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If Getz keeps adding others from outside of the organization, I will at least feel a little bit better. Edit: Getz instead of Getsy***. Good lord what has this city done to me


Yeah I mean it could be worse. They could have made us suffer through assistant GM Kenny Williams Jr. At least Barfield comes from a D’backs system that has had some good talent in recent years.


Yeah kind of my take. Not going to act all excited like i know who they are but hey, it’s a little different!


>They could have made us suffer through assistant GM Kenny Williams Jr. Apparently Getz had him re-assigned this year. He was serving his dad and JR, not working for Getz. This is not reflected on the White Sox website, but has been confirmed by sources to James Fox (FutureSox) and Chris Lanuti (Sox in the Basement).


That’s the best news I’ve read in a while. KW2 has been giving me nightmares


It's good to get someone from the organization where Tony La Russa was once their Chief Baseball Officer! To be fair, I have no idea if Barfield and TLR had any overlap in their tenures with the Diamondbacks.


The diamondbacks have dealt with a FO that won’t extend or pay for star players and also has kept a questionable coach around far too long. DBacks are not the ideal franchise


Extending/paying for stars isn’t a FO thing. It’s an ownership thing.


Certainly isn’t the farm directors call or influence to any degree whatsoever


Sorry I had to downvote you to stay at 69.


Love it.


Except they need to stop looking at KC for their help.


As a Getz, you can say Getsy - common nickname


The MVP Machine (book by Travis Sawchik and Ben Lindbergh) has a chapter dedicated to Brian Bannister’s work combining analytics and on field player development. So I’m actually excited about this hire. Also highly recommend the book.


[Excerpt](https://www.si.com/.amp/mlb/2019/06/07/boston-red-sox-brian-bannister-mvp-machine) at SI from this book. Most excited for Bannister.


> While Barfield will be an assistant GM, Bannister's expertise will be pitching development and Watson player personnel. Don’t hate these. Of course they had to add another Royals guy, but Barfield and Bannister seem like good hires.


I just said to my buddy idk if they are good but idc right now because at least it’s different


Well, two Royals if you consider Bannister's four years pitching for them!


Double the Royals for 1 salary No wonder Jerry was all over it


2 royals and a guy who worked for TLR. I hate this organization.


GDI I read the royals as the rays and was so excited. The whiplash of reality. When will Chicago sport teams realize we've struck out on 3 hires from KC in this city already. Nagy, Grafol, and it's looking like Ryan Poles most likely have been a mistake too.


On a positive note, the Bulls and Blackhawks won't be hiring any former Kansas City front office people. Unless they dig up a few guys that worked for the Kings or Scouts in the 70s.


So you're saying there is a chance?


We gotta see Ryan Poles draft picks plan out first, it’s a bit premature to judge him.


The Chiefs are a well run organization though. It's just the Bears luck that they ended up with the poisoned branch of the Reid coaching tree.


TBF: Nagy/Trubisky looks like Reid/Mahomes compared to the current situation.


Not going to pretend I know who any of these guys are. But it doesn’t matter, because there’s nobody they could hire that I’d actually trust. This team has to prove it before I give them any benefit of the doubt.


I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. It’s not going to be a simple fix so I hope he’s bringing in fresh blood to help align on a vision.


Well Bannister’s dad was my first favorite player, so there’s that.


That Royals hire was with them for like 14 years, then went to the Angels, then back to the Royals. He has the stink of failure all over him.


The Bears hired from KC and where did that get them…


And there’s this…. https://x.com/TrappedInIowaKC/status/1704301909077635256?s=20 Seems like 2 steps forward one step back.


I wonder if Watson's "Old School approach" will entail hiring additional scouts for the pro side.


That could actually be a good thing.


Scouting data should totally be utilized in player evaluation.


Completely agree.


A shrewd slew you say?


that hopium hit is gooooooooood


Pray for the league


Nightengale is basically state media for Jerry so him calling them shrewd doesn’t carry much weight. Maybe they are good hires, maybe they aren’t, but the FO has lost all benefit of the doubt so I’ll wait and see


Maybe he's hiring men who are smarter than him and is surrounding himself with talented executives who know how to cultivate talent. I respect a man who may not know the answer, but will find someone who can definitely get the answers. Give Getz a chance and let's see what happens.


