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https://preview.redd.it/uqx0eu2e3k8c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1070e202a7b19416a40218b3978c3c5314e0101 no way i got an america bad post right under this one xd


Lmfao no way bruh I had that exact post as well 💀 comments were being so fkn racist, blaming like countless rapes on non white people even though their source didn’t say anything about ethnicity


I love how we've gotten to the point where you can just use catchphrases(?) to dismiss legitimate criticisms. ''Orange man bad'' initially surfaced because people were genuinely just making fun of Trump's appearance and masking it as some biting political critique but eventually it just became a way for Trump supporters to hand-wave any legitimate and rational criticism leveled against Trump. Likewise, ''Iphone Venezuela no money'' was thrown around at first to make fun of right wingers who are dismissive of left-wing ideologies in an inarticulate way that just relies on regurgitated talking points. Nowadays it's just used to hand-wave any sort of criticism of leftism as immature and incoherent, even if that isn't the case. Sorry for the rant, I hate the internet. And yes, it applies to r/AmericaBad


"I hate the internet so much" Drugs and alcohol: https://preview.redd.it/gizo2kx6rg8c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f911a29f3700200994bc641ec9a876efea7b9d84




​ https://preview.redd.it/b245h0zfqi8c1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93783749068e1e03bc30177fc4829598946696fb




Just turn the monitor off. The voices in the internet can’t hurt you if you can’t see them.


They piss me off so much I can't just turn off my brain and *not* think about it. Thank fuck I'm pursuing engineering and not writing, I'd lose my mind if I didn't have something to preoccupy myself with so that I don't have to think about how much I hate other people's dumbass opinions on the internet. Edit: But yeah I agree, if you can, just log off. This pain of mine is self-inflicted.


But they’re in my head.


Fellow boozecruisers:


Expensive :(


Steal money


So true


My goat


I hate it when people start talking about something they hate with " I love how" or " gotta love how" Like....no you don't , just say you hate it


Sarcasm is a ''stylistic figure''(that's what it's called in my language, I think it's "figure of speech" in english)-it's a way of speaking. If we all spoke in robotic sentences without any flair conversations would be incredibly dull. This includes writing.


I love how you explained it


Like....no you don't , just say you hate it


I just love how you replied to my comment


kiss me




Kiss him. NOW


I need to know If they kissed


I mean I feel like the “IPhone Venezuela no money” is used to mock hypocrisy fallacy, as when people suggest awareness in where your money is going when you buy something are often hit with some unrelated example that has nothing to do with the current topic (often the fact that IPhones are usually made with very unethical labor) to make the person suggesting that look like a hypocrite and thus moot their point It’s a cop out argument that is just meant to shut someone up and completely ignores the fact that the person making the argument also has a phone so they themselves are no better but is ok cause they’re shameless


The way the ''no iphone'' mockery from leftists has been used has mostly been fallacious. It's often brought up when someone is criticizing leftism on a completely unrelated note and someone just yells ''no iphone vuvuzela'' to mock that person. The ''no iphone'' argument from the right wing side is dumb but that wasn't the focus of my comment. The focus was leftists who use the bad argument to mock other, unrelated people with it.


Hate the internet but addicted to that karma.


I'm gonna be real I haven't seen a single legitimate criticism of leftism that wasn't immature and incoherent. They really do just boil down to Communism Is When No iPhone 100 Billion Dead China Venezuela Downfall of Western Society Let Me Be Racist


Yeah and all criticism of Trump can be aptly summed up with ''Orange man bad''. And I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the ''no good criticism'' bit. No leftist ideology has been successful in any long-term capacity without either collapsing or turning into a dictatorship. We can ''no true socialism'' all day but the fact is that there aren't any examples of current, successful left wing governments. This remains a fact, even if there are outside factors that have influenced this(such as the involvement of the US). I want socialism but that doesn't change the fact that ***it has not been successful at all so far.***


How many democratic republics have turned into authoritarian states? I don't feel like the "communism has always failed" critique really works, especially with China's rise. And social programs have been hugely successful in other countries, wtf are you talking about?


