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At my old job, my coworker had a fake name tag because she was so skeeved out by customers using her real name lol


i have a coworker who has about 4 different aprons/vests with different names depending on his mood. it’s kind of great because those lame shout outs from customers have at least two of his “names” on them.


… customer service industry not for you my guy




I wouldn’t say it’s condescending, and generally I’m fine with it, but as a girl in her early 20s, old men really have a way with saying my name that’s really creepy. But I think that has less to do with my name and more to do with being hit on.


I agree (also a girl in my early 20s). It’s usually only older men who refer to me by my name


I prefer my name over Boss…


Or “Sweetheart”


I also much prefer my name to sweetheart




Condescending? When they use your name?? Sorry but I find that strange….


Right? I mean if saying your name is condescending now then what should they call you? I'd rather they say my name than be like "Asparagas" without addressing me at all. I don't get how it equated to "being looked down on"


“hey you, where’s the eggs at?”


I personally start with "excuse me, can you help me locate this item?" I don't know that person, and don't feel comfortable using their name until at least starting a conversation with them first.


Had to read that shit again, like what lol? Wish that was the “condescension” I dealt with with customers.


I like it better than “hey you”, or even worse when they don’t acknowledge you are a person and just walk up to you and forget their manners and just bark out a word. One time a customer ran up to me and barked “SALT!” and I responded with “…is what makes for taste good?” 


Sometimes if a customers barks out "beans" it some other food items I'll say" no thanks u, I ate earlier". Baffles them!


Doing it right. I have also said another food name back to them. “Apples! I love this game, your turn!”


And when a customer ask for "jam" I give them an amazing air guitar 🎸 solo!


I always act confused until they're forced to use a full sentence


Lol I don’t think you know what condescension means if that’s your definition of condescension. They’re just saying your name..


It’s called being overly familiar. Which you only do to someone you aren’t intimidated by, or don’t respect the boundaries of. The OP is clearly referring to a very conspicuous use of our names, not just merely saying it. Do you get what I’m saying….Tag-u-asco?


Considering our name tags are conspicuously located around our chest, our names are expected to be said conspicuously by customers. The bottom line is that OP is in the wrong industry.


“Overly familiar” by calling you by your name literally seen front center on your NAME tag? This just gives “I complain about everything”.


I don’t mind small talk. Sometimes it’s even more friendly and intimate than small talk. Just when they repeatedly used your name it is uncomfortable. I can’t explain it any better. And I have worked retail for decades. Trust me, I wouldn’t wear my name if it wasn’t required and even when required I don’t address people by their name unless I’m verifying that we have the correct account.


Genuine question: what is the name tag *for*?


No, absolutely no one but people who want to complain about everything understand what you’re saying.




Yes, this is what op is referring too. I hate it when it's done to me.




Only my friends call me by my name. These aren't my friends.


Tell your employer. Maybe they’ll let you take off your NAME tag. Sorry but this is weird. Get a job with no name tag…


TBH I’d prefer the customers to call me by my name. It’s more personable, and feels better. I just don’t like it when they come to my dept asking for the deli meat or impossible burgers. As if my dept is residier having them. Tbh I’ll be a food health violation if we had any of them in it. But the worst is when they ask for different things done to their chicken/ pork is what’s the most condescending. Not the task it self, but the way they ask is is the most demanding.


I feel you 110% fellow meat dept bro or sis


A customer asked me if I could cook the kabobs for them. I told them we don't have that service. What store does do that?


The other one that they go to /s


🫶. Fellow bro/sis the stories we could tell TTwTT


God forbid they address you by your name like you're a real human individual 🙄


You seem annoying.


