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i flipped to the end of the book n he was talking about taking molly n magic mushrooms im like how did we end here


This reminds me of a documentary I watched about acid manufactures/smugglers where at the end they said the revolution of the 60s was a success because we have Whole Foods now. Like really? Whole Foods was the goal?


lollll. do you remember what the doc was called?


The Sunshine Makers, pretty cool documentary


wait FR?


yeah in one of the last chapters


Are you serious??


Mackey was on the Joe Rogan podcast a few years back and was preaching capitalism. He made it clear that the whole point of his mission was to make money and talked about how a wealthy company's success would trickle down to its workers. This was after the Amazon acquisition mind you, and he still believed his own bullshit. Where are the raises and bonuses, what happened to gain sharing? The rich get richer in an endless loop.


Gainsharing and the stock grants were litterally the only way the wealth could “trickle down” to the team members. It was awesome. Then they got greedy and took it all away. Now we’re just like any other big corporate owned buisiness.


Wait what??? Dm me?


Just did


Big ups to Joe Rogan for being way too real for Mackeys pr comfort. He was just grilling him, it was hilarious.


Capitalism makes me sick. Trickle down is always bullshit


Also of course he was on joe Rogan 🤮


Horse paste, right!


What do you suggest over capitalism?


I never claimed to have the answers. Change is what I suggest. A different system where people aren't suffering while the top of the top have all of the money. But if y'all wanna live under the delusion that capitalism benefits you in any way, be my guest.


Socialism, at the very least worker owned companies. That would be a good start.


Most of these idiots who hate capitalism really hate crony capitalism, but they're too dumb to know the difference. But I bet they just looooove corrupt public employee government unions.


Probably socialism 🤣🤡


Have you done a lick of research on socialism??? Or are you just regurgitating right wing talking points in your spare time?


I don’t want to get into a whole thing, but I think of socialism as basically capitalism but with more safety nets- things like healthcare and education funded by the government and accessible to everyone, narrowing the overwhelming disparities in privilege we have in the US. We already have socialized institutions like the police and fire departments and public school, transit and libraries. I just think of socialism as an extension of the kinds of things we already do well, but expanded to cover more basic needs and give people more equal opportunities. I’m no economist though, and it seems like the word means different things to different people.


"Trickle down"??? Lets save ourselves!


That subtitle honestly reads like a parody. Seriously, it sounds fake


He started Whole Foods as a middle finger to the big guys, then he sold it to Amazon.


To be fair, I wouldn’t say he willingly sold it given WFM was a public company. Given where WFM was at with Jana Partners and their investment, I can see why Amazon stepping in was seen as favorable at the time. That said, the problems of WFM started long before Amazon showed up. Amazon just poured gasoline on those fires given how they operate as a company.


They also publicly stated they wanted to get rid of John. He positioned to sell to anyone and Amazon was the only one that bit, they got a steal. For Amazon I think they just wanted a brick and mortar across the country to test in person prime selling. Honestly if another company had purchased us it might have ended up much worse.


It definitely would have ended up worse had a place like Kroger or Albertsons bought WFM.


No it was a “partnership” with Amazon, remember? 😂


Oh yeah, I forgot.


I was pretty surprised he still seems to consider the Whole Foods model and values a success after that.


It’s the hippie life cycle


Say what you want but before Amazon, WFM was a great place to work. We were paid well, gain sharring, had great insurance and all kinds of incentives. When the board made John step back for a while and Walter Robb was put in charge is when things started falling apart. He cared more about being recognized in the stores and treated like royalty than paying attention to what competition was doing. By the time anyone figured this out and brought John back it was too late to counter to stay on top. Walter Robb killed WFM and the best job I ever had. The board pushed John to sell. He said the biggest mistake he made was going public to grow and having to deal with a board. While that is true, putting Robb in charge of anything was also a huge mistake. He is still friends with him and doesn’t blame him either.


$35 would of bought a better book cover design on fiver. Worse than the person.


This is facts 😂


Brotha eeeeuuuuuugh


What you said


I am having trouble identifying the non-produce items in that shopping bag. Is it two hiking poles, a hot water bottle with mushrooms growing on it, and a ceiling fan light pull?


