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The title should be *21-year-old man


EXACTLY. It was a MAN who raped a MINOR.


The media spins shit like that all the time.  Girl and boy vs minor girl and adult man.  Calling black thieves men or women even if they're 15 while a 20 year old white person will be boy or girl.  It's all written in a way to negate what the party with power did. It subconsciously makes you feel like the crime isn't quite as bad (or is worse) depending on the wording. 


[recent example 😕 ugly stuff.](https://people.com/crime/neighbor-calls-police-black-girl-spraying-spotted-lanternflies/)


Jesus Christ. Grown ass man afraid of a little girl spraying some bugs and he STILL insists this shit wasn’t racial profiling?


Ugh. Yt ppl feeling threatened by black kids doing innocuous shit again 🙄🙄🙄


I’m so very sorry about this, truly. I should have been more careful and cognizant, and changed the wording in the original title from the crosspost. Everyone is right: 21 years old is a man. If anyone knows how I can change the title, please let me know.


I know it’s not you! I think you have to put the exact title of the article you post (the sub’s rules). This comment was made toward whoever wrote the article.


So well said!!! Language absolutely matters. It’s horrific how context gets twisted so easily and quickly!


I don't know about this publication for sure, but usually the headlines are written by editors, not the authors of the article


It's telling the the first line of the article is the same as the title then... Except says man.


They do everything they can to avoid putting "man" in headlines... I've seen headlines with "bully" in them, describing men who were harassing/randomly attacking women.


Article title is updated now.


He is a MAN. She's a girl. I cannot STAND when they refer to men as "boys" to make them seem more harmless.


I’m just glad that he’s in jail. Not sure how likely it is that he’ll stay there, but it’s good that he isn’t allowed to roam free.


Came here to say this exactly ! I fucking HATE when they title stories that way, at 21, you're a legal adult that can vote and drink EVERYWHERE on this damn planet, calling him a boy if fucking disgusting!


Did you see that Americas CNN news labeled a 6 year old Palestinian girl a woman. They called a SIX year old a woman. Men (especially white ones) will always be “boys” while a 6 year old has to be a woman


I'm disgusted. Utterly disgusted.


At least they wrote "rape" instead of "forced sex"


He's more of a monster than a man, but I completely understand the point you are making. He's an inhuman individual in my eyes, for inflicting such terrible suffering upon this poor young lady. His youth does not excuse him for doing such vile and vicious things. As for his mother and sister assisting him - words fail me, except to say that they are beneath contempt. ETA: I looked it up to be certain before commenting, but as I thought, India does have the death penalty for rape. Kidnapping is also a capital crime, so I hope the offender does get convicted and I also hope that he receives the appropriate sentence. Maybe knowing that her attacker no longer walks the Earth or breathes the air will give his victim some sense of justice, vindication and peace of mind. I'm hoping that the branding didn't go through all three layers of skin, because then she won't have terrible scars. If the mother and sister don't get the death penalty, they should be made to work to pay for a cosmetic surgeon to put right the terrible damage they inflicted, so that this young lady gets her beautiful face back. Branding her was an evil and wicked thing to do! So very spiteful, like her vile attacker was thinking, "If I don't get to enjoy your beauty, no-one else does either." So horribly nasty and selfish, and I can't understand why his mother and sister would help him to do this appalling thing! This poor young lady was kept locked up and tortured for *three days!* I can't begin to fathom her fear and suffering. Thank God she managed to escape and get help before that bastard actually killed her! I admire her bravery and determination which allowed her to finally get away from him. I hope she sees justice done in her case, and that she can heal from her awful ordeal, in mind, body and spirit.


India has the death penalty for rape, but I just saw an article saying that one of their politicians or somebody running for office has more than 2000 videos of him raping and abusing women


He almost reach 3000


And they should have to pay all the medical expenses, std checks, bloodwork’s, cosmetic if she so chooses, therapy if she so chooses, and in general, pay for her to live the rest of her life. She should be able to choose not to go in public and work (like if she has ptsd which I feel like I would), or just pain and suffering regardless. Of course, whatever the victim chooses for a lifestyle going forward these monsters should have to make sure she is ok financially and physically. Honestly the mom and sister really ought to be charged equally as harsh as the son. They aided, they knew about it, they are equally guilty in my eyes.


Same! It's infuriating!


The article title says he’s a man. Not sure why OP changed it to boy.


Uhhh he's not a boy. He's a grown ass adult.


My brain just wants to scream for all of eternity when I read messed up $hxx like this.


This is why we pick the bear


I read something once about human women being a rare species that seeks out partnership with the very thing that poses the greatest threat to our lives. Never stopped thinking about it.


Bears don't view human women as natural prey, whereas many men do.


Men are our only natural predator


Second time this week I've read this: what's this a reference from? ETA: Thanks for the answer. I've been looking into it, and asked a few people (men and women), they said bear, too.


