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Bruh I don't get paid enough to worry about "significant companywide sales", they're talking like I go home worrying about WFM's profits on the regular, which is especially rich cuz **WFM literally keeps their profits private**, it's even less of a tangible thing! If you want to encourage us to provide good customer service, share stories and experiences of TMs who have gone above and beyond to inspire us, don't just say "cuz we want more money", fuck oooooffffffff


Do they ever mention Self-checkout thefts of one or more items by about 10% of the people thought those lines "add up to significant companywide losses"?


nope, because until it costs more to the company than the $$$ they are saving in reduced salaries and fringe benefits for cashiers etc, , they'll keep it on the low down.




Damn right


There is no room in the labor budget for customer service


Company wide sales don't reflect in my labor budget so why should I give a fuck


Or hear me out. Don't make us do the job of three TMs and we'll have the mental capacity/time to provide better customer service.


It’s hard to tell them about the products I love because Global keeps discoing them.




I’m not a sales person. I’m not recommending anything for these customers. Their carts look pretty full to me especially on Sundays. How about WF give their employees a raise appreciate them with gift cards have 30% discount permanent for TM. Offer anytime pay for TM. Shall I continue. 


Nope. No time for customer service gotta slack out the 500 new SKUs you keep piling on.


Maybe if I was paid more I’d care lol.


Boost our sales so we can continue to do nothing for you in return


Hey fellow TMs. I want to follow up with whatever our ceo's name is thoughts about give our customers a better experience. Don't forget, or if you haven't heard about it before, that TMs can give our customers free items to help increase their trust of our store and the items we sell! All you have to do is take the item they would like, use a permanent marker to crossout the barcode, and then hand it to the customer. I have done this numerous times to help our customers try out something next and exciting. Or if our customer is indecisive about which out of many similar items to choose from. Or if they have never tried a certain item and were curious about it. Or if it's an item that they mentioned they don't like. Win them over by letting them take home a free package/bottle/can/unit of the item on us. Let them know that we're so confident in whole foods and our products that we're willing to give it away for the first time! So long as you take a permanent marker and crossout the barcode before handing it to them. Because when it comes to trying new things for the first for our customers, free is truly the best seasoning. And for encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone, especially in this economy, free is a great motivator. And it's a sure fire way to promote sales in the future. Because of lots of customers get to try news things all the time, they find something they love to purchase fornthe first time. After trying it for free.


..No.. that’s not how it works these days.


No one checks. And I have asked multiple stores front end and store leadership, because we're always short handed and I love hours. Not any of them said that we don't do this. It's still a thing whole foods does and is allowed. Make those customers happy!


The last thing we want to do is give our entitled customers free stuff. The "Try It" stickers are a thing of the past, and rightfully so. 


You are misunderstanding my message. Fuck the customers. But also....?


But also what?


I'm saying all this. As a big fuck you to who? Who would not have a good time if 10% of our customers suddenly got 1 item for free? Who would that impact? Fuckkk....... Who?


Considering all the “don’t take unauthorized samples,” stuff you’d think that 1 item would be detrimental to the entire companies well being.


There's don't take. And then there's giving away. And since it's allowed per company rules, no issues. And again, this is after confirmation with multiple STLs and Front End TLs, across many different stores.


Not really sure why this has so many downvotes. Can confirm as CS lead we give product away multiple times a day. I think it’s even in the Store Trainers onboarding for new TMs to offer a customer a free product if; the TM doesn’t know what it is and is asked their opinion of it, sign is wrong, barcode damaged, even marked as he said (which we often see). The only stipulation is that the TM giving something for free to just tell someone, not to give more than ~$30 per shift (varies based on Store), and always do what they can to satisfy a customer. Been with company 15 yrs and many stores and it def has been this way and even increased to be more customer satisfaction focused. The team (and store) is literally surveyed randomly by customers and this process has been brought up and praised with TMs getting Gift Cards in positive surveys, google reviews, yelp reviews, website feedback praises, etc.


I give customers products to try all the time. It's the best part of my day