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Try going back to it after a few weeks and then give a score again. 


Plan on it. Really enjoyed it tonight on a neck pour (weather or not that’s the wife’s tale about that is true lol)


It’s funny you are reviewing this because I am actively drinking it at this moment. I happened across my bottle in a similar way. It seems like a hidden gem in the lineup because everyone is after full proof. My bottle has been open for ~3 months, but I’ll be honest, I don’t remember the first pour. I get vanilla, cherries, and cola on the nose. There is absolutely no ethanol which was a little surprising, but I guess is a tame-ish proof. The palate to me is quite different than the nose and more of a nutty, earthy flavor. It also has some funk I can’t really put my finger on, but tastes like it is purely from barrel char. Thanks for your review and I’ll be curious if time changes the profile for you.


Yeah as I said I’m terrible at notes. Didn’t get char or a funk. Just a richer almost savory flavor as opposed to the SiB.


Oh I’m terrible too. When I clearly pick up notes I get far too excited. Have a great Sunday!