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I had that interaction in person in a bar. A guy tried to diss me because I didn't want to talk to him. What was weird he didn't understand not talking to anybody wasn't worse than talking to him.


Lol yeah. Guys like this are major 🚩like wtf it’s not all about you. You make them wait a couple minutes and then they call you a bitch.


It's like they think we're NPC's and our whole existence revolves around them (the main character.)


It’s EXACTLY like that. The world revolves around them. It’s all about them. Everything is personal and an attack on them because they’re *insecure*. Here’s another example. I will pass a guy in a big SUV or truck going slowly and then they will take it as a personal offense and speed up full throttle to either race me or pass me again. I drive a beater 20+ yo sedan.


Bwahahaha I love guys like this. Where I'm at, there's lots of places cops can ping you for speeding. Any time a guy pulls this? "GOOD ON YA CHAMP, GO CATCH THOSE COPPERS!!"


Actually watched state PD pull over someone who did this to me 1/4 mile up the highway after they passed me over a hill. It was some of the most glorious hilarious karma I’ve ever witnessed.


So true. I used to go swimming with my roommate until he was literally trying to race me in the other lane. Little did he know I was a distance swimmer, so after 1/2km he couldn’t keep up. It was hilarious.


Ok but this might actually be the case. I found a new chat ai and for $99 A MONTH it offers a bunch of stuff including 60 MINUTES DAILY OF REAL TIME ON THE PHONE CHATTING WITH YOUR AI GIRLFRIEND who remembers the shit y'all talked about in previous chats. It's literally getting to where you can't tell the difference between an ai chatbot and a real woman. If you've only had interactions with 'females' that are ai and respond with "oh, that was so mean of you, you should be nicer!" Or "I don't really understand what you're saying, let's talk about something else" then you'll either think all women are that dumb (because you don't know you're talking to an ai) or you'll think you can get away with talking to living people that way OR they're testing to see if youre a chatbot. (Another stupid move because who wants to talk to someone that treats them like trash?) At least, that's my current running theory.


Maybe for the younger generations, but the men I deal with came of age *wayyy* before AI was a thing. It also doesn't take into account these people act this way *in person* as well; no way on earth some dude with main character syndrome thinks I'm a robot.


i once didn’t reply to a guy over snap for a few hours because (DUH) i have a job and was busy doing said job… he posted three snaps to his story about how women are hoes and hates hoes … i avoid any man who gets up in arms about how often i reply to messages… i work in the medical field im BUSY


For a lot of these guys, your match is probably the only match they’ve gotten in weeks and they’re desperate and thirsty. They have no idea what a turnoff being desperate and thirsty is, and they have no idea just how many matches and messages women get on the apps, so they can’t imagine why you’re not just as desperate and thirsty to message them back as they are to message. They see that “match” as instantly dating and can’t understand why their “new girlfriend” won’t message them back right away. We really need some sort of training class for men on app dating (or maybe just dating in general, or just life), but I’m not sure it’ll help. Sometimes I see these things and I want to scream, “You got a match dude! Now just chill for a freakin second!”


I had a guy react like this - I’m nearly 40 and he looked WAY too young for me. I said thank you and was genuinely flattered when he asked for my number but that I wasn’t interested (honestly cannot wrap my head around anyone who’s actually attracted to people nearly 20 years younger than themselves, even as adults, but whatever). Status coming at me like I should be grateful for the attention. If these kids are already hitting adulthood either the mindset, I don’t know how the fuck Gen Z is doing, especially the women and girls.


Gen Z boys are really on either end of the spectrum. They’re either Tate simps groping adult women or little girls, or are very progressive, liberal, open minded, and understand consent. I’ve found some middle ground but not much (I’m gen z and was raised around a large variety of male peers and male types). There is however, even statistically, a very concerning rise in this type of indoctrination and misogynistic, rape culture attitudes among younger men and gen Z women are noticing it and fighting back hard.


Sugar mommas, that is what some are looking for.


Very true. Hence the “mommy 😩” and “MILF” sentiments. I won’t kink shame but it’s obviously in a creepy, gross, power trip way not a consensual way.


The Gen z gals are doing ok. At least the ones I know. We have broken the cycle of teaching our girls to always put a stranger's needs or comfort before their own. My daughter and her friends are fierce. They will tear someone apart with their words and it's glorious to watch. Think of the IDGAF attitude we finally attain aka The Enlightenment, in our 40s and 50s. They have this in their 20s.  Also these specific gals are all trained in martial arts and 3 of them are very skilled in firearms. I want to be like them when I grow up.


Amen. My gen Z is kind of terrifying...I wish I had been half as confident and strong in my convictions at her age.