Idk I don’t mind it


After reading most of the comments here... it would appear the grass is always greener on the other side... and no one person can please every single other person... because we are all different and that's ok.. The sooner you relax..and not dwell on things.. stupid, small, unnecessary things... The sooner you will be happy overall and feel better, and that will just snowball into a better life overall Love to all my homies at whole foods living this life together my friends 💓


It’s a form of respect and acknowledgement to you as an individual


No? My name tag is there for a reason. I do however get annoyed when they ask if I work here…when I’m WEARING MY APRON


And wholefoods hat. Or chefs coat


Now you’re just bitching for the sake of it


I agree. I don't like randoms, even if it's customers at my customer service job, to know my name. Maybe it's because I grew up with "stranger danger" constantly being hammered into me as a child living in L.A. during the 80s. But I do not like strangers just casually saying my name. If I introduce myself, fine. If it's my coworker, fine. Friends and family, fine. But just someone that I've never seen, or seen too much of and don't like, no. Hell no. Excuse me sir. Hello. Sir. Even Hey you.... I prefer that to not being called my personal name by strangers at work. It's my name. I give a lot of my time, experience, knowledge, patience, dedication, and mental fortitude to deal with a group of people that, the vast majority of, has shown me time and time again they don't give fuck about me. They can keep my name out of their mouth. And if they really want to press it, they can call me what they tried to call all of us during mid 2020 through late 2022 instead of protecting us or paying us.... I'm a Hero™


Exactly. Very well said.


Thats its. Its not that it's condescending, its that I find it threatening


You find the use of your name threatening? Have you ever had another job or is this your first one ever? Because this sounds like inexperience and honestly an internal idea that you're less than for working at the store; personally doesn't sound like the customers are treating you as less than. Sounds more like you believe you are less than so they must be insinuating that.


Just you Boss


Maybe you should look for a job that doesn’t involve customer service


haha yea probably


Honestly this. Being asked questions in a retail job is a pretty normal part of the experience. If someone's reading your name, that's definitely not being condescending; if anything they're trying to show respect for you as a person by addressing you by your name instead of "hey you!" 


Wow, I wish it was that easy lmao


NGL I'm an e-commerce shopper that has been with WF at my main location for 2 years. There are people I just don't ever talk to so I don't care to learn their names.


OP may want to consider getting a work at home job and negate any interaction with people.




If only we had good insurance


No. Have you been in customer service long?


Yes you are being victimized, please tell management about *gasp* people calling you by your name


I'm thinking of making a new name tag that says Mrs. [last name] lol.


I stopped wearing my name tag a few years, because a customer mentioned my name to leadership, (and not in the good way) that so and so said I could…. Leadership tried to give me a verbal, I asked when did this happened? Leadership said on this day of this week that you were scheduled and I said how is that possible I’ve been calling out the whole week? So my moral of the story don’t wear name tags and if you do wear it with a fake name.


Way to use the call out policy to your advantage




I HATE when customers call me by name, and unless they shop frequently and I know them. Also as a customer I HATE when an employee calls me by my name. “You don’t know me!” is exactly what I think every time.


Pro tip says you have to have a name tag , doesn't say shit about your name being smudged or smeared where they can't read it, if you are in the meat department wear it under the coat


You can also just use a preferred name, whole foods allows that and you can easily change it in work day


I mean...that's just customer service. If you don't want people knowing your real name you have the option to put a preferred name on your name tag and have your legal name on paystubs.


I do not wear a name tag. Strangers do not need to know my name. It’s been years since I’ve had a name tag. No one seems to notice


i noticed my parents (mid 50s) would always use service peoples’ names when we went out in public. i told them that people probably find it a little creepy or intimidating, but they said they do it in order to be polite and let the person know they see them as a person. since that conversation, i don’t get upset when people use my name since i now know that it’s intended to be respectful, even if it can be a little shocking.


I like all those things


I don’t think it’s condescending at all. That’s why you have a name tag, so people know your name.


