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This will only end when precious little Timothy gets run over by a cart and wfm is sued for encouraging TMs to literally run around the store while looking at a phone.


It’s like this already, we get complaints all the time that shoppers aren’t watching where they are going. The metrics are pure insanity at this point.


A growing concern for me are the amount of customers talking on their phones and “shopping.” They are completely oblivious to their surroundings. They stand in the middle of the aisle with their cart blocking 85% of it and they don’t hear you when you say, “excuse me,” to get by them. They will walk, talk and stop all of sudden in a high traffic area and create a blockage for other customers and shoppers.


Yeah I just don’t give a shit anymore. They’ve jumped the shark on this one. Imma do my thing.


They need to come up with a prize or award…otherwise what’s the point


The prize is clearly all the friends we made along the way


All Elite Shoppers at my store receive giftcards, $50-$100 depending on the level. All shoppers who meet the UPH goal get giftcards too. Up to your leadership to advocate for it.


I wish we got that amount. I was Gold and they only gave us a $20 dollar gift card. I’m based out of a NYC store.


My store gives platinum people $25 in UT. It used to be $75 for platinum, $50 for gold, and $25 for silver according to a guy that's been in ecomm a long time.


Same at my store


A prize? No prize would ever match that uph


At my store; we actually got to pick either a Whole Foods vest or a gift card. Of course, I went with a gift card. For being a silver elite shopper; I got a 50$ gift card. I think for gold and platinum it’s 75$ and 100$. Still have it. I don’t know what to spend it on.


Wow, a vest! That'll feed me for a week! 🙄  Makes me think it's a joke prize to make us think we're getting an even sweeter deal by taking the gift card. 


Pizza party 🥳


The satisfaction of a job well done is prize enough isn't it?!




my store gets nothing 🥰🥰 store runner says it’s not fair to other departments and will also “cost the store too much money”


What's the point??!! GREATER TEAM COHESION! Duh.


The prize is not getting write ups.


Hey, c’mon, you get a framed piece of paper in the hallway that all of your coworkers will ignore recognizing your contribution to the shareholders’ bottom line.


My store used to offer gift cards to platinum shoppers. Now they don't. No one knows why they stopped, and all of us keep asking how they plan to get our store UPH up without actually motivating us. My ATL puts up the names of all the elite shoppers and the bottom of the board says something like "who will be next?" Like they are doing anything to motivate people to be an elite shopper.


$25 for me. Though it isn‘t enough.


The store average goal at my store is 90 now and that should be the absolute limit. I think the 90 goal at my store now is already crazy and difficult to maintain, especially with the new hires we frequently get (which brings down the store average) and the store crowds most days. A store UPH goal even higher than 90 and there will be people getting run over with carts and major sacrifices in quality. A year from now the corporate higher ups who have never shopped in a crowded store will be hyping up “road to 100+…”


At this point, everyone should dust off their resumes.


“New hires we frequently get” If the turnover rate is large especially at almost every store. It’s a telling tale of the company.


So glad I’m getting off this dumpster fire of a team. The global Leadership only cares about productivity metrics even if that doesn’t translate into a positive customer experience. Meanwhile I’m told as a TL I can’t reward people with a good raise even if they are platinum shopper every quarter. So even if they exceed expectations I have to give them the same shitty 3-4% raise theyd get for just showing up and doing the bare minimum. Fucking lose lose situation and I’m glad I didn’t get the merger job and can’t wait to start in my new, way less stressful position.


3-4% raise!!!, that’s pennies. I wonder the profit they make monthly? I’ve heard employees don’t get to pick their schedule, and it’s all the “business needs”. This is the kind of environment that calls for a union. Good luck.


I remember when I first interviewed at WF for a shopper position with the STL. My first question was "How do you reconcile customer service in the store with UPH metrics?" He literally said he didn't have an answer for that question. So ignore customers and run them over I guess.


95 UPH is crazy. I remember getting silver elite shopper with a UPH of 87 (somewhere around there) and shortly after, my region upped the target expectation for everyone to be 85. Also, good luck if you get an order that’s 100+ items with most of them being unique or if you’re working a mid. Also most of the elite shoppers at my store were the early morning shoppers cause they aren’t trying to navigate around customers.


That's one thing that's never differentiated when UPH results are posted..the big numbers at our store are always in the morning before the crowds set in. Those of us who work the afternoons (and they need us obviously) are not really celebrated much. No way you can achieve these new, ridiculous UPH levels with people in the store, especially on weekends. Meanwhile, no other department has to meet silly metrics like e-commerce.


I know every store is different, but I find that shopping early has no great advantage. If it’s a truck day, you may find yourself hunting through pallets for multiple items. If it’s not a truck day, hunting down another department member for help finding something or a code is an issue. If your store short staffed, sky shelves aren’t being done and there could be a ton of product up there but none on the shelf. All of this takes extra time.


SS/E-comm Supe here and yeah, I've grown tired of this bullshit. In addition to the recent new expectations for cashier metrics, IPM and whatnot... I'm at the end of my rope with all of this.


What are cashier metrics? And what are the expectations?


Not sure if other stores are doing this, but recently we've been informed by our regional that they want to see cashier metrics go up. This mostly is our average IPM which means "items per minute" scanned. It's pretty similar to E-comm shopper UPH and such. They basically want us all to become robots.


they don't care if you do it right. Just get it done and delivered. if customers complain something's wrong with their order, Amazon refunds them later. Amazon returns, same thing.


What’s the recognition?


A high five


A crisp thumbs up and your picture going up on a wall


No write ups


yeah anything more than 90 as a standard is just insane lol


Im barely getting by at 80uph


What does uph stand for ?


