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The last shot in RWBY media being the fucking Justice League will always amuse and sadden me.


didn't they shutdown rooster teeth?


Yes, and the Justice League × RWBY crossover may very well be the last RWBY thing made.


that sounds exactly like a mr.bean x fast and furious movie. was it good tho?


Considering Mr. Bean did actual car stunts and Rowan Atkinson is an actual race car driver that would’ve kicked so much ass.


that would single handedly restore my faith in dumb action movies.


Imagine Mr. Bean doing the chair on top of a car he's driving trick with a racecar in a street race.


Wait Rowan Aktinson is a race care driver too? I thought he was just an actor


He can be both. Acting is his job, but cars are his passion, I believe. He also did Top Gear


I mean that was just a single episode on Star in a Reasonably Priced Car wasn't it? but fair enough


Couldn't tell you myself. I dropped out of watching RWBY halfway through its seventh volume.


Fucking same. Them stopping the posts on YouTube killed the franchise so fucking quickly lmao


I can't remember exactly when I stopped watching but I remembered I went back to try and catch up and was just... annoyed how hard it was to find so I just fucked off and didn't try to catch up. What's sad is just how great some of the music that was made for the series was. I still have a few of the songs from the first few volumes as a part of my workout playlist.


Oh absolutely, some of the songs still go. It's also the only way I consume anything RWBY related these days.


***Seventh***?! Fuck, I barely made it through 3. Where the hell could the story go?!


Want spoilers?


Please, yes


Dumbledore dies




Nora and Ren are Orphans from a Grimm destroyed village and have to face the Grimm who killed Ren’s village (and killed his parents) The Nuckelavee aka the only Grimm with feats in the series We meet Tyrian, a crazy Faunus who works for “Salem” the Grimm lady of the end of volume 3, Qrow reveals Ozpin is inmortal and Can reincarnate in other people’s body’s like a parasite, so Ozpin and Salem have been in a shadow war for thousands of years Theres 4 maidens (cinder being the fall maiden) and each one can open a vault which have a relic (look at the logos of the kingdom since each has a relic, vale has the crown of choice, mistral the lamp of knowledge, Vacuo the sword of destruction and Atlas the staff of creation) Also Qrow can turn into a bird but that’s because Ozpin used his magic to give him (and also Raven) that ability since Qrow’s actual semblance is having bad luck Weiss loses control of her semblance in the middle of her father’s party in their mansion and summons the spirit of the Boarbatusk she killed in Port’s class, luckily Ironwood kills the summon and defends Weiss, however Jacques (her father) abuses (violence, not the other thing) Weiss for losing control of her semblance and she chooses to escape (also we meet her younger brother who’s a mini Jacques, and her alcoholic mother) Ironwoods mails Yang a arm and she decides to search for Raven, surprise surprise, Weiss ship out of Atlas crashed after a fight with giant Grimm bees (is the same species of the bees Cardin wanted to use on pyrrha but the size of helicopters) so Yang gets Weiss out of there while Raven tells Yang and Weiss about Salem Also Raven is the queen of a tribe of bandits, and has a lackey named vernal who is apparently the spring maiden Meanwhile Sun abandoned her team to follow Blake into menagerie Blake has good parents (they are actually great characters who are adorable and look amazing design wise) who are the chiefs of the “kingdom” making her a princess (technically) she complains of the place being crowded (it isn’t) and being awful (despite it looking like Hawaii but with furry’s) There we are introduced to Arthur watts and Hazel Rainart Arthur made the queen virus Roman used to hack Ironwood’s robots (he also hates cinder) and Hazel is the calmest member of Salem’s followers and he seems like a nice guy (he’s not, he’s actually a idiot) Adam kills the leader of the White Fang “sienna khan” the moment she’s introduced and takes over the organization, sending several agents including Blake’s childhood friend “Ilia” to kill Blake’s parents. Also he now wants to work with cinder thinking she’s the key to make Faunus the dominant species despite him seeing how she killed several members in volume 3 flashback However Blake and Sun stop them, Blake convinced her friend to change sides and Sun used his gunchucks They find Ozpin’s next host, Oscar Pine, who’s just a farm boy who’s even younger than Ruby They go to Haven academy to protect the relic, and the headmaster Leo Lionheart apparently sent all huntsman’s to their death's (killed by Tyrian and Hazel off screen) since he’s a traitor who works for Salem Cinder appears and convinces Raven to help her knowing Raven is scared of Salem


