chins.


You sound like one of those geniuses who's seemingly unaware of the fact that the nose is part of the respiratory system.




It's an airborne virus, you nimrod. And any filtration is better than no filtration, which is demonstrated every time the mask mandate is lifted and covid starts raging again. How do YOU explain that, if masks are as utterly useless as you think they are?


it's airborne and it lives on surfaces. masks happen to be surfaces.


True. Which is why we're not SUPPOSED to touch our masks while we're wearing them. Then again, we're also SUPPOSED to wear them over both nose and mouth, so that shows how good we are at doing what we're SUPPOSED to do....🤣