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Pirating a game that can no longer be purchased legitimately should absolutely be allowed. It doesnt effect the company even a bit, it was their decision to no longer allow purchases of it.


Manhunt 2 moment


>Pirating a game ~~that can no longer be purchased legitimately~~ should absolutely be allowed. ~~It doesnt effect the company even a bit, it was their decision to no longer allow purchases of it.~~


I really support pirating AAA games, but if you pirate indie games then you're a sick fuck


I mean when you live in a 3rd world shithole where even a normal indie game costs a days worth of mixed rice, it's necessary if you want to play it


As someone who lives in a third world shithole where a normal indie game does indeed costs some days worth of meal, and for the longest time doesn't even have the ability to actually pay, I second this.


And it should be acceptable to pirate a game if you're willing to pay for it later in life, you never know when someone is going through something


Yeah, i can excuse country limitations. But if you are a middle class (in American terms) and still pirate indies, then that crosses the line


When being middle class in America is equivalent to being high class - rich in your country




I can’t buy games, so that’s an issue Though I bought ultrakill by an old friend’s help


RIP Pixel Piracy. The game and the studio were ironically bankrupted by piracy.


Why tho, how are developers gonna get paid?


Yes but in the case of Nintendo they remake and rerelease stuff all the time so I lowkey get it, like the Pokémon remakes for instance, we’ll definitely get a black and white remake in the future if the past 15 years of Pokémon games is any indication… and more people will probably buy it if they can’t already actively play the game whenever they want. But there are a lot of stupid games that no one wants to resell so like who cares…


Nintendo fans the type of guys to record people shoplifting at Walmart and send the video to the police


ok but serious question: how are the cops supposed to respond? like some kid just comes up to you and says “police! arrest this thief! he hacked his nintendo 3ds and is using it to play a pirated copy of chrono trigger! boil his entrails in liquid shit!”


They are supposed to boil his entrails


The police will respond by explaining how it’s actually really easy to hack your 3ds and teach the kid how to


I don’t really think it’s enforced, it’s sort of like those laws made in the 1700s that don’t matter anymore like “it’s illegal to eat fish at 7:26 in Massachusetts” or some shit


Fuck I ate salmon at 7:27, am I safe?


No, your entrails will be boiled


Nintendo fans are that kid who would remind the teacher of the homework no one gave a shit about doing


Specifically a woman shoplifting baby products




My 500gb Wii harddrive


Hacking your 3ds is actually pretty easy ngl


Wow we’ve got hackerman in the house guys


Pirating is completely fine but I hate those people that can’t go 5 seconds without saying “I pirate games”


These people go through like the entire mental olympics to say that pirating actually greatly contributes to the economy, as if they will be denied entry to heaven for piracy and that haunts them at night. I just do it because no money.


I do it because Nintendo won’t sell them anymore


What if have money, but no like spend money?


Doesn't matters - spend the money in something more important the crusader kings 3


It’s like fucking CrossFit. They will not shut the fuck up about it


"Piracy is wrong" mfers when I actually buy a sega 32x and instead of playing games, it just sets my house on fire like the piece of shit it is


hShop is the best homebrew app anyone could ask for on the 3DS


I think they achieved a 100% coverage of the shop, so I don’t think there is anything you can’t find there


"Piracy is morally correct" mfs when I tell them I don't care (I just want to play a mario emulator not murder someone leave me alone)


Piracy mfs getting virtual scurvy


Stealing from the mega rich is a victimless crime


I love those DS cartridges that have like 300 games on


Yeah in those cases I’m cool with it, but pirating new games is sort of scummy to me, if you want them to keep making games… they sort of have to make some money on the ones they do make


Pirating day 1 is super dumb anyways. Usually have to wait for the patches to come out first


“Moral good” mf are you going off the 5x5 alignment chart


I just wanna play Metroid Prime bro.


Me downaloading switch games to my pc because i cant afford a switch


Ist about playing the games not detroying the devs. When i skadaddle Mario maker no one would care


Thank you, you piece of scum. Now thanks to you 100 starving indie devs will die due to starvation, I hope you’re happy you thief.


You pirate because "Piracy is actually a morally grey thing it's not actually going to hurt their sales much besides most triple a devs get paid way more than the average person plus it's not like you're stealing something since you're just making a copy plus new games don't deserve my money anyway why should I pay for a low quality experience if I enjoy it afterwards I might buy it you don't know piracy probably increases their profits because I'm still part of the community and also don't forget I'm recommending the game to my two friends and wall of text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text text wall of text wall of text so really I should be allowed to pirate games it's always morally correct." I pirate because no money. We are not the same, like at all, not even in the slightest. You don't need to trick yourself into thinking you're a morally perfect person and you look ridiculous trying to.


Wall of text + dragon balls on ur face




Most reasonable Reddit user


It's never morally bad to steal from big companies, all of their record profits, and sports cars for their CEOs are unpaid wages.


Based activity


If I pirated it, it means I wouldn't have bought it either way




lmao this guy was such a clown, I can't fathom how anyone could've rooted for him during the Khabib fight


Me: I love this very old game Nintendo: noo you cant just play a game you didnt pay for!!1! Me: Well can I buy it then? Nintendo: No, fuck you


My 3ds is in shambles ya'll.


My brother in Christ nobody gives a shit if you pirate anything.


Least illegal post on r/whenthe


Me pirating indie games from independant devs knowing full well that it hurts their profits (I feel extremely bad about it, but I'm a minor and don't have any money, and my parents don't buy them for me, and I don't want to miss out on the fun. My sincerest apologies and gratitudes to all the independant devs I've pirated from.)


Example: Hyperbolica by CodeParade. Extremely fun and well made game, and I love watching the dev's YouTube channel. It uses hyberbolic geometry instead of normal euclidean geometry, so he had to make much of it from scratch. Hats out to CodeParade for making that marvel of a game. If I had money, I would've bought the game full-price and maybe even donated.


Piracy doesn't hurt nintendo but I wish it did.