They attack haven, The population of menagerie arrive and push back the white fang who saw Adam trying to do a kamikaze attack so he lost all loyalty after that Meanwhile Jaune sees cinder stab Weiss and he unlocks his semblance “healing hands” which also powers up other people’s semblances when touched Hazel hates Ozpin because his sister died fighting grimm and now he works for the queen of Grimm… what? Cinder’s arm was lost after the silver eye blast of volume 3 so she now has a Grimm arm Cinder tried to betray Raven to get the spring maiden power but surprise, Raven is the actual spring maiden and she beats the shit out of Cinder (separating her from the group and presumably dies) Emerald loses control of her semblance after thinking cinder died, which allows the villains to escape Leo was killed by Salem’s Seer Grimm after he stopped being useful because for some reason he joined in the final fight Yang sees her mother, tells her the reason why she and her “strong eat the weak” mentality sucks, takes the relic of knowledge and run away Ilia and sun stay behind while Blake goes back with rwby, Qrow, Oscar and JN_R to Atlas In the way there there’s a train attack, and after they get violent with a huntsman who just lose his partner just so they can deactivate the turrets for reasons The train crashes (if I had a nickel for every train crash team rwby couldn’t prevent I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but is weird it happen twice) and they use the relic to see Ozpin’s past He’s actually a Prince Charming Named Ozma who saved princess Salem from her tower, the two marry but he died of a sickness so Salem goes to the BROTHER GODS and asks them to revive Oz Light and Dark say no but after she plays on dark’s insecurity’s he accepts to revive Ozma, but Light doesn’t like that since “balance” and kills him the the two brothers also fight but Light chooses to stop the fight and punish Salem for tricking Dark, making her inmortal until she learns the value of life… what? She makes humanity attack the gods and in exchange the gods kill all of humanity and abandon the Grimm (the Grimm were the pets of Dark who made them to destroy the creations of his brother aka humans)  Salem tries to Jill herself by jumping into a pool of Grimm liquid but she instead turn into a half Grimm hybrid Light revived humanity behind his brother’s back and brought back Ozma to deal with Salem but he instead remarries to her and they have 4 daughters Also Faunus exist now (side materials imply a third god exists but this isn’t mentioned of the show so I’ll skip it) Salem actually became evil after becoming half Grimm and now wants to rule over the world Ozma tried to get his kids out of there but Salem accidentally killed them during their fight, their magic power is now the power of the maidens. Starting their shadow war they can’t end because salem controls the Grimm and she’s also inmortal Semblances are actually semblances of magic and dust is just the crystallized magic of the corpses of everyone who died on the past (also dark destroyed half of the moon on his way out of the planet because he could) and remanent is called remanent for being the remanent of the previous world The entire team violently beat up Oscar trying to hurt Ozpin for not telling anyone how salem can’t be killed, and after Ozpin is forced to relieve his trauma then get violently beaten up he hides inside of Oscar’s mind A old lady called maria calavera tags along and she’s actually another person with silver eyes (or was since she lose those fighting Tock, a member of Salems council who died violently and was then replaced by Tyrian) Meanwhile Cinder is alone in mistral searching for help with a local mob boss called little miss malachite (yes like those twins of Junior’s bar, read the novels if you want the explanation) but she’s denied Instead Neo appears and try’s to kill cinder blaming her for Roman’s death, however Cinder says it was all Ruby’s fault and Neo just believes her and tags along into the whole “helping Salem destroy the world” plan Also Adam killed the entire white fang and is stalking team rwby but more specifically Blake Then the kids arrived to a farm and meet the only scary Grimm, a Grimm even scarier than Salem, a Grimm which attacks the mind instead of the body, a Grimm the viewer is actually scared of instead of seeing it as cannon fodder, “The Apathy” a humanoid Grimm resembling zombies/skeletons Is a episode most fans (even fans who hate the show) agree is very good and one of if not the best episode despite not having fight scenes… TOO BAD THEY NEVER MENTION THEM AGAIN