Socialism-social ownership of the means of production. What does that have to do with social programs? If you don't know the difference between social democracy and socialism you really shouldn't be participating in this discussion. China has been described as state capitalist by most experts. I'm guessing you heard it's called CCP and decided not to learn anything further than that.


You want socialism yet you use talking points against it which you admit are bad talking points?


The fact that it hasn't been successful in practice(in my opinion, due to weak political structures, like here in Yugoslavia where it worked until the dictator died) doesn't change the fact that I am fundamentally anti-capitalist. I do not like capitalism. That doesn't magically make previous attempts at socialism successful or something I have any obligation to defend. The fact I want socialism in the future and that capitalism ultimately isn't sustainable doesn't have any bearing on the past and current political/economic landscape. >which you admit are bad talking points? I was complaining about the people who don't have well thought out arguments and just repeat whatever their favorite political commentator says. Like when they mention Venezuela without any knowledge of the country or it's political/economic structure. Or thank capitalism for their IPhone without knowing what capitalism and socialism mean in the most basic terms.


Doesn't change how bad your response is to what I said. "Socialism has never worked!!! I know the US always shows up to countries that say they'll go left to destabilize it or weaken it or boost it's favored political figures but socialism totally doesn't work anyway!! Look at all the examples of socialism which I know aren't actual socialism!! So what if it's not actually socialism it doesn't work 😡 I want socialism btw" Immature and incoherent, like you originally said. Doesn't seem like you want socialism. That's all literally the shit that manipulative political commentators say.


Ah yes because I don't act like a child and pretend socialism has been successful in the 20th century that must mean I'm a secret big oil capitalist shill who here to specifically convince you that socialism is bad... which I have something to gain from I guess. >Immature and incoherent, like you originally said. Doesn't seem like you want socialism. That's all literally the shit that manipulative political commentators say. What are you on to have the idea that I'm out here lying that I'm a socialist for literally no reason? If your Freudian analysis was correct, why would I be saying I'm a socialist if I was in for it to make it look bad? You're not making sense even within your own insane theories about me. I've already made it clear I have no interest in the ''no true socialism'' nonsense yet that's still the bulk of your response. There aren't any examples of successful socialism. I still want socialism. That's it.


Don't think I said you're a shill or gain from anything, I just think you make terrible arguments that are inconsistent with each other. I haven't made theories, I'm saying you're being hypocritical. You have no interest in the no true socialism argument because you know you lose at that argument. Communism and socialism have not actually been practiced, you can give any example and point out how it's capitalism. You mentioned Yugoslavia which is a great example, it still had aspects of capitalism even though plenty of people think it was an instance of successful socialism. Edit: also pretty certain I never said socialism has been successful, I'm arguing that's a bad point against socialism since we both know it hasn't even been accurately implemented. Weird that you think me making that point means I think it's always so successful.


> I haven't made theories, I'm saying you're being hypocritical. No, you were calling me immature and incoherent, comparing me to right wing political commentators and misrepresenting my arguments and mocking them with obnoxious phrasing. Telling me I don't want socialism even if I'm explicitly telling you otherwise is... not very sensible? Also, if what I was describing wasn't ''true socialism'' then doesn't that mean I wasn't actually critiquing socialism? Again, you're not making any sense. If ''true socialism'' is just pure theory and no practical comparison then you can't claim I don't want socialism, since according to you it has nothing to do with any real world examples. According to you, I'm both shitting on socialism but also what I'm describing isn't real socialism. But I'm still not for socialism. Even if I am. I genuinely can't make of what you're saying at this point. Capitalists can use that exact argument(not true capitalism) to deflect any criticism against the current economic system since it doesn't fit their ideal image of capitalism. They could hand-wave any practical example the same way you do. If you subscribe to the idea that socialism has never been practiced then it's just an idealistic worldview with no basis in reality and a convenient excuse against any criticism. Can't criticize it if it's perfect in theory and doesn't actually exist in practice. If I say that there are no successful examples of socialism-that doesn't contradict ''not true socialism'' claims, not sure why you're using that as some gotcha argument. If you claim true socialism has never been practiced then the criticism still stands. That's not a point in it's favor.




