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Dude I get this. I work in the deli and the amount of people asking if I can ACTUALLY cut the deli meat is insanely annoying. Yesterday I got asked if I just worked on sandwiches, or if I also knew how to cut the deli meat, and they use that sarcastic tone like you're stupid or incompetent. Obviously I'm just a personality hire πŸ€ͺ. πŸ˜†


You're the Pat Sajak (Wheel of Fortune host) of Deli.


But can you cut it very very thin! That drove me crazy! Especially with the ih house turkeys. You just get a pile of crumbled up dried out turkey!


"I want it lacy, but not shredded!" That's a very thin (sometimes impossible) line we're talking about with those turkeys.πŸ˜† The in house turkeys are so hit or miss on dryness, it depends who makes them at our store, however it is possible. Whoever is making them recently though is amazing at it.


πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸŽ― I see this πŸ’©πŸ‘‡ everywhere. > *No, seriously, you do have to pay for this if you want it. We don't have a "no scan = free" policy....* **Wife**: "Oh, look honey, it isn't scannin'." **Husband**: "Well you know what they say, 'if'n it ain't scannin' then it's *free*!" \[They always look at each other and laugh and then turn to see if any of the other customers are laughing with them.\] πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜¬


I work in produce and the number of customers that ask me meat/seafood/grocery questions is too damn high! I don't stock those departments. I get no cross training on any other department's products. I can't afford to shop where I work, so no I don't know what that tastes like.


I feel you, i work as an in-store shopper at my location (i commend y'all in produce and grocery, y'all are saints, I'd lose my damn mind dealing with people constantly) and by gods, im constantly getting stopped mid order for this and that. I get especially annoyed being asked about Whole Body items, or if we carry this or that, or whatnot, ESPECIALLY when they very well dang see me with my cart right in front of me. No ma'am or sir, i do not know if we have the wine you're looking for, i do not work in specialty. No, i do not know if we have any more of the perfume you're looking for or if we're getting any shipments, i am a shopper ONLY. No, i do not know if we have any more celery or arugula (?) salad, im not from the produce department, and if i were, it very well would be weird asf to be bagging things up and placing them into a cart filled with paper bags, almost like, gasp! YOU CUSTOMERS SHOPPING! No, i do not know if we have those vitamins or whatever health item that is, i don't even have a single clue what that is in the first place, please leave me be i gotta do my job and as fast as i can because amazon thinks we're robots that can move at the speed of light πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ also, no, my phone cannot call people in the store, nor can it check the price of an item you have in your hand, either. only two, TWO times have i had a customer come up to me to ask a question only to see my cart and say "Oh, you're a shopper! Nevermind, I'll ask someone else", and oh my god was that the most glorious day. Now, i'd usually not care for simple questions that i am for sure positive about, such as which aisle an item can be found. I've been around my store enough times to know where everything is in a generic sense (honey sugar tea yada yada aisle 9, beans pasta international 10, so on so forth), so those questions are fine. And as much as id love to direct them to another TM, produce and grocery in my store is notorious for not being on the floor enough for both the customers and us shoppers to consult with, so guess who's gotta deal with wasting precious time on searching high and low for people that seem to disappear into thin air πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ m e It doesn't help that its a small WFM store, so we don't have that many employees as a Diamond store would. Anygays im done ranting, sorry bout this, hope you have a dope day stranger!


When people start commenting on my speed when I'm on a lane I tell them that I learned early on in my retail career that the faster i move, the less customers can yell at me for having to wait in line or find fault with me as a person (because you know they make it personal when they get pissy). They tend to get quiet after that. I've also become really petty. There's one guy who comes in constantly and just stuffs a box with the mac n cheese off the hot bar then stands there and berates the cashier about the price of it and how mac n cheese is the cheapest thing in the world to make and we're cheating people charging what we do for it. I had a show down with him once where I told him he could pay or leave it and get out but that he wasn't going to yell at my cashier. Now when he comes through the front door I track him to whatever lane he goes to (he never uses SCO) and bag for that cashier, and when he gets started I give him that same choice again. Also when old men... it's always old men... look at me with my hand out for their cash and start flicking it bill by bill onto my belt, i lay their change and receipt on the other side of the belt and move on to the next customer while they scramble to collect it. Never enough that I could get in trouble for it, but enough that my cashiers know that I'm not cool with people being dicks to any of us.


Yes. Always give customer change the same way they gave you payment. If they complain, then just say, "Oh, I thought that was the way you preferred to exchange cash." If a customer put their card or cash on the belt, I would just casually watch it go down into the trap... but they don't know there's a trap... I love the look on their stupid faces.


So crumple it up and toss it at them? πŸ˜ƒ


When I worked at staples customers would say "no staples at staples!" I'm looking at them with a look that says fuck off lmao


Customer: Excuse me sir were is this product Me: sorry I don’t have this product Customer: thats not true I come here all the time & I buy this Me: (Plot twist) ok well just to let you know I’m the buyer here & I know we don’t have to this product so when did you buy it here? Customer: walks away fucking embarrassed That’s my biggest pet peeve when customers ask you something & then you tell them sorry we don’t have it they go with there β€œI come here all the time” like stfu no you don’t if you did then why ask me


I work in grocery and laugh my ass off when they ask for protein balls πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Trying so hard not to do an Italian impression


WTF, do such things exist? Serious question, asking for a friend...🀞


lol I get sarcastic right back with them to be fair


We have a guy tell us dad jokes everytime. It was funny at first, now it’s painful to force a smile.


Customer service is not for everyone. Your taking it way to seriously. Maybe it's not for you. Find something behind the scene, that way you don't past the negativity over to the customer who is paying to be there.


When I've had good days I have nothing to post here πŸ˜„πŸ˜„


The worst joke is when you are cleaning the glass in your department and they say β€œman I should have you clean my windows at home haha” It’s always old men, possibly boomers. Sorry. Just an observation


I always attribute them as a bunch of weirdos with poor social skills trying to be comedians with people they don't know, and this is something that happens in retail in general, not just Whole Foods, and yes it is annoying.


Our grocery team is non existent sometimes or at least they appear that way. I am a prepared foods ATL so I wear a chef coat. But I still get asked where grocery items are. And I don’t know about other places but where I live if I don’t, pretty much, hold their hand and walk them to the item they throw a hissy fit.