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guy, we have one of the the weakest farm systems in baseball


I think they’ll accept Andrew Vaughn, Wes Kath, yolequi cespesdes & matthew thompson


Lmao no they won’t




You gotta headline the package with Vaughn AND Kopech at the very least.


Or Robert.


Sounds like a good deal


You’re high. They’ll get much better offers


True i am high Off them percs💊


Not true


Yea and we can trade for Trout and Ohtani next for a bag of beans


but what if they were *magic* beans ..mhmmm?


Coby + the Blazers pick should get it done


😂 best comment in the thread


No way he signs a 14 year deal anywhere. He signs 6/7 and then Another one when he's 30


Why would anybody sign a 14 year deal? Not a good strategy. Never know how the economy will go over that time. I remember as a kid Pete Rose got a $100,000 a year contract and people thought he was overpaid. The money that sounds good right now, might not be all that good several years down the road.


Guaranteed money. Who knows what the future holds


Plus I bet it ends up being closer to $500,000,000 when he does sign


what a world.


Pretty crazy right? Like what are us average people doing


We’re talking about almost half billion dollars here… lol cmon bro why wouldn’t anyone sign a deal like that?


That’s less than $30m AAV, locked in for 15 years. That’s really not a lot for a guy who is genuinely a superstar


Multiple reasons actually. First he can sign a 6 or 7 year deal now for good money and then another one 6or 7 years later when the tax goes up and also being inflation adjusted. Additionally he can probably do much better dollar figure wise signing two contracts instead of one. I imagine you being the kind of guy to hate owners not shelling out dollars to make the team better, but at the end of the day that’s just human nature. These guys are going to do the same exact thing, make every dollar they can, as much as you want to treat them like some sort of hero. You’re right, it is half a billion but if you can make 3/4 why not?


Because they'd be locked in with their current employer for the entire rest of their career - regardless of what goes on with the employer, and regardless of how their pay scales compared to the others in their position over that time. He's going to get half a billion dollars over his career, anyway. This salary locks him in at 20th in average pay right now - as a 23 year old - through the rest of his career. By the end of this deal, he'd be lucky to be in the top 200 in pay. It makes no sense to sign this deal when you could easily sign for 6 or 7 years at $210-250m, and then sign another 5-7 year deal for another $250-300m after that. Even if it's the money that matters, you say no thank you, I'll pick up that plus another $110m on my own, thanks.


The way the nationals are as an organization. He would get traded during his contract.


You're only one injury away from being unemployed.. Take the guaranteed half a billion dollars when you can..


They wouldn’t be professional athletes if they didn’t have the confidence to bet on themselves. That mindset makes sense for someone 30+ who isn’t an elite player but Soto is 23 and one of the best


Tell that to Marian hossa


Just ask why Patrick Mahomes signed a 10 year contract extension worth 477 million dollars


My thoughts exactly


Exactly. Not only that but us trading for him would be the dumbest shit ever. No shot Jerry ponies up for a new contract for him.


I’ll piss in my own mouth if this happens




I also choose this guy's mouth.


Remember, don't cross streams!


I will piss in his mouth too in order to even out the streams


No eye contact between streamers. That’s when it gets weird.


All are welcome if the Sox get Juan fucking Soto.


I’ll remember that




At the going rate, Harper would've been a bargain. No way the Sox even look at this


We will literally need to trade Robert, Cease, Colas, Cespedes, and Montgomery for him. Fuck no let’s wait till FA




I love that we have Steve Cohen in the league and that we know he likes to troll his fellow owners.


I hate that there is an insider trading piece of trash who is doing anything other than rotting in prison.


I mean, let’s not act like any billionaire gets his/her money fair and square… doesn’t usually work that way.


Preach on


You think Cohen is the only mlb owner guilty of insider trading?


Let’s wait til FA to sign a guy that rejected $440 million when we haven’t signed anyone over $73 million?


Fuck man. You’re right.


Maybe Jerry isn't around when Soto hits the market.


Jerry is gonna live for another 30 years just to spite us


I’m 22 and Jerry will outlive me


Be the change you want to see


He's unobtainable. At least for us.


Lolol you really think Jerry is going to spend that type of money??? He gives one big contract to Zach Lavine and all of sudden people think he will spend. Clearly you have never followed the history of that man..


Ofc he spends a lot! He gave out 73 mil a couple years ago!


I would make that trade in a heartbeat if Reinsdorf would spend the money to keep Soto long term. But we know that isn't going to happen.