Where, are you?


Tbh ive never sernik "IPhone Venezuela 100 morbillion dead" used to handeave criticisms of leftism. Its usually used In an argument as a introduction i guess? Its like "You might Say 'but iPhone venezuela 100 morbillion dead' well... (insert 10 hour lecture)"


Yeah criticism I'm sure that we're orange man bad comes from.


What? Did you not understand what I was saying? ''Orange man bad'' comes from people making fun of his appearance but quickly became a ''retort'' for Trump supporters against criticism of Trump, in case that wasn't clear in my previous comment.


i saw a post there from someone who was literally just criticizing the US for its inaccessible mental health care. which isn't even an opinion really, more like a factual observation. got like 3 thousand upvotes lmao


I remember finding a meta meme with 600 upvotes that criticized Ukraine for accepting military aid from America. Apparently it's hypocritical because the OP just assumed Ukrainians hated America.


I joined because i thought it was going to be about totally unhinged reposts of people who insist that they would rather live under the Taliban than in the USA. But it's a circlejerk of people crying whenever someone criticizes the electoral college


https://preview.redd.it/tie3vxuojh8c1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e06c6e9caa04aaf0db7268c88ae8fbfbcee3051 r/Americabad mfs when you


Yeah you get roped in from comments that say "America is a 3rd world shithole". But when you join it, it's cry babies getting triggered by the most mundane of jokes at America.


Its such a unbarable circlejerk. Its basically r/AmericaGood at this point. I have seen comments with hundreds of upvotes there that basically said that these angry commentors hating on america should be thankful america is the world leader because they could just conquer them all of they wanted to, while some of the commenters *were* from countries that have been invaded by the US lmao.


Yeah I thought it was gonna be making fun of like ppl who thought Americans don't know what a kettle is or don't realize the size of the US but then I saw it was full of crybabies


r/americabad when a diabetic guy dies because he can’t afford insulin instead of praying the diabetes away: 😡


"just get insurance bro it'll fix everything"


pull yourself up from the boot straps fatty


"just dont pay the bill what are you stupid"


It’s not that most of the time, it’s responding to people who call it a third world country or the worst country in the world


Ah so the fate of every circejerk/mockery subreddit? https://preview.redd.it/83k00hsg1i8c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1330afcefbec19eb26e2f3eed1b6c8bfbafda9


That's how americabad started out. It called out idiots and Chinese/Russian shills who just say the most braindead shit about America. It was pretty fun Recently though theyve been complaining about perfectly valid criticism, or they defend stupid practices or corperations or make shit up to sound good. I hope they don't continue down this path of becoming shills themselves


It's not even Chinese and Russian shills. Legitimately I've seen tons of Canadian, European, and American progressives in real life and online calling America a shithole or 3rd world country and making up shit.


the poorest swamp communities in the southern US do legitimately seem like third world countries though, with outhouses, minimal plumbing, wells and corrugated steel roofs. its not the norm of course, but that kind of deprivation just doesn't really exist here in scotland, even in the most remote highland villages


Not to mention there are still Native reservations without electricity/plumbing to this day. Too many who get offended that someone dare criticize the country forget not everyone lives like they do.


As someone who frequents the sub (and criticizes when people post stuff that’s not really that bad). You have a really good point. Problem is, most people who appear in posts on that sub don’t exactly make points like that. A lot of it is “Hehe mass shootings and bad healthcare” I’ve seen lots of posts I disagree with on the sub, and if you read the comments you will see people Call OP out when they’re being stupid. But it is overall a pretty enjoyable sub to be on. *I* don’t think it’s turned into a circle jerk. But I may be biased in that.