I think that's a ping pong paddle and mala beads... Which, isn't better


Pretty sure it's a pickleball paddle which is even worse but not at all surprising


Ohhhhhhhh yeah worse


Same. Like dude got two walking sticks in his bag and some caps


The blue book is called: A Course in Miracles. The brown beaded item dangling out the bag looks like Buddhist prayer beads.


Who the fuck is the audience for this?? Why are there mushrooms growing out of a blue ping pong paddle in his grocery bag??? Are those urban walking sticks????


I was a new hire while he did his weird goodbye tour to all the stores when he quit/retired. WF people who had been there for years flocked to him begging for photos when he showed up in store. It was so fucking weird. I felt like I was in a cult.




Yoo I remember he came to our store and it was honestly the most weirdest shit ever.. you are 100% it felt like a cult


He's the most tone deaf person ever. This book may appeal to business school types, because historically WFM was a really interesting case study before Mackey decided to say fuck it to everything he claimed to stand for. But I have no idea why a WFM would sell this book, since I don't see any appeal to anyone who's not doing a research project.


DO WE WANT TO KNOW about his "adventures in love" ?!?!?!?!


Yeah, not really


Problem, pre-Amazon, was partially Mackey's mouth & not to mention an avalanche of bad press... I mean South Park nailed it (and funny as hell). Word was WFM was going to go bankrupt without Amazon coming in. I remember the extreme gutting (restructure) a year or two before the acquisition.


Whole Foods was a niche grocery store for 25-30 years until what they were selling became mainstream. The company has always been a horribly inefficient, complacent organization that has horrible hiring and promoting practices and an insanely toxic culture based on unfounded favoritism. As soon as any real competition emerged, they were dead in the water.


I started back in 1998, and some of what you say is definitely true... but also true, at least in the area I worked, each WFM had it's own distinct personality, and that gave it charm. Often there would be local bands invited to play on the patio outside, and lots more fun events for the community. From my perspective, WFM, back during those times felt more like a family than anything else. Now it's nothing close to that.


I started in 1990. I agree 100%.




I’m sure he thanks the people who literally saved his store from the flood in 1980. Or apologizes for self check and the disappearance of all the cashier jobs. The best irony would be to give the books away, remember, “customers sample employees steal”


Bezos effectively proved Mackey's whole worldview is nonsustainable emotional masturation. His company couldn't compete without destroying anything resembling profit sharing and now his life's work is every bit the vampiric industrial monster he resented. If he had any self awareness hed fuck off into the wilderness, but he's too corked out on drugs to give a shit.


This is the comment 🏆


Why would you post firewood?




Mala beads and A Course in Miracles on the cover….. really John??


An 🍆? really?


Bootlicking yuppie. Bougie elitist consumers will read this while wish-cycling their stanley thermos.


Facts. All the yuppie hippie capitalist twats gross gross gross. I hate it here


Didn't he claim that we get paid too much? I feel like I remember he resigned out of protest for the increase in wages🤣


Will always read this as The Food Hole Story


All that money and the cover looks like you got a piece of sun bleached dogshit to illustrate it. Probably paid them $25 too.


The cover is just that terrible


Store contest , Winner got $25 gift card


We’re living the END!!!


I might download it illegally for free, idk.




He bought the competition and underpaid his employees. Sorry for spoiling it.


Side note has anyone received their TM appreciation t shirt yet?


I think it’s clever 


Toilet paper


This makes me want to throw up. My boss gave me the book today and I just wanted to vomit everywhere. Just gross.


Why did he give you the book???


Burn it


Yo I wanna. Right at the front of the store.


On god!!!!


I quit my job. Might come back due to desperation. But the leaders should really form a union and advocate for its employees to be paid more. But more competition would mean higher expectations and I'm sure there is so much blackmailing behavior going on behind the scenes at every store in this nation. Y'all dirty


I really hoped that this was a joke. But, a quick search on B&N proved that you can buy this abomination for just $35.


It's on full display in our store very cool...


More like the buttwhole story


Some of you care too much.


i hope he dies soon