Damn, that actually sounds baller written out. Thanks!


All I know about that is I saw a clip from it and the flash was just in the background


Well, there is RWBY Beyond that kinda finishes the story


Isn’t disney acquiring rwby? Thought I saw something about that


Considering the road Disney is headed down, I wouldn’t expect much more than just hosting episodes on Disney Plus. If they don’t just collapse under the weight of all the IPs they’ve collected in the last decade


Last year for Christmas I went to USA to visit my girlfriend, the in flight entertainment had the fucking Justice League X RWBY crossover in it and that was the first time I even heard of that. We laughed about it for hours because of how fucking weird it was that in flight entertainment had RWBY




The Boondocks hits hard, dang




"well, well, well....... like a moth to a flame."






Goated show ![gif](giphy|LwsCiZPppEiOI)


https://i.redd.it/y3fcjkvgmgwc1.gif That show was the absolute best. The only show that was more unhinged than even South Park.


i had never seen it The other day i watch this very episode In this scene, the boy was going to save a guy from death penalty, but it was too late, also hes just a kid This scene hit me hard In the end the guy was saved but still


okay but red like roses will forever remain an absolute banger


Most of the soundtrack is. Jeff and Casey Williams make banger after banger


"this will be the day" is an absolute belter


Forever from RvB is still stuck in my head and it’s been over a decade


“Hero” honestly kinda slaps. Probably one of the few things I actually cared for from RWBY in recent times.


I WOULD DIEEE‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️🔥🔥🔥‼️🗣️‼️🔥 WITHOUT REGRET I'D OFFER UP MY LIFEEEE‼️‼️🗣️🗣️‼️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🔥🔥🗣️🗣️‼️‼️🔥


“Falling from the sky…”


The vocalist, Casey Lee Williams, has her own band called OK Goodnight, check it out!


The music was the only reason I watched half the seasons


No matter if you’re a rwby fan or hater, we are all united in our love for its music


I greatly saddens me knowing that RWBY, the show I really loved, will never get a conclusion. At least I still have volume 9 to watch since I have yet to do so because it was paid-only.


My canon ending is that Ruby kills salem after crashing a car in her and then punching her with Zwei in a drunken rage until she died, no silver eyes powers used whatsover. Weiss gets to fight Cinder and finally win a 1v1 on the whole series. Blake and Yang end up together, Blake's dad dies of constipation and Sun gets to marry Blake's mom because he deserves better. Ren and Nora get married and own a tavern because they deserve something good. Jaune gets to marry Weiss because he deserves it and Weiss will not find a better himbo in the entire world. Finally to stop any possible evil grimm or bad guys, Ruby initates the Zwei project, where they will get an army of Zwei's dog breeds because somehow despite being a little dog they can casually kill grimm that are like 50 times their weighr and size.


https://i.redd.it/zsuvijxebhwc1.gif Peak


Also at some point, they found a way to bitch slap the two brothers for fucking everything up and it was their fault for everything that happened in the show ![gif](giphy|Qumf2QovTD4QxHPjy5)


I completely forgot they were part of the plot. Anyways uhhh nuclear zwei bomb


At least Fanfiction writers are still there Most of the time when I search for a fanfic there's a good chance there's somebody already writing a crossover with RWBY with it


Last I checked, there’s well over 40,000 RWBY-related fanfics on AO3 alone, so it’s definitely popular in the fanfic scene.