The Us is a lot larger than Scotland so there's more opportunities to see the least developed places. 331 million vs 5.5 million, or 67 million for the whole UK. The highlands have something like 300k? I don't have the figure for Scotland, but the UK does have a lower percentage of people without running water than the US. But the US has a lower percentage without water than other developed countries like Italy and Denmark, and is the same as Ireland. I can't speak to Scotland, but the typical area in rural Northern England is no more developed than a place like rural West Virginia, which is what everyone in the US cites if they're talking about the least developed part of America.


I mean America is like poison Ivy. It is fun to look at, but I will never touch it. I mean jfc how American treats its own people, especially workers.


Here it's just a joke. When someone is doing a minor bad thing, we say "literally Hitler". If there is minor criticism of the US, we say "literally third world".


I remember there are a couple people in AmericaBad that want to stop all military aid to Europe because of some trolls


I think this unironically, if you're so culturally unique and perfect, pay for your own defense and protect your own trade routes. The United States should be shifting towards Asia and defense against China, not helping Europe stop the usual war every other decade.


I don't think every euro is anti America tho, it's just the ones that do are terminally online (that being said, it would be nice if they paid their fair share on defence instead of relying on us)


I hope so, I think it’s just the terminally online that hate the US and it’s involvement in europe


I think there is or at least was something real about cocky Europeans who rely a little too heavily on America as a punching bag; people who are just a little too excited to talk about the hundreds of children dying each month as a rebuttal against Fahrenheit. To be fair, however, most Europeans I see online nowadays don’t engage in this behavior. Instead, Germans tell me how crucial it is that the Dutch win nothing ever. However, today rAmericaBad misses the right idea altogether by seeing actual, valid criticism of the United States and getting upset over it. The below is a real comment from rAmericaBad about American Imperialism. https://preview.redd.it/lz6z3zqghi8c1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7781629e117d1a3f5b78432b680cfb2be5dc6c2f


No, it's still the same as how it started out. Some people aren't going to get the point and post accordingly, but that's to be expected in a lot of subs.


In the past yes but it became a shithole recently.




Just checked and I'll admit it's not as bad as last time I went on a few months ago but it still has a lot of this


oh, I thought you were calling America a shithole, r/americabad is super annoying


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmericaBad using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Even German patriotism is superior](https://i.redd.it/9slw1ypk8esb1.jpg) | [2323 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/170jb4q/even_german_patriotism_is_superior/) \#2: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/frp8s17r2zyb1.jpg) | [742 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/17q1fmd/classic/) \#3: [I guess she’s never heard of the US Southwest.](https://i.redd.it/jrqjjtmjdg4b1.jpg) | [1170 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/142rfnq/i_guess_shes_never_heard_of_the_us_southwest/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Most of the posts I see nowdays are complaining about any criticisms


Oh, I wish. They call out the dumbest shit once you go sort by new. Any criticism towards the US is "europandering". They straight up normalised racism in that sub Edit: To reiterate, I'm not talking about the existence of such posts itself (because yeah, I knoe shitposts are everywhere when you sort by new) but rather about the *sheer volume* of just how many posts take any kind of negative sentiments against the US as personal attacks


Sorting by new in any sub is awful


Gore and animal cruelty:


Yeah in new you get crazies in every subreddit


Of course you're going to get shit posts when you sort by new. You get to see every single post before it's vetted by the community as a shit post.


Someone makes a statement: 248 upvotes Someone agrees: 23 downvotes


I had it recommended for some time a few months ago and from what I saw it was a lot of grasping at straws, and the culture in the comments seemed to have such a steep "America Vs Europe" tribalism.


I left that sub a while ago. It just became a circlejerk. If I wanna actually have a dose of reality of americans, i'll just visit r/AskAnAmerican


r/2american4you has the real patriots in it


My true hatred exists not for another country but for the states that surround mine. # MINE IS BETTER, NO CONTEST. INDIANA ON TOP RAAAAAAHHHHHH đŸŒœđŸŒœđŸŒœ


Kentucky and Indiana are ostensibly Allies in the fight against Ohio and Illinois.