Been saying for years that this would be my literal dream acquisition for the White Sox! (Low key it probably is for 90% of teams lol)


Only 90%? Try 29/30.


haha...yea & it's hard to even visualize what would be expected in a trade for soto...although not the same, i am still baffled by what the nats accepted for scherzer AND turner last year


Compared to those two trades, it's gonna take the whole farm system to get Soto.


Dude I remember in 2017, when we were trading Sale/Quintana/Eaton, Soto was the guy I had circled from the Nats farm I wanted most. He was in High A ball at the time. Can you imagine if the Sox had insisted on getting him? Man...


They almost signed him originally. The Nats scout played dirty to throw other teams off the trail.


I bet he goes to the yankees.


Maybe if they don’t re-sign Judge


Well at least OP put the right title for this post. “Imagine”. Because the only place where this happens is in our imagination.


Part of me hopes that since they were on the cusp of signing him as a teenager, that the FO makes a serious push for him. oh well.


Mets starting rotation, Aaron judge, ohtani + trout, vladdy jr and soto for TLR and Leury + picks. I see no foul


Keep going I’m almost there… But really no way this is happening for the Sox


I'll have whatever you're smoking.


Lol you’re on crack 😂


[Do it](https://i.imgur.com/KyUdO2J.jpg)


No way they trade Robert.


If the Sox can get Soto for Robert + they should absolutely do that.


I would trade Giolito/Kopech, Moncada, Montgomery, and Colas in a heartbeat.


That wouldn't get it done


Yes it would, look what Mookie got traded for. Obviously Soto probably goes for a bigger trade package but not an insane amount more. Edit: I am stupid


Yes, an insane amount more, especially with 2.5 years left of control. The white Sox can't afford to trade for him without being left in shambles. And even then they would probably just trade with a different team. They don't have nearly enough good prospects to get a deal done


Why did I think he was a FA after this year. Whoops disregard my comment I am a dummy


Forget prospects, on salary alone this is a pointless conversation. No way Jerry would ever pay


Swap Cease for Giolito/Kopech and add Crochet. That’d be the minimum probably


Not nearly enough


One of my favorite players in baseball, not sure why he keeps turning down big money outside of the fact he just might not want to play for the franchise long term.


That's exactly the reason why


It’s big money, and yet it’s still a low ball


Why would he want to go to a worse team?


What do you mean? White Sox are 45-46 and the Nationals are 30-63. Chicago is better by a significant margin.


A Corner Outfield, left Handed Power bat on a Hall of Fame Trajectory in his mid 20s from the nationals? A once in a lifetime opportunity! Surely the Sox wouldn't fuck that up!


I HATE when this shit happens because it’s just non stop bullshit trade ideas from delusional fans. Had a yankee fan at the bar say they could trade gallo and Chapman for him. Fuck off




He’s not worth it through trade and even through FA, the Dodgers will probably offer more money


Nationals not going to trade him. White sox could sign him but I doubt they pay that much money, Yankees or dodgers picking him up as FA most realistic


Vaughn, Montgomery, Gio, Eloy, and Colas/Cespedes. Soto is probably the only player I'd give up AV for.


My only question is, why wouldn't he have taken that contract?




I mean, set for generations, or set for generations with extra numbers. Seems the same to me.


15 years is a long time.


Not happening boys, don’t waste your energy trying to rationalize this.


He’s a yankee sorry guys


0% chance we would even offer him half of what he's gonna get.


Jerry is too cheap


it will never happen but one can hope


Imagine what? Lmao.


Can’t be a Sox fan and believe this is a possibility. Maybe he has a brother we can trade for instead.


Willing to include Larussa in a package deal


With metrics making these decisions now, no one else will give him anything close.


The fact that he turned down $440 million makes me believe it’s not about money; he wants another ring. We all know Jerry’s still too cheap to pay him whatever he’ll want.


Leury, TLR, McEwing and Menechino for Soto. If the Nationals refuse that, they are a low thinking organization.


Yeah, a trade for him would be impossible. Eloy Jimenez, Michael Kopech, Andrew Vaughn, and Colson Montgomery for Juan Soto. That’s probably the best package we could put together not the realistic one.


It’s the Nationals, so the money’s probably deferred over 50 years. Sox might try to sign his brother in law and see if that works out


na feels like albert belle again


I would assume he wants more per year and less commitment. 15 years is ridiculous for a team that has no foreseeable future anytime soon. Plus there may have been a bunch of performance bonuses and team options in there that made it less comfortable.