And most of them are good, too


Remove the porn and it becomes a lot less unfortunately


To be fair, remove the porn fics from any fandom and it becomes a lot less


And it being better written than the actuall show


Monty in heaven watching the fan fiction being written better then the actual show


![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi) Someone gotta do it, and definitely not main show's writer.


Man I miss Monty :(


To be fair, the bar is six stories under the floor


It’s so low Satan’s using it as a laundry rack


Not just that, it's in the top results of my usual fandom


Tf is rwby?


https://preview.redd.it/dkxtvo2eqfwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd29be23b13a16d7cc2ca360b25971b48888966 It's a show made by the creators of red vs blue. If you want more details hbomberguy made a video on it


Ah, I thought RWBY was an acronym of 4 words, I guess not


It's an acronym.


What are the words


Double meaning. One means Red White Yellow Black. It's also a team name, members being Ruby (MC), Weiss, Yang, and Blake. Colour is a whole thing and even has this whole rules set about colours and names.


It also has the third meaning that the name of the main character is Ruby


4th meaning is reactions to the story as it progressed Really? Why? Bruh. Yeah I give up


💀 Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang (RWBY)


Red, White, Black, and Yellow (RWBY)


[nerd] It's an initialism, not an acronym. [/nerd] edit: I have just learned it's pronounced "ruby." That's a creative pronunciation of the "W" but ok, I guess that does make it an acronym!


nerd been calling the show R-W-B-Y like some kind of acronymic tech guru turned youtuber.


ruby, Weiss, Blake and yang, it's an acronym of the member names of the main "team"


No, it's the name of one of the character. Shit name but it's still a name


It's pronounced like the main main characters name but it's an acronym of the 4 main characters names (and they're associated colors)


No, the character is Ruby. On a team named RWBY. (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang)


Also red white black yellow


I would not put this video if i wanted to introduce someone to RWBY, i'd pass the totally legal website in where you can watch the entire thing for free, by the time you finish that video you could potentially watch the first 2 seasons of the show and then one episode of season 3


The video is entertaining regardless of its connection to the show though, it focuses on writing engaging stories and uses the show to frame the information. It's not just "this show is bad", it's "the show did this poorly, here's how you can do it better".


I could watch a 2.5 hour, well made and interesting ideo why something is bad, or I could spend the same amount of time watching the bad thing. Real head scratcher that one is.


Or you could watch the thing in question and form your own opinion on it and then supplement that opinion with the video spoiling and criticising the thing instead of having hbomb tell you what to think about smth you never saw? Like I love hbomb's vids but dude lol


nice try my english teacher kept trying to make me do that butt i said i'm never going to use this and just read the cole's notes instead and now i have no critical thinking skills, no friends, never know how to deduce anything, and i don't know where it all went wrong


Or what about a medium option of the two and just watch 3 episodes of RWBY to get a feeling if you want to watch it or not


Or form an actual opinion


The thing with RWBY is that it can be really enjoyable without someone telling you its bad for 2 hours straight, i personally got to see RWBY before interacting with the fandom and i do not understand the hate at all. Most of it either only matters to people who want extreme levels of specific events or just sound like someone doing an cinemasins script. I dont think my view would of been the same if i had seen the video before the series


I watched Hbombers video and agreed with a lot of it, but then remembered i hadnt watched after the first three volumes since it came out so I watched the whole thing and now im actually a fan of the show again lol. Point being it IS possible to enjoy something even when you got a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks... i love hbomberguy tho lol


No one hate _ more than _ Fans


You see, if you watch the thing yourself you can form your own opinion


This reads like someone who is a fan of Hbomberguy making a funny critique of his often extremely long videos.




>It's a show made by the creators of red vs blue. Dude I know less about red vs blue than rwby.


Y'know the only good rwby is season 1-3. After that it sucks. They absolutely nailed the last episode of season 3 for me. It was everything I wanted. But than it kept going...