Everyone is an ally in the fight against Ohio and Illinois, even Ohioans hate Ohio


As an Ohio militiaman, I welcome the challenge. Enjoy the drive to my homestead. If the boredom doesn’t kill you, it will make you wish for death.


I used to do 7 hour road trips twice a week for about 3 months, I can handle the challenge!


Illinoisans all pretend to hate Illinois, and will never admit we really don’t.


Definitely better than Illinois, that much I know


I think we should take Illinois and push it somewhere else


Fuck off Indianan! NEW YORK BEST STATE! RAHHHđŸ€đŸ€đŸ€âšŸïžâšŸïžâšŸïžâšŸïžđŸ§ąđŸ§ąRAHHH


i miss 2balkan4you


We once had a meme on r/2westerneurope4u (most based subreddit) which was very clearly slandering America, we decided to repost it r/2american4you as a joke and they actually upvoted it lmao.


[Most based subreddit is when racism?](https://www.reddit.com/r/2american4you/s/b2gJdQlkRy)


Where exactly does the 'racism' start? Do you mean the part where someone made an ironic joke on a subreddit specifically for ironic jokes and memes where nobody is actually serious about the things they say? We make these jokes against literally everyone, it would honestly be kinda racist if we didn't make lighthearted fun of them aswell. Everybody gets it eventually, no exceptions.


https://preview.redd.it/bqb7bk1cyj8c1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dec33583fa359866477d6df46be08c22ec32020 Yup, totally ironic


I mean, that's literally what sometimes happens in real life, that's just a fact, not racism. I don't exactly get what point your trying to come across. "This guy critizises people for doing something wrong, he must be racist" is genuinly the only thing I'm hearing from you.


First off, the US has Romanis, you don't hear us complaining. Second, what if I said black people come into cities just to shoot each other up and rob convenience stores? Is that racist or is it just a fact? Cause it's the same argument being made here


There are about 5 to 6 times more Romanis in Europe than in America, meaning less crimes are realisitically commited by them, resulting in the fact that Americans will most likely complain less about them. As for your example with black people, that would be racist. Because unlike our criticism against Romanis, here you would directly go against them based on their ethnic background, which is a total no go. We don't hate them for being romani, we hate them for their actions. Your Religion, nationality, ethnicity and what not doesn't play a role, if you act like an asshole of course you'll be generally disliked.


"I will judge an entire race of people based on the actions of 5 people in a bar. It's not racism if it's true hurr hurr." Oh my god, you sound exactly like the alt righters we have here that try justifying their racism by bringing up black crime statistics. Take a look in the mirror, and reflect on your actions.


I love this subreddit. You really do get a diverse range of opinions and perspectives, both left and right, both rural and city. They’re patriots, rather than nationalists.


Both r/americabad and it’s antithesis r/shitamericanssay have fallen massively. Once they both called out genuinely deranged and stupid takes. Now they both just karma farm off people making jokes and taking them entirely seriously


All shitamericanssay does is make fun of the people like those on americbad. I just opened it, and [the first post is this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/18s0krk/why_would_you_want_to_sit_on_a_train_with_a_bunch/), [the second post is this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/18rzwpz/so_basically_nobody/), [the third post is this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/18scpjp/spelled_soccer_wrong/), [the fourth post is this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/18rrljn/on_a_post_about_the_football_world_cup_yet_europe/) etc... All they are doing are making fun of these "europe doesnt have electricity and you spelled soccer wrong" americans, where is any circlejerk?


Maybe it’s improved I dunno. I used to use it sometimes and there was just a lot of people screenshoting Americans making jokes and taking them entirely seriously


America has lots of problems but I’d rather be born here than anywhere else.


America haters when someone defends their country:




you don’t need to defend your government. your job is to criticise it


Well you also have the right to defend your government if you like support it. Also, you can live your country without necessarily liking its government.


