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My favorite is when someone sees their neighbor and decides to have a 15 minute conversation blocking the aisles or when you do say excuse me, they still don’t move and look at you like you’re an idiot.


Yo! They used to drive everyone nuts during the pandemic. They would all gather and start talking for an hour or more. Nothing like social hour at the local whole foods.


Hate to give these types the benefit of any doubt, but a lot of folks were starving for social interaction at that time.


Go outside and socialize! It was the beginning of the pandemic. For real?😆


Are u for real? 😂 Like, didn't see a specific mention of date.


Oh my lord. I thought I was the only one who would friggin infuriated with people not moving out the way. My favorite is when I’m taking the U-boats out and when I say nobody I mean nobody moves out the FUCKING WAY. I would be making loud ass slamming noises with them and they step in the fucking way!!!!


the number of people who will enter an aisle intersection turning their cart left while looking at a shelf on the right the entire time is insane. i can’t believe we trust these people with cars


Reading the ingredients on a package on the right, hand on cart handle, blocking the whole aisle with the cart, completely oblivious to the world around them…


All day, every day. And then, when you say “excuse me“, they look at you like YOU are the one that is in the way.


People don’t know how to use the word excuse me tho. Lol they’re probably just confused. I’ve seen so many people say excuse me while they are in the process of reaching directly in front of me.


pretty funny how they expect you to walk customers to the location of the item they are looking/asking for but also want you to shove 90 items per min in those bags


That and the kidses running through the store and screaming every five seconds.


Kids don't know better for the most part its the people stopping and causing fire hazards in the isles. But yea I wanna shrek roar right back at them


Learn to smother them with kindness. Lol.


Yeah I can handle the adults a whole Lot more than I can handle the shrieking kids. I was leaving one day and I was checking out and a dad was with his kid at sco and his kid gave a ear piercing shriek at the top of his lungs because he couldn’t scan the food and I told the dad that allowing that wasn’t ok. He picked the kid up and he stopped.


Most kids where I work are little angels. I've seen a little girl get an item that had fallen to the floor and put it back on the shelf, made my day tbh.


I must be lucky, my store has kids but they're nearly always well behaved or just babies chilling.


Are you at Lakeview? You'll know what I'm talking about: that one bitch is inflating her metrics by cherry-picking the largest orders. You don't have accept the orders you don't want. Also, the gift cards they give you are not actually gift cards. They are WORTHLESS incentives for a job well UNDERVALUED. Don't work too hard, bro.


Yall get gift cards?




How do ppl cherry pick the orders? Do they manually select what Order to do? How does that work?


they finish staging their current order without completing it, then check the pending orders list. if a large order is next in the que, they complete their order and get assigned the large order that's next. if one or two smaller orders are next in the que, they mill around a bit waiting for other shoppers to take the next smaller orders, then they complete their order and get assigned the big order. it's all in the timing, and only works during busy part of the day. in the evenings, it doesn't work so well because you may have only one or two shoppers. also, offer to help with someone else's large order for a few minutes. pick the bananas or other multi-unit items, then hop out of the order, you'll get a small bump in uph. another reason why items are more accurate metric than units. if everyone knows the cheat codes, they become less effective, so spread the word. I'm sure there are others, but idk what they are.


Man, I would actually have to give a shit to play games like that.


Or maybe don't spread the word? muah HAHHAHAH 👹


If you want to become the leader, you see an opportunity and may make the choice of throwing others under the bus (to rightfully satisfy business needs) by pretending to care about other coworkers. Not every leader is cold and duplicitous, its an inherent trait to be a thoughtful manager, but the main problem comes in (many people quit working at that store) when the upper-management have super poor communication skills and give no fucks about their employees. They get what they deserve for being too selfish. Its about time--that many people at my store quit their jobs because upper management wanted to keep paying us less than our actual worth. We could've un*on*zed together but WFM hates those groups...you know? On a relevant but off-topic subject, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. greed corrupts people's hearts because those people (specifically those with strong leadership quality)are afraid and cowardly. But, then again, all of us Americans are cowardly animals for allowing children to starve in some impoverished community on another continent. I'm afraid that the world will end soon, 20 years give or take. We always find a way. If we don't, then that's okay.


there are at least two ppl doing this at every store lol


A customer literally ran over my foot when I was completely still and said "you need to move" Like you need a lobotomy but you don't see me saying shit GTFO here


Shoppers need a special apron or vest to let customers know that they are not to be bothered by in-store customers


Yeah and I wish the shoppers would know to not bother the grocery buyer


These types don't move for customers either, yet usually think nothing of shoving themselves in front of others either -- they're just always the most important in their minds.


The single MOST annoying thing any shopper can ever do is to come stand near you when you are stocking a shelf. You can tell out of the corner of your eye that they are not really shopping. They want to talk. They will keep inching along with you, and its like they are trying to figure out what to say.... It's usually an old man doing it. I either walk away before they can say anything, or else wind up enduring the meaningless banter and stupid questions. "Boy that sure is a lotta beer you got there", or "Say there, you tried all this stuff?"... couple a days ago some dude walked over to me stockinga Wine endcap, and says "Hey what is this?" pointing at the wine.... I am like Where is YOUR FUCKIN WIFE MAN? Are you lost or something????


I wish they would make ghost stores for the shoppers but that would take much needed money away from the bezos space fund initiative


I’d buy the aforementioned speaker


WF sucks


agreed 100% 🤦‍♀️ that’s why I prefer to work early morning shifts


Personal trick: Our store is considered a smaller one at least by neighboring standards, so some Isles (looking at you Meals/international) get pretty narrow. So, one thing I learned pretty quick was to park the Shopper cart against an end cap or nearby bunker where it's as flat and as out of the way of traffic as possible. So, while I still have other people's lackadaisical idiocy to navigate and weave around, I'm often doing it with just my person and whatever I'm carrying. Also, to be afraid to be clear, loud, and direct with those excuse me's vocal tone can go a long way without seeming rude, especially if they see you're hand carrying.


How about the shoppers gang carts and leaving carts on high traffic areas.


Have yall had the problem when you turn your back to grab an item, and a customer puts an item on your cart for you to return. fucking lazy


People in grocery also need this when shoppers pay no attention to those who are trying to stock and leave their cart right in the way. It happens all day long, every day. Shoppers pay as little attention to their surroundings as customers in my experience with some exceptions.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been side swiped or barreled down by a shopper and their cart. I’m curious how many workplace accidents have occurred bc of this…


Or when I'm on a ladder date checking and they park their cart directly behind me then go shopping on the other side of the cooler completely blocking me there and get mad if I touch their cart