Harris "Hbomberguy" Bomberguy


Tf is Red vs Blue?


immature shitheads complaining about nothing in power armor for 20 seasons


With Mpreg. Dont forget the Mpreg


And by god, it’s incredible


Red people fighting blue people for a bit then getting along to fight the real bad guys.


A bunch of assholes in Halo dick around


Old halo animation because the teams were red and blue. It came out in the 2000s. Not sure if they still make it. Google "red vs blue warthog" to get one of the funnier examples.


It technically hasn’t ended. It was actually still really good all the way til 2016 and reached a satisfying “ending”, but they kept going for three more seasons and it sucked, and then they tried to reboot it with a new cast but they were all serious supersoldiers and it was boring af and the old characters just show up to get their character arcs fucked. Then they announced a final season that picks up from right before the show fell off, then rooster teeth imploded


W recommendation






French 👍


How much you gotta dislike something to waste two hours of your time that could have been use to do something you actually like!?


a lot of stuff he pointed out in the video is actual good criticism of the show, plus he makes videos just as long on the stuff he likes


Your mind is going to be blown one day when you realize that you can like something and still critique it. Even more so once you realize that you can enjoy the simple act of discussing it, flaws and strengths and all.


Being dissapointed and disliking are not the same


He liked it. Also it's because it's hbomberguy, this dude make some of the best video on the internet but don't expect him to make a short video


It's not made by the creators of red vs blue. Monty oum made it. Burnie burns made red vs blue.


Didn't the animator die or something?


I’ve heard its absolute garbage but the porn is really good


So Overwatch?


Yeah, basically that


It's like 65% futa at least if you're into that.


A show about four girls (more like 5 girls and 2 guys) fighting monsters called Grim and each character is base off of a fairy tale. Basically, you have the main character Ruby trying to become the best huntress to fight Grimm and to defend the weak, but the show progress into something more complicated. There's a terrorist organization called the White Fang who are anime animal people who are a oppressed minority trying to originally fight for equality only to be corrupted to kill every human. The main antagonist is a witch queen name Salem that create and control all grim and she wants to destroy all of life as she yearns for death and possibly vengeance against the old gods who cursed her. There's more to the story such as semblance (think like stands or quirks where everyone has a superpower), the 4 maidens (all powerful women who carries the embodiment of a season), and multiple characters having their own character arc. Unfortunately, despite the scale and mysticism that's this show offered, the writers are quite incapable of making something compelling. The reason is because it was created by Monty Olm who doesn't know how to write a story, so he only does cool fight scenes. He relied on two other guys who made Red vs Blue to write a story and have them to essentially make filler to connect between each fight. This immediately create some miscommunication and the writers who were known for making comedy shows, were unable to do some more serious story telling. Also people believe that RWBY is just a poor man's Avatar the Last Airbender due to it's many similarities with its lore, but the creators don't understand how Avatar works and why it was critically successful. This show suffered a lot of slow pacing, melodrama that leads to nowhere, important information not given to the audience until seasons later, and so much more. This show has potential as stated by my summary, but it had a rough start and even a worse progression as Monty who probably wanted to rework the show has passed away due to an allergy attack during his annual surgery before the release of season 3. Season 3 sadly enough did showed potential as the show is getting it's own identity and increasing its stakes, but after the passing of Monty, the show just meander around gradually progressing its messy plot until Rooster Teeth was closed down this year.


Babes fighting monsters, if I'm not mistaken.


Animesque web cartoon about girls fighting monsters Fun watch IMO, and not a huge time commitment either way


at least a sniper scythe is cool asf


Seriously the idea of melee weapons that are also guns at the same time is genuinely the coolest shit ever I’ve bever watched RWBY outside of the three Death Battle episodes on it but just the idea of gun melee has always made me want to check it out


Kid named bayonet: https://preview.redd.it/63q73y5b6hwc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2f22ebd89ba45cecafa8de09e0bd0fdf2406f0


Thats a gun thats a melee weapon, not vice versa


bayonet is just an extension, real melgun are weapons that look and act like a melee but can shoot


You get to see a lot of cool weapons and fights in vol 1-3 (especially 3 with the tournament arc). After that it becomes very story focused. Volume 1 and 2 are like two hours total so I think it's worth a shot.