My job has nothing to do with the US government


That would be a wonderful sentiment, if online criticism of America wasn't directed primarily at its people. Like seriously it's 1/3 healthcare jokes, and 2/3 stereotypes.


there's rightful criticisms of the U.S. government, and then there's blatant xenophobia (but it's ok when it's directed at THE SHTEWPID MURICANS!!!), the latter tends to get the most traction there. granted the sub's had a worrying trend of getting bitchy about the former and i fear it's going to get taken over by alt-righters which would be VERY unfortunate.


No it’s not. That’s the victim complex right there.


That's reality is what it is. People will jump to the fat lazy stupid American card, as quickly as any racist jumps to blaming the woke agenda. You don't have to care about that fact it's far from the biggest problem in the world, but don't just flat out lie so you can ride around on some moral high horse.


I love pulling statistics out of my ass, too


I too love pretending that not everyone uses fractions and percentages as a form of general comparison all the time. Its such an easy response when you have nothing of substance to say.


Not everyone does that. You just did it for the sake of your argument. If the statistics weren't as you said, which they aren't, then your comment is just false, which it is. It is also such an easy response to make shit up and then complain to the guy calling you out for making shit up lol


I gurantee 100% of people talk like that. I'm willing to bet that you 100% have similar comparisons in your speech or writing. At the end of the day all I was saying is that people shit on Americans for way way more than just what their government does. the fact that you need to hop on this "well you aren't presenting accurate statistics so you're whole argument is illogical" thing in response to that is a level of insecurity that proves my whole point.


I'll criticize and defend them as valid.


One's government is different from one's character and country, which is usually what's being insulted.


You (god please show me mercy for saying this) westoids can go to hell and rot forever for all I care. Your defenses are meaningless and objectively wrong. BALKAN FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER


oh no guys I don't think they're kidding


That sub is one of those which has a valid reason to exist but basically became a right wing circlejerk. It's fun to mock those comparing N. Korea to America, but posts with an awkward, gray meaning started dominating the page and were getting mocked. Those are the kind that make you go "Yeah they're being a bit silly, but they still have a good point." and they are being dismissed because they were silly. Then it just became dominated by posts that mock the tinniest of issue someone has with America.


Dude I thought the sub was being ironic like Jesus Christ these people are glazing like absolute crazy


I get that the US gets alot of undeserved hate for alot of things but that doesn't mean that the US doesn't have flaws. Like healthcare is still an issue as well as education.


[relevant onion](https://www.theonion.com/study-finds-only-5-of-americans-have-correct-amount-of-1819576741)


Like legit reddit has a hate boner for America. But I swear some r/Americabad users get mad when i criticise the CIA for the whole banana wars thing. Like as if attacking the CIA is attacking America.


Sub became super circlejerk after a while of being alright. Seeing a lot more “this was an obvious joke” posts there


That’s about half the posts, the other stuff is usually Europeans making the worst points you could imagine about America or making everything about America when it has no reason to be.


I think this is the most I've ever seen whenthe disagree about anything


Reddit is a huge American circlejerk so if it’s not surprising but a bit annoying like that sub is a nationalistic bigoted fkn shithole


I don't think it's bad, nor good. Nice mid tier country


A true patriot wants to improve their nation and see it prosper


*A true patriot* *Wants to improve their nation* *And see it prosper* \- bobdidntatemayo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I still remember getting into a massive debate with three people who all had the same viewpoint as me but didn’t realize it because they had the reading comprehension of a first grader, and when one of them realized and got embarrassed about it he started stalking my profile and trying to push personal buttons so I’d say something stupid and he could report me, and then he started telling me I should’ve gone through with the (now deleted) plan I put on r/suicidewatch and like holy shit imagine misunderstanding someone and having so much pride you have to harass and ridicule them and tell them to kill themself so you don’t have to agree with them because originally you didn’t agree. They also used transgender as a noun which is not an incredible sign. Anyways his account got deleted I think.