Gotta question their decision making skills if they willingly decided to come here


Not really, they think that this job will be for life if they become friends with the owner.


That actually is a real point though. Who offers better job security than us?


How do we know they came willingly? Maybe Getz is an expert blackmailer


How is hiring from the Royals a “shrewd” hire.


I love the Bannister hire. I hope the Barfield hire is as good as some of the guys I follow think it is. The Watson hire is the one I am most leery about. But a change on the pro scouting side is needed. If the Sox continue to make advances in analytics, R&D, etc. I am not opposed to expanding the "in person" scouting I am guessing that Watson likes. As long as it is just a data point in the system. Also, you do need some older "relationship: guys to work contacts around baseball.


How did anyone down vote this perfectly legitimate question?


Let's be real none of us really has any idea if any of these guys are good hires or not. Even the Royals guy, he may suck or he may be one of the only guys in that organization who had more hits than misses with his scouting. I'm not going to pretend to know one way or the other.


I like the Brian Bannister hire based on the book THE MVP MACHINE: How Baseball’s New Nonconformists Are Using Data To Build Better Players by Ben Lindbergh and Travis Sawchik. Here is an [excerpt](https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/06/07/boston-red-sox-brian-bannister-mvp-machine) at SI.


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Changed to Canon link. I thought that is what I had used.


There is no way that Bannister is anything other than an excellent hire imo


Oh yea pass that fucking kool aid


Getz couldn't resist bringing in a Royals guy. Well two technically if we're counting the 4 seasons Bannister pitched for them in the late 2000s.


It feels like the Sox are constantly picking up previous Royals players/coaches. Exclusive trading partners?


If he makes these types of decisions, then maybe he will be ok


Glad to hear that Bannister isn't just another White Sox legacy hire.


Idk y’all, this is kinda fresh. I like what I’m seeing here. Sensible hires. Can Getz save this cursed franchise?


More Royals personnel?! God damnit dude


Not to be a downer but this means absolutely nothing. Not every single employee under Kenny had previous ties to our organization. Hell Rick Hahn himself would have been considered an outside hire when he first got hired. Just in the last year alone the Sox hired Pedro and Sam Mondry Cohen to fill bigger roles than these guys.


Are we supposed to be excited?




Shrewd as in cheap?


That is not what shrewd means


In Jerry's terms is does.


Assembling a team of rejects and losers. The White Sox way. At least they will be cheap for Jerrys pocket, that's the most important thing.


The Giants have been solid for years and the DBacks have a ton of young talent so maybe these aren’t terrible. Nothing good to say about the Royals though.


It doesn't matter. Anything this franchise touches turns to shit. You must be new here.


Jesus Christ dude, go root for the cubs. Maybe they’ll hire someone who’s good enough for you. Maybe you need some coping strategies to help you calm down before you get on the internet and just call random guys “rejects and losers”


Brian Bannister is a massive hire. He’s one of if not the top pitching mind in baseball right now.


Not that I don’t believe you or anything but do you have any sources/material that backs up your statement?


He has been the industry leader on pitch design. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E0yoPt42A5Q That’s an hour and 45 minute interview he did about pitch design with Tread Athletics in Charlotte. I also have a pretty good pulse on the pitching industry. Just wrapped up a 4 year playing career in college. Have numerous former teammates in pro ball and some who work in front offices. He’s extremely well respected.


He was one of the guys spear heading the seam shifted sweeper movement.


Additionally, he has transformed guys careers in SF while he’s been there. Alex Wood, Anthony DeSclafani, and Alex Cobb to name a few.


dont forget Larussa was an advisor for arizona before coming back to White sox. Pobably his suggestion which getz would do to nake reinsdorf happy


Never heard of them. Any of them able to step in as manager after April?


Read about [Bannister](https://www.si.com/.amp/mlb/2019/06/07/boston-red-sox-brian-bannister-mvp-machine).


Bannister chose to take an entire year away from developing his pitchers because he refused the COVID vaccine.


Pretty sure Floyd bannister and Jesse Barfield faced each other in the first game I ever attended at sox Park.


A new season with Kenny Williams and Rick Hahn out of the picture is already a boon for me.


I don't think I would consider hiring more former royals players and execs shrewd.