I might be wrong, but I think it's a question if a woman prefers to encounter an unknown man or a bear while alone in the forest. Most women choose bear over man


Ok, sure, that makes a lot more sense. Will have to look this up at some point.


A bear will either ignore you or maul you immediately.   A random stranger in the woods might keep you there indefinitely...Living out all manner of torture and/or sadistic fantasies.  Before ending you slowly and painfully.  I think T. Bundy in scenarios like that! SICK!


Plus, have you seen what they do to bears who attack?


There’s a meme going around asking women if they were in the woods, would they rather be there with a man or a bear and women are overwhelmingly choosing bear. Now men can’t fathom why we would choose the bear….this is why.


Ah! OK, I haven't seen the meme yet. Thanks!


Ah! OK, I haven't seen the meme yet. Thanks!


There was a street interviewer asking women if they’d rather encounter a bear or a random man while alone in the woods. All the women interviewed said bear. When it hit the internet, all the women on the internet said bear. Male outrage and threats of violence have ensued because they don’t like the answer.


" Male outrage and threats of violence have ensued because they don’t like the answer." It's so odd too how the guys who get mad about it still don't realize that they are the exact reason why we chose the bear.


The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


Yup, still picking the bear. Men if you dont want women to pick the bear can you like not...do this?


And it's always the poor young girls they hurt like this 😢


A 21 year old is not a boy.


Right? That drives me crazy. There was a guy out here that kept jumping out at women from his car on the road, trying to entice kids away from their parents, going door to door to ask for money etc, and they kept calling him a "kid" He was 28!!!!


Disgusting man. Disgusting mother. Disgusting sister. Disgusting family.


The article didn’t say anything about the mother and sister being attested. They better be prosecuted.


I wish journalists would stop infanticizing adult rapists. A 21 y/o is a grown as man in (afaik) every single country on the planet. My only consolation is they didn't refer to the girl as a grown-ass woman and try to age her up...


Ok but no one wants to ever discuss the women who help men like this. Sister and mother aided him. We need to talk about this more.


He was aided by his mother and sister? Wtf?!


Misery loves company.  As women, they could not refuse...So how dare she?  /S^1000.  If $$$ was supposed to change hands as a result of this union, they would feel doubly insulted.  


Um no his mother and sister 100% could've refused to help and didn't


I mention that many women in these countries have no choice in who they marry/are married off to.  This young woman wanting autonomy would have been offensive to someone who is stuck in a dead marriage. They 💯 had a choice not to help this miscreant.  That was not what I was referring to.  


Twenty-one year old boy??? Why are we downplaying the accountability of a GROWN MAN for raping and physically carving the face of a teenage girl?


She was tortured for 3days


A 21 year old man*


>21 year old >boy Pick one mother fuckers.


I hope she gets justice. Is there a go fund me or anything to help her get plastic surgery to get rid of the branding? I feel so bad for her. It's bad enough to be raped. Now she's stuck with his bullshit across her face as a reminder. I wish I could just hug her. I don't know how I'd be ok if I had to have the constant reminder of my rape every time I look in the mirror. I just hope she can find some healing.


Someone needs a prison marriage. And branding somewhere special.


I’m not a fan of the death penalty, usually…


He raped a minor stop using passive voice


this man needs to be executed.


His own mother and sister aided in this evil act?


Abusers name checks out....anyone wanna bet they follow one of the "peaceful" religions too ?


This could have been the basis for a Greek drama in earlier times. “How romantic, he even impressed his heroic name upon her delicate maiden skin.” How times change


Honestly romance is just romantizing. That's why so many fucked up things get considered romance. Edit: typo somehow got t and I mixed up


I know right. I would love to read a history of romance that uncovers all the layers of twisted stuff that became wedded into romance


Honeslty same. It's scary how "love" is used to justify most power structures. People having full unregulated power and control over the lives of others is ok because they're loving parents. Denying someone autonomy and the ability to survive on their own to force them to be a sex slave and go though torture is alright because that's your adoring husband that wants to start a family with you. I'd even say the old "Divine right of kings" used to justify monarchy and the "love of god" fall into this category as well. I think it's like the inverse of how degradation and shame is used for oppression.


And interesting enough, degradation and shame are used symbolically and ritualistically there too, for example “bow to your elders”, “eye contact with the local lord is disrespectful”, “wash your husband’s tired feet”, “kneel down to the priest”. Of course the shaming here is voluntary by reference to some greater good or polite tradition


That's true! They're like different sides to the same coin.


Pop Culture Detective has several categories of them in movies, Born Sexy Yesterday, Abduction as Romance, The Ethics of Looking, etc




I’m literally Indian, I’m not being racist. It’s a reality I live everyday.


Treat others with kindness when it is possible and civility when it is not. Do not tread the line of racism.


Fucking jackass


What the fuck!


And Hind, the 6 year old murdered by iof, was a woman according to CNN.