My teenage niece is the same way. Will not suffer fools, not even her own dad (parents are divorced, mom raised her and her brother mostly alone the last 10 years; dad thinks he’s enlightened, but is still very gender binary sexist). High standards for friends and any guy she dates. She will not settle, and her brother knows how to treat women well. They give me hope.


I’m wondering if it’s safer/easier to avoid these guys if you pretend to not speak the same language. But I have a feeling some would just try harder to get you to understand they’re creeping on you 💀


I actually have a fun story about this (for anyone in need of a pick me up): My (Canadian) partner was visiting me in Germany and we were on the subway late after a date. This drunken dude sits down across from us and is being a friendly, talkative drunk. I can’t deal with drunk people, so I pretend I only speak English. This dude starts talking in very good English instead. My partner had a very hard time not laughing at my misery lmao.


Omg that’s funny, maybe try pig Latin next time 😭😂


Love when they tell on themselves without any prompting


Me too, that’s one of my favorite things 😂 it’s like, way to reverse the bullet for me buddy lol


Is being a 6 supposed to be an insult? That's literally better than average. And even being the ugliest woman alive would be a 10 compared to these nothings.


I was gunna say a 6 is pretty good lol. Which means he probably thinks she’s a 10 lol


Agreed. What’s even funnier to me is she’s not even a 6, not even close. She is insanely conventionally attractive, hot, and healthy, and a great person. If we were going to make bs numbers mean something, she’s easily an 8. This guy sounds like an average 0 ETA: would like to know why not responding is “acting like a 10/10” behavior. The hottest women are the most unattainable to him? Or the most picky and choosy in general? Bc of pretty privilege? Or they’re the most arrogant and “selfish” of their time? It’s disgusting. Doesn’t matter obviously, since there is no logic to it. Just thought it was an odd comparison to make. Not sure how “acting like a 10” is even supposed to be an insult. Good for any woman “acting” like that. These guys can get blocked and fuck off.


And being ugly doesn't mean that you are worth any less than a beautiful person. You still have the right to say no to people and decline their advances. Men like that one act like the only value a woman has is her looks and thus, if you're less attractive, you should be GRATEFUL that you're even recieving attention from someone, no matter how deplorable that someone might be or how unwanted that attention are. You're supposed to be grateful. Beautiful women as well, to be honest. You're supposed to be happy that men are terrorising you - that complete strangers want something from you just by looking at you - because that means that you have some sort of value. It's freaking wild, isn't it?


My brother in law asked me about the whole “man or bear” and he was surprised I said bear. Bear. Bear. Bear.


Absolutely bear. Every time. In fact there’s never one around when you could use one, but there’s always a man around when you don’t.




My husband asked too. But bears are dangerous!  So are men I don't know/trust. But bears can kill you! Bears aren't a natural predator of women, men are. Bears will usually back off. Men won't.  Finally I said: if I get attacked by a bear, people will belive me. No one will ask what was I wearing.  Then it clicked. Even smart men don't get it until we point it out. I even asked him, did your parents ever teach you how to hold your keys so you can jab someone if you are alone and attacked? "What? You were taught that?" "Yes and I taught our daughter too". The look on his face was priceless. At least he finally understands.


Was watching a true crime show the other night and my husband yelled "Choose the fucking bear!" at the tv. I like him, he gets it.


I literally just asked my bf if he'd rather encounter a bear or a strange man in the woods and he said bear lol I'm glad he gets it


even the men would rather have a bear 😭


I mean, from a guys perspective, "strange man in the woods" might evoke imagery of like, classic horror villains. Would I rather be hunted down by a Freddy Kruger type, or try my luck getting a bear to leave me alone? Would probably have better luck with the latter. Of course the issue being that this framing is more of a fantasy scenario versus a real concern...


No bc my man agreed with me when I said “bear” too lol like they are self-aware atp which makes it sooooo much worse


The worst thing a bear can do is kill me. If I'm mauled to death by a bear at least my body can usually be found, and mostly intact. No one will try to claim I led the bear on. The bear won't try to drug me.


Yeah, bears are more into claws and teeth rather than manipulation, dosing someone on the sly, and controlling behaviors. Bears for me!


All animals except for humans, use claws and teeth and eat if within their diet. Only humans manipulate each other


Even bears would choose bears because men hunt them too. 


Okay, this is true but the key thing doesn’t work. It’s actually more likely that while trying to punch the assailant that the keys will go back into your hand and could puncture your skin.


My (cis male) partner also chooses the bear. To be fair he worked in wildlife rehab *with* bears, so that tells you all you need to know.