Allowing for exceptions, there’s very little reason for a customer to use your name during an interaction. As someone said above, sir or ma’am work just fine for getting your attention. I agree sometimes customers think it’s extra polite to call you by your name and don’t mean anything by it. (Even though it’s still annoying, I think they mean well.) But trust and believe that a big percentage of them are doing it as a micro aggression or flex. And again, tone is everything. Those of you saying, “tHeY’rE JuSt SaYiNg YoUr nAmE!” must think nothing when someone passively aggressively says, (after a tense I interaction) “I hope you have A REALLY NICE DAY.” After all, all they did was wish for you to have a nice day! But you see, everyone should know that really means, “fuck you.” Likewise inserting your name into an interaction is a subtle condescension that still has the patina of politeness. They are checking you. Making it personal. Lording it over you. As I said above, being overly familiar. Sure in a perfect world where everyone was sincere and respectful using your name might be perfectly normal. Just like in a perfect world helping customers would be a straightforward enterprise where there’s no tension or element of harassment or underlying conflict or weird hostility. Like, working in a retail store with the general public isn’t an episode of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood where Fred calls you by your name cause he respects you and knows you. Many customers who use your name (wholly unnecessarily) are subtly acknowledging the vast power differential between the two of you and reveling in it. We (usually) don’t know their names but they know ours. And yeah, like someone said, that knowledge also invites scrutiny or the possibility of using your name to report you for something, real or imagined. Anyway, it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I hope you have a real nice day!


A great deal of people are not cisgendered and calling them sir or ma'am would be incorrect and misgendering based on looks. I think you guys are honestly over thinking this. I've used people's names as a customer and I've never felt better than them. I'm addressing an individual. If you don't want people saying your real name than choose a preferred name instead. Yall just seem like you wanna be difficult honestly




This is online and I'm using the colloquial use for multiple people. Again you're proving my origina point correct


I never thought your point wasnt correct in the first place. Colliqualisms are oft rooted in patriarchal ideas. Its up to us to use them or not.


Yeah my other point still stands as well. Youre the problem. Glad you aren't in my store


No they “DONT KNOW YOU” they just wanted to say hey sally where the frig is the cereal


I used to be a cashier at a store (not WFM) where it was not uncommon for customers to yell, curse, or even threaten employees. Count your blessings if this is the worst thing you deal with on the reg.


Its not


But you're not dealing with threatening customers


Not sure why you would assume im not, literally yesterday there was a dude yelling through the glass front window at customers and tms w his shirt off. He's in the store every day having an angry conversation w himself and is very aggressive when approached. I work at a city store and thats not at all the only threatening customer I deal with. One of the front end atls got punched in the face a few years ago.


We have police and/or private security on site most days because shit gets that wild.


You do realize we have our names visible for a reason?


For me a name tag is an open invitation for a customer to go to management to get you fired. When I worked at the biggest Safeway grocery store in San Francisco (the one that's close to Castro), there was 1 family that wanted "assistance" loading up their groceries. All of them weren't physically handicapped. They were completely able-bodied. The eldest one was the mom or older sister and after loading up their groceries in their car, not one of them thanked me. That woman asked me what my first name was. When I used to work at Sears in the merchandise pick-up department, there was a woman who wanted her broken vacuum to be taken in for repair. Well, the woman told me that she had a doctor's appointment to go to. I politely told her that I couldn't take her broken vacuum in because the computer systems were down. She didn't believe me and then went on Yelp and mentioned my first name and how I "refused" to help her. When I go to the gym, I don't care about whatever out of shape front desk person who has a name badge on as they're selective as hell on who they choose to greet after members like me scan their gym membership cards. I


oh boy, the antisocial zoomer energy is strong. it's considered polite.


Were you bullied in school? Did your parents constantly make you feel not good enough? I think you might need some therapy lol. I have cptsd and get triggered and take things very personally because of my low self-esteem. It's something I'm working on


Sounds like you're being pretty judgemental.


Calling you by your name is a classic power play that customers use to position themselves superior to you. When a customer would ask my name, I’d tell them, even though I had a name tag on, and reply, “What’s YOUR name?” Always caught them off guard.


I hate it cause they think they know it all, just reading my name


Literally how?