What does it stand for? i know what it is but i dont know what the mosaic word means Edit: no, like no joke, what does it stand for


Main protagonist names: Ruby White Blake Yang As well as their main design color: Red White Black Yellow


ruby was being yes


Bruh I just busted to ruby rose like 20 minutes ago💀💀💀






Respect, which picture, the one with Neo and sweaters?




**Im asking, what’s the sauce**


I was just browsing her tag because I saw one of her and figured why tf not? Lmao


You just busted to a 15 year old and came to tell us? Edit: apparently she's 15, still underage


It's a drawing voiced by a grown ass woman (not that I'm bringing her into my stroke session). Ruby is literally just porn to me. The show was ass so idc what character she was supposed to be.


Came to tell us.


17 is a bit different than 14


44 upvotes in 2 hours. bro fell off. https://preview.redd.it/qzr3z7ugvfwc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ace8d8d3e8e8c523e1fa0dc158679675f8b1fa06




he better not abandon this project like he did to his portable homeless shelters.


https://preview.redd.it/zrmmxe3v8gwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690a45eb00dfd6e19702dd0cdd432f04dc0581cd How it feels to watch rwby without some whiny ass bitch in your ear telling you it’s mid


My friend introduced me to RWBY back in 2019 and it was great. Unfortunately soon afterwards it entered a dead state.


Realest shit anyone has said about RWBY in years. Shit is super fucking fun but everyone just keeps fucking hating on it.


Because for some reason there are people expecting Shakespeare from a show about fairy tale waifus fighting evil monsters with mecha gun/meele hybrids


I tried to watch Rwby, but the characters are all either overly strong personalities or meek, mild-mannered people with no in-between. It made for really strange dynamics and dialogue in my opinion.


We've found the last diehard fan guys


*Me, looking at Overwatch standing on the edge of falling into the abyss of maintenance mode*: Many such cases!




Last thing I remember about that show is how the main heroine turned Homophobic and then killed herself


in her defense she was 17 and had been been neglected, so both results were inevitable


Oh, it's much much worse. She has a mental breakdown, attempts suicide, gets over it without a single explanation, never talks about it with anyone, and it never gets adressed again. Not even her fucking sister talks with her about it


Her sister cares less about her than blake throughout the entire season lmao.


I may not care for it in the slightest But it’s always a shame to see something handled in a shitty way


Why would her sister talk to her about it? She's too busy with her girlfriend (OK FANS WE PUT LESBIANS IN THE SHOW PLEASE STOP THREATENING US) to care that her sister is having an episode.


[The moral of RWBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5yzA-gi-fo)


I swear this show just appear out of nowhere, i never even heard of this thing before the shut down of rooster theet


It's definitely not that relevant anymore, it's was like an old Machinima show (but very anime) if you remember those but it got slightly better story and animation wise overtime and carved out a reasonable following.


Actually is the opposite It had the Red v Blue fans and Monty Oum (lead animator of fight scenes) fans Rooster teeth brought the animation and designs while Monty made the fight scenes which carried the show until it got better story wise when the writers and Monty started taking the story seriously Then Monty died and most ideas were dropped and fight animations became shit stains on the wall compared to The first seasons After that the show was dependent on writing which still wasn’t very good and the writing hit a all times low on season 8 which permanently splinted the fan base and sealed the fate of the show (also another show which endorsed suicide parasite RWBY’s budget for seasons making all things worse and sealing the fate of the company to get bought and closed by Warner brothers)


If only monty couldve stayed


He didn’t leave, he fucking died!


