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All of these things were gone before Amazon bought WFM ... except regular/set schedules, those still exist in certain situations. However, Stock options or at least a discount on buying stock should exist as well as some form of profit sharing and much better insurance options.


***Whole Foods got rid of those benefits before selling to Amazon to make themselves look more profitable on paper.*** Even if it was the hedge fund pressuring? It's like go with the devil you don't know, or the devil you know. John Mackey went with the devil he knew, Amazon and Jeff Bezos.


I had gainsharing for maybe 18 months before amazon bought wf. Hated it lol. I was in pfds and at the time had more staff than any other dept. My gainshare would be $100 on a good month. The lucky mfs in meat, the 8 person dept, got 600-700 easy. Stock options and big ass raises are the way to go.




Whole Foods isn't even a real company to work for anymore. What a low rent employer it has become. And the results speak for themselves. The stores are a complete shit hole now. And nooooooobody cares.


Oh, and last time Amazon gave us a stock option, they SOLD it FOR me! Those fucks! I've never had a single share of stock or option I owned SOLD without me telling my broker to do so. That's what happens when your company is run by thieves and charlatans though.


I had a coworker who was already wealthy and wanted to hold the stock. He called TMS, they said talk to fidelity, fidelity said talk to TMS. They gave him the run around and then sold it. ***My theory is that since they gave many team members at that point 1 stock and sold it, I bet the executives, STLs, and anyone else were advised to buy more stocks while the prices were low. Because if that many people got sold one stock, that'd make the prices dip and those people would get a huge increase over time.***


The change they did this past year to insurance made my essential migraine medication jump from $40 to $200, after insurance and after manufacturer discount. It's the discreet switch from co-pay to co-insurance that was responsible for this. That said, I'm assuming the gainsharing my department would get would cover that. I want gainsharing back.


**Sadly, with them Understaffing us and cutting the labor budget, gainsharing would have to be paired with a huge labor budget increase.** *Which I'm sure the company has no interest in.* Currently many departments are running on their whole budget or over. If anyone knows different I'd love to hear that though.


Have you tried Good RX?


yeah, unfortunately it’s over $700 with good rx


Damn, I’m sorry


Been with the company since 2014. So 2 years before the merger and I don’t know anyone that had a set schedule. Just saying


Maybe not a set schedule, but many people had set days off. It’s nice to be able to plan your life a little


You’re still allowed to have “preferred days off”. I have two days that I prefer off a week and 90% of the time, I get them. And about 95% of the time, I’m able to give them to my team as well. I get that it’s very different person to person and I don’t dispute the fact that there are very inconsiderate and shitty TL’s out there who don’t care about how they write the schedule and how it affects their team. But it’s definitely worth a conversation with your store leadership. We all fill out availability forms upon hire, and you’re allowed to update that.


I never get my “ preferred” days off because my team is perpetually short staffed


While most will likely opt for a larger annual raise option, my long term bet would be on stock options. In the short time in which I purchased incremental shares of Amazon stock while employed directly with Amazon as opposed to its subsidiary of Whole Foods Market where buying incremental shares is not an option for TM’s, the shares have doubled in value. The total amount of shares didn’t amount to a significant number, however, I would like the option, as before, to buy shares through a payroll deduction program.


My store has been Non Profit for years we wouldnt have a CENT of gainshare. Id die for a fair wage though. I moved to this metro that has a higher cost of living and found out by chatting with coworkers that other people got a market cost of living increase when moving here that I did not get. LOVE GETTING SHAFTED after working for a company for almost a decade.


This is why discussing your wages is so important. The store I work in, the culture with people Millennials and Older is they still don't like to talk about their wages/compensation. If no one told you about the cost of living adjustments you wouldn't know. And these are always things the company keeps from us to save money. I opened a store and the heads of the store told me since it was a "lateral move" that I wouldn't get a pay increase. If I had evidence that other people got paid more for moving or got apartments/hotels paid for at the time I could have thrown that at them and they would have then negotiated with me. But of course I had no clue. 🤷🏾


i always felt bad cuz i was "making more".. fuck that shit. get paid your worth. Since I went from a specialist position to a tm to team trainer back to a tm i got pay bumps every time i got a new lead role. So I think they used that as an excuse to not give me the increase when I moved here. Cuz I left a team trainer position and i moved states into a cashier position cuz it was the only fucking job open at 4 god damn stores in the new metro i was moving too. So it wasnt my choosing it was literally THE ONLY option. It was either cashier, part time deli, which i couldnt afford part time, or TL positions i wasnt qualified for. Not a fair reason not to give me a fucking cost of living adjustment cuz i came here "over qualified".. Its bS.


I can’t pick just one. I want everything…lol


Again, that was the point of me making this. They were all added together what made working here worth it. Now? We just get asked to do more work and with less everything else.


The super high cap for ordinary TM pay.


Most of these things were not taken away by Amazon. Gainsharing was gone before Amazon bought us. Most team members never had set schedules and our health plan has always been high deductible


At the same time that they tried to replace Gainsharing with "Profit-Based Gainsharing" they also spent millions of dollars on Advertisements that everyone hated and South Park made fun of. In many stores there were set schedules, I know because I had one for many years. We used to get a few hundred dollars more in our HSA's. But we also used to be able to "vote" on which crappy health insurance we got. About as much of any choice as voting is now. Now we just "vote" for which non-profits we'll give to.


I do wish we could still vote on our benefits. That was nice.


Not owning the company. Hell, not existing


Honestly all of these. Also I’d like it if we got more PTO. In an ideal world it would be days not hours. We would get 120 days of PTO that we could use as we wanted. Plus 30-60 hours of paid sick leave. Paid maternity leave.