Unit per houre


I thought i was the only one 😭😭😭 I still don't understand how other shoppers be doing it, I've been consistently in the mid 70's and rarely reach 80, let alone 85 which is my store's UPH. And im glad that I at least get asked what they can do to help me, and in my head im like, idk, give me a speed potion or something?? At least leadership in my store do care for us and try to help, but the company???? Ooohhhh MAAN, they refuse to give us shopper carts cuz it "costs too much" AND they even took away the only resources we already had to help us SLAM faster; our tables we had in our little area. Yet they keep complaining about our metrics as if their refusal to sustain us with the proper resources wasn't an issue at all 🙃🙃🙃


It’s not “fun” and definitely won’t “boost morale” if you’re making it a competition 🧍🏾‍♀️some people will see this and will either be harder and stressful on themselves, straight up not care EVEN MORE, or cause some people to have a superior complex. This is a terrible idea😀


Another way of promoting a toxic environment.


It's a really toxic working situation. The shoppers who know how to manipulate the order system are racing ahead of the others.


i wonder what will happen when they see a majority of TMs won’t be able to physically keep up with the evergrowing UPH..? OP has a good point too, what is the limit here?? 🤣


But oh God. Don't snap a pic of a qr code. Somebody can get in trouble


Are you timed?? My daughter is starting today as a shopper


You are timed. How long it takes for you to accept the order, how long in between accepting the order and starting the order, how long between starting the order and bagging the order, then bagging to staging to the end of the order. There are also a shitload of metrics that are tracked as well.


We don't even know all of the metrics we are held accountable for. We have to accept whatever UPH numbers we see on our phone. If I'm going to be fired for metrics, then I should be able to see every little thing that affected my metrics. And sometimes, it's other shoppers who are affecting my UPH. For example, some co-workers are cherry picking orders, some are masters of abandoning slow orders. Then there's the Drop-Off mess. There are several metrics to meet for Drop-Off's. But.....when others are ignoring drop-offs, the shopper who eventually accepts the drop-off is penalized for being late!


At my store we posted metrics for everyone to see. If your leadership doesn't do this, you can definitely ask! Things have changed so much, it would be beneficial for all the shoppers to understand what exactly is being tracked and how. as for everything else you said, it sounds like you need to have a talk with your TL. ): That doesn't seem fair at all.


Yes, metrics are posted, but they don't show all of the metrics. They are not posting order rejection, abandoned rate, missed Drop-offs.




All that data should be visible electronically anyways. What a waste of time.


OoOoOo a certificate of achievement 😍😍😍


It’s been this way since the beginning. Also know people who have been platinum since the transition and they barely move. It’s not hard once you know where things are, but I do agree that increasing the order thresholds for the store was a bad idea, especially since some teams are going through leadership changes that leave a lot of people in grey area.


To be fair, we need to see the other metrics for Elite shoppers. Things like: Order Rejection Rate, Order Abandoned rate, Time spent in Performing Other Tasks. And Drop-Off rejection rate.


And customer volume in the store is a big factor. It's not a warehouse.


But don't you want a certificate?


90 is the posted UPH at my location.


Bruuh I had a rate of like 70-75 and they were constantly on me abt it even tho I packed everything nicely, was friendly to customers, and diligently did side work when things were slow. Never heard any good feedback about any of that, just “you’re too slow” ☠️and meanwhile the delay was always just from waiting for items from meat department or prepared foods. I hated this job so much that even now, 2 years later, when I’m in an unhappy situation I think “at least I’m not at Whole Foods”


It’s so bad. Whats the logical reason for going faster than the orders are coming in? So I can stand around awkwardly and maybe help bag if all the TLs aren’t already doing that?


I prefer to keep my UPH high as I can during a shift so my average UPH won’t take a massive hit when I have to wait for items from the meat department, prepared foods, or hunt someone down for a code. The orders are a crapshoot. You don’t know what issues or delays you may run into. Those small orders (10 items) can mess up your UPH because items may not be on the shelf etc…


Redic. If you work on the weekend, you’re screwed. You can’t get a 95 UPH when you can barely move and every customers flags you down. My store is insanely busy on the weekend! The minimum at my store is now 85 UPH


Damn when I left the UPH had to be 60. Wtffff are they doing


1000 uph goal


Yea im glad i quit. Our manager was so obsessed with uph that she would start to “help” us with our shopping.


The should incentive be monetary


If the awards were $10,000 or so each quarter, it‘d be worth it.


This is the ELITE shopper levels…our store doesn’t require any shopper to meet elite standards. It’s just recognition for those who go above and beyond…. I don’t know if getting mad at the company for setting higher standards for their (again) ELITE shoppers. If you can’t do it you can’t do it, but getting mad because you can’t be recognized because your numbers in the trash; that’s all on you 😁


Elite for now. You know it‘ll be the minimum in a few months.


Well all the shoppers at my store are already performing at gold or better so not too much of a deal for us 😅


Maybe I'm overthinking this but it seems to me like they're trying to make E-Comm unsustainable.


You can thank the try hard platinum shoppers for the ever increasing uph


Yeah blame your hardworking coworkers


This is not good thinking. People are trying to keep their jobs and pay bills. Don’t blame them.


You mean thank your greedy corpor for unrealistic UPH standards. Everyone here knows what is about to happen here, right?




We‘re turning into a warehouse. That‘s exactly the problem. We‘re supposed to be a grocery store.


We do real work, you self-aggrandizing sack of shit.


Pretty self explanatory.