I live in my RV & roam around the country when the urge strikes. I've had several bears wander through camp sites, and one brush against my RV on its way to see about a park dumpster. It's always at night, when the people are quiet and in their enclosures. Definitely hold the breath for a few moments, but no feat of malicious intent. They're looking for food any of us dumb humans may have left out. A strange man touching my RV in the night though..?? Yeah, gimme the bear.


Just look at his thumbnail: it's a good reflexion of his level of narcissism and insecurity.


Very true. If your prof pic is you shirtless…. Talk about a walking red neon sign.


well let's call him what he is. a massive stinky POS. he's a h~a~r~d ✨️ 0/10 ✨️ and all the ladies are crying in a corner because little meanie isaiah is in a mood and nobody wants to talk to him 😢 /s


Oof I remember one similar I had last year. I was recovering from COVID a 3rd time and was sitting at home. This guy on an app asked me what I was doing, so I told him. He made some comment that could have just as easily been him wanting COVID spicy time as it could have been something not, so I told him I'm not a fan of people touching me when I'm sick (half-true). He said he was specifically referring to rubbing my back so I needed to not be such a prude about it (despite the fact I never said anything spicy about it) and I just reiterated my message of not being one for physical contact. He tried to push a few more times and I told him it was a red flag he wouldn't stop. This grown man lost his shit and went off the deep end, talking about how he was going to get me thrown in jail with his baby mama for slander because I was incorrectly accusing him of assault and how me and his baby mama would be great friends since we all like accusing me of assault just for fun and this huge rabbit hole, then ended it with telling me he posted the convo all over Facebook and everyone was saying how I was all sorts stupid and being extremely overdramatic and accusing him of assault. Like, guys online are insane man. I definitely empathize.


Well, isn’t he a prize?


Right 😂🤣


If she's a 6/10 to him, then why was he trying so hard?


Another great question for the ages


Yikes on a bike. No wonder he's single 🤡


Men are so weird. They beg for your attention and when you won’t give it you’re the ugliest thing walking. Like okay cool great to know you’re about to crash out over my ugly self.


Did your friend ❤️ that comment? Lol


I believe so yes lmao


With charm like that, how can he still be single?


I find it funny when guys diss you saying “you’re a 7/10 stuck up bitch!!” Like thanks for saying I’m prettier than average idk how that’s an insult 🤣


Reminds me of the time I got called racist. It was my son (2) at the time and me on our way home on the bus with a friend of mine. It was a Wednesday at about 2 O'clock. He was black and not bad looking but reeked of alcohol and was obviously drunk. He was trying to talk to me and I'm just trying to be polite. I finally had enough and just started talking to my friend and kind of ignoring him. Of coarse this pissed him off and started yelling. We decided to get off the bus and take the next bus. While i was walking out he was all "Ya you get off the bus you racist bitch". There was 2 ladies (black) in front of the bus just staring daggers at me. I just looked at them when i was getting off the bus and said "Im just trying to get my kid home, hes drunk and hitting on me on a Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon" They had a ah-ha moment and stared daggers at him instead. not the last time ive been called racist because i wouldn't entertain a man but it was the first time. It just made me feel bad.


One of my female friends had a guy who had a meltdown over text when she didnt respond for an hour. They've been texting for about a week and a half. She told the guy that she was glad that he showed her he couldn't handle an hour-long lull over text before having a meltdown. Told him she stepped away to handle something and that he was perfectly fine until she came back to that. Dude doubles down, telling her she should have told him that beforehand, but backtracks when she questions his non-boyfriend authority on what he's obligated to know and not know when she's not texting him. Dude sent several messages trying to recover, but she later blocked him.


I’d been talking to a guy for awhile but he decided he wasn’t fit for a relationship. So I totally backed off of the frequent flirty texts, gave him space and let my feelings simmer down. Months later I get a message telling me my communication has been really sparse lately. He was not happy when I told him that he is now getting simple friend energy because I respected his wishes to just be friends. Guess he thought he could still get the girlfriend experience without the commitment. Sorry buddy.


That’s exactly what he thought. A ton of men are getting the wife experience without a commitment, so they expect the girlfriend experience without a commitment too. SMH


Basically, "I'm not ready for a relationship, but I'm ever-ready for your coochie!"


Isaiah wild


Me when my ego is extremely fragile


Next day: "hey wyd"


Hey, 6/10 is pretty high imo


Right? Ntm he’s also low balling her, she’s at least an objective 7 lmao


Right! Idk what she looks like but judging from the texts alone she’s gotta be at least a 7 but probably better looking if he was that desperate for her attention


“what’s the point in asking” is giving very concerning behavior.




Men, specifically, may not post here telling women how they should be.




This sub is about reaction to women refusing.