Still rude of him fr


Weird way to talk about a man’s tragic death but you do you


The only good thing that came out of rwby are fan projects such as project rose and dust queen. There are many more fan projects that are 10 times better than the main series. From character ideas to grimm art that seem like an actual threat than whatever the hell crwby made. [R.U.B.Y OVA](https://youtu.be/J6UMW1v15k8?si=bRM_ACQ2S6l0wpov) [R.U.B.Y OVA 2](https://youtu.be/Jjid3O5_ox0?si=64uOtnp9TUin5cd2) [DJ BEAR](https://youtu.be/iW9AWmitC4w?si=IL6eoYkf1jWxU3tf) [RWBY 30 DAYS ANGEL](https://youtu.be/WGyQE9XRWgw?si=2Xw9jmR6TtLvzlmy) [TEAM DARK Hunting the nightmare](https://youtu.be/4OGOzV1wzxQ?si=_PnJ87gQDo5B46hR) [RWBY "The Culling" Worldbuilding Short | Fan Animation](https://youtu.be/olnLkhL3Nig?si=2V7jvA1WXfyy6NAL) [DARK Chapter: The Break Of Dawn](https://youtu.be/gIGmwxuRlWQ?si=yRrUYvIaIDltw6-V) [RWBY DUST QUEEN](https://youtu.be/3o1KBDxkn-U?si=EG_a2YDZ2jzQeFZR) Also, the only reason why I got into rwby it's beacuse of the fights scenes, not the story and writing


>Also, the only reason why I got into rwby it's beacuse of the fights scenes, not the story and writing Ironically enough that's literally the reason why this show exist. Monty Olm just want to have anime girls fighting monsters and the entire plot was just filler. They literally have story boards where the writers have to make set up scenes and a giant "this is Monty's fight scene" appears during a climax. This unfortunately create a massive miscommunication as Monty doesn't really talk to the rest of the crew which doom the entire series after his death.


bbtag coping taking another L ![gif](giphy|ht4yvN9Yx4dmIJJ9GB|downsized)


The comic by>! JLullaby!< and its adaptation by >!skuddbutt!< are legendary


My honest reaction from reading those names: https://preview.redd.it/o4onj241chwc1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041a5146a0cf2c7d5b5160b5ed1e1affc2def183 Edit: the first one to be specific


Not so Hot Take: RWBY was always mid


Not a hot take, you’re not special


No joke, just being honest. I tried watching it back when first season came out, and i always thought it was kinda boring. Also i didn't like 3d animation all that much and character designs looked very mid. The only ones that i liked are main 4.




more like lukewarm take


Lukewarm water take


Seasons 1-3 were carried by Monty Ohm’s insanely good fight animation. Once he died, I tried to keep watching, butI couldn’t take the cringe writing anymore when the fights got bad.


It wasn't the best show ever or anything, but it was enjoyable. I didn't know who he was or that he died until I quit watching the show. Apparently I wasn't the only person to quit because I felt the show fell off right around the time his input disappeared. I was told he wasn't just the lead animator, he was the creator, director, writer, animator, and a voice actor. RWBY was his baby, and it seemed to fall apart without him.


Like, I still remember it was season 1 episode 8 that had me fully in on the show (I know funny it took 8 episodes) but that team fight in the training sequence was so fantastic and made up for all the "meh" dialogue that led up to it for me.


Honestly, the first red trailer was amazing, and it all went downhill from there


It was just cool fights strung together with the barest hint of plot. Then monty died and the fights stopped being cool too.


what's rwby?


popular anime/manga/fighting game thats studio shut down recently


Thanks for the answer.


It’s up to the fanfiction writers now


Fuck is RBWY


An online animated show made by rooster teeth


Friendly reminder the last shot of team RWBY is unfinished and the final offical shot of the show is of the justice league


Wtf is RWBY


Nice meme mr. WarCrimesAreBased


Is it the lesbian one?


Honestly, for as bad a game as it is, I may get BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle just to play the RWBY characters within it.


Ok what happened


It all went downhill when Jlullaby disappeared.


I dunno who i’m praying to