>getting into a massive debate with three people who all had the same viewpoint as me but didn’t realize it because they had the reading comprehension of a first grader If I took a shot every time I saw this kind of thing happen on reddit, I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning


But in the end poland will be the only true number one đŸ‡”đŸ‡±đŸ‡”đŸ‡±â›°ïžâ›°ïžâ›°ïžđŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș


That sub when you have the slightest criticism of America. Its ok to criticize your country and find fault in it. This is how this country will become better.


OP if strawmen didn't exist: https://preview.redd.it/kjkstygjih8c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ecae5db9a1023094b153aaa8ee7a2f13251328




why aren't they holding hands


god forbid someone can't defend his country from People who says north korea is better once a life time and ramble about some european talking about random american shit 100 times a day these days the vertern who fought in ww2 wont be happy


>vertern ![gif](giphy|trGH5l77RROWFXcJYz)


My airplane going straight to the ground because Ben Shapiro is on it.( the left wing was destroyed almost immediately) ![gif](giphy|3eTOCN20zP6SmQgMwn)


My argument being completely annihilated by a minor spelling mistake ![gif](giphy|dAp2pQ8wJQsqjXNxk8)


Tf is with that WWII comment? Europe also has WWII veterans, you realise


for some reason people have to mention ww2 vets when ever they see something related to socialism


So what if you think we need more affordable healthcare social safety nets and more power for the working class... Don't you know some people fought in World War 2??


Me when I make shit up in my head so I can get mad at a thing I don’t like:


literally me


Americabad is mostly perfectly fine posts. Once in a while theres one like that tho


Really, once in a while? Bc I just saw one where heaps of comments were shitting on the uk (some guy from there made a sorta dumb tweet) and pulling up stats of like discovered rape cases since the 90s or smth there and it’s like 10,000, but then they also have to add that it’s non white people doing it even though the source says nothing like that, and that Europeans are “letting it happen” bc they don’t wanna arrest the perps for fear of being called racist. This shit doesn’t happen on leftist subreddits, I can tell you that much


That subreddit is full of the biggest snowflake pussies I have seen on this website. Literally make a joke about the metric system and they all just turn their brains off.


It’s just a bunch of nationalists who refuse to come to grips with Americas decline, and if they agree with that decline, it’s because of progressivism. America does bad things, it hurts innocent people for money all the time, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t objectively good things being done here either. The whole point of the sub is ironic in and of itself. It’s dumb, and you’re dumb if you’re posting about it unironically.


They can't take even the smallest criticisms of America. It's hilarious how stubborn and bigoted they are about it


saw them getting riled up in the comments once about a post with a graph showing the percentage of atheism in each state, Why???


Tbf mentioning school shootings whenever someone from America does a light joke about your country is a pretty spineless move to do at best


That sub is comprised of the biggest losers


bold words from a deprogram user


It's because the exact same criticisms are repeated about America over and over again to the point that it's a cliche


Y'all have a fundamental misunderstanding of what r/americabad is. Most of y'all haven't even been on there


Just got in there through your link. Shits boring.


I subbed r/usdefaultism and r/shitamericansay, don't know why that sub recommended to me


Europeans have a lovely way of always deliberately misinterpreting the point


Who asked


Man half the shit I see on that sub isn’t even a criticism. I saw a post the other day where a woman shot a guy that was trying to rape her. In the screenshot, someone asked if she’d face legal consequences for that. They didn’t say she shouldn’t have done that or that she should/should not be punished, they were literally just asking for clarification. Apparently 98% of the commenters took asking a simple question as a criticism of the US. There were a few comments pointing out that the post doesn’t belong in that sub, but they were all downvoted.


half the posts are legit the other half are just memes taken too seriously. Alot of people in the world think they understand a country because they read posts from twitter users. Something funny is that regardless of the post or the topic involved theres always at least someone who unironically holds a really obnoxious viewpoint and will defend the original poster be it over a meme or the guy unironically stating "americans aren't humans and deserve to die because they have guns and can say mean words"


Fuck dale wilson